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The DLP Spell List

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Yarrgh!, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    Name: The Duel Shield
    Incantation: Crusta mihi (Shield me)
    Classification: Charm
    Legality: Legal
    Wand movement: Small circular motion
    Appearance: A wide blue dome
    Area: A metre wide circle around the caster
    Spell Effect: A dome that protects the caster from most rudimentary spells. Useful in school level duels, it can protect against poorly cast Dark Arts as well as most non-magic attacks.

    Created by an unknown Duel Master, who used it as beginning spell for his apprentices.

    Name: Pyramid Prison
    Incantation: Vinculum (Imprison)
    Classification: Charm
    Legality: Legal
    Wand movement: Small triangular motion, with a sharp flick at the end.
    Appearance: A small, red pyramid.
    Area: Single target
    Spell Effect: Traps a foe in a nigh impenetrable shield. It automatically deactivates all portkeys on target and stops all attempts at apparation (sp?). It is taught to all Aurors, and catched several low ranked Death Eaters in the First War. By the time the spell was able to be targeted at higher ranked Death Eaters, a counterspell was developed. It is still taught however, to catch the increasing amount of wizards involved in dark activities
  2. Mr. Merriman

    Mr. Merriman Groundskeeper

    Jun 9, 2006
    I think I'll try my hand at this. It isn't an entirely original spell, since it has origins in many games, shows, comics, mangas, etc. But it's damn cool to see.

    Spell Name: Morgana's Exit

    Spell Incantation: Animaquila (From the Latin animus=soul and aquila=eagle)

    Spell Category: Unclassified. Relatively unknown due to power and expertise required.

    Wand Movement: Dramatic flourish moving into a wide clockwise U and a forward jab.

    Requirements: 6 to 12 small objects, such as pebbles, marbles, or buttons. These are usually fastened to the hood of a cloak or held in the sorcerer's off hand.

    Spell Mechanics: This is a dramatic and highly difficult spell combining several magical disciplines into a single spell. It consists of four parts. Part one is a simple Apparition. Part two is a masking spell that covers the tell-tale crack of Apparition and converts it into a softer, whispering sound. Part three is a complex, simultaneous, temporary transfiguration of the spell components into live eagles. Part four is an equally complex and powerful illusion charm that combines and hides certain elements of the previous parts. The spell itself requires intense concentration and visualization of the various parts blending into a whole, which powers the illusion. Care must be taken to avoid splinching.

    Spell Description: Upon successful completion of the spell, onlookers will see the sorcerer appear to perform an Animagus transfiguration into a flight of majestic eagles that promptly race skyward and in different directions until they are out of sight. Due to the seamless and ingenious nature of the spell, even witnesses who can see through illusions will see nothing except a wizard or witch turning into an entire flock of birds that promply flees, outracing spells or persuers. As soon as the eagles are out of sight of wizards or witches, they revert to their pre-transfigured state. This can confuse Muggles who see buttons or marbles suddenly falling to the ground, and can hurt if the objects land on them.

    Interesting Fact: This spell was developed and first used by Morgan le Fey, an infamous bird animagus and dark sorceress who preferred a more dramatic exit when forced to flee, or simply returning to her home. Since then, it has become popular among the small, select group of wizards and witches who have the power, knowledge, and skill to perform this spell. Few variations exist, though most casters can control the color and general look of the birds they produce (from black ravens to brilliant golden hummingbirds), with slight alterations to the incantation and visualization process. At least one variation exists where the caster appears to turn into a flock of bats, but the details of this spell, performed by a disciple of Grindelwald, apparently died with that wizard.
  3. Klael

    Klael Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Nov 26, 2006
    Buffalo Grove, Il. (Suburban Chicago)
    GOD, this one just won't leave me alone. I imagine that people are going to look at me funny after this post, but whatever.

    I just wanna say: there HAS to be some sort of spell like this somwhere.

    Phalus Engorgio (There. I don't think that I have to explain any more of this one, but I will.)

    Use on males only. Requires moderate proficiency to 'optimize' results. Can increase penis size up to 30%. Lightly tap the head of the penis on both points of stressing [PHAH-lus ehn-GHOR-jee-oh {hard sounding jee}].


    Kept a close secret by pureblood families up until the mid-eighteenth century, its origins are unknown. Use by pureblood males kept a secret in order to make them appear superior in size than the average half-blood or muggle-born. Has been known to have a short term negative affect on fertility, though long term use of the spell can cause permanent damage to both the penis and the male's libido.

