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Complete The Denarian Knight by Shezza88 - M - Dresden Files

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Rehio, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    I think it boosts his magical power. Without hellfire Harry might be just average/above average depending on what Shezza thinks but with it, he is close or even a match to the big ones like Dumbledore and Voldemort, in raw power atleast.

    In Shezzas story atleast it is a chaotic power however, making delicate magic such as transfiguration difficult. This was mentioned in Renegade.
  2. Samuel Black

    Samuel Black Chief Warlock

    Feb 22, 2007
    I remembered the whole transfiguration thing, because of the runes they used so they could channel hellfire through his wand. But, by channel do they mean fire a pure blast of hellfire or simply augment fire spells? Doesn't really matter, but I'm kind of curious.
  3. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    The impression I have from both the Dresden books and what Shezza has written in his story is that hellfire augments all spells that Harry casts, regardless of their nature. I dont know if its actually connected to real fire. It might just called hellfire because it originates from a fallen angel.

    By channeling Shezza probably means that he opens himself to the energy so that the spells he will cast after that will be super-charged. I admit though that this is a bit confusing. It is said in DR:18 that any spell Harry cast will automatically be amplified by hellfire. However in DR:19 when Meciel is teaching Harry transfiguration she shows him how to "clamp" hellfire so that he can transfigure with just his own magic.

    Maybe someone who knows better can explain it better.
  4. Samuel Black

    Samuel Black Chief Warlock

    Feb 22, 2007
    Hmm... ah, well, that pretty much explains it. That was kind of what I thought, but I wasn't too sure on that fact. Unless someone who knows better explains it, that seems like a pretty good explanation to me.
  5. Grautry

    Grautry First Year

    Nov 6, 2007
    To quote DF:
    "Uh, it's sort of an alternate power source. Not a pleasant one, but man, you could really turbocharge violent spells with it."

    That's pretty much all it says about the exact nature of Hellfire. It's an energy you can use to augment your spells(if you can access it) - and it works especially well(or only on) violent/destructive spells.
  6. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Yeah, you're right. See, I said I didn't catch everything, this time it was my own goof that I missed. I kind of plowed through this chapter pretty quick so I could go to sleep. :eek:

    Hehe, good to know I've got something backing me up, although I hadn't really read any fanfiction until around 2004 (and it wasn't HP). I wrote plenty of stuff of my own, but it wasn't until I started reading HP stories that I realized just how big the fanfiction world is.

    I dunno, would putting an 'of' between 'isn't' and 'much' be correct, or overkill?

    There, All-powerful-oz, now it's official (or as official as anything I say gets). ;)
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2008
  7. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Well, I shan't disturb your trip to the land of Oz Nod.

    I've always wanted to say shan't...
    btw Shezza, before I forget again, kickass end to the chapter :)
  8. Guest_

    Guest_ Third Year

    Jan 28, 2008
    Nice author's note, short and to the point ;)

    Now I can't wait for the next bit. Between the impending fight, and whatever's got Cessbulby depressed...
  9. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    A verb, maybe existing, is missing between realm and side.

    It's not a mistake, but you could avoid using the passive voice by saying "In front of him loomed a castle of black ice".

    And damn, all the Denarians?
  10. Anlun

    Anlun Denarii Host

    Jul 2, 2007
    Man and I thought to go to sleep early... Wasn't too big a fan of the intro, seemed unnecessary since you had already discussed Fae in previous chapters, and it was a little too poetic for my taste, but other than that this chapter is looking to be the action packed bloodbath we've all been waiting for.
  11. Augurey

    Augurey Backtraced

    Dec 4, 2007
    New Hampshire
    Does anyone here NOT think that the sword is guiding Harry to Maeve?
  12. morgoth

    morgoth First Year

    Oct 9, 2007
    Morgoth thinks that the sword wants Harry to save his and Maeves child.
  13. uriel

    uriel Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 1, 2006
    omg!.. no! too young to have a kid.
  14. Corana

    Corana First Year

    Aug 31, 2007
    hmm, From the tone of the first bit about the fae always paying their debt, I get the feeling that he is being taken to Meave to sort out how much his help will cost her.

    Though, I have a vision of Harry summoning his demon 'friend' (I forget the name) for a bagain of "Don't attack this side, and you get to kill and such of the other side, of and by the way, do you know of any other demons who would like to go on a killing spree?"

