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The DLP Spell List

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Yarrgh!, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Darksov: Linear A and Linear B were two languages discovered on Crete, used by the Minoans. Linear A was actually more of the minoan writing system, but . . . Linear A was relatively easily deciphered, but Linear B proved to be significantly more difficult, as there was much less of it. There was much less of it because it was apparently primarily used for making shopping lists, or something like that. It was a huge letdown.

    Edit: Was the double post necessary? Tsk tsk.
  2. Fading Dream

    Fading Dream Guest


    my crappy computer wont let me edit my posts for some strange ass reason... Ancient shopping lists? please...
  3. DGD

    DGD Headmaster

    Oct 29, 2005
    Wisconsin, USA
  4. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    Name: Greek translation charm
    Incantation: Adfabilis acinus appingo sigma
    Spell class: Prank Charm
    Spell appearence: A series of blue runes
    Spell effect: makes the targeted person capable of only speaking and writing Greek for 24 hours
    Wand movement: Simply point at target.
    Additional notes: The spell was created by the owners of WWW, Fred and George Weasley. Several variants were then made. One, created by Harry Potter, is used to maximum effect in many duels.

    Name: Greek Charm
    Incantation: Citro sigma
    Spell class: Duel charm
    Spell appearence: Quickly flashing blue runes
    Spell effect: Targeted person can still speak and think English, but all spells shall come out Greek.
  5. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    I must be missing a point that I am sure is in there somewhere. Anyway, I've never played World of Warcraft but, I can assure you, dragon's breath and their equivalents have existed in fiction, fantasy games and the daydreams of the odd for many, many years. One need look no further for inspiration than a poster of a dragon or a fire eater performing on the street. In short; it's a no-brainer. Though one could argue that since the spell is bound to be quite prevalent, providing one proves that much more useful to those that need it.
    Being the greedy bastard that I am, I save most of the really interesting spells for myself.

    And to stay on topic...

  6. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    Name: Reversal of fortune
    Incantation: Consto vis vires… Rumpo! - Stop Power... Shatter
    School: Curse
    Classification: Mid to high level Dueling spell
    Legality: non-tournament legal
    Appearance: Silver/White
    Area: Varies depending on caster strength
    Wand Movement: Slow circle while chanting the first two words of the spell followed by a diagonal slash and the final word when your opponent's spell nears.
    Spell Effect: Sole purpose is to shatter wands
    NOTES: Wand shattering curse. Mid-level spell due to it’s draining effects on the caster. Multiple spells and Indeed Multiple opponent's can be effected by this spell, but it can only be held for about five seconds after the diagonal movement and final word.
    Additional note:Ineffective unless an opponents spell enters the drawn circle.
    WARNING: Will not affect the Unforgivable curses.

    Name: Crusader Lord
    Incantation: Magnus Nervulus - Great Nerve [Literal Translation]
    School: Charm
    Classification: Support spell
    Legality: Entirely legal
    Appearance: Dark Red beam resulting in a red glow
    Area: Single Person
    Spell Effect: Spell to Give courage
    NOTES: Invented by Richard the Lionhearted to inspire his lieutenants, this spell saw a great deal of use during the crusades, especially before fighting against a numerically superior foe.
    Additional note: The effects of this spell rely directly upon the amount of confidence the caster has in the receiver.

    Name: The Fool's Training
    Incantation: Crebresco Praeceps - Increase Danger
    School: charm
    Classification: Grey Arts
    Legality: Legal
    Appearance: Blue/Brown Beam
    Area: Single Target
    Spell Effect: Creates an artificial aura of danger
    NOTES: The Dark lord Noctum (Also known as 'The foolish knight') Created this spell accidentally while trying to artificially increase the skill of his troops. Unfortunately for him the spell only made them Look more dangerous. His entire army was decimated by the worried opposition shortly after their arrival.
    Additional note: It is speculated that the Dark lord 'Voldimort' has found a way to turn this charm into an enchantment, but no source has yet been able to get close enough to ask this question.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2007
  7. Brooklynight

    Brooklynight Seventh Year

    Jul 1, 2006
    New York
    Name: Concentrated light beam
    Incantation: Aduro
    School: Charm
    Classification: obscure
    Legality: legal
    Appreance: white beam
    Area: target
    Effect: Blinds humans if it hits in the eyes. Severly damages vampires and other dark creatures.
    Notes: Spell isn't particulalrly well known.
  8. Raijin

    Raijin Slug Club Member

    Apr 18, 2006
    Name: Hyugen's Wave
    Incantation: eo ire itum crispo
    Type: Modern offensive spell

    Effects: An invisible wave of magical energy is unleashed. Once it impacts another magical object/being a new concentric wave will form using their energy, and simultaneously knocking them down.