    There. I'm not too proud of myself, but perhaps now the idea'll leave me alone.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2007
  4. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    Spell name: Peeling charm
    Incantation: Delibro (Latin for peel) Eelpay (Pig Latin for peel)
    Spell classification: Household Charm
    Legality: Grey-See notes
    Wand movement: does not require one
    Spell area: 1 object
    Spell effect: Peels the first layering of any object

    Notes: Because it peels the first layer of any object, it has been sometimes used by Dark Wizards in torture. When used against a human, the skin tends to fight against the opposing magic. This makes it excruciating for the victim, even if they are able to fend of the charm

    Meh, decided to keep the thread alive. And I just thought of this spell.
  5. huntedorange

    huntedorange Seventh Year

    Mar 21, 2006
    Spell name: The Snapper
    Incantation: Nervus Mordax (nervus-ligament/Nerve, Mordax-to snap)
    Spell classification: Medical Charm
    Legality: Grey
    Wand movement: Flick with a forward jab
    Spell area: intense beam, roughly 3 centimeters wide
    Spell Appearance: Deep Red
    Spell effect: Snaps the ligament cleanly in two at the point of contact

    Notes: First used in Medicine to help treat wounds but was found to have a rather large range of 10 metres and as such was used more commonly by Dark Lords and Lady's, especially Lady Caedo. The spell was brought before the Wizengamont but was not banned as it was too useful in its medicinal form.

    The Snapper actually snaps then heals the ligament over the course of 6 hours, however if the leg is not kept completely straight during the healing process the ligament will heal wrong and the damage irreversable.

    Thought to be the reason Mad-eye Moody now requires a stump, his leg was left useless after being hit in a duel with a Death Eater and having the leg amputated due to a bad healing.
  6. Mr. Merriman

    Mr. Merriman Groundskeeper

    Jun 9, 2006
    Hmn, here's my explanation of the theory behind the Animagus transfiguration, while trying to keep reasonably within the bounds of canon. I've read tons of explanations in Animagus fics, but none of them satisfied me. I've decided that a single spell or potion is ludicrous, considering that it took the Marauders three years. And I never liked the idea of a predestined, immutable form, nor the idea that one could become any creature one wanted, since canon specifically links the animal types to the personalities and tendencies of the Animagi. Of course, it goes without saying that this is simply how I think it should work, and not how it does work in canon, since that has never been really explained. Even though, again, it is not an original spell, or really a spell at all, I thought here might be a good place to put it.

    Name: The Animagus Rituals

    • Mental discipline, including knowledge of meditation techniques and mind-calming excercises.
    • Above-average skill in Transfiguration in general and a mastery of animate-to-animate cross-species transfiguration.
    • Various potions made specifically for these rituals, designed to produce such effects as extraordinary mental calm, hallucinations, introspective visions. Most of these potions have mild, undirected transfigurative properties (somewhat like the weak Transfigurative potion Polyjuice, which is only strong enough to transfigure the appearance of the drinker into another of the same species and, depending on the skill of the brewer, gender and requires a strong, intimate sympathetic link, such as hair or fingernails, to direct the transfiguration).

    Explanations and Misconceptions:
    • Despite popular belief, one is not born with an animagus form, nor is one's form somehow predestined. The journey for one's animagus form is not unlike a vision quest, where intense introspection and meditation, together with the natural transfigurative tendencies of one's body, are combined through a rigorous mental regimen to distill and shape certain aspects of one's personality, magic, and physical tendencies into a non-sentient animal form, according to classic correspondences. The perception of the Animagus can, of course, have heavy influence on one's form.

    Thus, one who believes himself to be noble and proud, and does in fact possess those qualities, may find himself graviting toward the image of a large stag, considered by many to be a noble and proud animal. Entering into the regimen of rituals with a specific animal in mind is theoretically possible, but reduces the chances of success, as one forces one's magic into paths possibly alien to it. Success in this case is determined by the will, mental discipline, mastery of magic, and the possession of the qualities associated with the animal by the prospective animagus.

    A weak-willed wizard of timid disposition will never succeed in turning into a lion, except through standard trasfiguration, which will result in nothing more than a normal, if temporary, lion. He is much more likely to find himself gravitating toward a rodent, or other prey animal. On the other hand, a strong-willed wizard who is used to forcing his magic in accordance with his will has a decent chance of becoming any form, so long as he possesses at least some personality or mental traits that correspond in his mind with that animal.

