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The DLP Spell List

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Yarrgh!, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    LogrusMage, nice spells. Especially the bullet one. I could just imagine a hitman using that spell.

    Some more of my mine though.

    *Means Pimary incantation

    Name: Skin cutting charm
    Incantation: Kagizagu (Mixture of Japnase word for “rip” and “To skin”)
    Effect: Creates a deep, long cut. The cut tends to avoid most major arteries/veins.
    Class/Legality: Medical/Dark Cham. Legal depending upon use.
    Notes: Certain words preceding/succeeding the primary incantation can add various effects to the wound.

    Incantation: Kyu-*-Ukai
    Effect: Causes the skin surrounding the wound to begin to die and rot at an accelerated pace.
    Class/Legality: Dark charm adjustment. Illegal

    Incantation: Muk-*-Kaku
    Effect: Numbs the area that was cut. Most commonly used in battlefield operations to remove pain from the patient. Is less commonly used by Dark Wizards to make sure their victims do not realize they are hit.

    That reminds me, I need to find something to teach me some Welsh. Were you taught it or do you use an online source for your translations?
  2. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY
    Translator now, back when I was writing lore, we had a guy who knew welsh and translated for me. Here it is;


    Oh, and here's a new spell, though it's a bit important to my plot, so credit me please :)

    Name: Timepiece Creation​
    Incantation: Vicis immortalis ​
    Sol solis ​
    Etiam Luna ut Ortus ​
    Astrum intereo ​
    Plagiarius No ​
    Humanus Repo​
    Wand Movements: Complicated wand pattern consisting of several ellipses centered around an alchemic medium.​
    Reagents: A calculated amount of any combination of metals placed on an array of alchemic circles including; a fire circle, an earth circle, a star circle, a gravity circle and a creation circle all encased inside a tempus array. Usually requires many wizards to power the array.
    Class: Mid to High Level Alchemic Spell​
    Effect: Forms a timepiece whose form is dependent on the casters wand movements and set thoughts. The time piece will be forever accurate, and will show the positions of the sun, moon, stars, planets, and earth on their orbits' and axis's. ​
    Origin: Developed by the French Valmont family, who used the technique to start an upper-class watch buisness called Éternité de les Soleil, whose brand is now known as Valmet.

    I dislike the Super!Watch cliche, but this one is more for calculating astronomically based spells than stunning people and turning invisible.

    And another Welsh spell.... (btw, I'm playing with the words a bit, as welsh looks unpronounceable by English speakers if you don't)

    Name: Vegetation Camouflage Charm
    Incantation: Cela mewn Brifiant
    Wand Movement: The wand is used to draw a circle or otherwise shaped area around oneself one wishes to camouflage. The area must touch or include some form of vegetation.
    Reagents: Vegetation of some sort.
    Class: Ancient Welsh Hiding Charm
    Effect: Causes the vegetation targeted to grow rapidly around the caster, wrapping him in a way that allows for minimal movement, but an easy escape. Effectively hides the caster from view, while feeding off of his/her magic minimally for upkeep. Once the vegetation is left by the caster, the vegetation will return to it's normal size and shape, as it's extra growth will almost immediately die and rot away due to it's lack of magical feeding.
    Origin: Created by ancient Welsh wizards in sneak attacks against invaders.
  3. The-Hyphenated-One

    The-Hyphenated-One Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Sep 5, 2006
    Wow, you really are good at making up new spells. I love the vegetation camoflauge spell. I's so much better then the disillusionment spell.

    The watch spell has a huge incantation, but is better than Harry buying an uber watch with invisibilty, radar, and other what nots. Seem's like it's a lot of work for a pretty simply watch. I assume it's due to the fact that it's never wrong.

    Keep coming up with the spells, but hurry up and start the damn story! I really wan't to see how it turns out.
  4. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY
    Haha! Harry won't exactly be making this watch, but he'll witness it's creation. In fact, Cassius Valmont is my Dark Intalian/French wizard I mentioned before, and he'll be the one to introduce Harry at a yound age to the wonders of alchemy.

    My alchemy is ALWAYS a lot of work. Alchemy isn't easy, I hate when people have Olivander make Harry a wand in a few seconds flat. Or when they make it out as if magical items are a dime a dozen. I plan on alluding to the fact that most of Dumbledore's little trinkets were made for himself, by himself.

    And if I've got you so excited about this, ya know what, I'll do my best to bang out the first chapter soon enough! Knowing someone actually want to READ what I write is pretty inspiring!

    However, I'm gonna end up doing loads of revision. My first stuff usually sucks pretty hard. I'll probably end up posting it here to work out the kinks in my writing, before continuing on.

    Oh, and as this is the spell-book thread, I may as well make a new spell while I'm here...

