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Complete The Denarian Knight by Shezza88 - M - Dresden Files

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Rehio, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007

    It's a little tl:dr, but if it's of interest, then here is some modified and amalgamated excerpts from Wikipedia about the Swords and the Knights:

    It is not necessary for the Knights themselves to be Christians, or even traditionally religious at all; in fact, one known Knight was a Shinto Buddhist, another a Communist Atheist and a previous knight either a Muslim or of Ancient Egyptian worship.

    Also known as the Knights of the Sword, the Knights are men (and, presumably, women, though no female Knights are mentioned in the books) chosen to wield one of three holy swords that God sent to Earth: Amoracchius (Love), Fidelacchius (Faith), and Esperacchius (Hope).

    Much like the legendary Excalibur, the swords serve the righteous for a just cause. Each is reputed to bear a nail from Christ's crucifixion inside the hilt. They cannot be touched by "unclean" beings, although this protection can be disabled if the bearer attempts to use them in a dishonorable or evil way; the only known way to destroy a Sword is to use it to kill a truly innocent being. Such swords can cut through almost anything, including metal. The swords can also sense evil, which causes them to glow and to let out a buzzing warning. The latter two were explained as to be reforged, and so, all three were probably similar or identical weapons.

    The three swords have Latin names which represent the three prominent Christian virtues:

    Amoracchius (Love), a broadsword, currently possessed by Michael Carpenter. At one point, Michael speculates that Amoracchius may actually be Excalibur, as it it has never actually been altered like the other two have, and is speculated to be the sword the original Merlin was asked to find a bearer for. Using the sword, Michael can kill all sorts of otherwise immortal creatures including demons, fallen angels, and, in one case, a dragon that had captured Charity.

    Michael is an expert tactician and hand-to-hand fighter, and he also possesses some spiritual power of his own. An aura of faith also surrounds him, protecting him from the touch of beings like vampires while his touch can burn their flesh. He is a devoutly faithful man, praying frequently. He sometimes gets visions from angels telling him what he is to do or where he is needed, but sometimes this guidance is a subtle skewing of chance ensuring Michael is at the right place at the right time that his aid is needed. He is an experienced carpenter and construction worker, constantly improving on his house to hold his growing family. As of Proven Guilty Michael has admitted to Harry that he feels his time as a Knight of the Cross is coming to an end, meaning that his death may be at hand.

    Fidelacchius (Faith), a katana with a water-patterned steel blade and a wooden-cane scabbard, formerly possessed by Shiro Yoshimo, the Knight who trained Michael. It is now in the temporary care of Harry Dresden. According to Michael, Harry is the only member of the White Council to hold a sword in care since the original Merlin. Harry has not been inducted as an official Knight, and is expected to pass the sword on to a worthy individual who will reveal himself. Michael has asked Harry to do this as quickly as possible.

    Esperacchius (Hope), a heavy saber (also described as a Recurve/Scimitar), currently possessed by a Knight known only as Sanya— a young Russian man of African descent with a bleak personal history with the Order of the Denarius as he was once possessed by a Denarian himself. He has claimed that the archangel Michael himself gave him his sword— despite this encounter, he claims to be agnostic.

    The Knights are endowed with the power of Faith. Their Swords act as foci for their faith, and seem able to harm any supernatural being. The Knights are also frequent beneficiaries of seemingly coincidental events that either aid their cause or lead them to places where their assistance is required (such as Father Forthill's coincidental appearances at the Carpenter household in Grave Peril when someone is needed to look after Michael's children in his absence). Very little information is given on the Knights, though Shiro was revealed to be a descendant of Shō Tai, the last king of Okinawa. The only Knight to be featured prominently in the series is Michael.


  2. TheNoise

    TheNoise Squib

    Dec 27, 2006
    You are an upload monster, Shezza.
  3. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    Wow. I mean. Wow. There was a week or two of nothing and then -- BAM. Updates galore! You're spoiling us. This is incredible.

    Only one problem, I see:

    So he's got two things in his left hand? It's worded oddly, I think. You could do without one of those "left hand". It really interrupts the flow, as I had to think about it for a second (three hands?!).
  4. Lucullus

    Lucullus High Inquisitor

    Aug 6, 2007
    The cane is the sheath for Fidelacchius.

    It should be worded like this: "He held the cane- a sheath for the Knight's sword Fidelacchius, in his left hand and clutched his wand in his right."

    Oh, and praise be to you Shezza, for the seemingly neverending updates.

