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The DLP Spell List

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Yarrgh!, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Jenkins

    Jenkins Forum Bike DLP Supporter

    Nov 24, 2006
    I'll work it into Sanity. Seems like Harry could have a fair bit of fun with that spell.

    Anubis man, these spells are fucking gnarly. Props to you man.
  2. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Speaking of sanity, hurry the fuck up!:D
  3. Jenkins

    Jenkins Forum Bike DLP Supporter

    Nov 24, 2006
    Give it time, just had a weekend in Roskilde with 150+ exchange students. Sex, drugs and axe-throwing. I'm fucking tired.

    Spell Incantation: Matrimonium flatus multiple (chant)
    Spell meaning: Multiple marrow shatter /vaguely)
    Etymology: Latin

    Spell Effets: A ritual spell that sets off a series of magical blasts, shattering every bone in a body one by one, saving the ones around vital areas for last.

    Spell Classification: Dark Arts

    This spell was originally developed by a 16th century Dark lord, for use during interrogation. the spell could be cancelled easily, so if the victim wihed to speak he could. A precursos to the Cruciatus curse, it sends out shards of bone through the tissue and nerves around it. Each individual, tiny bone shatters one at a time, in a random order, only the upper spine, skull and ribs remaining un-shattered until the end.

    Just a bored one.
  4. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Spell incantation: Malia potiri
    Spell meaning: Turn hair to glass
    Etymology: Bastardised greek

    Spell effects: Changes all body hair to slivers of glass. Includes, eyelashes, pubes, crack hair and strands of hair so small that you didn't know they were there.

    Spell Classification: Dark Arts transfiguration.

    Originally developed by a greek Dark lord as a method of interrogation. The spell can be restrained to affect a small area if the caster has a high enough mastery of the spell. Unskilled casters simply change every fibre of hair on the victims body into fine shards of glass. Effective in duelling as it can render a foe immobile and blind in a matter of seconds.
  5. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    Seratin, that's delightfully nasty: instant, debilitating, and painful beyond measure. For bonus points, cast on a mammalian animagus....

    Spell Incantation: Derma Brutesino
    Spell Meaning: (roughly) Bronze Skin
    Etymology: altered Greek

    Spell effects: A bronze-colored shield covering the surface of the skin. Ineffective against spell damage, but highly effective against physical assault.

    Spell Classification: Shield; Defensive magic.

    A truly ancient spell, the Bronze Skin Shield was considered a lost magic for millennia until it was rediscovered in a cache of magical knowledge in a Grecian tomb. It is rumored that this spell was the origin of the classical myth of the 'race of bronze men' who were created prior to modern men. Assuming this to be true, it can be conjectured that, at some point prior to the Homeric age, a separate wizarding race existed in the Greek Isles. This theory is furthered by predynastic Egyptian writings asserting that the armies of the necromancer Sutekh had defeated a group of 'sorcerers whose bronzed skin turned all blades, but fell before the might of Sutekh.'

    Spell Incantation: Dermallaso Mesoksi
    Spell Meaning: (roughly) To change skin into acid
    Etymology: (a whole new level of bastardized) Greek

    Spell effects: Changes skin into acid.

    Spell Classification: Transfiguration, Dark Arts

    A rather painful spell, but, at its most simple, not a particularly damaging one. Gravity ensures that the newly transfigured acid almost immediately travels downwards, away from the most vital areas. Since, unless a truly obscene amount of power and skill is at the casters disposal, enough skin is left untransfigured to prevent massive bleeding (and the acid cauterizes somewhat anyway) this spell is not fatal. As there are more effective methods of torture, and as it is not fatal, this spell fell out of use for many years. Upon the rediscovery of the Bronze Skin shield, testing was conducted that revealed that, not only did the shield prevent damage from bladed weapons, it turned all physical substances away, including corrosive liquids. Shortly after this discovery, Dermallaso Mesoksi made a resurgence amongst dark wizards of the world. When the Bronze Skin shield is cast on the victim first, the skin to acid transfiguration is markedly more effective, as the resultant acid is prevented from escaping, and is thus allowed to slowly eat its way inwards towards vital organs.

