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The DLP Spell List

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Yarrgh!, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    It kinda makes sense, in that you can't summon anything biologically a part of your target. I don't think you can just summon someone's eye or heart, although the case could be made for the fact that hair is a collection of dead cells...meh.

    Or it could be the nature of the hair itself, and the force of summoning hair simply wouldn't work. A bullet, for example, won't separate a strand of hair into two if shot at, so a Summoning charm will similarly slip past the targeted strand of hair.
  2. Grubdubdub

    Grubdubdub Supreme Mugwump

    Feb 22, 2008
    Fred and George managed to summon their brooms from a locked closet. It can be argued, though, that the magic of the other person is defending it's territory.
  3. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    In which case, logic would suggest that it then comes down to a tug of war between the 'power' of the person doing the summoning and the person whose body parts are being summoned.

    In other words, if Voldemort plays 'gotcher nose' with the average wizard, then he bloody well got their fucking nose.

    Just for the record, my power level is over 9000.

    One could also suggest that summoning any loose hair off the clothes or head wouldn't fall under the category of summoning a body part. Unless anyone wants to argue that there is enough latent magic in a strand of unattached hair to defy a summoning charm.

    OR, maybe it's like superman's costume; he projects his invulnerability onto the costume like an aura. So whatever's on that wizard's shirt, ain't coming off because it counts as part of him (yes, I'm fucking joking). :p

    Of course, anyone arguing that no wizard has more 'power' than another, they merely have more skill, might also argue that wizards don't contain magic within their bodies, they merely shape the magic around them when they cast. In such a case, summoning a body part wouldn't be any harder than anything else.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  4. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Fuck. That was what I was really searching for. I knew I was missing a possibility before I went off and created that spell. Just couldn't remember what it was.
  5. Grubdubdub

    Grubdubdub Supreme Mugwump

    Feb 22, 2008
    USA > Iraq
    USA in Iraq < Iraq in... Iraq

    In other words, the defender got the home advantage so even Voldemort can't do it.

    99999999999999999999 ;)
  6. peregrine1989

    peregrine1989 Third Year

    May 26, 2008
    Although I truly don't have the guts to post my story here yet I figured I would post some of the spells I used for my fics. They are not all based in Latin as I hated RK's or made up Latin restriction. So I shall add LoO or Language of Origin.

    Spell Incantation - [FONT=&quot]pusiiq pakal ( [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Heart Shield[/FONT][FONT=&quot])[/FONT]

    Spell Effect: Not as sappy as it sounds, the Soul shield more commonly called drains the magic of all inside it except the caster. If they run out of Magic it drains there life until it kills them

    (Spell Classification: Dark Arts)

    Interesting facts: Used by Aztec sorcerers in war. They would wrap the battle field in one and wait for the enermy wizards inside it to die.

    LoO: Mayan.

    Next is a group of seriously OP spells.
    Spell Incantation - [FONT=&quot]us-luknan [/FONT][FONT=&quot] haljastáiga ( [/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial][FONT=trebuchet ms,tahoma]unlocked [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial][FONT=trebuchet ms,tahoma]Hell [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial][FONT=trebuchet ms,tahoma]path.), [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=&quot]baíran abgud fônguþ [/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial][FONT=trebuchet ms,tahoma] ( Bring forth false fire god.), [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=&quot]deigan munþs skôhsl ( form Spirit Mouth.)[/FONT]

    Spell Effect: Opens a door to the Underworld, to release demons, bring forth a false fire god to rope the demons back into hell, close door but leave a permanent door there which makes it easier to do next time.

    (Spell Classification: Demonic Magic)

    Interesting facts: none
    LoO: Gothic.

    Spell Incantation - [FONT=&quot]Perseco ([/FONT]dissect)

    Spell Effect: Dissects a any animal like a scientist does. Doesn't matter if it is alive or dead.

    (Spell Classification: charm)

    Interesting facts: Requires a license for use as can be used for torture.

    LoO: Latin

    Spell Incantation - [FONT=&quot]Erumpo[/FONT][FONT=&quot], (To Erupt) [/FONT]

    Spell Effect: Causes any life form to explode.