    Weakness: If it hits a magical shield, the shield will be drained and the wave will form but the caster of the spell will be unaffected. Also once it hits a physical object the object will be blown back but the wave dissipates on larger non-magical objects.

    Warning: Unless properly prepared the spell may backfire once the new waves form.

    History: Spell originally created by a muggle-born with way to much interest in physics.
  9. yojorocks

    yojorocks Seventh Year

    Jun 15, 2006
    Columbus, OH
    Name: The Blinder
    Incantation: abluere maculam (lit: to cleanse the stain [the macula looks like a stain on the retina, hence its name])
    Spell Classification: Transfiguration procedure developed by healers to help people suffering from macular degeneration, which is one of the leading causes of central vision loss (blindness).

    Spell Effect: A delicate transfiguration, it is quite painful during its (generally) brief duration. It manipulates the distribution of cone and rod cells in the retina of an eye, primarily in the macula; the cells can be created or destroyed depending on the amount of power put into the spell relative to a certain threshold. At that threshold, the cells can be physically moved around the retina and reattached to the nerves. An 'underpowered' spell creates the cells while and overpowered one puts too much energy into the cells and destroys them. The spell can last a fraction of a second or several painstaking minutes.

    Interesting Facts: While originally made in the 1400s to help cure some forms of blindness, it largely fell out of use in the 1600s due to advances in potionmaking by Nicholas Flamel and the difficulty in correctly casting the procedure. It was adopted by Spanish gangs in Madrid in the early 1700s for use during interrogations to blind captives and keep them off balance; eventually it became popular in gangs throughout Europe, Africa, and the Americas to use on captured members of opposing factions to prevent their escape. Blatant widespread misuse of this transfiguration by 1745 caused the ICW to ban the printing of this procedure from circulation except in texts for liscensed healers. Damages cause by this transfiguration can only be reversed by a percise reapplication of the charm or delicately applied potions on the victim's eyeball. Due to the amount of control required to tweak a person's sight percisely, it is rare to find someone willing and able to cast this procedure with the developed purpose, especially as most liscensed healers do not persue transfiguration masteries. It is frequently used by factions independent of governmental approval to help prevent long-term prisoners not intended for release from escaping.

    Just as a note, people seem fixated on battle charms, but little buggers like this could really have an effect on a story. Personally, I think that reading about using spells like this during interrogation and the panic it would cause the victim would be much more fun to read about than a brief entry about firing bolts of lightening, fireballs, conjured weapons, etc., at Death Eater #25.
  10. saL

    saL Second Year

    Jan 13, 2006
    Under Fidelius
    Name: Watson's Secret
    Incantation: felix reduco
    Wand movement: Circular Motion around the caster, then tourching the forehead with tip of the wand
    Classification: grey
    Legality: banned from sporting events and public places
    Appearance: invisible
    Area: depending on strength of caster; circle less than 15m
    Effect: Drains luck from humans inside the spell's radius and gives it to the caster. Noticably weaker than Felix felicis.
    Notes: This spell is extremely draining when combined with casting other magics and easily stopped by a magical shield. Nicknamed after 11 times magical dueling world campion Terrance Watson who used this spell extensively until, in 1912, Andreij Kazec invented and used the counter 'inverto amnis', causing Watson to lose grip on his wand, stumble over the dropped wand and break his neck in the fall.