    Name: The Double Jumping Charm
    Incantation: Naid Ail
    Wand Movement: Whilst midair, one's wand is pointed between one's feet.
    Reagents: None
    Class: Ancient Welsh Charm
    Effect: Creates a temporary 'platform' of air allowing the caster to jump from it, essentially allowing them to jump twice. Has a great chance of failure when used more than once in mid-air.
    Origin: Created by ancient Welsh wizards to scale castle walls quickly during invasions, as well as prevent comrades from falling off of siege ladders.
  5. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    Will two people wanting to read your story inspire you more than just the one? Because from what we've told us of it, it's fantastic.

    And I never knew InterTran translated welsh. I've only ever used it for Latin.

    Name: The Summoning
    Incantation: *is “Cythraul dod allen madael annwen” (altered version of Welsh for “Demon come from The Underworld”.

    A complex series of runes must be drawn in human blood, each one relating to summoning or evil. They must spiral outwards, the end of each spiral reaching a tip of the pentagon (drawn in human blood also). In the centre of the pentagon, where the runes originate, must be a body for the demon to inhabit and take back to the Underworld.
    Effect: Opens a portal which tears a hole in between two dimensions. Through this dimensional portal, a demon can be summoned.
    Class/Legality: Satanic magic/Illegal.
    Notes: Certain words can be used to alter the strength/type of demon summoned.

    Incantation: Pechadurus *
    Summons a demon that feeds of the sins the Summoner has committed.
  6. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Name: The Cruciatus Unending Curse
    Incantation: Crucio Stativus
    Legality: As Illegal as it gets
    Class: Dark Magic
    Wand movement: N/A
    Effect: Puts target under the Cruciatus Curse permanently.
    Appearance: None
    Notes: The only evidence of this curse ever being cast were medical cases where victims - all high profile members of society that almost certainly took part in politics - were found maddened, until finally expiring.

    Unfeasible, I know, but I like it nevertheless. If I ever write an Evil!Harry story, that curse will make an appearance.
  7. Dark Lord Rostam

    Dark Lord Rostam Button La Famiglia Midknight

    Mar 2, 2006
    In that thing you call a closet. Better watch out,
    I've seen that curse like a billion times in fanfiction. Not exactly like that, but the effects are the same.
  8. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY
    Here are two more alchemic spells...

    Name: Earth to Water Transmutation
    Incantation: Unda Ex Terra
    Wand Movement: Pointed at alchemic circle.
    Reagents: Large area of basic silicate-earth with the alchemic circles for water and earth inside a larger base transmutation circle.
    Effects: The earth will be changed and transmuted into water. A basically useless alchemic reaction, as it is easily replaced with basic transfiguration. However, it is used as a basic milestone test from apprentice alchemists.
    Origin: One of the first alchemic spells ever created, it's origins are unknown and lie with the origin of alchemy itself.

    ***I may change this one. I'm not sure if this is within the limits of Alchemy or not. Does anyone know if something similar can really be done by transfiguration?

    Name: Animation Transmutation
    Incantation: Addo Vita ut Exanimus
    Sententia ut etiam
    Vox vocis ut quietis
    Parumper Vicis, Ago
    Wand Movement: A complex pattern with different motions representing different tasks for the subject object.
    Reagents: An inanimate object, such as a statue, placed on an array of alchemic circles including; an animation circle, a purpose circle, a fire circle, a water circle, and an earth circle, all encased in peniculus array.
    Effects: Brings an inanimate object to life for a certain amount of time, dependent on the casters power. It's mobility and devotion and understanding of it's task are dependent on the casters skill, and particular wand movements. The animation will, on average, fail and end if the task set is completed.
    Origin: First used by Greek wizards trying to over throw Roman rule using an army of Golems. The attack failed after the Golem's animations ended after killing a single Roman, as killing Roman soldiers had been the task set.

    These two I made awhile ago, and aren't particularly original... now I feel bad about their originality... hold on...

    Name: Quick Push Charm
    Incantation: Hypa (Note: Always cast silently)
    Wand Movement: Only requirement is to have wand on hand, not necessarily pointed at one's target.
    Reagents: None.
    Effects: Emits a slight forced from the caster. Enough to push away an attacker in close quarters, but rarely enough to knock an attacker down or push one on top of you against gravity.
    Origin: Used by a team of four Welsh wizards who, while patrolling castle battlements, used the spell in unison to quickly push siege ladders off of the walls.

    If you haven't guessed and I haven't said it yet, my assassin/mentor will a have welsh heritage...

    Here's a dark spell I thought of in the shower, not super original, but a spin on an old tried and true...

