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The DLP Spell List

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Yarrgh!, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    My Latin is a bit limited and is - at best - somewhat suspect, but isn't 'aqua vitae' literally 'living water' or 'water of life' or something of that nature? I know it was adapted at one point as a term for alcohol, particularly brandy, but I have no idea how.
    Wikipedia says when the term came to mean 'alcohol' and what specific boozes, but ignores the 'why' of it. Purely out of curiosity, does anybody know why 'aqua vitae' came to be associated with alcohol? Medicinal thing maybe?

    Spell Incantation: Kitarea Fotia
    Spell Meaning: cells fire (because my thrice damned dictionary doesn't have 'to burn')
    Etymology: bastardized Greek

    Spell effects: Causes each individual cell to combust in a prescribed pattern.

    Spell Classification: Dark Arts

    The exact effects vary depending upon the skill of the caster, but, in general, the initial impact scorches a certain number of cells. Every third second thereafter, that same number of cells burn, though they are spread randomly throughout the body. When the wand movement is exact - a vertical slash followed by a 19/32 inch diameter counterclockwise circular motion - the resultant bolt of energy should be of sufficient size that the rate of cellular decay is approximately 13 times the rate at which wizards naturally regrow cells. An imperfect curse will never result in a greater rate, and generally results in a rate of decay less than the standard regenerative rate. Note also that the effects are highly unpredictable in metamorphmagi, as their cells are in a state of continual flux. In such an instance, the curse may cause the metamorph to instantly combust, have no ill effects whatsoever, or anything in between.

    Spell Incantation: Metamoskevo Sarka
    Spell Meaning: to graft flesh
    Etymology: altered Greek

    Spell effects: grafts flesh together, used in conjunction with skele-grow to reattach severed limbs.

    Spell Classification: Healing Arts, transfiguration

    This spell is limited to licensed healers, as the potential damage in a botched limb reattachment is immense. Properly cast, the wand movement is a large clockwise circle over the patient's torso, followed immediately by a diagonal slash which much cross both the limb to be reattached and the wound it is being attached to. Miscasting has a nasty tendency to attach limbs where they are most assuredly not meant to go.
    Usage of this spell in the breeding of experimental magical creatures was prohibited by the Screwt Act of 1997.
  2. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY
    Incorrect (about the market thing, not the Greece thing). You can make whiskey in your bath tub pretty darn easily, and yet there is still a market for wine isn't there?

    Quality is the key factor when dealing with spirits and alcoholic beverages.
  3. ArseNick

    ArseNick Fourth Year

    Mar 3, 2007
    New Delhi, India
    Too true. But since he didn't place any limitations on the spell, one can assume it creates wine of reasonable quality.

    Pardon me this inane outburst of stupidity but...

    ROFLOL "Screwt" Act hahahahahaha
  4. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    Spell Incantation: Matia Tonatrio
    Spell Meaning: Eyes to sodium
    Etymology: bastardized Greek

    Spell effects: Transfigures the victim's eyes into elemental sodium.

    Spell Classification: Dark Arts; Elemental Transfiguration

    The instantaneous effects are exactly as described; the victims' eyes are fully transfigured into pure elemental sodium. As the transfiguration affects only the eyes themselves, all surrounding structures - including the tear ducts - remain intact and functional. The sensation of having one's eyes instantaneously become metallic almost inevitably causes the stimulation of the tear ducts, introducing water to the transfigured metal. This, along with the water in the air and the surrounding tissue, causes the relatively rapid combustion of what was, seconds before, the victim's eyes. Wizards with a knowledge of muggle science are theoretically at an advantage in true elemental magic, but, do to the rarity of documentation thereon, this is not generally true in practice. The casting of this - and other high-order elemental transfigurations - is essentially limited to wizards who have thoroughly delved into the field of Alchemy.
  5. AdoniBezek

    AdoniBezek Guest

    baço ruptura-spleen rupture. It ruptures the spleen causing blood to spill into the body, or internal bleeding.

    It's not latin, it's Portuguese, but that's one of the languages J.K. Rowling used for her spells so I figured it'd work.
  6. IBG

    IBG Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2007
    Spell Incantation - None, Intent only

    Wand Movements: Full Circle to reflect spells, 3-Quarter Circle to block and dissipate the energy.