    Dunno why I have that scene in my head, but I *really* want Harry/Meciel to have an army.
  15. Augurey

    Augurey Backtraced

    Dec 4, 2007
    New Hampshire
    She cornered him at the Yule Ball claiming she wanted to execute their bargain. You know, the bargain where he knocks her up? We have no reason to assume she didn't conceive after their hospital-wing encounter. Of course, Harry has no proof either way, so she's probably going to hold that over him and get more bargains from him until she starts 'showing.' Also, this story is the perfect place for this emoticon. :mid3
  16. Helius

    Helius Third Year

    Dec 4, 2007
    Well, it's a great start. Finally, a break from those funny, yet action-deprived fillers. I can't wait for the next part on the impending bloodbath. Spelling and grammar-wise there are a couple of mistakes, but I'm sure Warlocke will clear them up in his usual manner.

    Now, I don't know where this stands in the Dresden-verse, but is it an attempt to explain what happened to Arctis Tor?

    Or rather, an extremely long author's note that reads like a story :)
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2008
  17. Link

    Link Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 28, 2006
    What sword? The longer or the shorter one? :p

    Anyway, Shezza you're my love! I want you to marry me and have my babies! Please update!
  18. morgoth

    morgoth First Year

    Oct 9, 2007
    Back off Inky, Shezza is going to marry Morgoth.
  19. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    You're missing a verb here. 'sat' 'stood' 'existed'



    While I get the feeling this capitalization was on purpose, I thought I'd point it out.

    needs an 'as' between 'would' and 'surely'.

    "Yesiree, that there is yer standard grade 'as' hole."

    Whatever happened to Fae Wray?
    /me ducks tomatoes

    An 's' could go on the end of nature.... or not, and I'd put a comma after 'side'. It's okay to take a breath now and then.

    Something isn't right about this.

    'were covered'

    Sorry, I read 'potent tang' and all my brain sees is 'Poon Tang'.

    Call it a nitpick, but typically things 'gasped' for breath.

    The difference is subtle but... Using distinctive is basically saying that snapping a hellhound's neck makes an identifiable sound that is unique to a hellhound. *snap* Ah, that must have been a hellhound!

    Distinct would just mean that the sound was clear/unmistakable, which is what you're actually going for here.

    'fortress's walls'

    'under its strength'

    Okay, this just isn't a sentence. Changing 'surrounded' to 'surrounding' fixes part of that.

    Then, if the ball of fire is coming from 'the clouds', the 'from it' should be changed to 'from them'. The only other possibility is that the ball of fire is coming from the 'darkness', which would be confusing since 'darkness' was only used as part of a phrase describing the clouds.

    Also, changing 'the last bastion of Winter's power in the area' to 'the area's (the region's) last bastion of Winter's power' would cut down on the wordiness and make things a tad clearer (by at least one prepositional phrase). Not that I like that solution much better, mind you.
    I don't know, the 'in the area' is what's bugging me. Would it be strange if I said it sounds weak?

    Then we still have the issue of whether or not something actually can 'rumble with darkness'... :?:

    Ignoring for a moment whether or not Winter can reek... 'Reeked through the air' is not exactly a very common usage of the word 'reeked' and now you've done it twice.
    Once, you can get away with, twice, I'm not so sure. It's an exceedingly odd phrase.

    Sleets? Really?

    And 'wrapped up' seems to imply there's a third entity here (the thing that they are now wrapped up in) that you've not yet described. 'Rolled up' on the other hand...

    You could also simply replace 'were wrapped up' with 'had coalesced' or 'had fused'

    Okay, previously we had 'the two blasts collided in a spectacular clash of light and sound, streaks of power crashing against each other.' Which sounds like it's basically describing the same event twice, using different words. Now we have the light both exploding AND erupting. Maybe it doesn't bother anyone else but... well, it annoys me.

    'The light collapsed, growing smaller and smaller, then exploded with a deafening roar into a sphere of pure destructive power.'

    Even this would be marginally less irritating: 'The light collapsed, growing smaller and smaller, then exploded with a deafening roar, erupting into a sphere of pure destructive power.'

    Maybe I'm just cranky because it's late and the temperature in my room has suddenly shot up into the eighties. :mad:


    Cor blimey, Guv'ner! 'At's the filthy limey variant of 'utilizing', it is. :p
    Okay, I feel a little better now.


    The repeated 'although' is... meh. How about replacing the second one with 'nevertheless', 'yet' or 'however'?

    'tied up into' is an odd turn of phrase. I'd swap 'with' or even 'by' for 'into'.

    What mood would that be? A descriptive between 'her' and 'mood' would be a welcome addition.


    The 'out' is unnecessary. Also, since the running and following are part of the same action, I'd drop the 'and began to'.

    'He quickly broke into a run, following Cess through the dense and dark forest.'


    I've never paid much attention to the 'passive voice' stuff since they never taught any of that in my school and I haven't gotten around to reading up on it in my free time.
  20. Link

    Link Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 28, 2006
    I love you Shezza, didn't I already tell you that?

    You're surpassing yourself everytime, it's impressing.