    Name: Temporary Blindness Hex
    Incantation: Umbra Vobis
    Wand Movement: Pointed at victims head, flicked left and then right using only one's wrist.
    Reagents: None.
    Class: Mid-Level Dark Arts
    Effects: Causes the target to become temporarily blinded. Has no projectile, simply causes it's effect. Effect will last up to ten seconds.
    Origin: Created by a Roman general, after his son became blind, to torture those who mocked him.

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2007
  9. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Are you talking about the earth-to-water one or the animation one?

    Either way, it doesn't matter, as both can be done in transfiguration. For example, Dumbledore's statues in the MoM, Mcgonagall's chess pieces in PS.

    Anyway, good job with the spells LogrusMage, it's nice to see some spells that aren't just variants on "flays person in X manner" or "do Y to Z organ".

    If I may make one suggestions though: most incantations in Harry Potter are one word, a the most two. You might want to consider trying to mix up those incantations of yours into one word.

    For example...

    Cela mewn Brifant!

    Could become


    Colours show the component parts:

    Cela mewn Brifiant



    And since that then looks a bit odd, you just have to fudge it around a bit til it becomes a bit more pronouncable.

    E.g. Brila, Brilam, Lamewn, Rilamewn...etc etc.
  10. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY

    On shortening the incantations; I'll consider it. However, the very long, multi-line incantations stay for alchemy. It denotes the difficulty and complexity of alchemic processes. As well, long-spell length is a way to show why Welsh magic isn't really used much in the modern word of constant spell-fire battling. It needs a lot more set p than normal spells. For instance, even with a shorter incantation, the circle still needs to be drawn. Shortening the incantation does pretty much nothing to the speed at which the spell is cast.

    Many processes achieved by alchemy are now useless due to potions of transfiguration, but they still exist to test the caster. The spells dealing with magicl objects will be much more interesting...
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2007
  11. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    I always pictured Dumbledore being capable of using a spell like this.

    Name: Bubble Explosion Curse

    Incantation: Burplosi (Bur-plow-See)

    Wand Movement: None, person points wand at opponent.

    Effect: Wand discharges 100s of bubbles that surround the opponent. With a slight flick of the wand, all the bubbles explode like muggle grenades catching the enemy in a whirlwind of fire and shock waves.

    Class/Legality: Dark

    Notes: For a wizard that doesn't know this spell they are in trouble. Its initial purpose to make your enemy think you aren't taking the fight seriously by conjuring bubbles like a kid. But they don't realize that they are virtually standing in the middle of a mine field.

    Meh, my first try at creating a spell. I created this within 7 seconds and decided to post it.
  12. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY
    I could definitely see Dumbledore using a spell like this. Child-like and whimsical, but very dangerous. Fits him well.
  13. Paravon

    Paravon Seventh Year

    Aug 5, 2006
    The earth.
    Name: Banishing Reversal Charm

    Incantation: Torpeo Pondero

    Wand Movement: A quick circular spin, a pull back, and a jab forward.

    Effect: In a duel or a fight, people will often banish objects at one another. This charm allows a person to reflect an object back, with more force, speed, and accuracy than simply banishing it back.

    Class: Neutral, mid-level charm

    Notes: It isn't the best of it's type, but it is a middle of the road alternative for those who are reasonably skilled, but not expert enough to reliably use higher level charms.

    LogrusMage: From what you are saying about your version of alchemy, it sounds like free-wielding, from Potter's Resistance: Breaking Ties. That is, a precursor to the simpler and more direct forms of using magic that we have now.

    With how complicated it sounds, might it be the first type of magic that didn't use raw magical casting? Like Riddle used as a child.
  14. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY
    It's sort of a precursor to basic transfiguration/potions, but still different.

    Basically, I'm defining 'Alchemy' as the creation of magical objects.

    It does not make an object magical (enchanting), and it does not simply create an object (transfiguration), nor does it simply mix things together to form something else (potions).

    I've never read that story, but I'm sure I'll get around to it...
  15. Amon Amarth

    Amon Amarth Squib

    Jun 24, 2007
    I'm not sure I would like this spell that much. Does the 'bullet' penetrate the skin and move at the speed of a regular bullet? This spell would be just to simple to use to take down someone. If you shoot someone with a gun in any part of their body, then they are practically down for the count. Also, someone could make a variation of this spell and, instead of a pistol like effect, have it be like a machine gun.
  16. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY
    Like most welsh spells, it takes awhile to build up enough power to make it go fast enough to pierce skin like a bullet. Pretty much useless in-battle. Plus it takes a very steady arm to cast correctly. And it doesn't go the speed of as bullet, that'd just be unfair...

    Plus, it's easily blockable with a shield charm.

