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The 100 Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Cobalt, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
  2. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Back to regular programming.

    Vote: F
  3. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Jesus, I thought I was the only one scumreading Fenwicked, but no actually the entire game wants to kill him. How is this real.
  4. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    That’s what happens to people who scumread me.
  5. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017

    I didn't actually care about his read on you, I cared about his read on Eido.
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    His read on you was bad but I don't know how much of it is personality. I don't really think I can find a way to reduce the way that thought runs with his earlier Eido thoughts down to personality, though. It would be nice if you had anything to say about that, since you seem to know him kinda?
  6. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I don’t really know what that was. Weird slip up?


    Did Eido post at all between fenwicked’s read shifted? I’m mobile and don’t wanna scroll.
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    maybe Eido told him in scumchat that they’d be bussing and he kinda flopped the execution :V
  7. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Like, I can understand someone reconsidering a townread in the space of 3 hours or so, but the way he talks about it, he's speaking as if he was always cognizant that Eido's ISO was bad. It doesn't feel like genuine reassessment, and I think if he had been moving that way more after being challenged about his read then I think it makes less sense for him to respond to a scumread that way.

    I also think that if he's the type of player to snap into a hard scumread on you then it feels like he would also be the type of player to not give up on his Eido townread as easily as he did and then also swing to scum like that? Like, town tend be to a little reluctant about reconsidering reads they feel good about. I could be off-base on this, though, and I'd need to read his meta to figure it out probably.

    I don't remember if Eido posted, but fenwicked got pushback from Stanari and someone else, I think.
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    Okay, well if you don't have anything to say about him as a personality then @fenwicked pretty please share some meta that might help me read you better here?
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    Also, fenwicked, could you talk about Vaimes' treatment of you please?
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    How many wolves in each of these groupings?

    1. [Citrus, KaiDASH, Nothing Happens, fenwicked]
    2. [Nego, M Plus 7, Miner, tsaiah]
    3. [Jan, Eidolonic, Vaimes, Beruru]
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    I sincerely regret my decision to drunkpush on sir not appearing in this readlist.






    M Plus 7
    Nothing Happens
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    @Newcomb can this be w/w?
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    fonti, read my fen read and tell me which parts are bad, please?
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    @Nego it isn't EoD, but what do you think about this votal?

    fen (6): Eido, Vaimes, fonti, Gemma, Citrus, Jan
    Regfan (2): tsaiah, Nego
    Nego (2): Newcomb, Regfan
    Kai (1): smiles
    Miner (1): Miner
    MP (1): Stanari
    Stanari (1): Beru
    Vaimes (1): fenwicked

    Not voting (2): Kai, MP
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    @Regfan I think I'm still pissed off at you. Sorry.
  8. Nego

    Nego Banned

    Aug 10, 2016
    High Score:
    Ok. I probably missed you talking about your scumread on Fenwicked then.

    I don't but then again I haven't paid much attention to their posts. I'll fix this problem before EoD.

    Without reading Fenwicked I'm kinda wary of the lack of objection to the lynch. Still nine people are not voting Fen so it's possible it's just a duck thought from me. I'll get back to you regarding my thoughts on him later.

    I feel fine voting with tsaiah.

    Why is Miner voting for himself?
  9. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    With Jari not in the game Miner just had to be the guy selfvoting for the greater good.
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    Oh wait. I didn't want to snark in this game.
  10. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Explain what you think was yikes about it. I.e. why wolf!Jan makes that comment and villager!Jan doesn't.

    What work do you see this comment doing?

    "Why are you townreading this player?" "I'm townreading this player because their posts seem town to me."


    Like... what's going through your head here?
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    That's the second time you've leaned on that premise, and I'm wondering where the confidence in what I know or don't know comes from when we've played a grand total of one game together and were both villagers.
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    See you already answered my Jan thing.

    Heavy dose of sideeye here - like, the narrative you're pushing is a pretty big stretch on its own, since my question about the groupings was pretty offhand, and Jan wasn't actually pushing anything off it, just like... dunno how you'd think Jan would think he'd get heat for saying 4 vs. 3 later in the game when it couldn't possibly matter.

    My larger issue though is that you're kind of ignoring the larger context. Like, you've read Jan's posts this game, right? He's playing, like.... super super super aware of his own emotions / mental state, talking a ton about how he's feeling and how he's making others feeling.

    Regardless of if your overall conclusion is "wolf" based on that one thing, I feel like if you were a villager there would be some thought given to how Jan's comment fits into the overall tenor and tone of the game he's played so far, since that seems... pretty fucking relevant here,.
  11. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    i mean .. the comment about 4 wolves was nothing but a stupid joke which was a good fit with me trying to be overly nice this game.

    I thought it was obvious enough.