  6. ArseNick

    ArseNick Fourth Year

    Mar 3, 2007
    New Delhi, India
    Did you by chance pick up that Bronze Shield from Age of Mythology? I recall followers of Dionysus getting the god power to turn their soldiers' bodies into bronze...
  7. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    No, I got it from classical Greek creation myths. There were several attempts at creating Man, the first was a race made of gold, the second silver, the third bronze (or brass depending upon the source), a forth race (which I cannot recall a material for) was heroic and godlike, and the final, 'modern' (for ancient Greece) attempt at creation was of iron. I went with brass/bronze since they are, in myth, a violent, powerful, and warlike race, perfectly suited for a physically inclined wizarding culture. The Egyptian connection, however, is essentially complete bullshit.

    Having said that, I do remember that particular god power in AoM, and I can't believe I never drew the connection from the god power to the creation myth. Although, in all fairness, Dionysus probably wasn't the best god to give that power to, as he wasn't, IIRC, around yet at the time of man's creation.

    Spell Incantation: Skisomis
    Spell Meaning: (roughly) to tear muscles
    Etymology: altered Greek

    Spell effects: Tears muscles; severity is dependent upon the skill, power, and intent of the caster.

    Spell Classification: Dark Arts

    While quite definitively a Dark Arts spell, Skisomis is not technically banned in most countries, although there are heavy restrictions. The spell was intended by its inventor to be used as a battle spell, as severely torn muscles tend to drop the target rather quickly and keep him there in significant pain. Little finesse is required for this usage; one can simply pour in power and concentrate upon the generalized intent to do harm. Usage for this purpose is strictly illegal. Skisomis is somewhat unique amongst dark arts spells in that, after its creation as a battle spell, it was adapted for constructive use; usually the opposite holds true. A skilled caster with great knowledge of muscular anatomy may apply a very precise amount of power in conjunction with perfect wand movements to place minute tears in specific locations. This can be used to prevent atrophication, rebuild muscles that have atrophied, or simply build muscle mass. Only specially licensed healers may legally cast this spell on another human being. Note also that its use has been banned for training purposes in International Quidditch.

    Spell Incantation: Tobaloma Floga
    Spell Meaning: (roughly) the patch of flames
    Etymology: altered Greek

    Spell effects: Creates a two inch diameter circular patch of fire on a random place on the body at a random time. The duration of the burning varies from 7 to 13 seconds. Repeats indefinitely, at least one every 3 years (though generally more often), until either it is countered, or the victim dies.

    Spell Classification: Conjuration (transfiguration), Dark Arts

    The Fiery Patch spell is tailored either for vengeance or simple sadism; its random nature makes it ineffective both in battle and information gathering, but ideal for more long-term enjoyment. It can only be countered while the flames are active, and - unless the victim possesses extraordinary mental strength - must be countered by an outside party. Since the effects do not always show immediately, it is nearly impossible to determine who cast the spell. The spell is considered conjuration/transfiguration based dark arts rather than charms based since actual flames are conjured, rather than the creation of illusionary flames and the manipulation of nerves to evoke pain.

    Spell Incantation: Oleanai Methera
    Spell Meaning: (roughly) All are [the] mother-in-law
    Etymology: (bastardized) Greek

    Spell effects: Alters the victim's perception of reality, forcing the belief that every person s/he meets is his/her mother-in-law.

    Spell Classification: Charms, Dark Arts

    The immediate effects of the spell are minimal, and are generally similar to a babbling hex. However, in the long term, this particular curse is essentially always fatal; victims are almost inevitably driven to suicide. The longest holdout recorded lasted just shy of four weeks under the curse. Despite being easily countered by a Finite once the spell has been recognized, this curse has been deemed "Black Magic of the highest order" and declared unforgivable in 17 countries around the world.