    Only Dumbledore or Voldemort could ever possibly use this spell in a battle situation. It's meant for sniping from a long distance away.

    Plus, as an ancient welsh spell, it isn't exactly well known...
  17. Amon Amarth

    Amon Amarth Squib

    Jun 24, 2007
    Name: Gentle Touch Curse
    Incantation: Delicatus Concrucio
    Wand Movements: A circular wrist movement followed up by raising your wand away from yourself, then a swift diagonal slash across your opponents body, as if you were to strike him/her down with a blade.
    Appearance: Once the magic leaves your wand, it turns transparent, almost invisible.

    Effects: Once it comes in contact with living cells, the person or animal the curse is cast upon's skin grows extremely sensitive. The lightest touch causes pain, the brush of his/her clothing against her skin would cause a significant amount of pain. The amount the victim's skin becomes sensitive equals to the amount of power the caster puts into the spell. But the more power that is put into the spell, the slower the curse becomes.

    Origin: The spell was created at the time when the Cruciatis(sp) Curse was labled as an Unforgivable. It is uncommonly used by professional interrogators or any who burrow into the Dark Arts.

    Counter Curse: Aberratio
  18. Novamute

    Novamute Third Year

    Jul 6, 2007
    Name: Wendigo's Hunger
    Incantation: Wiindigoo Biboong
    Wand Movement: No known wand movement* ( Both hands are swept up, palms down, from a resting position at the sides until the hands are in front and above the head, palms forward, with fingers slightly curled. This movement should correlate with the speaking of the first word of the incantation. The hands are then brought down quickly to shoulder height with arms fully extended and the hands are tightly fisted while speaking the second word of the incantaion)**
    Class: Shamanistic Curse
    Effect: A fast moving cloud of snow and ice particles move in a direct line from the caster to the target. Upon contact with the target the cloud envelopes the person and leeches all of the moisture from the body. Death occurs in approximatly 15 seconds and is extreamely painful.

    History: Little is know about the creation of this curse. It was used by the Ojibwa tribes in the Great Lakes region of the United States until the decimation and relocation of the native population. The last observed frequent use of the curse was during the French-Indian Wars.

    * In the Native American population the use of wands was not seen until a high saturation of European settlers was present in the area. Many tribes focused there power with "medicine pouches" located on their person and channelled the magical energy through their hands.

    **The hand movements are taken directly from observations made by British wizards during the French-Indian War
  19. Atomic Lightning-bug

    Atomic Lightning-bug Second Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 7, 2007
    Here's my first contribution to this thread. The first came from some inspiration I received from one of the writers here. The other is, more or less, my own idea.

    Incantation: Silicada Sulumpereo - roughly: rocks fall, everyone dies.

    Class: Illegal Dark Arts (as classified by the Ministry)

    Effect: Causes the illusion of a cave-in, if indoors. A skilled caster can also create the illusion of bodies trapped under the rubble, complete with realistic smells and sounds (ex. blood and screams). Powerful mages may also use this spell outdoors, causing the illusion of meteors crashing down on to the earth (only one recorded incident).

    Of unknown origin, the spell was used occasionally by Aurors to break up unruly mobs, without the more gory effects.

    The only wizard known to have used this spell outdoors was the self proclaimed Dark Lord Bergilus, at the 1689 Quidditch World Cup. The effects of the overpowered spell were said to have lead to the death of five players and dozens of spectators. The day of his capture, Bergilus was tossed into the Death Veil, foregoing a trial, under the claim of him practicing arcane, world ending magic. Some claim the Bergilus was dying at that point anyway, the result of the many power enhancing potion he drank to cast the spell in the first place.

    The Vindeus Curse

    Incantation: Expecto Vindeus - I summon my avenger.
    Class: Illegal Dark Arts (again, as classified by the ministry)

    Effect: Appears as a jet of red fire that engulfs the target. If cast only partly successfully, the spell will use the power of a wizard's righteous anger to attack the magical core of the intended target. A fully successful casting will also cause physical harm (burns, random cuts) to the target. Blocked by a strong shield or a Patronus of equal strength.

    Once taught to Aurors about to enter the ranks of the Unspeakables. Use and knowledge of this spell was outlawed completely when a disgruntled Ministry worker used it to kill the Minister of the time period, who was widely believed to be a corrupt dark wizard himself.
  20. NinjaCow

    NinjaCow Guest

    Spell: Blood Removal Curse
    Incantation: Incruentatus
    Translation: Bloodless
    Classification: Curse
    Legality: Illegal Dark Arts
    Effects: Removes all of the blood from the victim's body
    Notes: Causes a highly painful, but short, death. Victim's entire body shuts down after several seconds, due to lack of oxygen to the brain and nervous system.