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Complete The Denarian Knight by Shezza88 - M - Dresden Files

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Rehio, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Sorry to hear about your motivation problems. The chapter here was great as usual though so your quality has not dropped. Hope thats cheerfull news and hopefully you will enjoy the writing more once you reach the chapters you are looking forward to. I am looking forward to that (and the next chapter aswell ofcourse)

    Why did Harry see satisfaction in Dumbledore's face? I did not entirely understand that. Was Dumbledore satisfied that Harry was powerfull enough to deal with the aurors so easily? Or that he was carefull not to hurt anyone? What was that all about?

    Not sure the knights are really more powefull or skilled than Harry. They are so powerfull because the swords make them virtually immune to magic and help avoid physical projectiles with the whole luck-of-god thing. Without the swords they are just skilled sword-fighters and little more than that however. Take the swords away and any wizard worth anything could take them out. I am surprised that Harry did not mention this fact since he is a knight himself and as such has the same benefits from his sword.

    I am surprised that Harry was not the least curious about Sirius after Dumbledore mentioned that he was around when Harry was a baby. I can understand that learning that Sirius is his godfather would not exactly turn Harrys world upside down but I would think he would be curious. I wonder if Meciel could pull up memories of Sirius from Harry's mind. She did it for the whole Voldemort attack thing afterall.

    I wonder why it does not occur to Harry/Meciel that clearing Sirius's name and proving how incompetent the ministry was would be a big PR blow against Fudge&co. I mean you mention that Sirius is a convicted criminal but I seem to remember that he never even received a trial? If it was publicly revealed that Sirius is innocent it would reveal the idiocy of the ministry and remove the ability of Fudge to blame Sirius for every deatheater attack. I was just wondering this since Harry has a direct link to Pettigrews brain. How hard would it be to use it to track Pettigrew down and reveal him to the world alive and well.

    Oh. That reminds me of a question that occurred to me sometime ago. Can Harry use legilimency? I just wondered since Meciel lives in Harrys mind. Could Harry read someones mind by initiating the whole legilimency link/spell and then letting Meciel do the work of making sense of the targets mind. Just a random question of the day ;)
  2. Jolersoer

    Jolersoer Third Year

    Nov 26, 2007
    Bordeaux, France
    I don't think Harry's as powerful as a Knight if the Cross with the sword (of course he has other powers to compensate) because I think it's clearly written in the books that the power of the swords is based on Faith. Faith in God in this case.

    Faith is often mentionned as a powerful force in the Dresdenverse and Harry has very little of it in anything so I think the power of his swords is diminished.

    You can see that in the chapter where he attacks the Red Court Vampires with Dresden and Michael, if I remember correctly, Michael's swords is said to glow brightly and Harry complain that his don't do that.

    And that's why even if the Swords are an artifact that permit Michael to stand against Voldemort/Azzeh or Sanya to duel severals wizard it isn't as powerful in Harry's hands and just provide him a powerful sword wich can cut trough most magic.
  3. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    One of the knights is an atheist who believes that the arch-angel that gave him the sword was just a hallucination. And the former knight who wielded Harrys sword before him claimed that his faith was a mere technicality. He thought he was going to see Elvis and accidently became a baptist.

    And thats actually true and straight from the dresden books.

    Needless to say faith or lack of is not a requirement for the swords. It is true that faith has power in the dresden books but I don't think the swords need it to work. All that is required is a willingness to do good. I suppose thats where Harry might fail though.

    As for the glow, I always assumed that the reason Harry's sword does not glow is because the glow is unpleasant or even painfull to Harry since he is a denarian and that the sword is smart enough not to do that as a result.
  4. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Because Dumbledore knows the prophesy, so it is in his interest for Harry to be powerful as he needs Harry to be more powerful than Voldemort. Thus the Dark Arts books etc.
  5. rj_stone2

    rj_stone2 Seventh Year

    Feb 26, 2006
    New York
    Fudge has already ignored Dumbledore's statement that Voldemort is back. Does it really matter what the top Voldemort-ologists think? I guess it makes the propaganda more effective, but it doesn't really change what the Ministry will say. Harry just needs to raise enough hell that the Ministry is forced to act.

    Honestly, as long as the Ministry is hunting Death Eaters, does it matter who they think the leader is?
  6. deathinapinkboa

    deathinapinkboa Minister of Magic

    Aug 24, 2006
    Democratic Republic of The Congo
    That parting joke of Harry's really fell flat, but I'm not sure that is a bad thing.

    Even while he attempts to keep up his facade, he is quite upset and shocked about the failure of his plan, so it would be understandable for him to be acting a little off?

    Where is Merciel? She seems much more apsent then usual. I feel that you distain for what your righting is bleeding over into this scene.
  7. Illnill

    Illnill First Year

    Nov 19, 2007


    I'm pretty sure it's 'many of which' or 'many of who'.


    No capitalization.


    Omit one of them. They basically say the same thing.


    Isn't that right


    Remove it.




    doesn't suit you," Harry


    Again, 'focusing'.






    There's something wrong there. You need to fix it.




    This is minor, but shouldn't you add a comma: 'Really, it's getting old."




    EDIT: Thanks to uriel and Taure for pointing it out. Paedophile is correct.