    Incantation: Inverto Amnis
    Wand movement: One counterclockwise spiral in direction of caster
    Classification: light
    Legaltity: no restrictions
    Appearance: depending on type of magcial flow reversed
    Area: Up to 25m
    Effect: Universal counter to draining spells and curses, works by reversing the direction of the flow
    Notes: Due to its generalized character this spell might not be able to reverse a draining that is actively upheld by a strong wizard; more specialized counters might be necessary

    Name: Sandman's Revenge
    Incantation: Pulvis atrocitas
    Wand movement: Throwing motion
    Classification: dark
    Appearance: Cloud of black dust; size depending on strength of caster; movement speed depending on 'throw'
    Effect: Multiple effects: On contact with eyes conjures visions of horror for the victim often leading to panic attacks.
    Inhaled the dust dissolves the respirational system.
    Open wounds immediatly fester and rot on contact whereas intact skin begins to blister.
    Notes: This curse can be used against multiple opponents, the caster is adviced to make sure his target/s is/are downwind. For greater efficiency this curse may be coupled with a magical whirlwind.
  11. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    I'm going to semi-copy Warlocke's idea with the description for existing spells

    Name: Enchanting spell
    Incantation: (Spell) Mansito
    Wand Movement: None- the caster equires only to picture the object in his mind. Spell must be within sight
    Classification: Enchantment
    Legality: Depends on used spell
    Appearance: Targeted object glows grey faintly.
    Area: One object that is with sight.
    Effect: Laces an object with properties of a spell. For example, a hat could be enchanted with a Killing Curse which would kill the person who fills it's purpose (which is to be worn). If it is a wizard that wears the hat, the spell will recharge itself. The downside is that if enchanting an object with Dark Magic it will require large amounts of magic by the caster but it shall also have to feed off magic throughout the enchantments existence. If an object is not enchanted with Dark Magic, it will not require to constantly feed off magic.
    Notes: Several variants of the spell exist. The spell to create Portkeys was once an enchantment, but due to the large amounts if magic required it was hard to create them. The now common, but weaker, variant can be cast by many wizards.

    The spell is easy to use, and therefore taught to many Apprentice Enchanters

    Other spells exist, which are used for specific types of enchantment.

    Name: Warding spell
    Incantation: Cento defensio
    Wand movement: A square, with flicks at the corners.
    Classification: Ward
    Legality: Legal
    Appearance: A dome, that varies in colour before becoming transparent. The colour depends on the strength of the spell.
    Area: 100 foot circle, but can be shrunk by the caster.
    Effect: Creates a ward to fend off attacks.
    Notes: Many variants of the spell exist, which often require adjustments to the incantation. It is the most basic ward to construct, and is therefore the first ward many Apprentice Warders learn.

    More powerful Wards require more time, energy and a completely different incantation to build.

    Edit: Got some more

    Name: Brain poison curse (can't think of a better name)
    Incantation: Cerebre toxicum
    Wand movement: Sharp back-handed flick at the targeted location.
    Classification: Battle curse
    Legality: Illegal
    Appearance: Black arrow that fuses with skin on contact.
    Area: Designated location, and splash area of arrow.
    Effect: Creates an arrows made of neurotoxins. When it impacts an object it will liquidify and the splash against the object shall immediately solidify after impact to fuse with any nearby skin. When the posion fuses with skin, it shall immediately seep through the skin and attack the nervous system. This can lead to crippling pain for powerful wizards to respiratory failure for weaker victims.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2007
  12. Cjonbloodletter

    Cjonbloodletter Professor

    Jan 29, 2007
    In Lord Jabu Jabu
    This spell was actually inspired by Orson Scott Card’s “Xenocide”.

    Name: Unknown
    Spell Class: Ancient Ritual (Believed to have originated some where in what is now northern Italy, though this is in question as well given the appearance of 7 celtic runes)
    Incantation: Superstes Ipsemet Adepto Novus Vita
    Translation (rough) To survive ones own death to acquire new life.
    Instructions/ Requirements (Note, being a powerful magic number, the number seven will show up a lot in this ritual) Must draw a 7 b 7 foot pentacle on a perfect level surface (the lines used to draw the pentacle must be 7 inches thick). It is advised that the Pentacle be drawn in the caster's own blood for grounding on the material plane, though not strictly necessary. At each point of the pentacle one of these following runes will be placed: Fehu, Thurisaz, Raidho, Kevaz, and Algiz. In the exact center of the pentacle will be the rune Gebo for grounding (which is where you will stand during the ritual). Standing on the Gebo rune facing north, you must say the incantation (stated above) 7 times in a very clear voice (This can be difficult as it is said to be a very painful ritual).
    Effects: This spell creates an exact replica of you transfers our soul into it then destroys our original body.
    Purposes This was mainly used by those who were wounded beyond healing to give them another chance.
    Warnings: This can only be used once by a any individual as this is possibly damaging to the soul, multiple uses could drive a man insane. Improper rune drawing/ incantation pronunciation can cause the soul to be lost leaving the body you created an empty shell.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2007
  13. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Name: Self-Illusion Transfiguration/Charm
    Incantation: Illusomatem Aquatus Formo (Pig latin -
    Wand Movement: Flick & swish of the caster’s wand.
    School: Transfiguration/Charm
    Classification: Illusion - Seventh year charm taught at Hogwarts.
    Effect: Creates an illusion of the caster made of water/vapour.