    Another aspect of the rituals is that, since the type of animal is so personally linked to the mind and spirit of the Animagus, the wizard is rarely unsatisfied with the form that he finds himself gravitating toward. Despite the seeming uselessness of a frog as an animagus form, one who has correctly followed the rituals and finds himself most drawn to that form during the excercises will begin to see the frog as a natural extension of himself, as something that is part of him and therefore nothing to be ashamed of. Again, this points to the strong will and determination required to succeed in the Animagus Rituals. Belief and will are key, and therefore self-confidence is an absolute requirement, unless one has a great deal of personal help and encouragement from peers during the rituals. Even then, success is unlikely.​

    • Another common misconception is that the Animagus transfiguration is only compatible with non-magical animals. This is practically true, while being technically untrue. Few wizards or witches possess the dedication, knowledge, and sheer magical power to grow into a magical animal form. The dedication comes from the fact that during the rituals, one's magic will naturally gravitate toward a shape that conserves one's magic, i.e. a non-magical animal. For a wizard to gain a magical animagus form requires him to possess intimate and detailed knowledge of the powers and correspondences of that creature, and to be unwaveringly devoted to creating and maintaining this form with his magic. This is essentially the same as performing the rituals with a preexisting decision on one's animagus form, except that it is an order of magnitude harder, for one must wrestle with and overcome his magic's tendency toward conservation and resist his natural inclination, enhanced by the rituals, for going with the non-magical form suggested by his magic. For instance, to become a **Phoenix Animagus, a wizard must be extremely strong-willed, disciplined, and self-confident, possess an intimate and detailed knowledge of phoenixes, and have the sheer magical power to not only transform himself into a magical creature while retaining his own mind, but to recreate the innate magical properties and powers of that creature. He must begin the rituals with the unshakable intent to become a phoenix, and will often have to force his magic and mind into paths unfamiliar to them. All of this is in vain, however, if the wizard does not possess enough mental, magical, and spiritual qualities corresponding to those of the phoenix to provide a sufficient sympathetic link to that creature. In light of these extremely demanding and dangerous (wresting one's magic into forms and paths beyond its natural tendencies runs the risk of crippling one's ability to perform spells, as well as losing the battle and transfiguring oneself into the creature in question while losing one's mind entirely to that native to the creature), most wizards or witches will "settle" for a non-magical form that, while demanding, is much easier than the alternative.

      **Despite the nigh-immortality of phoenixes, the rare wizard who manages this transformation will continue to age at a normal rate for a wizard of his stature, and death is unfortunately permanent. No wizard possesses enough innate magic to reproduce immortality. Thus, a Phoenix Animagus could be discerned, by a knowledgable observer, for his lack of Burning Days.

    Interesting Notes:
    • There have only been three Animagi with magical forms since the British Ministry began the Animagus Registry. According to the record-keeping of the Ministry, Animagi are rare, and the curriculum is not Hogwarts-standard. It is suspected that due to the usefulness and prestige of the skill, there are numerous Animagi that have gone unregistered. The Ministry takes a certain number of these into account for the Department of Ministries Magical Talent Census each year, though they do not publish those numbers. There have been no suspected unregistered Animagi with magical forms in the past three centuries. Albus Dumbledore is registered as a Phoenix Animagus in the Nineteenth Century Records, but this is was not widely publicized and is generally forgotten and those records require a specific inquiry at the appropriate department of the Ministry of Magic to view.

      Another interesting note for the Animagus Rituals is that, like the immortality of the phoenix, the sheer magical power innate to the dragon makes it extremely unlikely that any wizard or witch would have the magical power necessary to completely reproduce the magical powers and enhancements successfully, nor is any but the oldest and most knowledgable of wizards likely to possess the strength of will to force one's magic to accomadate such a magically taxing form. To date, no one with even a passing familiarity with Animagus theory has even tried it.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2007
  7. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005
    I'd though I'd include a spell I just used in one of my stories.

    Spell Incantation: "fracta loricatus" or to Shatter/Break into armour

    Spell Appearance: A single tendril of radiant white light

    Wand Movements: A clockwise semi-circle with a twist of the wrist, followed by a subtle flick towards the direction of your target

    Spell Effects: Should the spell strike upon a shield (Both corporeal and magical), it will seep into the very magic of the shield and leech off it. Other tendrils of white light will suddenly grow into the shield, sliding and slithering around the protective barrier.

    It is at this point that the caster will either try two things. One, he or she will channel more magic into the shield in the hopes of deflecting the spell. This strategy will fail, as the spell has interwoven with the very fabric of the shield.

    Two, they will try to lower their shield, dispelling the spell with it. However, the spell will have interwoven so far into the shield that such an act will be impossible, it will not let the magic leave.

