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TGYH Naruto Edition

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Aerylife, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Target: Ched, before I got ninja'd. This thread is the worst.

    Line: "Being a shinobi has never been about stealth, silence, or shadows. Civilians like to think so because they have so little experience with us, but it's far more than that. The roots of true shinobi go all the way back to the Sage of Six Paths."

    Time: 1 hour
  2. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Hmmmmmm, I like both of these prompts. Agayek's fits nicely in with an idea I was already sort of wanting to write (Kakashi and Naruto go on a mission and it goes pear-shaped), but Menace has a nice idea that could end up being fairly epic.

    Perhaps I'll combine them. Maybe. Or not. *rubs hands together* I'm off to drive home, thinking of ideas as I go. Thanks you two.
  3. Cxjenious

    Cxjenious Dark Lord

    Aug 24, 2005
    I want one.
  4. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Target: cxjenious
    Time: 30 minutes.
    Length: 600-900 words.
    Premise: "Naruto, my boy. I can see this being the start of a beautiful hateship."
  5. chaosfire999

    chaosfire999 Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jan 5, 2009
    Target: Anyone
    Time: 40 minutes
    Line: "-and sometimes you come across a jutsu that makes you stop, stare and wonder 'Why?'."
  6. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Naruto blinked down at the stained novel that had just plopped into his lap. His eyes widened and he turned a disgusted look up at the old man across from him. "What the hell am I supposed to do with this?!" he demanded indignantly.

    Ruffled silver bangs shook with the old pervert's attempts to contain his laughter. Naruto's scowl only pushed him over the edge, leaning back and thumping the bedroll beneath him as the noise erupted past his lips.


    "I mean it, Ero-sennin!" the jinchuriki shuffled awkwardly to try and shake it off without actually touching the crusty book. He knew exactly what those stains were and he had no intention of touching it with his bare hands.

    Jiraiya's laughter turned booming after managing to glimpse his wayward disciple's motions. "Ngh," he exhaled heavily to try and get the fit under control long enough to answer, but all that comes out is, "he's humping the book now!" and with that the laughter resumed in full intensity.

    Naruto halted his hasty motions as he heard what was just said. His face paled at the unintended side-effect of his efforts, realizing that he had more or less been doing just that, and he recoiled and launched to his feet despite the blankets in the way, getting slightly tangled in them as much as his own jumpsuit in the process.

    The book finally thumped to the ground as he stumbled free and Naruto kicked it straight at the Sannin's snorting form.

    Despite being crippled by amusement, Jiraiya still managed to reach out and catch the spine in between his fingers, deftly flipping through it to the page he had intended the boy to read in the first place, and with a final few gasps he swallowed his laughter again and sat up, out of breath.

    "Ah, Naruto, Naruto..." he said slowly, wiping the tears of mirth from the corners of his eyes. The boy scowled and hurried over to the slowly churning river nearby, dragging his bedding with him to scrub clean. "Hah. I just thought you'd like some tips to improve that Oiroke no Jutsu you enjoy pulling on me so much!"

    With an audible vow, Naruto swore to never again risk tempting the Pervy Sage.


    Meh, just over 350 words. I tried, but sometimes the humor and et all just doesn't come through as well as I'd like with a time limit to work around.

    I'll take another.
  7. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Being that I am currently the victor of this thread (15 thumbs! :D) I feel the need to Thank God I'm Here to bring you all another epic, thrilling tale of daring do and debauchery! Therefore I request another, 30 minute challenge.

  8. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    Target: Zenzao
    Challenge: "And will someone tell my just why, exactly, a giraffe is in my office?!"
    Length: 600-900 words
    Time: W/e is fine.
  9. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Target: Aekiel
    Tagline: "Please, sensei, just let me explain!"
    Time: 30 min

    [edit] Also you just made me go back and check how many thumbs I got. I'm writing my next one tonight, with both Agayek's and Menace's prompts, so we'll see how it goes.... you arrogant british arse. ;)
  10. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Very slightly over the word limit, but it's all in the name of humour.


    Naruto chuckled to himself as he carefully opened the window. 'Kakashi-sensei is going to flip when he finds this!'

    He'd taken a couple of extreme measures, including disabling the most obvious trap with a Kage Bunshin. It had been a good idea, because the less obvious trap had decapitated the poor clone in a single blow. Even more caution was used for the even less obvious trap hidden under the false panel of wood making up the window sill.

    Look underneath the underneath.

