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The DLP Spell List

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Yarrgh!, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Link

    Link Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 28, 2006
    Making Magic more close to Physics and other sciences makes it better and more interesting.

    The energy liberated by the broken bonds between atoms would be for example transformed into light (photons) or radiations and heat.

    If there's no limits and rules to Magic, everyone capable of wielding it could theoretically destroy the whole planet if they want to.
  2. CrashLTD

    CrashLTD Fifth Year

    Aug 25, 2006
    I have to agree with Inky that spells should be limited/balanced by some of the rules of physics and chemistry. Otherwise, if everybody just reasoned out that "it is magic" then everything would be pointless. Everybody with imagination and enough power to back it up is literally God! I don't have to point out that there is no such character in the HPverse that fits the description.
  3. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Magic should be limited by the Rules of magic (e.g. no one can re-awaken the dead), not the rules of physics. Something even as simple as the as the levitation spell shows that magic has the power to break the rules of physics. If magic can break one rule, it can break the others too.
  4. Wisdom's Mountain

    Wisdom's Mountain Sixth Year

    Sep 23, 2006
    The West Coast
  5. Klael

    Klael Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Nov 26, 2006
    Buffalo Grove, Il. (Suburban Chicago)
    the spell distinctly says that it breaks down the bonds of what keeps matter together. It says nothing about what it does with that energy. Because of how the author says that the spell works, it doesnt do anything about that released energy. I'm just pointing out that either the spell's description is wrong, or there was something left out.

    I'd imagine that it would cause some sort of explosion, really. The ways that many molecules in the human body are constructed are so that they can be easily deconstructed to release that energy; usually as heat.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2007
  6. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    Wisdom's Mountain is correct...take the magical theory discussion to the thread he linked, or start a new thread. Let's keep on topic, so just spells.

    If a mod could split this, or whatever, that'd be great.

    Warlocke: The ones you used in your Draco Kill-Off submissions were pretty damned sweet. If you're open to it, I'd love to make you my spell-creating-bish :p
  7. Klael

    Klael Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Nov 26, 2006
    Buffalo Grove, Il. (Suburban Chicago)
    Sorry. I was just trying to comment on a spell. The discussion sorta evolved rather quickly there.

    Let's try this one (and see if you can POSSIBLY figure out where I got the inspiration from):

    Creo Effingus (Create a Copy/Copies)

    Creates a substantial physical duplicate of the caster; duplicate is able to interact with environment and is allowed a moderate amount of free will. Uses the caster's magical energy to transfigure a physical body from elements in the immediate area; can also be conjured. Duration of the body's existence depends on magical energy present in the creation; excess of magical energy allows for greater durability. Can also be used to create multiple copies of the caster, though magical energy tends to be evenly distributed amongst copies and durability is questionable. All aspects of the duplicate(s) are dependent on the intent of the caster, including magical energy supplied, number of copies, and mental capacity (constructs capable of complex thought require more energy than ones created with simple commands in mind, though personality seems to be transfered in any case). Also transfigures/conjures clothes and any instruments/weapons desired by the user (requiring additional magical energy for instruments/weapons). Considered a Dark Art for this reason.


    Has been used in the past primarily for assassination purposes. Most people are capable of creation of a single clone of varying complexity of thought processes. Albus Dumbledore is rumored to have been involved in a rather particularly nasty experiment which resulted in his pushing for it to be outlawed; his proficiency with blood magic allegedly led him to create a complete copy of himself with its own body and self-sustaining magical core. This rumor, though widely circulated, is adamently denied by Albus Dumbledore himiself; however, it should be mentioned that there is no record of an Aberforth Dumbldore before 1892, though he is allegedly Albus' 'brother'.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2007
  8. Ray

    Ray Second Year

    Dec 23, 2005
    Alright, new spell. Here's the "silver arrow" from OoTP that everyone uses but never names.

