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SURVIVOR: DLP - Outwit, Outplay, Outlast [COMPLETED]

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Zeitgeist, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    So, how long did you guys last on the pole?

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 PM ----------

    Also, do we have to do the Sudoku Attempt #X thingy?
  2. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Yes, you do. You must post in the thread in order for me to accept a Sudoku attempt.
  3. guljons

    guljons Squib

    Dec 20, 2009
    Okay then.
    Sudoku Attempt 1
    Sudoku Attempt 2
    Sudoku Attempt 3
  4. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Sudoku Attempt #1
    Sudoku Attempt #2

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 PM ----------

    Sudoku Attempt #3

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:34 PM ----------

    Sudoku Attempt #4
  5. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Let either myself or Palindrome (or Lutris) know when you've submitted an attempt for Round Two and would like to move onto Round Three. We will give you the Wizengamot Trivia at that point.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2013
  6. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Sudoku Attempt #5

    I think this is my last one. Got an easy puzzle (relative to the others) and I doubt I can beat this time.
  7. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Castaways, remember that you must solve a Medium level Sudoku puzzle. Castiel, guljons, you're both fine, but I'm reminding everybody else. Also Castiel, let me know if you're moving onto the next Round.
  8. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Yep, sent you a PM.
  9. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Going to sleep now. If you want to move onto the next Round, ask either Drome or Lutris. If neither are online, ask guljons, Castiel, fontisian, or anybody in the Wizengamot and they'll PM it to you. Please note that you must log an attempt for the Sudoku/Round Two first. Night.
  10. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I've discovered that I'm not nearly as good at sudoku as I thought I was. Figures.
  11. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    And by "ask", PM me or else I'll never know.
  12. Caesar

    Caesar First Year

    Jan 3, 2012
    Sudoku Attempt #1
  13. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Is the challenge still on-going or is it over?
  14. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Sorry guys, the Challenge was meant to finish 12 hours ago. Firstly, here are the correct answers for Round Three - Wizengamot Trivia. A lot of you clearly don't know Irene - her choice of favourite character speaks about her studious and altruistic personality.

    Answers for Wizengamot Trivia:

    Q1: What is Irene's favourite flavour of ice-cream?

    A) Passionfruit Sorbet B) Mint Chocolate C) Cookie Dough D) Dark Chocolate E) Vanilla (with REAL Vanilla Beans)

    Q2: What is Irene's favourite movie genre?

    A) Romantic Comedy B) Political Satire C) Science Fiction D) Fantasy E) Melo

    Q3: Where would you most likely find Irene?

    A) In the library B) With a book under a tree C) Discussing Voltaire with a friend D) Watching the Sound of Music E) Watching Mean Girls

    Q4: Who is Irene's favourite Hollywood actress?

    A) Natalie Portman B) Emma Stone C) Mila Kunis D) Audrey Hepburn E) Jennifer Aniston

    Q5: Who is Irene's favourite Harry Potter character? (provide an answer) Hermione

    Q6: Who is Irene's LEAST favourite Harry Potter character? (provide an answer) Umbridge

    Q7: Where is Irene's native country? (provide an answer) Singapore

    Q8: Where do Irene want to go sight-seeing the most?

    A) Milan B) Paris C) Bangkok D) Brasilia E) Venice

    Q9 Which of the 7 Harry Potter books does Irene like the LEAST? (provide an answer)DH

    Q10 Which of the 7 Harry Potter books does Irene like the MOST? (provide an answer) GoF

    Q11 Out of all the WINNERS of the original Survivor television show, who does Irene like the MOST?

    A) Tina B) Rob C) Parvati D) Sandra E) Tom

    Q12: What is fontisian's favourite flavour of ice-cream?
    A) Mint. B) Lemon C) Raspberry D) Creme Brulee E) Cookie Dough

    Q13: Where would you most likely find fontisian?
    A) On the bus B) Just on a time basis, at my highschool C) With my family D) I'm at the movies the most E) At home.

    Q14: Who is fontisian's favourite Hollywood actress?
    A) Amanda Seyfried B) Anne Hathaway C) Jessica Chastain D) Naomi Watts E) Helena Bonham Carter

    Q15: Who is fontisian's favourite Harry Potter character? (provide an answer)Remus Lupin

    Q16: Who is fontisian's LEAST favourite Harry Potter character? (provide an answer) Umbridge

    Q17: Where does fontisian want to go sight-seeing the most?
    A) London B) Japan C) New York D) Malaysia E) Greece

    Q18: What is TSN's favourite flavour of ice-cream?
    A) Chai Tea B) Dark Chocolate C) Matcha/Green Tea D) Salted Caramel E) Mango

    Q19: What is TSN's favourite movie genre?
    A) Fantasy B) Legal Drama C) Mystery-Suspense D) Horror E) Comedy