    Slowly inching the window open enough that he'd be able to crawl through – pinching the tripwire made of grey hair so that it remained taut even after snapping – Naruto entered the apartment with all the caution of a man hunting giant tigers in Area 44.

    The floor had been rigged in several places with knock-out gas mines, which he stepped over on tip toes.

    Finally, after a few minutes of prodding and poking at the cupboard to see if there were any other traps he needed to disable, Naruto relaxed slightly. He'd made it. The information was correct.

    He reached into the cupboard, beyond the rows of identical Jounin uniforms that Kakashi favoured and tapped five of the knots in the wood in a specific pattern. This had been the hardest part; knowing that getting the sequence wrong would mean not having enough of a body left to identify could really hamper your concentration.

    The hidden compartment opened from seems that had been invisible up until that point, revealing a pile of orange covered books in a seal-lined safe. There was a gap where the first book would normally go.

    Naruto drew a neatly wrapped package from inside his coat, holding it as gently as possible as he did so. He ripped open the top of the paper with his finger.

    'Can't risk using a kunai!'

    The paper slipped off a well worn copy of Icha Icha Paradise, its spine bent and seemingly every corner folded to the point where it was almost falling apart. It was obviously well loved.

    'Sakura-chan's books tend to look like this after a while.'

    It was as Naruto stood contemplating that thought and the effects super strength could have on other activities that the door opened.

    Naruto froze, his hand mid-way to the cupboard. The orange book was plainly visible.

    “H-Hi, Kakashi-sensei!”

    “Good morning, Naruto-kun.” Kakashi's voice was cheerful, which was a complete contrast to the way his single visible eye was narrowed upon his favourite book. “What are you doing in my apartment?”

    Years of excuses for everything he'd ever done wrong flashed across the young Jinchuuriki's mind.


    “You have five seconds. You will put the book down on the table behind you. Then you will stand very, very still.” Still with that cheery tone. “Five.”

    “I, uh, it's a, uh!”


    “Wait! Wait just a second!”


    “Just give me a second! I can explain!”


    “Please, sensei, just let me explain!”


    “Oh Kami, I'm going to die.”


    Instincts honed over an entire lifetime of running away from pranks kicked in just as Kakashi made his move. Naruto held the little orange book out in front of him like a shield and his sensei blurred to the side in order to avoid it.

    Naruto leaped over the bed, setting off one of the gas mines as he landed, and used the momentum to dive through the window pane. Shards of glass followed him as he used a wind jutsu to propel himself upwards, cutting light gashes into his skin as he flew through the air.


    The boy in question gulped in fear, hugged the small book to his chest, and took off running. He got three blocks before Kakashi caught up with him. Only the training he'd endured over the three years of travelling with Jiraiya let him jump out of the way in time to avoid a very familiar looking ball of chakra.

    “Wait, sensei! Don't kill me! I can explain!”

    “Give me the book back, Naruto.” The cheerful tone was gone now, replaced by the all business expression he'd last seen Kakashi use in the Sound invasion.

    “It's a-uh!”

    Naruto ducked and the sword – 'Where the hell did that come from?!' - narrowly missed doing to him what had happened to his hapless Shadow Clone earlier. He was not, however, fast enough to dodge the knee that caught him in the face a moment later.

    The last thing Naruto saw before blessed unconsciousness took him was a small orange book being plucked out of the air by a victorious looking Kakashi.


    Kakashi held the book in his hands like it was a child. Like it was more than a child. Better than a child. This book had been his companion for so long that it was practically a part of him now. Kakashi heaved a sigh of relief. His precious was safe again.

    Carefully inspecting it for any signs of damage – None more than usual – he flipped it open to check for stains. Naruto might have sweat on it, after all, and that could not be tolerated. What he found, however, shocked him even more.

    On the inside cover, in the large, flowing script he'd learned to associate with his sensei's mentor and Kakashi's idol, was a fresh autograph.

    To My Biggest Fan
    The kid talked me into it. Enjoy.

    was the only thought that passed through his head before he collapsed beside his student, the small orange book cradled protectively in his hands.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2013
  11. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    That was awesome, well done then. ^^
  12. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    This might not quite be what you had in mind, Proudbear, but I'm experimenting with an odd thought at the moment. Hope it is still interesting enough, but the line doesn't show up until the end, and I went a couple of hundred words past the limiter.


