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Suggestion: A DLP "Must Read" List

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    How about this: we have everyone chose five-ten fics that they think suit DLP, total up how many people chose the same fics, and post the top ten? If we get more than that, post a poll with the fics tied for 9th/10th/etc. and choose the one/two that get the most votes.

    The simple answer is most often the best.

  2. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    we can try it, prepare for inundation though :p
  3. bornagainpenguin

    bornagainpenguin DLP Archivist

    Oct 27, 2005
    I think I'd better clear up some misunderstandings here...

    The DLP.net Archive is simply a 'rollup' of all the stories posted in the library--excluding the recycle bin and for review sections--nothing mnore, nothing less. It also includes any and all fics listed in the library (or having at one point been listed in the library and then removed) that I have a copy of that were removed in the great purges that hit FF.nutz back in 2006 (IIRC?). I do not, nor have I ever claimed to vouch for the quality of anything in the DLP.net Archives. All I have ever claimed was it had tons of reading inside...which considering it decompresses from 72mbs to something over 500mbs of reading...isn't actually saying much.

    As for the PDFs included--I don't make those myself, usually if there's a PDF it's because it is the only format available for the fic in question, or I was too lazy to try reordering a bunch of half-assed live journal entries and went for the easy button with a PDF I found somewhere. I could probably make some PDFs with OpenOffice.org if the need ever really came up, but for the most part I can't be bothered. Sorry if this destroys any respect I may have accumulated but not earned.. ;P

    Also I am probably not the best choice to have go through the Library and pick favorites, because I am a word-slut. I'll read just about anything, an activity that has caused me much pain before I finally learned to give up on fics if the spelling or grammar was too atrocious. Walls of text have since been added to my stop reading on sight list as well as those who continue to use their they're and there interchangeably...

    These have been (somewhat) recent developments though, and I admit to still reading and being fans of Fate's Debt and Nightmares of Future's Past so the sight of Ginny as love interest isn't completely a turn off for me yet. I have also enjoyed...err perhaps not best choice of words to use there...certain works which had slash in them. Granted some of that was for the WTF aspect of seeing the wizarding world populated solely by homosexuals and lesbians...but I have read them.

    Still want ME to be the judge?



    ...........Yeah, I didn't think so either.

    On a happier and related note, I am getting ready to start doing another build of the DLP.net Archive in the next month or so, so it'd be great if I could get an understanding of what people'd like to see in the Archive.

    Should I continue to carry WIPs without a home? Which fics should be removed from the Archive? Which ones need to be on a protected list and never removed even if it will likely never be finished, ever? (I'm looking at Traitors Within here...) Answers to stuff like that would be a help when starting up again...


    PS: Holy %$# I've made over 600 posts??? I didn't know I posted here that much..hah hah wow...
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2008
  4. yhelo

    yhelo Sixth Year

    Oct 30, 2007
    Texas...the land of y'all
    Why not just have a top 10 of each type of fan fiction (Humor, independent, ect.) stickied with everyone's top ten in those areas? It would be a lot easier to find the best stories from long time member/authors that fit in with the DLP mindset of good fan fiction. That way if the opinions of all the different member with all different opinion isn't enough, you can pick up the fics that most people chose and make a list of it.

    Anyway, it would be a simple way to find good "must read" fiction.
  5. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    I've seen some archives do a "Tens category", where they have the longest story, most reviewed blah blah blah.

    Yhelo, you mean something like this, or top ten stories per DLP library category, decided by popular vote?

    EDIT: If the first one is the case, I would be willing to look through some of the stories in the library and categorize them by number of words. I have a week of free time coming up, so why not help out.
  6. yhelo

    yhelo Sixth Year

    Oct 30, 2007
    Texas...the land of y'all
    Well, I meant like everyone put their own top 10 in a sticky list but your idea is pretty good. I've seen those too, and I think it'd be useful.
  7. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I think it's pretty clear this isn't happening. Just let the thread die guys.
  8. World

    World Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 19, 2006
    Axis of Evil (Original)
    True. But I still wouldn't be against the feature of a personal Top 10 for either 'prominent people' or even everyone.
  9. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Sorry for not letting this thread die, but I have one more thing to say before I let it fade away into oblivion.