    Details: The solidity and details of the illusion depend on the focus and will of the caster. The copy has no magic of its own and as such cannot cast spells.
    As the copy is made of water, any spells that hit it will affect it like it was water. I.E. Cutting curses will have no effect, whilst elemental charms/curses will be more effective.
    The copy has no free will and/or actual thoughts, all movement is controlled by the caster and the illusion can not make any sound (Not including
    Level 1 training in occlumency has been known to increase the detail and solidity of the illusion.

    Note: Students have mentioned that the wand movement is the exact opposite of the Wingardium Leviosa spell, meaning this is one of the easiest spells to actually cast; though casting it well is a different matter.
  14. Klael

    Klael Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Nov 26, 2006
    Buffalo Grove, Il. (Suburban Chicago)
    Pullulare Brachium subter Brachium Superior-(Sprout arms under upper arms) [Part one of two]

    Creates a complete set of functioning arms below the arms of a normal human being. The arms, unless otherwise directed by the caster, will match completely with the natural arms. While nerves are also created within the arm itself, there is no integration withing the motor cortex that allows them to be used. The neurons are dead; unless another spell is used, they would be unmovable.


    The first of a set of spells used to create a second set of arms. They are fully capable of channeling magic, though the channeling of extraordinary amounts of power has been known to collapse the magic maintaining the arms. Should the arms be successfully linked to the brain, the sudden loss of an arm could have serious detrimental effects on the motor cortex.

    Conserere Neuronum ad Cerebellum-(link neurons to brain)[Part 2 of 2]

    Creates a functioning neural pathway from conjured arms to the motor and somatosensory cortexes of the brain.


    This spell is necessary to allow the former to be of functional use to the caster. A fundamental understanding of the human brain's processes is necessary, though the ability to practice occlumency allows for a much more precise creation of a temporary new part of the motor cortex which allows for the new arms to move independent from the real arms. Otherwise, as is typical, each new arm would receive the same commands from the brain as the normal arms on the human body. While this may seem to defeat the purpose, it is possible to channel magic through both arms to cast spells from two wands, and physical combat is, of course, enhanced by the presence of a new set of arms (though intense practice is needed for proper coordination).

    Regardless of if the brain is able to separately control the arms or not, it is necessary to point out that this spell creates new neural pathways. This requires a precise understanding of the workings of neurons. Should a mistake be made, possible consequesnces include seizure, stroke, and death. For these reasons, and for the possible tampering with of the brain itself, this spell is rarely used. However, when completed correctly and to the utmost possibilities, the caster is able to control all four arms separately as if he had been doing so his entire life. If care is taken in the conjuration, then it is also possible to alter the arms in ways which allow for greater blood circulation, reduced lactic acid buildup, and to eliminate pain--though this would also eliminate the ability to feel using the hands.
  15. Alter Alias

    Alter Alias First Year

    Sep 25, 2006
    Fides non auctorita Trust not authority

    Conjuring spell

    Conjures a fully functional guillotine.

    Created during the French revolution it was used by wizards when it was decided no extra ceremony was needed for an execution, as such it was considered by aristocracy for which it was intended as a deeply ignoble death. Fides non was later popularized in Russia during the October revolution where it was used at borders due to the difficulty involved in transporting materials for a muggle guillotine through unstable Russia.

    "Why Malfoy I'm shocked, you fought almost honorably, and for that I shall grant you a merciful death, fall as your forefathers did Fides..."
  16. scionofkyuubi

    scionofkyuubi First Year

    Aug 8, 2006
    Spell: Illusion of Night

    Incantation: Nocturus; Loosely translated, "Night"

    Spell effect: Creates an illusion of utter darkness on the target, however the other four senses are not affected. Casting time varies on power level of the caster.