    The previous several days had been quite tiring for the recently instated Sixth Hokage - a surprise visit from the Fire Daimyo, his wife, and their thirty-man entourage appearing at the gates last Tuesday, his messenger bird having been caught and eaten somewhere along the border bearing the brunt of the blame for their lack of preparations in accommodating the guests; putting his foot down yet again in response to Orochimaru's underground scheming via the not-so-Hidden Root the following afternoon, and thus hustling said Daimyo and his lot away before they could be unduly influenced by that Saturday; and just yesterday learning that the delegation out of Oto bearing the peace treaty between their distant villages had just up and vanished en-route, which Sasuke would naturally accuse them or the Council of interfering with in an attempt to spite the budding Uchiha clan's revival.

    A less stubborn man might have assumed that Kami had it out for him. Naruto Uzumaki simply vowed to continue and, perhaps, take it out on the landscape - having a neutered chakra-demon inside his gut for sixteen years had kind of swayed his way of thinking, even now that it was finally gone.

    "I swear, if I hear one more piece of disgruntling news in the coming hour, I'm going to find the next nearest mountain-range outside of the Monument itself and I'm carving out my frustrations on its barren hide," he uttered under his breath as he put on his hat and slid into the slightly unorthodox robes bearing his father's sigil over the back. It had been recovered early on from the rubble of the Fourth Shinobi World War, and he wore it with a certain amount of pride now that he was up and running again on his own strengths. The usual black-banded forehead protector from his genin days was also tied into place just beneath the rim of the hat, so that anyone he would have to deal with would see it whether they approved or not - Homura and Kohaku coming to mind. Unlike most of his predecessors to the role, Naruto Uzumaki had never passed his Chunin exam, thus being the only shinobi since the first generation of Kages' and the creation of the modern ranking system to become elevated into the position by the merits of his previous work.

    As was becoming a regular occurrence since the Daimyo's arrival, the coming of dawn had been all too soon - another two in the morning nap granting him nothing but scarce rest - and the heavy bags underneath his eyes spoke testament to the fact that he was exhausted and a smidgeon cranky.

    He took his time about leaving the hospital room where he had more-or-less taken a permanent residence these days, Sakura's regular healing/chakra-supplement sessions now stretched out to just once-a-month instead of twice a day, and he tipped his head in wary respect to the healer as they passed in the hall a few minutes later.

    She responded with a weary wave of the hand and continued hurriedly toward her next patient's room, leaving the Hokage to brighten up a bit at the thought that some other poor victim was about to suffer her ministrations instead of him, and then he was out of the front doors and marching through the middle of the village he had grown up despising for the most part.

    Only a handful of the civilians were even awake so early, but they greeted him by title if not by name - "Good day, Hokage-sama!" and "Good to see you, Uzumaki-sama!" - which never failed to bring a broader smile and eventually full out grin to his lips whenever he heard it, as it did today. He knew most of them by their family names if not their given ones and he answered in kind.

    It was a bit less satisfying with the shinobi and kunoichi he passed on the way to the Hokage Tower, as they tended to repeat Sakura's performance by offering a nod or bow in passing and then moving back to what they had been in the middle of doing. They knew if he needed to actually say something, he'd go ahead and stop them along the way, and it just wasn't in their nature to hang around and chat amicably except for where the other Konoha Eleven were concerned.

    He stopped at his favorite rebuilt-location in the entire village in the wake of Pain's assault for a quick breakfast. Ramen Ichiraku was almost always open by dawn, and Naruto bought only four bowls-to-go with a quick word to the friendly man and his daughter.

    He slurped through the meal idly over the next ten minutes, balancing the spare bowls carefully and taking to the rooftops to stretch his chakra.

    Rather than walk through the doors to the Tower when he got there just after sunrise, Naruto continued the basic exercise and climbed the outside wall, bringing up the last bowl just before he stepped through the window. He exhaled happily with his eyes closed as he lowered the porcelain toward the stack in the corner of his left arm.

    "Aah, I needed that," he sighed and opened his eyes.

    The sight that greeted him stole the joy from his face.

    Curled up around the built-from-scratch desk by Yamato, licking at the many - and quite thoroughly emptied - spare cups of store-bought ramen stacked up along either side of it that should have been his mid-morning snack and afternoon lunch respectively, rested a yellow and brown-spotted beast that he was only passingly familiar with.

    It was a sight that brought back all of the recent irritations and swept Naruto's good mood right out the window he was still perched on.

    He almost dropped Teuchi's porcelain bowls as he flexed his jaws and stepped over the threshold in one slow bound. They were deposited instead into one of the few available chairs, and his hands clapped together into the oldest technique he had ever mastered; the Shadow Clone jutsu.