    In either case, numerous more tendrils will appear, covering various sections of the shield in great patches. Soon, a few of the tendrils will burst through and sprout barbs, slamming back and hooking onto the shield. The immense pressure of the barbs will crack and shatter the shield apart.

    This final action results in the defender usually being thrown off his feet, and the suddenly violent severing of the magical channeling will jerk the wand out of his hand

    Interesting Facts:

    1) Harry Potter himself designed this spell

    2) The best way to deflect this spell it to either physically dodge it or disapparate out of the way

    3) Interestingly enough, this spell does not actually cause much damage should it strike an unshielded person. Because of the lack of shields, the spell will classify clothes as "armour", and rip them apart. However, this does serve to distract your opponent and knock them off thier feet, so in the end, it works in the same way.

    4) This process can take up to six-ten seconds, at which the time, the opponent will realise that there is very little that they can do. If the purpose behind the duel is to capture your opponent, then a quick bombardment of weak jinxes, say Disarming and Stunning Charms, will keep them occupied long enough for the spell to run its course. However, if you are aiming to kill your opponent, then quickly walking up and shouted Avada Kedavra works wonderfully as well.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2007
  8. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    Mr. Merriman, when I stop being lazy and decide to write one of the numerous plots scattered around my PC I'm going to use your Anamagus theory it's that wonderful. I'm repping you as soon as I get rep power

    That's a pretty awesome spell, Shezza88. And now, to my own!

    Name: The Lesser Animal Summon
    Incantation: Ummonsay -Insert animal- (piglatin except animal name)
    Spell class: Natural magic
    Spell appearence: Black ball that froms the shape of the animal summoned.
    Spell effect: Creates a temporary weak animal.
    Wand movement: A circle led into a triangular motion.

    I thibnk that was my worst spell.
  9. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    Perhaps It's just me, But I could have sworn I read somewhere in the beginning of this thread that it was to AVOID using Pig-Latin or repeating the five most used spells in the entire lexicon.

    I appologize in advance If I mis-interpreted

    Edit: I found the section I was thinking of, It's in Yarrgh!'s first Post

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2007
  10. Mr.Chaos

    Mr.Chaos Squib

    Jul 24, 2006
    Spell: Glacialis Erumpo - Icy Eruption

    Effects: A detonation of expanding ice rings from a central point

    Classification: Normally a Transfiguration spell, this icy explosion can be conjured by anyone with decent skills at conjuration.

    History: A bastardization of the ice sculpting spell, this spell saw widespread usage in the earlier days of the Ministry against the non-wizard population of Great Britain.

    An excellent crowd control spell due to its massive area of effect, it lost popularity when smaller, more controllable spells were needed.

    The spell is usually aimed at the ground, transfiguring the dirt into the icy necessary, but experienced casters may in fact conjure the icy eruptions from midair in a devastating fashion.

    Spell: Pango ex Dues - Hammer of God

    Effects: A spell designed to break physical barriers such as castle walls or fortified bunkers.

    Classification: A curse. Still legal simply because it takes such a long time to cast (a good 17 seconds) and also because no single person has the power necessary to cast it by him/herself without falling from magical exhaustion.

    History: Invented by a midget wizard sapper. He got sick of simple cannon balls and flinging dead cattle so he designed a spell to speed up sieges.

    Spell: Eximo - to free

    Effects: Removes magical bindings. Note the MAGICAL part. It has no effect on physical bindings.

    Classification: A counter-charm or counter-curse depending on what exactly is being dispelled. Dispelling a charm based binding makes is a counter-charm, and dispelling a curse based binding makes it a counter-curse.

    History: A simple binding dispeller. More power makes is more effective.

    Spell: Scrupulosa Erumpo - Thorny Eruption

    Effects: A sudden and rapid growth of thorns surround and trap a victim.

    Classification: A deadly Transfiguration spell that cannot be conjured because conjured vines will not have root systems that bind the thorny vines and target in places.

    History: A serial killer known as Poison Ivy created this spell. Driven mad by toxic potion fumes, she gained a new appreciation for plants and plant based spells.

    One of many interesting spells used by Poison Ivy in her quest to turn the whole world into a greenhouse.

    An alternate form of the spell, without vines, is also possible.
  11. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    Yes, stay away from Pig Latin. What author wants to use a terrible-sounding spell in their fic?