  8. Jenkins

    Jenkins Forum Bike DLP Supporter

    Nov 24, 2006
    Spell Incantation: Hormonet Arrangerom
    Spell Meaning: Hormone rearrangement (basically)
    Etymology: Bastardized Swedish
    Wand Movment: A spiral motion around the intended body, ending with a jab towards the navel.

    Spell Effects: Rapidly swaps the main gender hormones in the body to the opposite one, causing magically enhanced body and psychological changes which are incredibly painful.

    Classification: Unkown/Medical

    A spell dug up from Nordic times, it was originally used through runes to swap the genders of people in certain times. If war was upon them, some women were forced to become men and vice versa if the population was dwindling.

    Discovered by an unknown Swedish researcher in the 1500's, it was morphed into an incantation spell so it was easier for wizards. The possible sorceror William Shakespeare, was rumored to have forced it on certain people who played roles in his plays.
  9. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY
    Name: The Comforting Root's Hold​
    Incantation: Levaradix​
    Wand Movement: Holding the arm out, fully extended, the user twists his or her wrist slowly twisting all of the surrounding matrix around the arm into a tight seal. ​
    Reagents: While casting requires no reagents, the caster's blood is used to maintain it at a rate of approximately 1000cc an hour. The human body will begin hallucinating around the hour and a half mark, and will die from blood loss after two hours. ​
    Class: Has yet to be discovered and classified by the Ministry of any nation.​
    Effect: A large, twisting gray root is conjured and wrapped around the entirety of the user's arm. It then attaches itself at the face, puncturing the skin to draw blood from both the jugular vein and the carotid artery. The root will become a part of the casters body. The root makes the arm impervious to almost all magical effects, including disarming and parrying spells. As well, it greatly increases the accuracy. steadiness, strength, and casting power in the effected arm. By removing all unnecessary motions, the root can up to triple casting power through increased wand movement precision ​
    Origin: Used exclusively by a mysterious underground duelist known only as ROOT. ROOT (yes, he spells it in all caps) refuses to speak to journalists and officials alike, and has only ever been known to converse outside an official capacity with his opponent in the ring.​
  10. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Spell incantation: Afairo koinas
    Spell meaning: Remove joints
    Etymology: Greek
    Wand movement: A slow horizontal arc followed by a slice down and a jab.

    Effects: Removes all cartilage and Joints from the body, while maintaining the bone structure via magic.

    Classification: Dark Arts

    A good tactic for duelling, the Afairo curse removes any and all joints from the body. Forced movement results in crippling physical pain worse than any artheritis.
  11. ramadden13

    ramadden13 Fifth Year

    Dec 12, 2007
    Bloomington, IN
    I have a story in the works, but I don't know if I'll ever actually get around to using it, so I'll share this ritual that I had planned with all of you. It's not completed and things can be fixed where ever you like. BTW, if you can't tell I'm not very creative with potion names.