    Rather than half a dozen doppelgangers materializing from the ether, however, only two joined him, and they shared his furious expression.

    "It couldn't have been the paperwork it ate, oh, no," they declared together in an equally agitated tone. The first clone knew what it was supposed to do, and it shot out the window to buy another fifty cups of replacement ramen. The second clone likewise departed, this time to warn those that needed it that the Hokage was going on a brief trip outside of Konoha's limits to relieve his recent stresses.

    And Naruto himself whirled around and stormed into the rest of the Tower, looking around at the receptionist snoring quietly on her desk, the handful of newly arrived Chunin sorting the mission scrolls for the day, and one Hatake Kakashi lurking in the corner picking at a pair of A-rank missions, and let his fury be known. "I already know who to blame for this," he began loudly, "but will someone tell me just why, exactly, a giraffe is in my office?!"


    Roughly 1168 words. I'm aiming to see if I can't chain together my TGYH responses and create something of an oddly connected storyline from it. Depends on what my challenges are, of course, but this and the last work out well enough.

    Another, if you please.
  13. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Target: Zenzao
    Challenge: "Some have said there is no subtlety to mass kage bunshin and rasengan. You know what? They're dead."
    Length: around 1000 words, give or take.
    Time: However long it takes

    I really like the idea of a same universe thing, have been going for a similar idea myself, only will not include my first one shot. Was aiming for a "narutoverse" where Minato is alive and Hokage, Sandaime is alive, Kushina is alive and the jinchuruki and the Uchiha clan is alive and see where that takes me.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 AM ----------

    [FONT=&quot]Challenge: "You know what? Yes, this really is exactly what it looks like."
    Time: 30 min

    1526 words, not exactly what I was originally aiming at which was an affair between Sasuke and Kushina. This came out instead. Have fun.
    Ever since the Sandaime had retired and Minato had gotten the job, Kushina had been chosen to go as Konoha’s representative to the annual meeting of the Kages in the Land of Iron and as usual, she had to take a few guards with her. Strictly speaking, none of the representatives needed guards since those accompanying them were usually weaker, as those chosen to represent the village were among the strongest individuals of said village but it was always nice to have backup and someone to run errands for you.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Heck, she had suggested him on a whim. The official reasoning had been for him to experience the best shinobi of the five nations himself, seeing that the exposure of those friendly to him is something different. Sort of the small fish big pond kinda thing. The real reason had been that teasing and mobbing Sasuke had been one of her favorite things to do ever since he had been 5 and he looked just adorable when he was embarrassed and angry. And she couldn’t quite stand the other, more serious ninja and her usual entourage, Kakashi and Shisui, were away alongside Itachi and Mikoto. What kind of mission warranted the four best Sharingan users, Kushina didn’t know and didn’t want to know. She just hoped they wouldn’t stir up something that would result in her getting attacked in that meeting. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Since she had to take two, her other “guard” had been her own apprentice in the art of sealing, Hinata. True, she didn’t quite measure up in a fight among high ranked jonin and S-class monsters that the meeting was full with but if she had to suffer that freakshow without Hinata bringing her the carefully prepared tea and treats that only she could make so magnificently, she would snap and drag the nations into the next war. Of course, it was always useful to have a Byakugan user at ones side; especially someone like Hinata, who could scout ten kilometers ahead. That, and the fact that she blushed so cutely when Kushina teased her. In the end, it was of paramount importance that she had two lackeys with her who would make the trip as comfortable and fun to her as possible while she had to deal with the bastards from the other villages.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]How she ever had made it through life without gophers and interns, she would never know.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Sure, there had been protest to take two prominent bloodline users with her that were so hugely sought after, especially one who wouldn’t be able to defend herself quite as well, but Kushina had bulled through that with her usual stubbornness. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]In the end, if the Uzumaki Jinchuruki of the Nine Tailed Fox said she would protect someone, that word was taken seriously.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]And now, they were halfway there, camping in the forest right before they entered the Land of Iron. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Seeing that tomorrow they would meet some of the strongest shinobi alive tomorrow, Kushina felt it prudent to impart a few gems of wisdom to her virgin slaves guards. Her graciousness truly knew no bounds.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“Okay kiddos, now a few pointers to help you survive tomorrow and make sure you don’t embarrass Konoha, your clans and more importantly, me in front of the scum we are about to meet. But first things first. Hinata-chan, please check for enemies.”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Hinata nodded and her Byakugan activated and confirmed their solitude.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Seeing that she had the attention of the two, Kushina continued, a smug expression on her face.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]“Well, let’s start with Cloud, who, as Hinata-chan here knows, are bunch of cowardly rapists that specialize in kidnapping little girls and boys in the vain hope that some of the superior talent and class of the better villages, namely Konoha, will enter the disgusting cesspool they call a village.” After a pause she added. “Their Raikages pack a punch, I guess and their jinchuruki are not totally useless, even if they are fucking annoying, so, you two should stay away from those if they are present and leave them to me to sort them out but generally speaking, never trust anything a Cloud ninja says since I have yet to experience one of them speaking the truth or owning up to something they did.” [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]At Sasuke’s look she relented. “Okay, all of them will lie but Cloud more so than other. Expect them to whine and blame Konoha for some scheme they started. One of them would be too stupid to eat and choke on bread and then turn around and blame Konoha for wanting to kill them. Never, under any circumstances leave my side, and if any of them start something and start to demand your body parts, defend yourself and I will take them down, hard.”[/FONT]