    Like .. regardless of my alignment .. that comment would never be honest and always just fucking around. Thought that was clear.
  12. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Potentially, sure. I wouldn't say there's anything strongly linking them together beyond the asymmetry of Nego's approach to me/Regfan, though that's probably worth looking into if one of them flips red.
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    This is kinda self-aware in a wolfy way. Ehhh it's thin I guess. It just feels like we're kind of past the point where the RVS fuckarounds really have a place in the game and this feels kinda like "omg i'm so random" wagon hopping. Just kinda sliding into those DMs.

    Fenwicked probably v though if that's right, since Citrus probably doesn't bus there without going for some actual cred.
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  13. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Good morning.

    I'm not sure I've ever had a productive answer to any question in this form, but okay. It's 1-2 for all of them, although 3 favors 1 and could be 0.

    I'm still like 130 posts behind but bears better have posted :V
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    I was too sleepy to get the words to stay in a sentence, sorry. It's a function of read/confidence/how interested I am in dealing with them today/groups forming in the thread/probably other things.
  14. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Now that I'm looking at this player list again I realized just how many people I've never seen a game of/played a game with.

    But I did come away with four town reads!

    What are the odds that there are two scum on fen's wagon?
  15. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I have definitely made sub-four word posts as town.

    I do have to post even if there's nothing I want to post about, that's how I attune to the thread.
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    I have literally no idea what just happened but it did sort of fix itself so this is fine.
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    That is certainly a description :p I don't think it's really accurate, but it made me laugh a little.
  16. Nego

    Nego Banned

    Aug 10, 2016
    High Score:
    I take it you either didn't see or just ignored it when I said it's a gut read. It's something I cannot explain nor have any will to do on D1.

    All people on my upmost tier are people I'm reading town for a gut read which I'm not willing to question until later in the game. Don't like it? That's fine but it's how I play.

    You're a mod on MU. I'm sure you have been following Mafia Champ games at least to some extent. I don't believe you do not know that I advanced straight to the finale after achieving a full wolf sweep in my qualifier.

    Sure, maybe I worded it wrong. Maybe you don't know how I play on D1 - especially as mafia. But regardless, the information is readily available to you.

    I think what you are missing here is the fact that Jan is one of my town reads and was listed as such in my reads list.

    I was only explaining to Gemma why I didn't have Jan on my highest tier and that has to do with that one sentence. But that does not mean I have him as a wolf.
  17. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
  18. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    Jun 24, 2018
    You all post quite a bit over the American night. Ouch. Sorry, playing mafia and I had a difficult relationship yesterday.

    Instead of just posting a knife emoji back at you, I actually like this disclosure. I think you are someone who cares enough about your wording choices that you'd just completely cut "fair enough" out of your vocabulary as mafia and not even use it as a meme.

    To be fair, I'm an eligible day 1 lynch in this player list, but I'll fight it nonetheless.

    That read had not much to do with his posting. People seemed to be pushing him for rather throwaway comments he was making in between attempts at humor, which felt like some folks wanting to get in on the ground floor seeing if they could do away with him before he becomes obvious town to others. I said before that Vaimes could be yearning town in there, but it'd be fairly easy to blend in with the mindset I was describing.

    No, I think I get what you mean. There's a difference between mafia knowing the thread is up early generally, especially since it was mod-confirmed they could talk pregame, and whether you specifically would be here posting. I think it's a nice enough question to ask since the rest of Eido's post didn't seem specific to you at all.

    Nope! But it's endemic to a few groups in this player list.

    What other possible way would there be to interpret what Vaimes was saying there?

    I haven't dived into many of the heavier posts yet; I was just daunted by the prospect of a 500-post catch-up so I dashed through it first. Jan seems like town now for his more thoughtful posts. I think I'm there on Gemma too, especially with a Nego push currently happening when her interactions with Nego earlier felt good. Only read o

    I don't think fenwicked is mafia, but pretty much for the reason Vaimes has abandoned. I don't think he, as mafia, would push blindly into one of the only people he knows in the player list for no good reason. He feels like he's playing alone, for lack of a better descriptor.

    M Plus 7 is null, as I think he's still generally in his info collection phase and he could still very well discard it and drive into walls.

    I still like my vote.
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    Sorry, I'm not very entertaining right now.

    I've had this mouse issue for a while where I accidentally double-click a lot, which I did while trying to quote this, and apparently it makes Xenforo pop up many things at me.
  19. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Smile hires!
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    I can't parse this. Or rather I'm not sure what point you are making?
  20. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    Jun 24, 2018
    What happened here? This was a read on Regfan saying I think he's lumping the player list into groups that feel convenient, which wouldn't square with the tunnel vision Jan says he gets, but haven't read hard at content yet.
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    I think I get what he was asking and I don't think it's a lazy question to ask, or one that expects an easy or leading answer.