    Name (English): Mind-Enhancing Ritual

    Classification: Dark Arts - Ritual

    1. Memory Potion: This particular ritual enhances the mental capabilties of the user from whatever state that he or she is in when the ritual takes place. For this reason the first potion that the user takes is a temporary potion that boosts mental capabilities. By doing so, the ritual will further boost the user’s mind beyond the point capable by the potion, maximizing results. Ingredients include Runespoor Eggs, and the majority of the ingredients are rare and valuable.
    2. Blood Replenishment Potion: The ritual is extremely taxing on the body of the user because the user has to bleed out an enormous amount of blood. Without Blood Replenishment Potions the user would surely die before the ritual was complete. Instructions suggest the user have at least five and as many as ten Blood Replenishment Potions on hand.
    3. Carvings: This ritual has very specific runic carvings necessary for its success. In Arithmancy, the number seven is often associated with thought/consciousness and the number eight is often associated with power/sacrifice. This ritual combines these numbers by requiring the user to carve an octagram measuring fifteen feet from point to point. Then in the center of the octagram, the user will carve an acute heptagram. The carvings must be an inch deep and a half an inch wide. This ritual is usually done in some sort of dungeon or, at least, on a stone surface
    4. Live Human Sacrifices: Eight human sacrifices are required for this ritual. A Philosopher's Stone can be used instead of human sacrifices.
    1. In step one the user drinks the memory potion to boost his or her mental capabilities in preparation for the ritual.
    2. In step two the human sacrifices are each situated at a point on the octagram. After they are at the designated points, the sacrifices are killed by slashing their wrists and bleeding to death. The blood enters the octagram from the point of each sacrifice and fills the octagram's carving. If one decides to use a Philosopher's Stone instead of human sacrifices then the user must still fill the carving blood, but, by using the Philosopher's Stone, the blood doesn't need to be bled straight from sacrifices. The reason is partly because of the fact that the Philosopher's Stone can boost both magical and alchemic power, but also because the stone was created through human sacrifice itself. To use the stone in the ritual, the user must carve an aditional "Gebo" Ruin at the at the point separating the top of the acute heptagram and the surrounding octagram. "Gebo" means gift, sacrifice, and balance. The Philosopher's Stone is placed on top of the ruin before the incantation is spoken.
    3. In step three the user slashes his or her own wrists and bleeds into the acute heptagram that is carved into the floor. Blood Replenishment Potions can be used to replace lost blood as the user fills the carving.
    4. The final step is to speak the incantation. The words are latin: "Per vox of vitualamen, certamen cruor quod veneficus ut pulsus mens ultra rectus fines finium", and they very roughly translate to: "With the power of sacrifice, combine blood and magic to push the mind beyond natural limits."
    Effect: Assuming all of the instructions have been followed and the user doesn't die of blood loss, the user's magic and the magic from the sacrifice of human lives/Philosopher's Stone, will combine and enhance the user's mind. As the magic enhances the mind it will carve a Mannaz ruin into the user's forehead. Mannaz means the Self, intelligence, awareness, forethought, and Divine structure. The process is painful as the user feels the ruin being carved into his or her forehead, but is forced to remain awake for the ritual. After the ritual is complete the user is usually in need of medical attention and will need time to recover. However, the user's mental prowess is heightened allowing for photographic memory, heightened ability to focus, and ability to take in and process information much faster than before.

    Phew, that took a while to explain. My story that I haven't written is a very small crossover with Fullmetal Alchemist and Harry Potter. I say small because the story contains only Harry Potter characters, but I include some of the ideas of how Alchemy works from Fullmetal Alchemist because JKR never bothers to explain how it works in her world. If anyone decides to use this credit would be appreciated.
  12. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    Spell Incantation: Ephta Karfia
    Spell Meaning: seven nails
    Etymology: Greek

    Spell effects: Conjures 7 iron spikes and forces them through predetermined points in the body.

    Spell Classification: Conjuration/Transfiguration, Dark Arts

    Although several variants have been recorded, the standard spell forces conjured spikes through the knees, elbows, and shoulders, leaving the final nail for the lower abdomen. The first six locations are designed primarily to debilitate the target, although it is, obviously, rather painful as well. By forcing a metal spike through the abdomen as well, a wound is created which, if left untreated, generally provides for an excruciatingly slow death. When used in battle, it is rare to find a caster with such skill as to be able to determine the speed and pressure required, thus the wounds are inflicted almost instantly. In a more controlled setting, a skilled wizard may take up to half an hour to force the spikes through.

    Spell Incantation: Setiligo Sarka
    Spell Meaning: to unwrap flesh
    Wand Movement: rapid slash followed by a tight corkscrew.
    Etymology: altered Greek

    Spell effects: removes the flesh from a victim's body.