    Spell: "Freccia," which is Italian for "arrow". Like most targeted offensive spells, it can be cast nonverbally.

    Rank: C

    Spell Effect: Shoots a silver arrow made out of magical energy from the tip of the caster's wand. The arrow can penetrate most solid objects and basic magical shields, but it is easily dodged and can't get past more advanced shields.

    Spell Classification: Targeted Offensive

    Interesting Fact: Because of its easily avoidable nature, this spell is better cast as a surprise attack than anything else. It should also be noted that this is a combat spell usually permitted in duels to the death and not a Dark Arts spell.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2007
  9. The-Hyphenated-One

    The-Hyphenated-One Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Sep 5, 2006
    The spell that Lockhart used to remove Harry's bone in The Chamber of Secrets.

    Spell-"exosso+specific bone", exosso is latin for removing bone, the specific bone removed is up to the caster.

    Class-Gray Magic

    Spell Effect-can remove any bone if specified, i.e. exosso bracchium would remove the bones in the target's arm.

    Even though the spell originated in healing, many have incorporated it into dueling for some very nasty effects.

    Second spell

    Spell-"accresco gravitas" translates to "increase gravity."

    Class-Dark Arts

    Effect-The effects depend directly on the power of the caster. the stronger the caster, the more the gravity is increased. If a powerful enough wizard were to cast it on another being, the pressure would be enough to crush them to death. Highy Illegal.
  10. Klael

    Klael Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Nov 26, 2006
    Buffalo Grove, Il. (Suburban Chicago)
    I have a question about that first one--It seems to me that it would require a bit more specification. Bracchium seems to me to signify the upper arm bone, rather than the two lower and the many in the wrist, hand and fingers.

    Infigo Anima Fragmen (Implant Sould Fragment)

    A ritual in which a person removes a broken piece of his or her soul into a living or non-living object; does not require submission of the former. Can be manipulated to create a separate living spectra, though it is rare and requires a significant piece of the soul to accomplish.

    Dark Arts/Ritual

    As more pieces of the soul are removed, the caster will likely find that the result, a 'Horcrux' (Saxon slang term referring to a horror maintaining the life of another; more details areunavailable as to the term's origin) is less attached to this plain of existence and may be destroyed much more easily. Suggested means of destruction include immersion of the Horcrux in an active volcano or a vat of highly acidic compounds.
  11. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    Name: Un-named to date
    Incantation: Illegibilus - Corrupted English word
    School: Jinx
    Classification: Unclassified Prank spell
    Legality: Entirely legal
    Appearance: Puple with Green streaks
    Area: single Person or Object
    Spell Effect: Makes writing Unreadable
    NOTES: Prank spell that Harry Potter crafted with the help of the Weasly twins. [Proud owners of Weasly's Wizard Wheezes]. When cast on a person all writing becomes illegible for an hour, when cast on an inanimate object only the caster and (If specified) the receiver can read it.
    Additional Note: When cast on an object the length of duration depends on the casters power, and intent. To make an Exclusion you need to add Nox {Insert Exceptions name} to the end of the spell.

    Name: The Blindman's Friend
    Incantation: Fundo Aspectus - Foundation Sight [Literal Translation]
    School: Charm / Enchantment
    Classification: C - A
    Legality: Entirely legal
    Appearance: Off white Beam
    Area: Single Person
    Spell Effect: Spell to streangthen (correct) eyes
    NOTES:used by many people to temporarly fix there Eyesight, this spell can only be cast permanatly by an extreamely powerful Mage. Due to the energy required to make it permanant the few people strong enough to cast this spell as an enchantment charge outragious prices. So much so that the vast majority of people effected opt for magical Glasses instead.
    Additional note: For unknown reasons this spell will not work on it's origionator.