    Spell Effect: Provides the most powerful shield in existence if used correctly.

    Info: The width of the circle determines the power of the shield, as a high concentration of magic in a small circle can block almost any spell. Useful only in a one v one situation, where it can be quickly cast to block specific spells while dodging others. If a full circle is used, any spell of higher power can break through, but a 3 Quarter shield can dissipate the power of spells that are upto 200% as powerful as the shield. A 3 Quarter shield, if small enough, can even block a Killing Curse. The Spell was invented by the Dark Lord Muerte (Spanish for Death), who single-handedly conquered and ruled the whole of Continental Europe until his death in 879 B.C. He remains the most successful Dark Lord in recorded history.

    Spell Incantation - Non Verbal - Voldemort - The Flight Of Death

    Spell Effect - Gives the user the ability to fly, and creates a smoky aura to camouflage them at night time.

    Interesting facts: This is what I believe Voldemort would create the incantation of his flight spell to be, noone would think to use his name as a spell, and hardly anyone would be willing to say it. When he uses it, he is really, a Flight of Death, so I think it is fitting.
    Last edited: May 23, 2008
  7. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    For Banner

    Last edited: May 23, 2008
  8. craigery9700

    craigery9700 First Year DLP Supporter

    Jan 30, 2008
    The reason for spell was in the 1st movie--not sure if it was in the book or not--when the Gryffindor 1st year tried to turn water to rum, and it exploded is where i got the idea of the spell.

    Last edited: May 25, 2008
  9. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Fucking Lulz. You're serious aint'ya?
  10. craigery9700

    craigery9700 First Year DLP Supporter

    Jan 30, 2008
    Yeah, not very good at spelling it seems, or proof reading
  11. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Or not being a total dickstain either it seems. Please for the love of god take up knitting.
  12. BlitzkriegAngel

    BlitzkriegAngel Vayash Moru DLP Supporter

    Dec 18, 2005
  13. Neisseria

    Neisseria First Year

    Jun 28, 2008
    That incantation translates as "except soldier's boot of death". I think you were looking for "caligo" (means mist, fog, darkness, etc.) instead of "caliga" which is the soldier's boot.

    As a point of interest "caliga" is where the mad Emperor Caligula got his name from when when he travelled with his father, Germanicus, on campaigns. That's why if ever I owned a shoe shop I'd call it Caligula.

    And to Anubis Rex - you're completely right. "aqua vitae" = water of life.
  14. GimmeKat

    GimmeKat Muggle

    Jun 27, 2008
    I've been toying with several ideas in my head, one of which would include a siege battle. So for the battle, I figured there should be a spell that could be used to just get through walls easily, and this is what I came up with.

    Spell Name - Drilling Spell
    Spell Incantation - Creo Foramen Silex (I suck at latin, so here's the literal translation: Make Hole Rock)
    Spell Effect - Bores a hole into a wall
    Spell Classification - Charms, Transfiguration
    Casting Information -
    • Wand Movement - starting at the center of where you want the hole, spiral outwards. The larger the spiral, the larger the spell. Direction of spiral also determines the spin of the magical drill. Once the drill has been deemed a sufficient size, wand is brought back towards the center and thrusted forward. The wand stays in this position until magic is cut off from the spell.
    • Spell Distance - the size and distance of the hole depends on the amount of magic pooled into it and the substance that the drill is going through. For example, air provides little to no resistance and will use a proportional amount of magic to keep the drill moving. Stone on the other hand will slow the drill down considerably unless a considerable amount of magic is applied.
    • Charging - through use of potions, runes, or other connections, the caster can easily ramp up the efficiency, speed, and size of the spell. Such things are still dependent on exactly how much the magic the caster/focus can channel.
    • Misc. Info. - the spell does not actually destroy matter in its way. It instead pushes it outwards back towards the spell caster, so a decent amount of room must be between the caster and the point of insertion of the magic drill to leave room for debris. If the caster does not leave enough room, the debris will fly back at him/her at a speed proportional to the power of the spell which can cause injury.