    If it is truly a DLP Must Read list, it should include links to the Ginny and Draco Kill-Offs, The Office, the Thank God You're Here thread, WTF Fics, Forgotten Fics, Worst Summaries, Potter Law and anything that would help to integrate a new person into our society. That would be much more logical, plausible and simple than a top ten list that will only ever be "an arguable top ten list".

    Also, and keep in mind that this is just a half-formed thought at the end of my rant, if you are an author who is interested in providing a glimpse at your own top 10 list, you should create one on either your Fanfiction.net account (or the like) or we should create a thread that is strictly dedicated to that, and link the list into our signatures here.

    I think that would clear up some of the turmoil going on here.
  10. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    If we really want a top 10, I suggest a poll for each category in the library, with everyone selecting their favourite story, by the categories. The one with the most votes gets number 1, runner-up number 2 etc etc.

    Popular vote so no one says this is just someone's top 10 list, as well as bringing attention to some stories that are in the library but have not been read yet by newer members. I know I haven't read every single one, and a podium would give me a next to read sort of list.
  11. World

    World Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 19, 2006
    Axis of Evil (Original)
    I agree with Averis over Methene. If it's a "DLP must read", it should be things that any DLP member should know, and not just some good but random fics.
  12. Randeemy

    Randeemy Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2005
    I like the idea of a DLP Bible. A link to all the most prominent posts and important ponderings of our members, past and present. Sort of like the sex tip book in American pie
  13. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    I'd like to iterate my suggestion of a points system. Everyone would have a certain number of points (per week, maybe, like at ficwad,) and can only add one point to a story over a certain length of time. The stories would accumulate an unlimited amount of points.

    This is a combination of FicWad and Twisting the Hellmouth. Ficwad allows negative points, as well. That could help keep the system honorable.
  14. Kate

    Kate Elite Member DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    If you want a 'top 10 stories'-list wouldn't it be easier to just open a new thread, and then for the intro post say that there shouldn't be commented on the stories in the thread and that if you want to post it in a chosen format, maybe like this:

    'What kind of stories I prefer to read'

    'My top ten stories'
    1 (story, author, link)

    Then people can look through the thread without going through tons of flames, discussions and so on and they can see which kind of stories the poster prefer, so they don't have to go through stories that are in a genre they hate.
  15. Swimdraconian

    Swimdraconian Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 10, 2006
    I happen to think Averis has a very good suggestion. Everything else has a striking resemblance to the end of the year top fanfiction catagory contests held here at DLP. I have in my profile on ff.net a couple of fic suggestions in case you like my work and I know of several other DLP authors who do as well. If you like their work, try following the link to their profile page and find out what they like and what inspired them.

    As for a DLP Bible, maybe we should just sticky everything a noob needs to know in the Introduction section. Make it easy on the mods and newcomers alike. If they can't get the hint from that - ban the damn n00b. I'm always up for a round of lulz. Besides, everybody finds their way into the Library eventually; whether or not they like the stuff in there is purely up to them.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2008
  16. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    I suggest that if you do this you might consider adding a few strategic links to funnel new users there: perhaps in the Rules, FAQ or in the validation email sent when the account is made. For a variety of reasons, many new users may not spend much time in the Introduction category otherwise.
  17. Randeemy

    Randeemy Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2005
    It could be a free gift for every new user. A DLP start up pack and bible, including everthing they need to know in order to not got banned and flamed to hell, all contained in one neat post.

    It would be like those cults that sell bottles of mineral water they get from a supermarket for £50 claiming they can cure cancer, but ours is free and much more useful!!!
  18. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Perhaps this Bible will say "Don't Panic" in golden embossed letters on the front in order to calm the reader?
  19. pugnhippo

    pugnhippo Muggle

    Nov 30, 2005
    I know its slightly off topic, but how come there isn't a list of completed fics laying around? I find it very frustrating to find that a promising story is discontinued or just rarely updated, perhaps i'm alone in this though.
  20. Lincos

    Lincos Professor DLP Supporter

    Aug 17, 2007
    Liverpool, UK