    Spell Classification: Dark Arts

    While a theoretical favorite amongst dark wizards, this particular curse requires far more skill than the casual practitioner possesses. As such, it has been historically limited to Dark Lords and, on occasion, their more competent henchmen. If the corkscrew wand movement is anything less than perfect - smooth, equally spaced curves at a constant speed - the curse not work, although extremely sloppy attempts have a tendency to remove the caster's fingers. When done properly, the curse removes the victim's flesh in a spiral pattern, beginning at the extremities of the limbs. Depending on the intent of the caster and the spacing of the corkscrew movement, this may take anywhere from 10 to 90 seconds.

    Spell Incantation: Grigorthia
    Spell Meaning: fast heart[beat]
    Etymology: unrecognisably altered Greek

    Spell effects: Causes the heart to beat more and more rapidly until random capillaries start to burst throughout the body.

    Spell Classification: Dark Arts

    On the grand scale, this is a reasonably mild curse; it is rarely fatal, and easily treated with either a countercurse or a combination of blood replenishing potion and a mild healing draught. However, it is highly distracting even in the early stages, and debilitatingly painful as the effects begin to worsen. The curse is hypothesized as being a later offshoot of Nigomesa Towema, though made by a markedly less talented spellcrafter, as the effects, while similar, are comparatively insignificant.

    Spell Incantation: Kokaloi Potiria
    Spell Meaning: glass bones
    Etymology: Greek

    Spell effects: Turns the victim's bones into glass.

    Spell Classification: Transfiguration, Dark Arts

    While, as the name implies, the victim's bones become glass, the marrow, in fact, does not; it is absorbed as part of the transfiguration, leaving the now glass bones hollow. As an obvious effect, this leaves the victim highly vulnerable to concussive spells, making it, in essence, the only way to effectively use a 'Reducto' in battle. Most wizards who know this spell, however, have enough class not to do so. Instead, minor physical shock may be used to hasten breakage, but, in the stressful environment of a duel, the conflicting pressures exerted by the victim's own muscles are often enough to shatter the bones. When used in this manner, the skull and ribs are generally the last bones to break, thus ensuring maximum pain and suffering.

    Spell Incantation: Thakriaton Floga
    Spell Meaning: tears of flame
    Etymology: altered Greek

    Spell effects: Causes the victim to produce a fiery liquid in his tear ducts.

    Spell Classification: Dark Arts

    Against an average wizard, this curse is essentially an instant win; the pain caused by crying fire is such that, inevitably, the victim's weeping intensifies, locking him into a rather nasty cycle. A highly disciplined wizard may block the pain sufficiently to perform a countercurse, but, in general, this does not happen. The flames produced by this curse are not illusionary, and produce physical damage. Even when cured by an outside party, approximately 70% of those cursed lose sight in at least one eye.

    -Edit: Commas, are, not, to, be, overused.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2008
  13. ArseNick

    ArseNick Fourth Year

    Mar 3, 2007
    New Delhi, India
    Anubis, you're a sadist. A genius, but a sadist nonetheless O_O

    Edited to add:

    Name: Sonic Boom
    Incantation: Undisonitus (roughly, loud sound)
    Classification: Offensive hex
    Appearance: slight air disruption due to the shockwave
    Technique: half a downward counter-clockwise twist followed by a sharp jab toward target
    Legal, moderate power requirement
    Effects: The spell releases a uni-directional sonic boom, that is not particularly hard to cast, nor very fatal as it can be shielded easily. It is however, a powerful distraction is used effectively in a duel. The victim can suffer from internal bleeding, severe concussion damage, temporary deafness and disorientation.
    Notes: The most famous usage of this spell was during the First War, when Gideon and Fabian Prewett were attacked. Just before dying, Gideon clapped his hands on the head of Warren Yaxley and expended the last of his energy in casting the Sonic Boom wandlessly. He and his brother then laughed at the look on the faces of the other Death Eaters, and were still laughing as no less than four Killing Curses finished them off for good.