    (Spell Classification: Dark Arts)

    Interesting facts: Created as [FONT=&quot]Confringo, Bombarda and [/FONT]reducto[FONT=&quot] don't work on humans. (My reason to explain away why the Death eaters use those spells in battle.)[/FONT]

    LoO: Latin

    Spell Incantation - [FONT=&quot]Khorshid âb[/FONT][FONT=&quot], (Liquid sun) [/FONT]

    Spell Effect: Creates a ball of magical energy of such intense heat and power that it will burn though any magical shield and physical barrier making it un-stoppable.

    (Spell Classification: Dark Arts)

    Interesting facts: Extremely draining on the caster, the ball needs to be physically stopped by the casters will making the end of the spell more draining then the start. To cast properly one must feel nothing absolutely nothing except the want to destroy everything including yourself, but everything else first. Used by the Persian empire who found if you tortured people to the brink of insanity and held them there for three years they became extremely powerful.

    LoO: Persian.

    Another long spell list. differant story from the first.
    Spell Incantation - [FONT=&quot]bugd[/FONT][FONT=&quot]izg[/FONT][FONT=&quot]latu[/FONT][FONT=&quot]zamal[/FONT][FONT=&quot]ukû[/FONT][FONT=&quot] bûrzum([/FONT][FONT=&quot]I summon you, the eternal darkness[/FONT][FONT=&quot]), hasu brogblatu shakh gâmumob [/FONT][FONT=&quot](To beg your favour, lord of Disease),[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
    bugdu latu burgûl krampu mash ghashnizg [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot](To call your shadow to do my will),[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
    agh [/FONT][FONT=&quot]ghung[/FONT][FONT=&quot] snork[/FONT][FONT=&quot]izg, [/FONT][FONT=&quot]snû norkfrûmizub [/FONT][FONT=&quot]tiimor[/FONT][FONT=&quot]stazgu [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot](and if unworthy take my soul to hell)[/FONT][FONT=&quot], uglûr latu kû [/FONT][FONT=&quot](For wasting your time.)[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

    Spell Effect: Summons the lord of the underworld to make a deal with it. Be warned if used wrong you can be dragged to hell.

    (Spell Classification: Demonic summoning)

    Interesting facts: 90% of people who cast this spell die, as there required sacrifice does not appease the Lord of the underworld.

    LoO: Black Speech (Tolking made it up, and as his langauges can be learned I think it counts.)

    Finally a weak enchantment.
    Spell Incantation - [FONT=&quot]gelu ([/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial][FONT=trebuchet ms,tahoma]chill)[/FONT][/FONT]

    Spell Effect: An enchantment that is used to chill food to keep them fresh.

    (Spell Classification: Enchantment)

    Interesting facts: An attempt to create a spell that could pass though a Shield charm and is thus unblockable even if useless in combat. Effect increases expenetially with persons body temperature. (If core body temperature is 10 degree's lower then normal it is quite a bit more powerful) As such used by Vampires occasionally.

    LoO: Latin.

    Hope this is enough I will probably add more latter and certain read though this list at a latter date for ideas now I know it exists.

    Oh and on an edited note
    Do you know how truely evil you are. I love the idea. However I think you forgot something. If the Sodium to water ratio it too far towards the sodium, said combustion has the effects of a mild explosion. Which in turn makes this spell so much cooler. However I have to read your fic as from what you have discribed only three people I could think of could cast that spell. Albus Dumbledore, who never would, Nicolas Flamel, who is dead for most of the series, and maybe a grown up Hermione Granger, as she would study both Alchemy and probably muggle science.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008
  7. MofoNofo

    MofoNofo Seventh Year

    May 28, 2008
    Spell Incantation: Merda Incresco Os (Grow shit in mouth)

    Spell effect:
    Shit grows out of your mouth.