    [FONT=&quot]“Aww, it’s always so adorable to see you think that you can defeat someone like that but this time it’s serious.” [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Sasuke nodded and tried to look sullen, but it looked more like a pout, at least to Kushina.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]She brushed her long, red hair with her hand, letting out a small snicker. “Next would be Iwa, who only really have their Kage as far as good shinobi go but he is just a sad, old relict, clinging to his past glories and it speaks volumes on how hard their ninja suck that the decrepit old creep is still holding onto his position. Apart from him and maybe the jinchuruki they may have left, not too clear on that, and maybe a psychopath or two they really only have numbers. They are as dumb as they are ugly. You just have to see how badly Minato slaughtered them on his own and he is the biggest wimp I know. He doesn’t brag about it because it would be like bragging about taking down a cripple and that’s just sad.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“Expect them to bitch and moan about that at least once during our meeting. If you think you have been bored, you have never sat through a twenty minute Iwa lecture on how much of a monster Konoha and its Yellow Flash are.”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]She saw that both of them looked uncomfortable of hearing their Hokage being referred to as a wimp and Kushina admitted that it would be harder to believe for them since they had seen a different Minato than she had. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“Sensei, do we expect them to attack us?” Hinata stuttered. Someday she would break Hinata out of that habit.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“Hinata I would expect them to kill their own grandmother if it meant that they could profit from her death and internal organs but for now, the treaty with the Land of Iron and the balance this ceasefire brings is too great of an advantage for any one village to break at this point. Then again, they aren’t very smart, so, do expect the worst from those two.”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]She looked dejected at this increased possibility to fight and Kushina ruffled her. Long as it was and as much as Hinata had grown up the last three years under her wing, she still needed more confidence.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“Don’t worry, as I said, they suck, besides Sand is officially our ally and while a few years ago that would have meant absolutely nothing, ever since Naruto has somehow managed to befriend the Kazekage’s son, our alliance is slightly more trustworthy. I still don’t trust them farther than I can throw them but I think I could throw a few sand nin pretty far.” Literally as well as figuratively, with her bijuu cloak she could throw them pretty damn far. “So, if something was to happen, barring a secret treaty between Sand and the others, and why anyone would band together with Cloud and Iwa if they could stay allies with Konoha is beyond me, they would have our backs, maybe.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“Kiri ninja are bloodthirsty, I’ll give them that, and spiteful and their mist jutsu is annoying as fuck and overall, they are not as pathetic as Iwa and Cloud nin are but they are still mad dogs that need to be put down whenever they rear their ugly, freakish heads with their ugly, freakish teeth and spout their bullshit about hating bloodlines, as some of them are prone to do. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“So, you have to realize what kind of trash you are dealing with tomorrow and you have to look them in the eye and treat them as if they weren’t the scum of the earth because we have to be ‘diplomatic’.”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]She even had her hands emphasize the last word. [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“Even though you would rather do this.” She dashed forward, faster than any of the two could follow, tackled Sasuke and ended up on top of the Uchiha, straddling him. He really looked so adorable fighting a blush with a scowl while Hinata hid her face behind her hands, while whimpering her name in suffering.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“Any questions?”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]“Yeah, I have one, what are you teaching these kids, Kushina?”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]She whirled around to see Minato standing there, a wary expression on his face. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]She cracked a smile. “Okay, you know what? This is really exactly what it looks like.”[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Freaking Hiraishin.