    Name: Breaker Curse
    Incantation: Icofusus foro
    Classification: Anti-Shield curse
    Appearance: wide-bore dark pink beam with a central red core.
    Technique: Trace a pentagram with the wand, and slash vertically through it while saying "foro"
    Legal, high power requirement.
    Effects: The Breaker Curse is one of the better known shield breaking spells. Its a dual curse, a high-energy piercer wrapped in a widespread bludgeoner. The bludgeoner hits the opponents shield in a large area, scattering the shield's energy all over its surface. The piercer that follows then has an easier time shattering through the shield. Compared to simply overpowering enemy shields, this is a more energy-conserving method.
    Notes: Spells like the Breaker Curse take some time to cast due to the complex wand movement. It is advised only to use it if you have backup covering for you. It is generally used against advanced shields like the Aegis or Greater Shield charms.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2008
  14. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    I'll take that in the spirit that it is meant. Now hold still, this won't hurt... much.:whipped:

    Onwards; five more in honor of the Draco Kill Off thread. I'll post something there too at some point today, no guarantees it'll be good. My last two attempts at fanfiction have been somewhat... poor, shall we say, and I'm hoping to avoid that. The topic helps.

    Inspiration for the first one comes in part from jbern's Cur's Mark.

    Spell Incantation: Uleatin Floga
    Spell Meaning: Scar of flame
    Etymology: bastardized Greek

    Spell effects: Causes a painful brand to be burnt on the victim's skin.

    Spell Classification: Dark Arts

    The wand movement for this curse varies far more than is normal in the Dark Arts, as the final brand is dependent solely upon a portion of the movement. Every casting begins with a slight downward flick and roll, but it is then followed by a design of the caster's choice which then manifests itself in a fiery and painful manner on the victim. This particular variant places the brand centrally upon the face. An artistic user may get his/her point across, but do so in such a manner that the brand transects both eyes. A secondary variant is used in enchanting, which, when the runic base is altered, allows for much more specific placement of the brand. It is rumored, though unconfirmed, that the legendary Goblet of Fire carries an enchanted variant, although the specifics - and the reason for the enchantment - are not concretely known.

    Spell Incantation: Skuliki Athanato
    Spell Meaning: immortal worm
    Etymology: altered Greek

    Spell effects: Transfigures an extraordinarily durable version of a flobberworm.

    Spell Classification: Transfiguration

    Another creation of Uric the Oddball, although some wizards have been able to find a purpose for it. In the process of spellcrafting, Uric also created a companion ritual which - despite a distinct lack of harmful properties - remains classified as Dark Arts. It requires that a seven pointed star be drawn in a mixture of one part ram's blood, one part pepperup potion, and two parts powdered flobberworm. Utilizing this ritual and a worm created via this transfiguration, the product, rather than simply durable, is almost literally immortal; only a Killing Curse effects it. Dark Lords have repeatedly attempted to pervert this process further to be used on humans, but none have been successful. Thirty-one of these attempts may be seen in the London Magical Zoo, housed in a special wing of the flobberworm tank.

    Spell Name: Hephaestus' Nector
    Spell Incantation: Neroton Floga
    Spell Meaning: water of flame
    Etymology: altered Greek

    Spell effects: Instantly transfigures water into Greek Fire

    Spell Classification: Transfiguration, Dark Arts

    A single wizard cannot use this spell effectively in battle; for use by a single person, a more covert approach is needed. Catching the desired victim in the bath is particularly effective if death is desired. If one's timing is just beyond excellent, it is possible to transfigure water the instant after it has been swallowed, thus burning through the esophagus and, generally, the trachea as well. If the spell is cast more than a split second after the water is swallowed, there is no effect; the reasons for this remain unknown. The only known use in battle occurred at the last stand of the Prewitt twins during the British Dark Lord Voldemort's first rise. Details are unclear, but apparently one twin performed a basic Aguamentia charm while the other held a continual transfiguration upon the conjured stream.

    Spell Incantation: Trogokrias
    Spell Meaning: to eat meat
    Etymology: altered Greek

    Spell effects: Causes a normally herbivorous animal to become strictly carnivorous.