    May this recent torrent not come to a halt too soon. :D
  5. Kai Shek

    Kai Shek Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2006
    What I meant about that comment, was that I had read the first six books, so I knew that he had thought that early in the first book. I was just trying to say that I thought it wouldn't be something Dresden would say out loud.

    Harry would say it outloud, because the looks of confusion only please him, but Dresden doesn't go out to make people think he's crazy, it just happens.

    I also know that he has used that Fairy comment before, but that one fit into the story quite nicely.

    Nice ending, and nice introduction of Michael.
  6. HomicidalPsychoJungleCat

    HomicidalPsychoJungleCat Fifth Year

    Nov 12, 2006
    Vancouver, Canada
    Probably meant "his", if I'm not mistaken.

    Can't wait for Harry to kick some vampire ass.
  7. Lord Necalan

    Lord Necalan Second Year

    Sep 15, 2007
    Your a machine Shezza, not that any of us are going to complain, so do keep these marvelous updates coming:D
  8. Lyndon Eye

    Lyndon Eye Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jul 4, 2007
    Washington, DC
    This looks pretty good so far.

    But what are Thralls?

    I'm sure you intend to explain later on in the chapter, but for those unfamiliar with the Dresden Series, it's confusing, almost to the point of distraction from the story.

    Other than that, everything else seems okay.

    Edit: Re-reading it, either a) I missed it the first time or b) Shezza edited and clarified. Either way, I understand the concept now. Thanks!
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2007
  9. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Lyndon: I haven't read the books in a while, so I forget, but from what I can remember, Thralls are humans that the vampires have gained control of. Their minds are completely destroyed, leaving just the body for the vampires to direct. Thralls can never be reverted back to normal. I think they die off in a few days. They're the brute force for the vamps.

    I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's what they are.
  10. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    If they can't be freed... then why are they rescuing them and treating them like hostages?
  11. Anlun

    Anlun Denarii Host

    Jul 2, 2007
    That's why Harry (Potter) questions them. In one of the books the same question is posed and the same answer is given. Because there still human. Stupid but thats Dresden for you.
  12. Thrawn Wannabe

    Thrawn Wannabe Second Year

    Dec 27, 2006
    Actually, you are wrong. Thralls are subtly controlled. RENFELDS(sp?) are the brain dead brutes.
  13. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Indeed. Thralls are like Justine, they have their own personalities but are basically dominated by the vampires.
  14. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Ahh, thank you. I knew there was a second stage, but I wasn't completely sure. And I couldn't be fucked to check.
  15. Thermopyle

    Thermopyle Third Year

    Apr 11, 2007
  16. Mors

    Mors Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 5, 2006
    Somewhere they dont haet teh leet.
    Nice to see the next chapter early, Shezza. I remember that quote about face-eating demons, wasn't that in 'Death Masks'? I haven't read Dresden again after White Night, but I do remember that one.

    Unlike the last chapter, I can't pick a single hole this time. And I don't think it was ever specified how high Mac's ceiling was, so maybe even Harry had to watch it. Also, I was re-reading the first chapter, and you say the warden looked German. But in the TV show, as far as I remember, Morgan was Afro-American. The books never described him though, except saying he was a big man.

    PS: I hope you give us a backstory about exactly why Dresden gives the sword back even though Shiro had specifically told him to keep it in trust, for the next Knight. Maybe it would've been better if Dresden had been there in the graveyard and had given the sword to Harry after being injured? Michael's having the sword is bugging me, especially since he told Dresden to keep Amoracchius (did I spell right?) in trust too in case he died. To me, that sounds like a remainder from God. I frankly expected Michael to die in Renegade.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2007
  17. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Bow Chika Wow Wow, if you know what I mean.
  18. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    So...did the bullets hurt Harry or not?

    This part makes it look like he was hurt by them:

    But then at the end he said he was able to shrug them off...

    I assumed by the words "shrug them off" that the bullets did no damage, yet they tore right into Harry...

    I'm confused.

    I do like the idea of Harry being able to shrug off bullets though.
  19. Samuel Black

    Samuel Black Chief Warlock

    Feb 22, 2007
    I took 'shrug it off' as to how well a Fallen can diminish the pain. The bullets still injured Harry, but he doesn't feel any pain because of Meciel.
  20. Wergan

    Wergan Third Year

    Mar 29, 2007
    I take it more as a combination of ignoring pain with a bit of quick healing to stabilize the wound.