    (Classification: Prank)
  8. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    It was meant to be limited to alchemists in general, which is, admittedly, a limited field to choose from. I would not say it is limited to Flamel and Dumbledore, as, though they are the most accomplished alchemists around, they are not necessarily the only ones. That said, it would be limited to maybe 4-5 people in Britain, as I assume alchemy isn't a common subject of study. The spell is ridiculously overpowered (instant/near instant painful death), and the difficulty is proportionate, thus limiting the pool of potential casters.

    For the record, you will probably never see this spell (or any of my others) in any fic; I don't write fanfiction. I have tried on a couple occasions; they sucked in a truly epic manner. Like (I assume) pretty much everybody in this thread, I'm perfectly fine if other people want to use any spells I toss in here.

    If you actually know Mayan, you have my utmost respect. That is the single most fucked up language I have ever had the misfortune to run across.

    Aaaand, since I refuse to post in here without actually posting a spell:

    Spell Incantation: Ematon Azoto
    Spell Meaning: Blood [to] Nitrogen
    Etymology: bastardized Greek

    Spell effects: Transfigures the target's blood into nitrogen.

    Spell Classification: Dark Arts; Elemental Transfiguration

    Note, primarily, that the transfigured matter does not - within the spell itself - perform a change of phase; it is a transfiguration from liquid to liquid. Due to the physical nature of nitrogen in its liquid form, this spell is, for all intents and purposes, immediately fatal. The transfigured nitrogen, which, as is the nature of magic, has taken on all physical attributes of nitrogen found elsewhere, and immediately flash-freezes all veins, arteries, organs, etc. which it contacts. While fatal in its own right, this does not have time to kill the victim, as the nitrogen - now in an 98.7 degrees F environment - very rapidly undergoes a phase change to its gaseous state, and expands accordingly. Though it is not necessarily powerful enough to explode the victim's corpse, the spell invariably bursts every blood vessel in the body, and shatters all major organs. As is true of the vast majority of elemental magics, only a wizard with knowledge of Alchemy or muggle science is able to perform this spell.

    Spell Incantation: Apsihizoi
    Spell Meaning: Lifeless life
    Etymology: The incantation is bastardized Greek, though the explanation draws more from Celtic and Egyptian mythologies.

    Spell effects: Raises a single corpse and grants the caster direct physical control over it.

    Spell Classification: Necromancy; Black Magic

    As is true of most Necromancy - beyond, of course, the 'quantity over quality' inferi traditionally employed by dark wizards - this spell requires a ritual component. A mixture of the caster's blood, the blood of a relative of the deceased, and the ashes of yew and holly, both harvested on a new moon. The runes for Life and Death must be drawn upon the left wrist and heart of both the caster and the corpse, the rune for Life draw over the left eye of the caster, and the rune for Death drawn over the right eye of the corpse. Reversing the order of the final runes is, put mildly, catastrophic.
    After all ritual preparations are completed, the spell is cast using a yew wand with a core whose origin lies either with a phoenix or unicorn, and is cast using the left hand only.
    While markedly more complex than the ritual to summon inferi, there are a multitude of advantages to using this ritual for certain purposes. Where inferi are essentially mindless - they follow instructions, but cannot be fine tuned - an undead raised by this ritual is not; it is under the direct physical control of the caster's mind in a manner not unlike the Imperius curse. Also, undead raised in this manner are far more easily altered, as they do not repel transfiguration and charms in the manner of inferi. This, of course, presents a weakness as well -unlike inferi, magic other than fire based spells harms them with as much ease as a human - but also means a corpse can be transfigured to look as it did prior to death, and charmed to smell like it as well. Due to the nature of the ritual - the inclusion of familial blood - the undead may bypass standard blood wards, enter family homes with little effect from a threshold, and stand up to most spells to prove identity. While less effective than inferi as foot soldiers, undead of this type are ideal for espionage, assassination, and, if the situation demands it, psychological torture.

  9. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    I lol`d , this would make a brilliant battle scene for an Insane!Harry fic.
  10. The Sin of Existance

    The Sin of Existance Backtraced

    Aug 16, 2008
    Well, I suppose I'll add my own little spell.

    Latium Tumultus

    I bastardized a little Latin. It basically means, Stone Uprising.