    Weaknesses: As stated, affects only sight. Victim can still hear, smell, etc. Also, the spell requires energy to maintain. After long enough, the spell deteriorates on it's own.

    Classification: As of yet, none. Will likely end up as a Dark Arts-class Charm. If you use this in a story, credit, please!
  17. ttrslk

    ttrslk Squib

    Feb 1, 2007
    Incantation: Ambulo Super Aqua (to walk over water).
    Effect: Allows the caster to walk over water.
    Classification: Medium/Heavy Charms, instant effect.
    Area: Single Target (only the caster).
    Wand Movement: Circular motion over the caster's head while pronouncing the incantation with a final tap over the head.
    Appearance: A babe blue beam descending slowly in spiral form from the tip of the caster's wand, involving the caster body momentarily in a blue aura, signalling a successfully casting.
    Nullification: At the caster's will or a great disturbance in his concentration (Only the most skilled wizards can maintain this spell while performing another spell. Great concentration is required to do so, and accomplished Occlumens are more than capable to do it). A simple Finite will not nullify it.
  18. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    Name: Memory Blast
    Incantation: Memoria Flatus
    Classification: Illeagal (maximum 3 years imprisonment)
    Area: Single person
    Effect: It combines the caster's and victim's worst memories to weaken the victim. It has been known to cause insanity when prolonged.
    Notes: If the victim goes insane, the caster is sentenced to life. A stonger version was created by the Dark lord Voldemort during the Third Blood War.

    Name: Mind Assualt
    Incantation: Vindico Mens
    Classification: Is officialy the 4th Unforgivable.
    Area: Single Person
    Effect: It is a strengthened version of the Memory Blast. It was also used to torture traitors for every peice of information they had. To prevent insanity, the spell mimiced the Mens Mentis potion, which prevents insanity for a short period of time. The mimicing effect of the spell can be "turned off" once all information is extracted.
  19. Goosefaba

    Goosefaba Looked into the void DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2007
    Name: Puppet Master Curse
    Incantation: Imperialisietes
    School: Curse
    Classification: obscure
    Legality: Grey(not decided)
    Appreance: blue string like threads(representing magic) attach themselves to the target and connect to the casters chest.
    Area: target
    Effect: animates inanimate objects giving the user a puppet master ability.
    Notes: Spell isn't particulalrly well known, though Dumbledore used a variant of this in the Order of The Phoenix to animate the fountain of magical brethren.
  20. Kenshkrix

    Kenshkrix DA Member DLP Supporter

    Feb 5, 2007
    Nowhere, California
    Name: Nine Days of Darkness
    Incantation: Effingo Novem Noctis
    Translation: Make Nine Night.
    School: Conjuration
    Classification: Obscure
    Legality: Legal
    Appearance/Effect: Creates nine small orbs that absorb light. These orbs fly in the direction of the wand while moving randomly side to side/up and down.
    Notes: This spell can douse magical lights, and fires. If used enough times in a room it can create a long-lasting darkness. It received its name after a group of wizards cast it enough times to create an eclipse for nine days.

    Name: Counterspell
    Incantation: Mutodiscessio
    Translation: Muto - To Change, Discessio - Direction
    School: Charm
    Classification: Unknown
    Legality: Unknown
    Wand Movement: Pointed towards the caster, then flicked forward to point directly at an incoming spell.
    Appearance: A dark blue beam.
    Effect: Can change the direction of a spell, if the caster doesn't focus on a specific direction it will reverse direction.
    Notes: If the amount of power in the Counterspell is less than the spell it is countering it will slow it down, if it is more than it'll reverse it and increase its speed and/or power.

    Name: Spark Balls
    Incantation: Fugotria Levifons
    Translation: Fugo - To put to flight, Tria - three, Levis - Light, Fons - Fountain
    School: Conjuration
    Classification: Prank
    Legality: Legal
    Wand Movement: Spin the wand in a circle three times then flick forwards.
    Appearance/Effect: Launches three balls of light that shoot sparks in every direction.
    Notes: If cast directly into somebody's face it may blind them and light their hair on fire.

    If you're going to use some of my spells, I'd appreciate receiving credit.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2007