    I've been following Denarian Rengade for quite some time and I'm currently enjoying Denarian Knight. I enjoy your fics because you bring excellent battle scenes. People should start learning from you, lulz.

    Anyway, I'm wondering about what will happen when Harry meets Sirius. Not anything good, I expect.

    I'm looking forward to see how you will twist the end of Order of th Phoenix. And just as a request, but can you please, please make Umbridge die a slow, painful death, preferrably at the hands of Harry, at the end of DK?

    Looking forwards to more in this.

    (There are several instances where DR made me laugh like mine. Keep up the humor!)
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2007
  8. uriel

    uriel Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 1, 2006
    hrm.. just randomly, paedophile is the Australian (and I assume british) spelling for pedophile.

    Not that it matters :)
  9. Illnill

    Illnill First Year

    Nov 19, 2007
    Well, I don't really know if 'paedophile' is actually British. The more British-language knowledgeable DLPers can correct me if they'd like. I'm not that well-versed in it.
  10. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Paedophile is indeed the British spelling.
  11. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    paedophile and pedophile are both correct, the latter being more American, the former... well, I guess it's British, but I wouldn't know. I've seen it spelled either way though.
  12. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Look up one post.

  13. Illnill

    Illnill First Year

    Nov 19, 2007
    It is, huh?

    Oh well then. I shall edit my post.
  14. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Would that part be a penis, because Harry's been spreading some rumors that Dumbledore is a- Perhaps this isn't the time to discuss that.

    I'd just look silly putting on a robe and wizard's hate before, well, you know... the things one puts those on for.[FONT=&quot]
    'many of whom'

    A moment's pause.[FONT=&quot]

    [FONT=&quot]Though it looks as friendly and harmless as a weighted companion cube, I'd still ditch this 'a'.

    I could be wrong but this look like it should be 'surpass'


    I'd use 'vast', just because it seems more... Dumbledore-ish.

    Sweet Jesus, if Harry had eye-beams, why didn't he use them on Voldemort?

    'He levelled a challenging stare at Dumbledore, ignoring the way the other wizard’s eyes had hardened.'

    There, now it doesn't sound so much like he reduced Albus to atomic vapor with his fearsome laser gaze.
    Simply removing the 'with' could probably work too.
    [/FONT]Since this just happened, 'didn't include' would probably be a bit more appropriate than the more distant sounding 'hadn't included'.
    Nit, meet Pick. Now, go forth and multiply.[FONT=&quot]

    This should be either 'tactics a great deal' or 'tactics to a great extent'

    Typically, it involves a thumb, an asshole, and a string of excuses. Let's see if Albus admits to it... nope.

    “Sarcasm doesn’t suit you,” Harry grumbled. Just a misplaced quotation mark.

    Not as impressive as eye-beams, those burrowing eyes of his. I'd change eyes to 'gaze' or something similar.

    Sooner or later one of these guys is going to give the other cancer, at the very least, with these eye-beams.[FONT=&quot]

    [/FONT]I'd add a comma between 'crimes' and 'yet'.

    'imparting a great'

    'in penguin attacks'
    [/FONT]LOL, now we can all be spies like Severus Snape! Oh, snap! Did I really just go there? Yes. Yes I did.

    That gash must be deeper than we thought. AH HAHAHA- Oh, sorry...
    [/FONT]There's a problem here. I think. On the surface, it would appear that this isn't grammatically correct... but I think there are also larger issues at hand that I am not quite grasping... like the point of the sentence.

    I have been known to completely miss the point, however.

    Seriously, someone help me out here.


    I don't think it would be premature to announce the record-setting number of hand-waving/scoffing dismissals in this story. In fact, I should have announced the award ages ago.

    "Blame the Dursleys. While you're at it, blame yourself." Ooh...


    'each other's throats'

    Not much for me to be funny about this time around but that's actually a good thing, right?
    In honor of this great achievement in not making heaps of fucked up mistakes, I dub this: The Chapter of The Eyeballs.

    And, as always, I'm enjoying the story. Keep up the good work.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2007
  15. TripticWriter

    TripticWriter Groundskeeper

    Nov 28, 2006
    Warlocke, you rock. Did you know that?

    I don't know what you do for a living but I would have love you to be my english teacher. Talk about motivation when your teacher manage to make you laugh and learn correctly at the same time.
  16. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Or maybe even a hypen.

    This could be any number of things...

    He knew Wormtail from his visions that he kept seeing.

    He knew Wormtail - he was in the visions that he kept seeing.


    Too many "he"s in that last one though.
  17. Hawke

    Hawke Squib

    Dec 11, 2007
    Nice chapter, but a little short? That is, unless, you are going to post chapter 15 soon? ;-)
  18. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Wow, I want that book lol.

    The idea of a scene about a book, on paper, sounds rather dull, but you pulled it off. The description of the book and its contents is done really well, and we really get a sense of the depth of the knowledge within. I liked the AD + GG detail too.

    Overall a good chapter, despite your lack of motivation.
  19. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Lol @ Meciel being an egoist. Good chapter, liked the mindless Malfoy bashing.
  20. Lucullus

    Lucullus High Inquisitor

    Aug 6, 2007
    It could be just me, or is this a reference/tribute to Amerision's recent erm... lovely creation?