    Power needed : Considerable, yet not too taxing. Depends on how long spell is held in effect.

    Power level : OVER NINE THOUSAND! Lol, but in all seriousness, pretty obscure spell, only pretty epic characters know it, say, Snape, Dumbledore, Voldy.

    Effectiveness : Only usable if stone nearby.

    Effect : Able to call stone upwards from under feet, whereever you will it. No, not stone spikes or any such, but in whatever shape it is naturally formed in. Useful for shields and killing a opponent's footing.

    I know it's not much, but pretty useful spell regardless, no? If not, well, then, not.
  11. peregrine1989

    peregrine1989 Third Year

    May 26, 2008
    I truly wish I knew Mayan, as it is like you said, one of the most fucked up languages out there. However I felt it as a challenge as my regular translator, Freelang, didn't have it, even un-romanised. So I searched the internet for a translator. Best there are out there are lists, its not a language I ever want to write a spell in again, its just too hard. I mean the spells name is nothing like what it does.

    Oh and if my story doesn't fail epicly I promise to use one of you spells. They're just so cool I wouldn't want them destroyed by my story if it fails.

    However I came here to give you a new two spells. I also like your format better for posting.

    First a simple spell
    Spell Incantation: [FONT=&quot]Kidutayag[/FONT]
    Spell Meaning: Destroy Staff
    Etymology: The Incantation is Romanised Mongolian although technically since all spells on this thread are Romanised it doesn't matter.

    Spell effects: Turns all wands, staffs and any magic enhanced or magical weapon, charm or artifact hit by the spell into sand.

    Spell Classification: Grey Magic; Basic Warlockism

    This spell is one of the first spells taught to a potential TRUE Warlock, not the Wizengamot kind. Warlockism, now considered a Black Art, was once one of the magic's used to defeat Dark Wizards. Warlock Magic is destructive however very easy to shield against. This is due to the fact that Warlocks found out that the more powerful spells are harder take more magic then the more powerful shields. The Three Unforgivables are never used as the waste so much power that breaking a shield with a stunner is less effortful. [FONT=&quot]Kidutayag is taught early because a Warlock never wants to fight. While stopped by the weakest shields it can be easily cast invisibly, silently and wandlessly, and is a wave rather then a beam. One spell can dissolve over 100 wands without an issue, if not blocked. Even if blocked it only protects that wizard as all wizards around the person who blocks , even the person behind, lose there wand if not shielding. However a very obvious Hand movement is involved in casting wandlessly, as it cast as a wave or not at all.[/FONT]

    And now another ritual, I know I do far to many and this is a long one.
    Spell Incantation: [FONT=&quot]
    Div nafs az jonubi molk,
    O kheir nafs az shamâli doulat,
    O hamegân ânhâ lâ mâ bein,
    bande porsidan be qovveye barq,
    O giram âmad erâde kardan kure in setâd,
    halâk kardan giram âmad mokhâlef,
    O mokhâlef irâni.
    Bande porsidan shomâ bozorgvâr araq,
    dâdan [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]porsidan[/FONT][FONT=&quot] setâd mostouli bas,
    conin [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]âmad erâde [/FONT][FONT=&quot] mokhâlef harâs zolmat[/FONT]
    Spell Meaning:
    "Evil spirits of southern kingdom,
    and good spirits of northern Empire,
    and all those in between,
    I ask to be give the power,
    and me the will to forge this staff,
    to destroy my enemies,
    and the enemies of Persia.
    I ask you great spirits,
    to give The staff enough power,
    so my enemies dread darkness.
    Etymology: Bastardized Persian as the language is missing some of the words I used. Or we don't know them yet.

    Spell effects: Turns all the parts off the staff into a Staff of Malice, that is a staff that excels at Necromancy, Warlockism and Demonology Rituals. Used when power is more important them maneuverability

    Spell Classification: Grey magic, Ritual.

    In ancient times this bound you to the gods of Persia's will. As such, even though it gave you a great bonus to your demonology few used this ritual to create there staff of Malice. As Persia no longer exists you have no fear of ancient gods telling you to go to war.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
  12. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Regarding the summoning charm discussion, I would say that you cannot summon a person's heart or hair or whatever because of the nature of the charm, not because of any natural resistance a wizard may have. I'd say that the charm is only capable of summoning distinct objects, and not parts of objects.