    Not sure I like how[/FONT][FONT=&quot] it turned[/FONT][FONT=&quot] out, seems a bit unfocused to me, might tweak it a bit on a later date. That said, am open for other challenges again. I admit that I overshot the timelimit on this one though. :sherlock:
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2013
  14. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    Nah, this is perfect. I didn't really have anything specific in mind beyond the fact that someone in important was having a bad day. This accomplished exactly what I was thinking of.
  15. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    My two prompts sort of tried to expand themselves into a story (probably end up at 2.5-3k long). So instead of my normal "scene with gimmick" it's probably going to be a proper oneshot.

    Problem is that it's sort of a stupid oneshot, so I might have been better off going with something shorter, but eh... TGYH is good for this sort of practice.
  16. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Shoot me another one, by the way.
  17. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    Challenge: "Man, your parents must have really hated you."
    Time: 30 min
  18. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
    Because Roarian is the bads:
    Target: Roarian
    Challenge: "Well of course he isn't dead, he didn't explode into coins"
    Words: many
    Time: soon
  19. Roarian

    Roarian High Inquisitor

    Jun 11, 2011
    Target: Roarian
    Challenge: "Well of course he isn't dead, he didn't explode into coins"
    Words: about 2400
    Time: now

    "...Holy shit, this is such a hack," Naruto mumbled as he stared down at the scroll. "Seriously, this is allowed? Cheating the system is probably not intended..." He frowned. "Why did my Legacy Quest just update?"


    "Man, I keep forgetting that this is a bad route to use. I should figure out a way to sense these guys coming," Naruto muttered for show, his hands in his pockets as he stared at half a dozen villagers wielding pipes and old wooden swords. Their yells grew louder as they approached their newfound target with bloodlust in their eyes. "Ah well, why not."

    "You'll die this time, demon!" one of the villagers yelled angrily.

    Naruto sighed. "Yeah, yeah, heard it before. You guys need to learn some new catchphrases." He stretched lazily, cocking his head to the side. "Alright. Come, then. My DEX is like five times better than any of yours, and after all this time, I'd honestly be impressed if you landed a hit. Let's rumble."

    Two of the villagers ran forward with their weapons out, and Naruto smiled as he stopped the first dead with his bare hand, allowing the second to pass by harmlessly. Both of them stumbled to the ground, though the first stayed down.

    "So it's dual-battle, hmm? Or maybe even swarm? Should be interesting." His hand flashed out and easily slammed the second villager down before he could reverse his direction. In a shower of lights and with the sound of fireworks going off, the man vanished into a small fountain of small gold coins and ethereal numbers. "Ah, score! I needed lunch money!"

    "You killed him!" one of the villagers yelled, aghast. "You'll die this time, demon!"

    Naruto looked up lazily. "Twice in two minutes, seriously? That's just pathetic." He slammed his fist down, and the first villager that he had knocked out vanished into a second - if smaller - pile of money. "If you don't want to be my allowance, I'd suggest you mosey."

    Seconds later, the street was empty.

    "Probably should have taken out a few more. There's only about two silver in total here," Naruto muttered as he gathered the scattered cash swiftly, rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Freaking Level 5's are never going to add up to anything. Even ramen's fifty bronze per bowl, hope today's mission will pay off." He frowned. "In fact, I should probably get geared up..."

    The world faded slightly around him as things seemed to slow to a crawl - the wind died down, the flags stopped fluttering, suspended mid-movement. Naruto studied the objects floating around him with a keen eye. "Hmm, still have a bit from last week." He shoved a few bags of chips and a large bowl of steaming soup aside, as well his gigantic stack of kunai - 384 and counting - which he had gathered over the years. If there was a stacking limit, he had not found it yet. Way behind the whole mess was a shiny new forehead protector.

    "Just a +1 - it's shitty, but it'll do." Naruto quickly tied it around his forehead, taking a deep breath as he tried to figure out if he could actually feel the increased defense. Nope - too little, too late. He'd need to stock up on some seriously higher-level equipment if he was going to see any benefit at all. "Man, the quest rewards in this town suck. At least there's plenty of random encounters!"


    It was a day much like any other for Uzumaki Naruto, level 31 Destruction Specialist, even if it felt a little different. Due to finally having a chance to finish a promotion quest (Seriously, who puts these things on a timer of all things?) he would soon get some proper money from miscellaneous quests, which would certainly help with cash flow. Relying on random encounters and the occasional rare item he could sell certainly wasn't doing it for him.