    Name: The Potter's wheel
    Incantation: inflecto - to warp /change, sway, or affect
    School: charm
    Classification: Grey Arts
    Legality: Restricted Use
    Appearance: No Visable color
    Area: Single Target
    Spell Effect: Moulds target
    After his Re-birth this spell was Used soundlessly by voldimort against harry potter causing him to 'Bow to Death'. This spell is listed as Restricted due to it's potential for misuse, as a strong enough caster could snap a persons neck with it. It is still legal however as a simple shield spell is enough to repel it if cast in time. Usually Used for moulding clay or Hot metal in crafting.
  12. MrINBN

    MrINBN Unspeakable

    Jun 3, 2005
    Portland, OR
    I suppose you could release the energy as light. Making it heat would also incinerate everything in several miles. (I'm basing this off of something I saw somewhere) If you converted all the mass in an average human body (let's assume 200lbs) to pure energy, it would be the equivalent of 1.5 Hiroshimas.
  13. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    Aug 18, 2006
    West Central Florida USA
    If we assume 100kg (~220lbs I like easy math) we get 9 x 10^18 joules or 2151051 Kilotons of TNT actually. Hiroshima was only 15 kilotons so it becomes [SIZE=+1]143,403.4 Hiroshima bombs not 1.5, just a bit o' help from you friendly neighborhood engineering geek.

    Some quick and easy referances if you want ot check the math;
  14. Machiavelli Jr

    Machiavelli Jr Squib

    Jan 6, 2007
    DarkSov, I think I may recognise that. You've certainly given me a few ideas. Have you used that one before?

    Incantation: Telasunguis
    Common Name: Toenail Hex
    Classification: Mostly Harmless
    Effect: Causes the toenails to grow rapidly and painfully.
    Invented by an unknown wizard under the pseudonym 'Half-Blood Prince'. Enjoyed brief popularity at Hogwarts in the 1970s and 1990s.

    Incantation: Defensor Cruce Eng. 'I am defended by the cross'.
    Common name: Maltese Cross
    Wand movement: Constant Maltese Cross, up-down-left-right-up-repeat
    Effect: Creates a spherical shield around the caster, almost impermeable to magic and completely so to matter. The Killing Curse can almost certainly pass through, as can the Cruciatus, but that may be all.
    Notes: Invented by the Crusading warlocks of the 13th century AD, the Cross is a last-ditch defensive spell. It is exceptionally draining to most wizards and few can maintain it more than a minute, if indeed at all. Apparition from within is very dangerous and there is some danger of suffocation. For these reasons its use is advised against by all governments, though it is not illegal. Spells are reflected from the surface of the shield, which is usually translucent and turns yellow-green when struck. These spells are unpredictably modified by interaction with the shield, for example a Stinging Hex might be transmuted into one causing eczema.

    Incantation: Crurcatenas
    Common Names: St. Andrew's Lash, Sade's Aid, Ravenclaw's Revenge
    Effect: Chains the target to a nearby surface in a spread-eagle pattern, if a flat horizontal or vertical surface is at hand, otherwise wraps the target in chains.
    History: Possibly invented by Rowena Ravenclaw or an un-named Scottish chieftain rather earlier. Intended as an aid to torture, slowly pulling the victim apart, cast with less power it is often used as a sexual aid by those of a risk-taking disposition, or who do not care much for their partner's continued good health and comfort. A Khan of the Golden Horde is said to have lived for four days under the spell, before dying of blood loss after his arms were torn off.
  15. Dark Lord Rostam

    Dark Lord Rostam Button La Famiglia Midknight

    Mar 2, 2006
    In that thing you call a closet. Better watch out,
    Name: Blood Boiler
    Incantation: Cruor Madidus
    School: Dark
    Classification: Torture spell
    Legality: Illegal
    Appearance: Streak of red. If you look hard, can see a little steam
    Area: single Person
    Spell Effect: Boils the blood
    NOTES: Created originally for the use of torture during what the Muggles call World War 2. Grindelwald used it on his enemies to find out the whereabouts of certain locations.
  16. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    All of the above spells are arcane/heavy magic on the level of Voldemort and Dumbledore.