    It's fantastic that one's imagination can include spells called UckfayOuyay, but that's not kosher when you publish it. Try and use real words, finding a latin translator on the internet isn't hard. All it has to do is sound professional, it doesn't have to be so.
  12. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Many canon spells are only mentioned by name or by name and effect but have no description or incantation. For my own writings and amusement, I've tried to fill in the missing pieces for some of them. This is my take on the infamous sticking charm.
    This spell was briefly mentioned in canon as the Permanent Sticking Charm and seemed to pervade fanon for a while as the 'Sticking Charm' or 'Eversticking Charm'.

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2007
  13. Amadan

    Amadan Second Year

    Dec 6, 2006
    Name:Blood Boiler
    Incantation:Incantation: Vomica Cruor (the translation Should be Boil the Blood.)
    School: Curse
    Appearance: dark yellow
    Spell Effect: This curse slowly simmers the blood over a period of 6 and a half hours reaching tempertures up to 70 degree's. It is very rare for a victim to survive without medical aid.
  14. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    Right then, no pig latin. Does anyone know of any other dead languages to use for spells?

    Spell name: Energable Curse
    Incantation: Navitas pessulus
    Spell classification: Curse- Battle Magic
    Legality: Legal in duels only.
    Wand movement: A jagged lightning bolt
    Spell area: Fizzles out after reaching a distance of 7 metres
    Spell effect: A large, purple coloured streak of energy launches itself at the targeted area. It was once for medical procedures, but fell out of practice as a method when several patients were mentally unbalanced by the crippling pain that was inflicted one them when they awoke. It was used extensively by Dark Empress Cien, who then created two variants of the spell.


    Spell name: Energable Curse
    Incantation: Nervus pessulus
    Spell classification: Curse- Battle Magic
    Legality: Legal in duels only.
    Wand movement: A jagged lightning bolt, with a flick downwards at the end
    Spell area: a 5 metre circle around the caster
    Spell effect: Creates multiple jets of energy to strike out all around the caster.

    Spell name: Energable Cross Curse
    Incantation: Navitas crucis
    Spell classification: Curse- Battle Magic
    Legality: Illegal- highest prison sentence can be life.
    Wand movement: an 'X'
    Spell area: Targets chest
    Spell effect: It creates a purple flame that causes immense damage. Non-verbally, it create less damage. It is believed to be the reason for Hermione Granger's early death, just before she was scheduled to leave for Hogwarts.
  15. Klael

    Klael Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Nov 26, 2006
    Buffalo Grove, Il. (Suburban Chicago)
    I'd suggest Egyptian, and possibly, some eastern-sounding languages. Languages around the world are organized into groups--for example, French, English, Spanish, Italian, and to a lesser extent Russian and German are all categorized as Romantic Languages (a referrence to their origins in the Roman Empire). I would suggest finding Languages derived from Southern/Central Africa, Mongolia/China, and Native American tribal languages (with special attention payed to Mayan and Aztec). Also, perhaps some ancient Indian languages could be possible to use.

    For the most part, though, don't go overboard; chances are that the majority of spells that you'd find in these are simply the regions' own means of conveying magic in a specific way (i.e., levitation).
  16. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    Latin, Greek, and sanscrit are all I can think of. But I don't think your going to be able to write Sanscrit words in english ;)
  17. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Cuneiform, Linear A, Linear B, Egyptian Hieroglyphics . . . Linear B would probably be the funniest though.
  18. Klael

    Klael Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Nov 26, 2006
    Buffalo Grove, Il. (Suburban Chicago)
    Linear what now?
  19. Fading Dream

    Fading Dream Guest

    Spell Incantation - alius ortus quod nex (Another Birth and Death)

    Spell Effect - bring another human back to life, at the expense of your own life

    Spell Classification - white magic

    Interesting facts - Only able to be used by a certain type of Witch/Wizard, born in the year of the phoenix, which only comes around once every 100 years. Even then, a Phoenix Child can only perform this art after years of training in white magic. No known survivors of this spell have been recorded.
  20. Fading Dream

    Fading Dream Guest

    oooohh... I thought of more (a couple practical ones too)

    Spell Incantation - exstinguo incendia (put out fire)

    Spell Effect - Put out fires (duh!)

    Spell Classification -charm

    Interesting facts - The only known charm that can put out fires caused by both magic and nature in large quantities when it is impossible to put out by normal means

    Spell Incantation - Statua vita (statue life)

    Spell Effect - temporarily give "life" to a statue

    Spell Classification - charm

    Interesting facts - It is a common used tool to make moving large monuments and statues much easier, and it actually quite easy to use. It was once documented to be used by Lord Grindelwald to create artificial soldiers for his army.