    Interesting facts -
    • In the last Goblin Rebellion, the Human's used this spell to burrow under the Goblin Headquaters and through a judicious use of Reducto spells, collapsed the Goblin's main base, crippling their main forces.
    • Many wizarding mines are prone to collapse after too much use of this spell due to the leftover saturation of magic leaving the area. The leftover magic will hold up the mine, but over time, many minerals and stones will absorb the magic, eating up the magic until the collapse happens, where the rest of the magic is either dispersed, or concentrated in one area. If the magic is concentrated with enough minerals, a small amount of mithril forms (tiny minute amounts).

  15. Jeffrey Strausser

    Jeffrey Strausser Backtraced

    Jul 8, 2008
    Texas, where everything's bigger
    didn't read through it all so I don't know if similar spells abound, but...

    Solidificarum Cruorem-Solidifies the blood, or clots it. when i picture it, I picture what happened to the people in the Andromeda Strain.

    baco rompimento- Spleen Rupture. only effects the insides, leaving no external mark. ruptures the spleen causing massive internal bleeding and pain.

    Lentesco Teia- Sticky web. Expels man strands of thick sticky webbing that can cover hallways, doorways, alleys, etc. in massive web of sticky threads. Hard to move through and time consuming to destroy. burn them, cut them, it still takes time to get through it.
    lentesco(become sticky) teia(web)
  16. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    @ Strausser: There's a general format for spell posting. You can tweak it a bit, but it's easier on everyone if everything is laid out similarly.

    Oh, and:
    Don't fuck with Chaucer, bitch. :p

    Spell Incantation: Kokalisidher
    Spell Meaning: Iron Bones
    Etymology: bastardized Greek

    Spell effects: Transfigures the caster's bones into iron.

    Spell Classification: Self-Transfiguration

    While appearing to be a useful self-transfiguration, this particular spell is anything but. It was originally meant to grant the caster great strength, and to prevent bones from breaking, which, admittedly, it does achieve - for a price. The caster's bones are literally transfigured into iron, which is not a material the muscular structure is meant to handle. Any movement is excruciating, as the bones bite into cartilage, muscle tissue, and tendons, rendering the caster-cum-victim essentially immobile. As the initial transfiguration is self-inflicted, it requires a wizard of great skill and knowledge of transfiguration to reverse it, similar in manner to the Animagus transfiguration. It is also noteworthy that, should the caster manage to dull his pain and continue, his new bones will tend to rust, eventually entering the bloodstream and causing acute iron poisoning. Occasionally Dark (or easily irritated) wizards will teach this spell to an undesired follower, conveniently focusing upon the few positive aspects of the transfiguration.
  17. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    (This spell is basically for a ficlet I'm thinking of writing)

    Spell Incantation: Saeta effingo
    Spell Meaning: Hair copy

    Spell effect: Perfectly duplicates a strand of hair from the target.

    Spell Classification: Charms/Transfiguration

    Originally designed by a fan of Lockhart so she could claim she had a sample of his hair. The spell was then spread through word of mouth. It was eventually picked up by the bodyguards of the Weird Sisters and is now used in combination with Polyjuice to create body doubles.
  18. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio

    It's a big theme in magic that if you have a piece of someone, you can cause them no end of harm, emotionally, physically, socially, financially, romatically... If getting a sample of someone were as easy as simply pointing a wand at them in a crowd...

    And where does it end? A little arithmancy and this becomes a spell to duplicate their blood, eggs, sperm... One little spell, as long as you have line of sight to them, and you have enough to make Polyjuice of them, create genetically accurate children from them, falsify evidence, falsify rapes, and who knows what else!

    Not to knock on you or anything, but it's too easy for the havoc you can wreak with it, and it just doesn't seem kosher to me. You can't transfigure things into potions and whatnot, creating the fundamental essence of a person out of thin air seems to fall into the same area (sure, they can transfigure a rock to look like you, but that doesn't mean it is you or has your genetic structure).

    It's a massive shortcut. It eliminates the risk involved in procuring a sample of someone. A person should at least have the grit to use a discrete summoning charm to pluck a strand, or a subtle cutting charm, or even disguise themselves and yank a strand out as they pass in a crowd.
  19. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Yeah it does seem over the top when I look at it now.
  20. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY
    So... you can't just summon a strand of someone's hair?

    HP magic is kind of fucked up that way.