    Here are some more common battle spells:

    Incantation: Expulsum!
    Effect: Creates an outward force to repel enemies and/or break object
    Classification: Heavy Charms, instant effect
    Wand Movement: Underhanded twist (twist hand downwards toward yourself then out, and then throw arm out toward target)
    Velocity: Extremely quick - too fast to block unless the enemy wizard acts within moments of its casting.
    Appearance: Slight blur of the area the charm is travelling through
    Strength: Preference Dependent
    Nullification: Any shield with sufficient power enough to overcome it at the strength cast


    Incantation: Cultavio!
    Effect: Single, rotating axis shredding charm
    Classification: Battle Curse, Instant Effect
    Wand Movement: Heavy, 30 degree flick
    Velocity: Medium - Fast at close range, slows quickly
    Rotating, vertically arced maroon line
    Strength: Powerful - can cut through wood/bone easily
    Nullification: Heavy magical or physical shield

    Those are from ToaDS

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2007
  17. Klael

    Klael Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Nov 26, 2006
    Buffalo Grove, Il. (Suburban Chicago)
    I'm just trying to put name to some interesting magic/rituals that cross my mind; anyone who wants can use them.

    And I don't think we're converting matter to energy here; we're merely breaking all the bonds and disintigrating the body with the Nihilus.
  18. Hesuse Christe

    Hesuse Christe First Year

    Dec 28, 2006
    The little bit of Hell called Nebraska
    Name: The Concussion Curse (A stronger cousin of the concussion hex)

    Incantation: Concussus (lit. to burst)

    Wand movement: Tight twist with a flick at the end.

    Effect: Sends out a yellow spiral of energy, which on impact, or at the castor's disgression sends out a shockwave. When it bursts in air, can knock one down, cause deafness, broken teeth, and sinal bleeding. Impact with living things can cause moderate flesh and bone damage. A head shot can kill. Easily blocked, a simple protego can stop the effects. Impact with metal can cause a odd dilating ringing noise.

    Classification: Curse; allowed in duels, against criminals, or against non humans. Use outside of these bounds can result in nine(9) months in azkaban prison. Use often results in damage to property and structures, which if owned by a third party, could also be prosecuted.

    Notes: Common dueling spell because of quick casting. Invented by Roman battle wizards for use against barbarians in Gaul. Often these peoples thought this was cast against a pugio before battle to scare opposing armies. Later, it became infamous in its use by the American and French revolutions. Later used by Viet Cong, it's effects were often mistaken for those of a grenade, or land mine.
  19. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Thanks. I've spent quite a bit of time trying to come up with interesting (and hopefully original) spells. If you're ever looking for anything in particular, let me know. I can always give it a shot.

    I may even do some beta work one of these days. Lord knows I'm already correcting people's grammar and spelling in my head as I read anyway (Though I have a hunch I'm overly fond of commas).

    And since I'm posting...

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2007
  20. Klael

    Klael Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Nov 26, 2006
    Buffalo Grove, Il. (Suburban Chicago)
    Ah, the comma. A trustworthy friend. What really gets me isn't when people use incorrect punctuation marks, but when they use two at the same time, and then keep doing it. like, "blah blah blah?," he said. There was a story...*groan* I think it was here, and its in the LIBRARY. 9_9

    Reverrisium (reh-vair-EESE-ee-uhm) [twisting of the wrist on the EESE]-Reversal {Note: my latin translator is broken}

    Spells shoot out the back of the wand, rather than the front. Can be overpowered by the caster; though, if the caster fails to overpower it, the spell will still come out the wrong end of the wand. Can be dispelled with a Finite Incantatum cast from another wand; however, will run itself out eventually. Can be blocked by basic shield charms.

    While technically an enchantment, has often been referred to as a hex.

    Originally created by Fred Weasley, has been used extensively and almost exclusively by the militia group 'Order of the Phoenix'.