    As he looked out over the village from atop his house, he considered his new rank. Finally being a Genin was nice, since new areas had opened up, and there was a pretty good chance he could leave the Konoha encounter zone at some point in the near future, and he would finally get a proper party, even if it would be a dreadfully boring tutorial-heavy one. It certainly did not help that his highest-level team member - aside from the sensei, who was understandably superior - was a freaking Level 9 Bloodline user. Level 9 was the highest in the entire class, save for Naruto himself, but it was still ridiculously low. The difficulty setting had to be pretty damn pathetic for these wimps. Or Naruto himself had over-leveled. Whatever.

    The other team member - a horribly screechy pink-haired girl - was barely Level 5, and as far as Naruto could tell, she hadn't actually picked a class yet. Which was just pathetic. At least her INT was decent, and she could probably learn some seduction moves that were locked to men. Though, it would probably not do to bring that up too quickly, or he'd end up losing a ton of loyalty points.

    Equipping a dozen kunai and a few shuriken, Naruto looked around a last time before nodding. The world continued moving, and Naruto hopped in place, happy to note that he was not nearly at his carry limit yet. He had his insanely high STA stat to thank for that.

    "Naruto? Are you alright?"

    The Genin turned slowly, and blinked. "Kakashi-sensei?" He stared confusedly at the worried expression that the white-haired man gave him. Hatake Kakashi was a Jōnin-rank Assassination Specialist, though he had only rarely showed skills from that class - perhaps in part because he dual-specced to Bloodline user at some point, and mostly relied on that part of his skill set. Aside from STA, all of his stats were way above anything Naruto could muster, but then again the man had almost 40 levels on him, which would make the comparison just unfair. "Nothing's wrong, why?"

    "You were just - sitting there," Kakashi said slowly. "You were attacked by the villagers again, I take it? There's no reason why you need to retaliate like this, you know. They'll just leave you alone if you do the same."

    "Yeah, well, attacks like that happen a lot around me, and I certainly won't back off when these idiots think they can take me on," Naruto drawled. "Anyway, am I late? The timer says I've got like twenty minutes!"

    Kakashi looked up with a strange expression, shaking his head. "No, you're on time. You can come along with me, I suppose." He nodded, and quite suddenly, a green exclamation mark popped into existence above the man's puff of white hair. "We're expected at the Hokage's office for a new mission."

    "Green? A Main quest?" Naruto muttered, his eyes narrowed. "I've seen plenty of yellow ones, but it's been a while." He gestured vaguely, and in front of his eyes, the sky unfurled, and a scroll appeared. Written in neat cursive at the top of it was: 'C-Rank : Danger on the Waves. Risk: High.' "Alright, this is more like it!"

    "...You're spacing out again."

    Naruto blinked. "Oh - sorry. Yeah, I'll take it! Sounds awesome! He blinked lazily. "Oh! It's a group quest, isn't it? That makes sense. I never got a main quest with the group before. Yeah, I'll follow you to the others." He smiled. "Finally! I'd better get some good rewards from this crap!"


    Naruto's fist slammed into the shinobi's face with all the subtlety of a freight train, and as the man crumpled, he whooped victoriously. "Yeah! Take that Power Hit and eat it, bastard!" The figure fell over and stayed down even as the other was taken down by Sasuke - which meant it had to be a damn low-level one.

    "Well done, both of you. These were the Demon Brothers, if I'm not mistaken," Kakashi said as he reappeared to the shocked yells of Sakura and to a lesser degree Sasuke. Naruto just smirked. "You don't seem surprised, Naruto. Care to share?"

    "Nah - I'm going to loot first." He snickered as he emptied his victim's pockets. "Score! Level up. Now I can finally get that perception perk I've been considering..."

    "I'm sorry?"

    Naruto paused, raising an eyebrow. "I kicked his ass - I get the spoils," he said slowly. "I mean, I know we probably have Exp. Share in the group, but items are individual, right? I'm not gonna let this stuff go to waste. If nothing else, I can sell it off and make a quick buck."

    "Actually, I'm pretty sure there's a price on this man's head," Kakashi said dubiously as Naruto started removing his vest. "What are you doing?"

    "It's a +4 vest, of course I'm going to take it," Naruto said slowly. "I'll have to paint it orange, but that's not a big deal." He cocked his head to the side. "You didn't think I wore a shitty +1 vest voluntarily, right?"