    Spell Classification: Charms, Dark Arts

    This may be cast on any living thing, although, according to various legends, it effects sufficiently magical once-living things. No truth has been found in these tales, but it is still a reasonably common misconception in some circles that Lethifolds are carnivorous invisibility cloaks. This has been tested and disproved. As far as confirmed effects, the Devil's Snare plant is actually a common fern which was hit by this curse, or a close relative. Descendants of effected plants and animals should not be effected; it is theorized that the Devil's Snare was made by a creatively mis-cast version of this charm.

    Spell Incantation: Thema Sevtiko
    Spell Meaning: false sight
    Etymology: bastardized Greek

    Spell effects: Causes the victim to hallucinate.

    Spell Classification: Charms, Dark Arts.

    This spell was created for recreational use; the effects essentially mirror muggle LSD, but the effects last indefinitely until the caster chooses to release the spell. For the intended recreational use, this is excellent; at the first sign of a bad trip, the (theoretically sober) caster may end the spell. However, it has been discovered that the caster does exert some control on the recipient's psyche, an easily abused effect. When coupled with standard torture spells such as the Cruciatus and a myriad of magical beasts parading by, this spell can be used as a method of torture. If torturing for information gathering, it is inadvisable to combine this with the Cruciatus, as no known individual has recovered after being subjected to the combined effects.

  15. ArseNick

    ArseNick Fourth Year

    Mar 3, 2007
    New Delhi, India
    Well, those were (comparatively) mild. That Hallucination charm and water-Greek fire one are pretty cool though.

    Say, wanna write a one-shot on the last stand of the Prewetts? Just for kicks and usage of cool spells :p
  16. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    You sir, obviously have never been acquainted with my attempts at writing fanfiction.

    As for comparatively mild, (and if you want a general idea of the best possible fic quality you could possibly hope for from me) head over to the Draco kill-off thread in the mature discussion section. The only reason the 'immortal worm' and ' eat meat' spells exist is for the combined effect displayed there.
  17. ArseNick

    ArseNick Fourth Year

    Mar 3, 2007
    New Delhi, India
    Ouch... :eek:

    Well, we could always give it a shot. A one-shot to be precise. It'd be cool, since both of them were (supposedly) damn powerful wizards, and twins to top it off. Five DEs vs. two of the best Order members of the time. That'd be a duel worth reading.
  18. ArseNick

    ArseNick Fourth Year

    Mar 3, 2007
    New Delhi, India
    Name: Mist of Illusions
    Incantation: Falloforma Caligo
    Classification: Illusionary charm ("grey" magic)
    Appearance: dark blue fog
    Technique: a quick counter-clockwise circle followed by two diagonal slashes on either side of the circle.
    Limited legality. User can be sued for causing trauma to the victim, depending on the illusions formed.
    Medium power requirement.
    Effects: The Mist of Illusions summons forth a dark blue mist in a radius of upto 10 metres from the caster. The mist heavily obscures normal sight. In addition, any person in the area of effect sees vaguely formed hallucinations, anything from centaurs, to giants, to inferi, to vampires, to naked women, depending on the emotional will of the caster at the time of casting.
    Notes: The Mist of Illusions was originally a primitive muggle-deterrent, before the creation of proper muggle-repellent wards. This spell was keyed into ward stones, surrounding the forbidden locations with a fog that misled, scared, shocked, or just pissed off passing muggles.
  19. craigery9700

    craigery9700 First Year DLP Supporter

    Jan 30, 2008
    Name: none
    Incantation: Aqua vitae
    spell meaning: Alcoholic spirit
    Etymology: latin
    Classification: Conjuring
    Effects: it creates an brandy/whisky liquid, that spouts from the tip of a wand, first created in Greese by an alcoholic wizard.
  20. ArseNick

    ArseNick Fourth Year

    Mar 3, 2007
    New Delhi, India
    Umm... you know, I'm quite sure there wouldn't be a market for liquor in the wizarding world if this spell existed.
    And by the way, its Greece not Greese :wall: