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The DLP Spell List

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Yarrgh!, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    You can add that the spell was brought by the permanent Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See, which came to Poland in 1555. Also, change Ermland to Warmia(Polish) or Varmia(Latin).
    Anyway, great spell. You just have to love, spells with rich and long history.
  2. gwing05

    gwing05 Muggle

    Feb 21, 2007
    Name: Crushing Curse

    Incantation: Premo (Latin for "to Squeeze")

    Classification: Curse(Restricted)

    Effect: Essentially a summoning and a banishing charm on the exact same object. This will, essentially cause the object to be squeezed smaller and smaller. To target any specific things, the caster must think about the target upon where the curse is cast (for example, a person must think of the heart to hit the heart, otherwise, the spell will be useless).

    Notes: This curse is invisible, (well, from what's seen in the movies, summoning and banishing charms are invisible), however can be stopped with a simple shield. Restricted, due to the fact that if targeted correctly, any person, with any magical power, can kill another wizard or muggle. The markings are all internal, and are hard to determine through magical means.
  3. Kenshkrix

    Kenshkrix DA Member DLP Supporter

    Feb 5, 2007
    Nowhere, California
    Classification: Fail
    Incantation: Something Gilderoy Lockhart would make up
    Wand-Movement: Something Gilderoy Lockhart would do
    Effect: Your wand spits out a burst of sparks and fire towards you, lights your clothing on fire, then flies out of your hand.

    Illusory Self
    Classification: Nuetral - Illusionary
    Incantation: Effego
    Translation: Effingo - to form, fashion, make /duplicate, copy, Ego - I, self
    Wand-Movement: Point your wand at yourself, move it in a circle, then flick it towards a target.
    Effect: Creates an illusion of the caster at target spot, appears solid and can make noises, can be dispelled by a fast moving object or any magic hitting it. It appears less substantial in a magically rich zone, such as Hogwarts.
  4. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    The Impaling Curse

    Classification: Dark Arts
    Incantation: Pungo Sursum
    Translation: Stab upwards (Pungo, to stab/Sursum upwards)

    Wand movement: point it at the ground under your target, draw a circle then raise the wand abruptly upwards. Focus is important and anger has been known to cause increased effectiveness.

    Effect: The ground underneath the intended target reshapes itself into a pike, impaling the enemy from down below, until it exists through the mouth.

    History: widely used in the middle of the 15th century by Prince Vlad III of Terra Romanus (colochial name: Principality of Wallachia) against the Ottoman invaders. His frequent usage of it, especially upon captured prisoners, led to his nickname ''The Impaler''
  5. malaga

    malaga Auror

    Feb 14, 2007
    New Zealand
    The Flower Charm

    Classification: Transfiguration/Conjuration
    Incantion: Vigeo
    Translation: To Bloom (Hopefully, I used an online translator so it could be a bit dodgy.)

    Wand Movement: A tight circle and a jab toward the area the flowers should appear. The wider the circle, the more flowers will appear. Focus on the types of flowers wanted is important.

    Effect: A bunch of flowers will appear. It is important to note that visualisation is key, otherwise the flowers will appear unrealistic, dull, wilted, or simply will not exist.

    History: Invented by wizard Jared Jones on his 50th wedding anniversary in 1956. Reportedly created after Jones forgot the date and was about to be turned into a buffalo by his angry wife. He claimed until his dying day that he had invented it the day before, and hadn't actually forgotten the date.
  6. The Mysterious Nobody

    The Mysterious Nobody Auror

    Aug 7, 2007
    I made up this one to use it in one of the battles of the rewrite of "Take a Look Through the Masquerade"

  7. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005
    Here are a few spells that I've used in my stories before. I've got a massive spell-list that I keep around, so I don't have to keep making spells up, and I'll eventually get to posting it up soon- perhaps in it's own thread.

    Percussion Curse


    Effect: A spell that upon striking the human body will cause internal organs to wriggle and vibrate, causing great pain.

    Visual: A streak of bright blue light

    Notes: A well-cast percussion curse will incapacitate your opponent, sometimes to the point of death. There is no immediate counter-charm but it can be blocked by a wide variety of shielding charms.

    The 'Silver Arrow'

    Incantation: Argentum Telum

    Effect: A powerful piercing spell, designed to shatter through the conventional shielding spells and still have enough force to puncture the human body, causing grave physical injury

    Visual: A glimmer of silver light, formed into the shape of an arrowhead

    Notes: Despite its colour, this spell is less than effective on werewolves and any other creature susceptible to silver.
  8. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    I think you'll notice a theme to these spells. They were all created over time and I don't have any particular use picked out for them, fic-wise, so I thought I'd post them in one go. This is the kind of thing that just pops into my head when I'm actually trying to think up coherent plots. :|

    Making the world just a little more dangerous for the people who can't seem to figure out what 'no' means...

    Alternatives available to those with faster reflexes or, perhaps, better luck include many severing, dismembering and bludgeoning spells, the Gelding Curse, various emasculating curses and the, less bloody, Sleeping Tortoise spell listed below.

    Rumors exist of an antiquated goblin medical amputation spell that is powerful and quickly incanted which both severs and cauterizes, in one go, the body part of your choice; quite useful for perilous situations. Unfortunately the goblins guard such secrets fiercely, trading knowledge with only the best, most loyal and most influential of their customers. Additionally, use of goblin magics in such a way, if discovered, would likely be dubbed illegal by the Wizengamot.

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2008
  9. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Warlocke...you have an unhealthy fascination with destroying male anatomy.

    And I've figured out two ways to get around the Wolf Maiden Curse, though you'd have to know it was there to use them.

    1. Vanish the teeth.
    2. Transfigure your cock into titanium.

    Solution #2 wouldn't allow the wizard to get any pleasure, but at least it would show the witch who tried to rip your cock apart who's boss.
  10. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Oh, I can find ways to destroy just about anything. :twisted: With all of the Slytherin/Death Eater rapes Random Light Side girl fics out there and stories with a zillion and one ways to force someone to submit to such acts (potions, Imperius, binding spells, crooked contracts, forced marriage, good old-fashioned thuggery, magical creature hoodoo, polyjuice trickery, et cetera) I'm more than happy to tip the scales a tiny bit with a few new ways to destroy the perpetrator's equipment.

    This is one of those situations where it just isn't that easy. You'd either have to have the specific countercurse, which is more difficult to cast if you aren't the original caster, or you'd have to be really powerful. Typically, a person that powerful wouldn't feel they must resort to rape to get a woman, nor to prove how powerful they are. Obviously a sick fuck like Voldemort would be both powerful enough to dispel the curse without too much trouble AND more than willing to rape someone to prove he's a big tough guy, but if someone THAT much more powerful is the one after you... well, you've got problems above and beyond the average person and you shouldn't have slipped away from Harry, Ron and the Order members at Gringott's in order to look for a book at Borgin and Burkes.

    And, yeah, it has its flaws but it's not only an ancient (ancient as in outdated, not ancient as in uber-powerful elder magic) spell, it's well and truly a last line of defense; reserved for when you've lost your wand, your allies, and your leverage, so to speak.

    The spell was designed, ages ago, to resist such tampering. The two things it does well are maintaining its unaltered presence (IOW, being tamper resistant) and making sure the attack cannot continue after a certain initial point. Not preventing things from getting to that certain initial point is unfortunately the spell's critical shortcoming. But then, I posted it more as an unusual old spell with certain political and social reactions more than as an unbeatable defense. If such things existed, well, people would just point and laugh when confronted with death eaters, dragons and such.

    As Ingar (who Moody compliments as being 'One tough old bird.') would agree, it's far better to blast your assailant's arms, legs and John Thomas off from ten paces than to ever have to rely on the Wolf Guard.

    I get the feeling that changing parts of yourself into inanimate, inorganic materials is bad business. Besides, once your junk is, literally, junk, how does it stay attached?

    That might work if you're Pettigrew and the original limb was gone already anyway (and you have a powerful dark lord to fix it) but the average Joe would probably accidentally emasculate himself before he got started. Anyway, you could just conjure a spear and use that but then there will always be monsters out there that will stoop to a new level of sadism.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2008
  11. Demons In The Night

    Demons In The Night Chief Warlock

    Jan 11, 2008
    Ok, this is my attempt at creating the invisibility spell. Mostly because everyone always says "learn the fucking spell" and that Harry is to reliant on the cloak.

    Name: The Invisibilty Charm

    Incantation: semoveo ab visum (to remove / from sight)

    School: Charm (illusion)

    Legality: legal

    Area: Affects a single person or object

    Difficulty: High difficulty, post NEWT level

    Power Requirement: Medium to high power.

    Spell Effect: Creates a field around the caster or object that allows light to pass completely through, resulting in the object or caster becoming invisible.

    Duration: Duration increases with the amount of power put into the spell. Cannot be ended by 'Finite Incantatem' or 'Finite'.

    Note: Can be penetrated by magical eyes and charmed glasses, or other such devices.

    History: Invented by the infamous voyeur Braddock the Bold in the year 1372. It is rumored that this spell has allowed Braddock to see more nude women than any other man in history. Ultimately Braddock was captured by bounty hunters and tried in front of a jury consisting of the heads of the Twelve Great Families, and was sentenced to death by beheading.
  12. Aerin

    Aerin Seventh Year

    Dec 15, 2007
    The Void

    Magical Drain: Rapio veneficus. This curse essentially drains a person of their magical powers for one hour, granting it to the caster. Highly dark, requires blood sacrifice of relative.

    Flesh Flayer Curse: Scindo viscus ex somes. This curse flays all the flesh from a persons body in layers

    Blood Freeze Curse: Congelo cruor quod rumpus. This curse freezes every litre of a persons blood, followed by a concussive wave designed to specifically shatter the frozen blood into jagged icicles.

    Burning Blood: Planto suum cruor vomica. This curse heats up a persons blood to over 150 degrees centigrade, causing irreversible damage/ death to a person.

    Magical Implosion: Veneficus ingenero. This curse essentially causes a person to implode via their core sucking all physical matter in a 6 foot diameter into itself.

    Blood Sacrifice Ritual:

    Cruor ut cruor: Blood to Blood
    Tribuo mihi veneficus: Grant me the magic
    Quod Ego rapio vobis: Which I steal from you
    Quod adaugeo ut meus veneficus animus: And add to my magical soul
    Plurimus validus veneficus ego rapio ex meus own cruor semen: Most powerful magic I steal from my own blood kin
    Quod tribuo lemma nex sic ego servo vox: And grant them death so I keep the power

    First of all, core wouldn't properly translate so...magical soul= magical core.


    Five diamond's bathed in the blood of the caster.
    Blood kin. Closer to you by blood the better. Mother/ Father/ Brother/ Sister/ Son/ Daughter gives best results
    Necromantic Chanelling Runes. To channel the power into the caster and to stop the magic from lashing out.
    A receptacle for the souls. If they pass on, the magic is lost.

    Lay the victim down in the centre of the diamond formed by the four diamond's, the fifth on the sacrifices forehead.
    Begin the incantation.
    Half-way through, slash the person open from neck to groin.
    The approaching death of the sacrifice powers the necromantic chanelling runes.
    Finish incantation and use newly-gained magic to force the soul into a receptacle. Similiar to the phylacetery of a lich or a horcrux.

    And that's the ritual!

    All spells above are Unforgivable-Class or higher. By higher, I mean a death warrant/ bounty on those who use it. Base of 20 000 Galleons. For the simple fact it results in a most painful and violent death. Also because it forces the caster of said dark spells to incapacitate and with no chance to fight back.

    Alright. For these spells, it isn't as simple as a wand movement and incantation.

    First, you have to bleed onto the wand/ staff. Since the magic is so powerful, it need's a "grounding" agent so it doesn't go haywire.

    Secondly, you have to actually write the incantation in mid-air with the wand/ write the words in the air with a crystal dagger if using a staff. This limits said spells severely since they would be useless in a battle due to dodging. You have to remain still to complete the spell.

    Grey Spells

    Magical Bondage: Redimio suum veneficus. This binding spell essentially mugglefies a person for up to 24 hours, depending upon the strength of the casters magical core.

    Soul Trap: Suspectus animus. A derivative of the Imperio curse, this spell essentially reduces someone to a soulless state indefinately unless the counter-curse is uttered.

    Soul Release: Alacritas animus. Counter-curse to Suspectus Animus, this looses a soul from it's binding.

    These are simple "point and cast" spells, but HIGHLY draining. Best to use only when target is restrained.

    Light Spells.

    Aura Revealer: Ostendo sum obscurum. This charm causes an aura to appear around a person. Different shadings indicate level of light/ dark/ grey oriented magic that person is aligned with.

    Magical Explosion/ Nullifier: Veneficus Erumpo. Highly dangerous light spell. Causes all the light energy the caster has to create a blast of pure magic. Causes wand/ magical core disruption, mugglefying both spell-caster and all caught within the blast for an indeterminate amount of time

    Both these spells are exempt from the rule related to dark magic in regards to tracing the spell in mid-air. You have to actually trace the runic equivalent for said spells instead.

    ( And yes, I am aware than when thrown into a translator to show latin--> english it doesn't make sense, but from english --> latin it made sense )

    Just some spells I was working on for my story.

    Also have one Armageddon-Class spell created, but it's secret.

    *Evil cackle*

    Also, please note. These spell's are VERY old, so only one-three people know them. The spell's also cannot be taught perse, since a form of fidelius guards them. Basically, the only way to learn them is from the source.

    They were created just after the Fall of Atlantis by those who sought vengeance upon the Atlantean's for the society and prejudice against the "lesser societies"


    PS: Be gentle! I'm new to the whole spell-creation idea.
    PPS: By the way, if you're going to use any of the afore-mentioned spells, can you please notify me? It's not so much that I don't want you to use them, more so I want to know what they are being used for. :D
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2008
  13. Lemurian

    Lemurian Squib

    Jan 25, 2008
    Why is a counter-curse under the Grey classification? Seems pretty damn Light, to me.
  14. Aerin

    Aerin Seventh Year

    Dec 15, 2007
    The Void
    Because it can also be used offensively. Theoretically, a body is also a soul's "binding" if you will. The soul is bound to the body. So if the soul was ripped from the person with Alacritas animus...

    That, and Light doesn't deal with soul's much, unless said soul's are being used by Dark forces.
  15. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005
    Something I whipped up for Mors.

    Spell Name: The Statue of Atlas

    Incantation: Statua Atlas*

    *A series of incantations are used for the appropriate transfiguration, animation and enchantment, all which can be performed non-verbally. The last incantation, which must be said out loud as activate the golem:

    Type: Offensive Transfiguration/Ancient Runes

    Effect: This lengthy and dangerous spell causes an animated golem to rise from the very ground in a complicated and draining mixture of transfiguration, animation, enchantments and runic magicks.

    Process: The caster must first find an appropriate patch of earth, large enough to sustain the golems mass. The first section of this delicate spell requires that the earth be transfigured into clay and moulded into the appropriate shape. The second section requires a series of runes to be imprinted on all limbs of the golem. The third section requires the enchantment of the golem’s limbs in order to offer it maximum mobility. The fourth and final section of this spell will require a complex animation spell to be layered into the golem’s very shell, allowing the caster to direct their new creation with mere flicks of their wand. This process, depending on the power and skill of the caster, can take anywhere between five minutes to an hour.

    Visual: A giant clay golem, its shell crusted over with a hard layer of protective stone, arises from the earth. It size is dependent on the power and skill of the caster, ranging from the size of a normal human to a gigantic war machine reaching almost thirty metres into the sky.

    • This spell is widely considered to be one of the most difficult pieces of transfiguration to have ever been created. Although the creator of this spell is unsure, Rowena Ravenclaw herself has been credited for refining the spell from a once two-day ritual into a process that can take mere minutes
    • The very creation of such an object is a severe strain against the wizard. Not only that, the very earth itself will resist the creation of an abomination and mockery of life. Hence, half-way during the spell the caster must carve the appropriate runes, anchoring the spell into the earth by using natures own power. Only then will the golem come to life
    • It will follow the wand of its caster, who will need their uttermost concentration in controlling it. Those without great skill of the mind will suffer severe mental trauma in their attempts to control the golem.
    • The golem can be manipulated until such time that the ambient magic surrounding it corrupts the enchantments and it falls apart or the caster is killed. Depending on how much effort is used in the creation, the golem can last anywhere from a minute to an hour. At no time in history has a golem been sustained for more than sixty-two minutes.
    • The longer the golem is sustained, the greater the tax on the wizard’s mind. Of the handful of times that this spell has been documented, one-third of the casters were inflicted with severe mental trauma that pervaded them throughout their lifetime.
  16. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Name: The Penguin Lover Curse

    Incantation: Penguin Diligo

    Effect: Infects a person with "penguinitis". They will suffer long-term insomnia as they are kept awake at night, feeling great love for penguins.

    Notes: This was covertly used to boost Tux the penguin to popularity in the Linux community.
  17. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005
    Incantation: Vestigium Abcruor

    Effect: A tracing spell is formed by the victims own magical essence (such as lingering spell residue) and bonded to the victims very own blood, allowing it to linger and hide within the host almost indefinitely until detected and removed.

    Visual: The caster will gather something that contains the victim’s magical essence, such as a wand or magical artefact, and use the spell to create a spell that will successfully be able to survive in the victim’s very own body. The caster will then need an open wound (usually a small cut) to displace the spell inside the bloodstream

    • Because the tracing spell is formed using the victim’s own magical essence, it encounters very little opposition from the wizards or witch natural innate magical resistance. More to the point, the victim’s body will recognise the spell as part of its own and will continually fuel it, allowing it to linger allowing it to linger right up to the point of the host’s death.
    • Once embedded, the tracer is hard to detect due to innate magical energy, masks it. Once detected, the spell can only removed by physically purging the 'tainted' blood. This procedure normally requires a licensed Healer
  18. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    One from Return:

    Name: The Unbarrier Charm
    Incantation: Obdagito
    Roots: Latin, though I can't remember what from.
    Visible features: When cast upon a surface, causes that surface to ripple a few times as if it were water.
    Effect: Allows the object of the spell to be passed through by other physical objects, without any adverse effects to object or passer.
    Notes: The spell can be of varied duration, lasting anything from an instant to being permanently fixed to the object. Famous for being the charm that is cast upon the barrier to Platform 9 and 3/4. Can also be cast upon a person. Does not prevent the object of the spell from having other spells cast upon it (e.g. if you were to cast it upon yourself, it would not protect you from other spells).
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2008
  19. Augurey

    Augurey Backtraced

    Dec 4, 2007
    New Hampshire
    Name: The Soul Expelling Curse, aka The Dementor's Heimlich

    Incantation: Expelliavada

    Visual: A bolt of red light wrapped in a helix of green emerges from the caster's wand, moving in a straight line.

    Effects: This curse causes the target to expel all souls contained within it through its mouth. Any souls not truly belonging to the target body are allowed to dissipate into the afterlife. It is unknown whether or not this curse can remove a soul fragment, as those have the protection of the horcrux ritual.
  20. kmfrank

    kmfrank Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2008
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Hey, I'll put in the spells from the reference document I use in my stories. I didn't make them all up, some of them are canon that I just use to remind myself, and I don't have the sources for any of the ones I didn't, but they'd probably be on my FF.net favorites, I suppose. Here's the list:

    Attack Charm (for conjured items to attack): Oppugno
    Binding + Body Bind: Conligo Totalus
    Blasting Curse (heat present): Confringo
    (D) Blasting Curse (no heat): Expulso
    Bludgeoning Hex: Everbero
    Bolt Thrower Spell (red hot railroad ties): Telum Conicio
    (D) Bone Breaking Curse: Ossus Fragmen
    (D) Bone Shattering Curse: Ossus Diffringo
    Burning Hex: Incendio
    (D) Compression Curse: Coepio
    Conjunctivitus Curse: Conjunctivitus
    Control Charm (for conjured items): Piertotum Locomotor
    (D) Cutting Curse: Sectumsempra (Half-Blood Prince) Counter: Integropercuro
    Depressing Curse (milder than compression): Deprimo
    Disarming Spell: Expelliarmus
    (D) Fiendfire Curse: Fiendfyre
    Fireball conjure: Incendus Ventus
    Fire Whip Curse: Flagro Flagello
    Flinging Hex: Flipendo
    Flipping Curse: Levicorpus (nonverbal)
    Freezing Charm: Immobulus
    Full Body Bind Curse: Petrificus Totalus
    Gust of wind: Flaminis
    Impediment Jinx: Impedimenta
    (D) Melting Curse: Fervefacio
    (D) Piercing Hex: Perforo
    (D) Ribbon Severing Charm (Pink): Rumpere Lemniscus
    Reductor Curse: Reducto
    Releasing Charm (Sparks fly out wand): Relashio
    (D) Rupturing Curse: Ramicis
    Severing Charm: Diffindo
    Snake Summoning Charm: Serpensortia
    Stinging Hex: Spiculum
    Stunning Spell: Stupefy
    Tongue-Gluing Jinx: Langlock
    Water torrent Conjure: Aqua Eructo
    (D) Weakening Curse: Marcesco

    Grindelwald Curses:
    Lightning Bolt: Fulminis
    (D) Compression Curse: Coepio
    (D) Entrail-Expelling Curse: Eviscero
    (D) Mangling Curse: Lacero
    (D) Rupturing Curse: Ramicis
    Whirlwind: Cataegis
    Snow Storm: Procella Niveus
    Push Wave: Unda Percutio
    Anti-Gravity Mist: Gravitas Conversus
    Spider Web Trap: Cassis
    Fireball: Afflagrans
    Fire Whip: Flagro Flagello
    (D) Bone-Shattering: Osrumpo
    (D) Bone-Exploding: Osexscindo
    (D) Bone-Grinding: Osdetero

    Basic: Protego
    Vs. Dark Curses: Protego Horribilis
    Area Effect: Protego Totalum
    Spells and Physical: Fortis Aegis
    Spells and Physical (for another): Patrocinor Fidelis
    Strong Full Body: Absolvo Ancile
    Strongest: Imprimis Patrocinor

    Age Line Spell: Oradultus
    Anti-Disapparation Jinx: Distentum Disapparo
    Anti-Hex Ward: Salvio Hexia
    Banishing Charm: Depulso
    Bedazzling Hex: Inaspectus
    Binding Spell: Incarcerous
    Bombarding Hex: Bombarda (Maxima)
    Bubble-Head Charm: Ebublio
    Confundus Charm: Confundo
    Cushioning Charm: Spongify
    Disillusionment Charm: Delituis
    Duplication Charm: Geminio
    Featherweight Charm: Adlevo
    Flame-Freezing Charm: Congelo Incendia
    Freezing Charm: Glacius
    Gravity Reverse Charm: Gravitas Retrorsum
    Gouging Spell: Defodio
    Hardening Charm: Duro
    Homorphus Charm (reverts Animagi): Homorphus
    Human-Revealing Charm: Homenum Revelio
    Jelly-Fingers Jinx: Digiti Tremesco
    Jelly-Legs Jinx: Cruris Tremesco
    Movement Charm: Mobili -corpus (human) -arbus (tree) -inanimus (object)
    Muffling Charm: Muffliato (Half-Blood Prince)
    Muggle-Repelling Charm: Repello Muggletum
    Placement Charm: Waddiwasi
    Plant Growth Charm: Herbivicus
    Portkey Charm: Portus
    Protean Charm: Proteus
    Repelling Spell: Repello
    Scarpin’s Revelaspell: Specialis Revelio
    Slowing Charm: Arresto Momentum
    Strengthening Ward: Cave Inimicum
    Summoning Charm: Accio
    Supersensory Charm: Animadversio Amplifico
    Tripping Jinx: Supplanto
    Unbreakable Extension Charm: Propagatio
    Wiping Charm (Removes blood): Tergeo

    Healing Repair Charm: Episkey
    Resuscitation Charm: Resuscitare
    Wound Cauterizing Charm: Obturo Cruor
    Throat-Clearing Charm: Apapneo