    As Naruto continued to strip the unconscious shinobi of all his valuables, including a large pouch full of gold coins and a nice belt of protection, Kakashi's stare became increasingly dismayed. Finally, Naruto glanced up again. "Ah, you said he had a price on his head. Right."

    Kakashi was not the only one with an aghast expression when Naruto was done.

    Soon the group was heading onwards with a disturbed Tazuna keeping a constant eye on Naruto - who was jingling his coins happily as he admired his new vest and belt. The decapitated head of his victim was safely in his inventory.

    Quest items had no weight, after all.

    "C-ranks are awesome!"


    "By the way, I'm a boy." Haku stated as he turned away.

    Naruto didn't even blink. "Duh. You just picked the Bishonen perk for the CHA, didn't you?"

    Haku didn't answer as he vanished.

    "I should probably get a sexual security perk..."


    "My... body - just moved on its own..." Sasuke said painfully as he stumbled, then fell. Needles sprouted all over his body, and blood flowed freely. Naruto looked down in annoyance, kicking the boy, but he didn't move an inch.

    "He landed a blow on me, and without flinching, he died to protect you." Haku stated confidently. "To protect a precious person - he is a shinobi that deserves respect." He nodded. "Is this the first death of a friend?"

    Naruto stared. "Of course he isn't dead, dude. He didn't explode into coins. Are you stupid or something?"

    Haku paused for a long moment. "Coins?"

    "Besides, you're level 30 and you failed to kill him?" He glanced down with narrowed eyes. "Intentional, then? Clever, but you met your match in me." He smiled broadly. "I trained this week, you know. Turns out that all my grinding was good for something - I'm used to it now. And you won't believe how much you hack the system with Kage Bunshin. Seriously."


    "Level 35, baby," Naruto stated confidently, cracking his knuckles. "Let's do this - hopefully I can be in time to loot that sweet sword from Zabuza."


    "You just flattened Kakashi-sensei." Sakura said disbelievingly as he stared at the huge crater that was the training field. Naruto stretched and smiled happily.

    "...How?" Sasuke inquired, eyes wide.

    "He did say that Ninjutsu were allowed. And he's alive, anyway." Naruto smirked. "Turns out that grinding at Genin level is way easier. Wonder what Chūnin's like?" He frowned. "If I even need it."

    Kakashi twitched slowly. "You're - g-good to go for the Exams..."


    "Can you repeat that, Naruto?"

    Naruto stared. "I told you twice already. I think I broke the plot, when I killed that Orochimaru dude in the forest. Like, the main quest failed for some reason, and now it won't start again." He frowned as he paced slowly. "Look, I know I cheated a little by clone-grinding my way to Level 88, but expecting the plot to deal with obvious tactics is to be expected, don't you think? I mean, I got the Kage Bunshin practically for free, what did you think I'd do?"

    "I don't know what you mean, my boy." The Hokage leaned backwards slowly. "I admit, you have become spectacularly capable as a shinobi in a distressingly short time - but I fail to understand what you are referring to with regards to the attack in the forest. It is regrettable that it happened, of course, but..."

    Naruto sighed. "Come on, old man - you're Level 190, you've got stats like crazy, how can you not get this? I. Broke. Everything. Can you please fix it?" He shrugged. "Maybe you can give me a new main quest or something? I mean, I still have the Legacy Quest going, but I'm thinking that things might go weird if I do that without the main..."

    "What would you suggest, then?"

    "I dunno - any big bad guys that need to be brought down to size? Maybe some mysterious super-powered enemy that will destroy us all? Maybe like, he could have multiple bodies? Or summon giant monsters that will destroy the world?" Naruto shrugged. "Maybe you could figure out some war I need to fight in? Just... something."

    "Well, I don't know if this is enough to sate your appetite for violence -" The Hokage sighed. "Why don't you - go find my old student, Jiraiya? He should be able to help you along for the last round of the exams. Not that you need it, as I understand."

    Naruto grinned broadly as a green exclamation mark popped into existence above the Hokage's head. "Thanks, old man!"

    As the boy rushed out, the Hokage stood slowly, and sighed. "Ah, Minato - your son's every bit as odd as you were." He shook his head. "The day you came to me to declare that you'd found a glitch in the world, I remember it all too well." He looked to the painting on the mantle. "You were insane, but it didn't matter. I hope he won't end up like you, though..."

    "I've got the Blindsense perk, you know." Naruto stuck his head back in the room, eyes watery. "And my Legacy Quest just updated..."
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2013
  20. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I expected more Scott Pilgrim, but this was awesome too :awesome