    Q20: Who is TSN's favourite Hollywood actress?
    A) Rachel McAdams B) Noomi Rapace C) Emma Stone D) Jennifer Lawrence E) Marion Cotillard

    Q21: Who is TSN's favourite Harry Potter character? (please provide an answer) Tonks

    Q22: Who is TSN's LEAST favourite Harry Potter character? (please provide an answer) Lockhart

    Q23: Which of the 7 Harry Potter books does fontisian like the LEAST? (please provide an answer) HBP

    Q24: Which of the 7 Harry Potter books does fontisian like the MOST? (please provide an answer) DH

    Q25: Which of the 7 Harry Potter books does TSN like the LEAST? (please provide an answer) DH

    Q26: Which of the 7 Harry Potter books does TSN like the MOST? (please provide an answer) GoF

    Q27: Who is klackerz's favourite Hollywood actress?
    A) Rachel McAdams B) Noomi Rapace C) Emma Stone D) Jennifer Lawrence E) Marion Cotillard

    Q28: Who is klackerz's favourite Harry Potter character? (please provide an answer) Albus Dumbledore

    Q29: Who is klackerz's LEAST favourite Harry Potter character? (please provide an answer) Severus Snape

    Q30: Where is klackerz's native country?
    A) Sri Lanka B) India C) Pakistan D) Great Britain E) Bangladesh

    Q31: What is klackerz's favourite flavour of ice-cream?
    A) Vanilla B) Lemon C) Chocolate Fudge D) Strawberry E) Cookies & Cream

    Q32:Which of the 7 Harry Potter books does klackerz like the LEAST? (please provide an answer) HBP

    Q33: Which of the 7 Harry Potter books does fontisian/klackerz like the MOST? (please provide an answer) PoA

    Q34: Where does klackerz want to go sight-seeing the most?
    A) Tokyo B) Washington DC C) Athens D) Paris E) Istanbul
  15. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Filler up!
  16. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Ghosts of the Past concludes. The scores have been submitted...

    The following are the points scored by the castaways.

    Round One - Pole Balance
    guljons: 50 minutes
    Caesar: 6 hours
    Aekiel: 15 minutes
    Castiel: 2 hours and 25 minutes
    Ranking: Caesar (1st), Castiel (2nd), guljons (3rd), Aekiel (4th)

    Round Two - Web of Sudoku
    guljons: 4 minutes and 2 seconds
    Caesar: 6 minutes and 24 seconds
    Aekiel: No logged attempt
    Castiel: 4 minutes and 6 seconds
    Ranking: guljons (1st), Castiel (2nd), Caesar (3rd), Aekiel (4th)

    Round Three - Wizengamot Trivia
    guljons: 6/34
    Caesar: 9/34
    Aekiel: No logged attempt
    Castiel: 13/34
    Ranking: Castiel (1st), Caesar (2nd), guljons (3rd), Aekiel (4th)

    In the event of a tie, like in this case, we refer to the average ranking of each castaway.

    Mean Ranking for Each Castaway:
    guljons: 7/3 = 2.33
    Caesar: 6/3 = 2
    Aekiel: 4
    Castiel: 5/3 = 1.67

    4th place - Aekiel, 3rd place - guljons, 2nd place - Caesar, 1st place - Castiel.



    Congratulations, Castiel. Castiel now has a guaranteed spot in the Final Three! (Unless he does an Erik Reichenbach)

    Night 10 has started.

    Night will not end until all Night actions are submitted. You have a maximum of 12 hours to submit them, or else incur the wroth of the Purple Rock Tiebreaker.

    Players with night actions need to bold their actions when addressing them to me in the QT. Failure to use the correct format as specified in your QTs will simply result in recording a non-action by me in the player log. All players must tell me, in their private QTs, which player they will send an affectionate gesture to. Until all Night actions are submitted, the next Day will not commence.

    At Night, you may also know begin 1-on-1 QTs with your fellow Housemates. Request which players (via private QT) with which you wish to communicate, and either Palindrome or I will organise it for you. If you wish to have a group conversation, I recommend you either hold it in your House QT or you convey your messages to all players involved in the convo via your 1-on-1 QTs at the same time.

    This may be finnicky, but the whole point of 1-on-1 QTs is to give some opportunity for individual manoeuvring, although alliances with multiple players are definitely encouraged.

    Apart from Zeitgeist and Palindrome, only the following (4) individuals are allowed to participate:

    Asterisk (*) indicates that the person is wearing the Individual Immunity Necklace and thus cannot be voted for at the next Tribal Council.




    You have 12 hours. Start making your Final Three deals.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2013
  17. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase

    Welcome to Tribal Council

    Welcome, castaways, to Tribal Council. You have been sent here, to this abandoned grotto, to cannibalise one of your own.