    So, you could summon a person, but not their heart/eye/whatever. You could summon a block of metal, but not summon only half of the block, or on a more extreme scale a single atom of the metal. You could summon a broom, but not a broom handle.

    And so on.

    When thinking about how the particulars of spells work we can easily see how they could have exams on them. Even just defining a spell can be hard.

    We were trying to define an Unbreakable Charm yesterday in IRC. I thought I'd put the charm up here as a result.

    Name: Unbreakable Charm
    Incantation: Infragilis X, where X is the "magic name" of the object being cast upon.
    Effects: Makes it such that the object of the spell is immune from all negative physical changes, where a negative change is defined as a change which would compromise the effective functioning of the object.
    Difficulty: High. A NEWT-level charm.
    Notes: The charm cannot be overcome - if an object is unbreakable, then no amount of physical force can cause damage - as the word "Unbreakable" suggests. It is the unbreakable charm, not the "slightly more sturdy" charm. However, the objects can still be harmed by magical means, and the unbreakable charm itself is fairly easy to remove. Does not protect the object from cosmetic change.
  13. Kerrus

    Kerrus DA Member

    Feb 14, 2008
    With regards to the summoning charm, I would agree with Taure for the most part. However, I would posit that the interpretation of 'distinct object' may actually be specified by the caster subconsciously. So while a butcher, a murderer- say someone like Rosier might be intimately familiar with the human body to honestly know that any given part of the body is not completely connected to any other part of the body- and thus be able to summon discrete parts- anyone actually in a position to do so would by very writ of wizarding society, have access to far worse and powerful spells. The inclination to use something so simple as a summoning spell would never actually occur to anyone in a position to do so.

    With such an interpretation, it's entirely possible that a sufficiently insane and twisted individual- especially one without access to anymore then a basic 4th year magic skillset, might end up using the spell in that manner. But in general practice, it would never actually happen

    Anyways, the reason I suggest that it's tied to your subconscious is because, as Taure posited, it's involved with distinct objects- but one could very well consider a house a distinct object, and then we get into weird stuff.

    As for the unbreakable charm, I think one more detail should be added in that, while the object in question is rendered unbreakable by physical force, this does not in any way inhibit the transfer of physical force. Rendering a coat unbreakable is not going to stop you from getting knocked on your ass from someone kicking you in the gut, for example.

    And now onto a minor spell I've been pondering.

    Name: The Suppressant Charm
    Incantation: Confuto
    Effects: A minor variant of the silencing charm, the suppresent charm serves to create silence in its area of effect by stilling movement therein. However, this effect is minor, the suppressing of movement is not enough to kill- merely enough to quiet, and from a particularly astudious caster, to slow or halt an object's movement.
    Difficulty: Intermediate
    Notes: The spell itself is fairly simple- however, due to the vagaries of spellcasting, it has a variety of purposes. For the most part, how it is cast determines which aspect of its purpose is stronger- if it is cast to silence, it will silence. If it is cast to halt movement, it will halt movement- sometimes forcefully.

    However, as there are many spells that will accomplish both of these goals with far greater ease, this spell is nevertheless relegated to the backroads of spellcasting.
  14. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Since this is relevant to something I've often thought about, does this invulnerability include chemical changes as well as physical (in the strictest sense of physical vs chemical changes), or would altering something chemically fall under the intended effect of the spell; to prevent damage that would affect the item's functionality (structural integrity?)?

    For instance, if you cast this Unbreakable Charm on a stick, then took a hammer to it or tried to crush it in a vice, obviously the stick wouldn't break, but can you still burn it with fire or melt it with acid, since those are chemical changes?

    I've often thought about the Reparo spell and was always of the opinion that it could repair physical changes, like something being sliced, snapped, shattered, et cetera, but that it was incapable of fixing an item that had been singed, melted, corroded, and so on.

    This may seem like a fairly obvious point, but I've seen a number of stories where the spell is used to fix things that were burned.
  15. Evran

    Evran Dark Lord Grimwulf DLP Supporter

    Nov 17, 2007
    Name: False Moon Charm
    Incantation: Lunavitas
    Effects: Creates a false moon several feet into the air which imitates the lunar energy of the moon to transform werewolves within a certain area area. The area effect depends on the power of the caster.
    Difficulty: A very difficult spell to cast. Someone like Snape or Bellatrix would be hard pressed to cast one that affected 100 square feet.
    Notes: Used by a group of werewolves in the middle of the day, or a no full moon. Dark evil magic.

    Name: Flying Charm
    Incantation:Veho Ventus
    Effects: Enables the spell caster to "Fly" by manipulating the air currents near and around them so they are able to fly.
    Difficulty: Doesn't take alt of magical power to do, just takes very intense concentration for controlling the air currents around you. Also danger of being alt if concentration is interrupted during mid flight
    Notes: The Spell Voldemort uses to fly in DH
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  16. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    The first one is pretty much a generic false moon ability. Dragon Ball Z comes to mind, putting it into anything cheapens the whole "werewolves are only dangerous during full moon" effect. Similarly, using werewolves as a combat strike force is fanon, iirc (can hardly remember Deathly Hollows, so it may have been used there.), and this spell wouldn't seem at all out of place in a godly!Harry or super!Harry story. And how is this spell evil, based on the fact that it can turn a human into a werewolf?

    Second one has it's effect copied into the difficulty section. Maybe someone should remove that?
  17. Evran

    Evran Dark Lord Grimwulf DLP Supporter

    Nov 17, 2007
    Fixed it sorry about that, and yeah, DBZ is what came to mind when I thought of it, at least there not super monkeys with super bad breath.

    It can be used for a combat force but its classified as evil because while werewolves are not evil, when they transform they can't control themselves unless under wolfsbane. An example would be Fenrir and his pals going to hogsmeade and using the spell in the middle of the day, or wizard popping up in Diagon alley using the spell, if theres 1 to 3 werewolves out of 300 people, it would still be effective because sheeple aren't smart and would be scared shitless instead of acting together to bring them down.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  18. peregrine1989

    peregrine1989 Third Year

    May 26, 2008
    The first spell has been used a lot in fanon although you are the first one to come up with the actual words.

    My problem is more with the second spell. While the movies make a habit of ignoring the laws of magic that JK set up, the books do not. Thus, while I may be wrong, I do not remember Voldemort defying the laws of magic in the DoM event or in DH. Admittedly I remember little of DH however.

    I must admit, when I first found this thread I was not quite sure of something. The writer of this thread said no over the top spells, (A rule I am sure I broke with my demon summoning rituals), but is this thread supposed to stay within JK's Rules of magic? I would ask the original thread writer but he is no longer with the site. So what do you guys think?
  19. Evran

    Evran Dark Lord Grimwulf DLP Supporter

    Nov 17, 2007
    Voldemort does fly in DH, thats why i came up with a name and tried to explain how it worked. And how would this be defying the "Laws of Magic", and what would those laws be? I was under the impression that its fiction.
  20. Rhapsody Belle

    Rhapsody Belle Sixth Year

    Jan 19, 2009
    Theatrum Temporus - Time's Theatre

    A spell that can reconstruct the events of the past by magically rebuilding the area on which it was cast, and providing representations of any persons or animals in the scene during the times in question. Scenes thus rebuilt cannot be altered in any way, and when the spell has run its course, the scene reverts to its realtime state. The strength of the caster determines how far back in the past can be viewed, how many times in succession the spell can be cast, and how specific the timeframe of the spell is.

    Interesting facts:
    - This spell is a difficult one to master, and innately knowing the trick to its casting tends to run in families. The Quinn family of County Kerry, Ireland, are the only such family known in the United Kingdom.

    - Casters are highly in demand with both the Department of Mysteries and the DMLE, for obvious reasons.

    - Denny Quinn once replayed scenes from the 18th century in order to get into a girl's knickers. He was successful.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2009