    Grab a torch and light it in the fire pit. On Survivor, fire represents life. It is what hastens in the dark. Your aim in Survivor: DLP is to keep your torch from being snuffed out by those around you.

    This is how Tribal Council will work. Firstly, castaways, you cannot post in your House QT while Tribal Council is commencing. You will also be given a series of questions which you must answer, in order for Tribal Council to conclude. These questions are designed with observing your performances at the Immunity Challenge and any fractures within your House.

    Ordinarily, at the end of these questions, you will submit a vote via your private QTs. How you submit a vote is "Vote Out: [PLAYER NAME]". You should also append your vote with a short voting Confessional, which is a sentence or two (or more, if you feel passionate) explaining your reasons/feelings towards your vote. Examples of Confessionals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9ikbfa7Igw

    Tribal Council 10 has started.

    Posting is now permitted in this thread until all Tribal Council questions have been answered. Votes can be submitted once everybody has answered all their allocated questions. If you know that you won't be online at this point, you may submit a vote early, but once a vote is made, it cannot be retracted.

    Everybody may currently post in this thread.​

    Asterisk (*) indicates that the person is wearing the Individual Immunity Necklace and thus cannot be voted for at the next Tribal Council.

    Apart from Zeitgeist and Palindrome, only the following (4) individuals are allowed to participate:





    If you have any question about Tribal Council, ask me in your QTs.

    Here are the Tribal Council (TC) Questions for TC 10:

    This question is for Caesar to answer:

    1. Some people said that you played a heroic but smart game, while other called you a cowardly coattail rider. After staying on that pole for 6 hours, rivalling Irene in your level of dedication, how do you respond to these accusations?

    This question is for guljons to answer:

    2. The motto of the game is "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast", which might explain your strategy. However, are you afraid that the Wizengamot has already made up their minds in terms of for whom to vote and might not give you a chance to justify the strategic moves you've made?

    This question is for Aekiel to answer:

    3. How confident are you that you won't be eliminated? You've always been rather cool-headed and aloof in making decisions; do you think that will ever backfire on you?

    This question is for Castiel to answer:

    4. Congratulations on your Immunity Win: it's your first one. However, why haven't you won ones before? Sure, there was Irene, but to some people, it seems like you never really tried to win until this last Challenge. Do you think you deserve to reach the Finale, especially after so many people in Touchy Subjects indicated that you shouldn't still be in the game?
  18. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    3. How confident are you that you won't be eliminated? You've always been rather cool-headed and aloof in making decisions; do you think that will ever backfire on you?

    It might, this is the stage where uncertainty rules. I've done all I can to get through to the final three, if it doesn't work then I'll know I was at least considered the greater threat.
  19. guljons

    guljons Squib

    Dec 20, 2009
    2. The motto of the game is "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast", which might explain your strategy. However, are you afraid that the Wizengamot has already made up their minds in terms of for whom to vote and might not give you a chance to justify the strategic moves you've made?

    In such a case, I would ask then, what is the point of Final Tribal council where Wizengamot can ask questions? It is there for a reason. To give the finalists a chance to explain their game and hopefully for Jury to award, who they think was the best player.

    After saying that, I'm sure there are some, who have already decided, how they would vote. There is nothing I could to about that.
  20. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Congratulations on your Immunity Win: it's your first one.


    However, why haven't you won ones before?
    Sure, there was Irene, but to some people, it seems like you never really tried to win until this last Challenge.

    I always tried to win where I thought I could, obviously that was not enough. Sometimes due to my own shortcoming and sometimes because some people were just plain better than me.

    In the first Sudoku challenge I did not think anyone would be beating my score. We all know how that turned out. After the challenge I spent quite a bit of time solving sudoku, trying to speed up my time and figuring out tricks to do the puzzles quicker. It kind of paid off in this last challenge I suppose.

    Writing I suck at. Can't really do anything about it.

    The only challenge I regret my participation (or lack of) in, is "create a buff". That was pure laziness on my part. Especially after seeing the submissions, I had a very different idea of what was expected of us from that challenge. (BTW I still maintain Stojil should've won.)

    That said, I did try very hard to win in this last challenge because I wanted to make sure our house would be represented in the final three.

    Do you think you deserve to reach the Finale, especially after so many people in Touchy Subjects indicated that you shouldn't still be in the game?

    Did I deserve to get the shot at the reaching the finale? No.

    Do I deserve to be in it? Yes. I am quite happy with my performance in this round.

    I don't mind any of the answers from Touchy Subjects. While I agree that among me and Stojil he deserves to be here and not me, I do think that I wasn't the least deserving among all the players alive at that point.

    None of gryffs answered negatively for their housemates and neither me nor Stojil answered negatively for each other. The only problem was there were 4 of them and 2 of us and between me and Stojil, he was the better player. So I ended up taking all the heat.