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Abandoned The Happy Red Prince by LT2000 - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by LT2000, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    That's why I like your stories so much, Lord Serapheth, even though there are tidbits here and there that are not my thing (manga, evil!Harry etc... mostly in Dakaath). You are probably the only FF author out there who writes truly dynamic characters. And I don't mean the standard Harry gaining power and turning from a looser to a kick-ass sex god. I mean truly changing one's beleifs, manerisms, behaviours, etc. Also, the characters are changing by naturally growing up, instead of under external circumstances or after gaining new powers...

    Kudos for that.
  2. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    Damn, I am loving this story more and more....When can we expect Yaxley Jr. and Harry to link up? And is Harry going to get as big as that guy? We still dont know the plot for this series....it's all up in the air thats why I love it so much.

    Keep up the good work.
  3. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    Charlie Charms here with a new and BETTER name.

    I was thinking that Harry should learn Occlumency (avoids questions of why Dumbledore does npothing) whoops got to go. I'll write more later.

    I like this more than Dakaath too, though
  4. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Charlie! I thought that was you! :D

    He truely is a great writer, isnt he?
  5. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    yeah he is. :D

    To continue, my point is that Harry doesn't allow Lucius to control him, and Occlumency prevens others from controlling a person as well. (Imperius Curse)

    Anyway, I hope you update this story soon.
  6. Treck

    Treck First Year

    May 15, 2005
    Oklahoma City Oklahoma USA
    Damn and I was hoping you would hook Ronny up with dolores Umbridge in 5th year.
  7. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    After re-reading them both I have come to a definate conclusion....Happy Red Prince> Dakaath......I love this story so much man. What is Harry's chosen profession going to be once he leaves Hogwarts?
  8. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Profession? Probably sitting around on his ass and spending his family's money. One thing that rings true about this Harry is that he finds the entire idea of working for a living to be totally disdainful.
  9. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    You mean he finds working for a living disdainful currently....or he will definately not be working?
  10. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I don't think he's going to go out and get a job. I mean, why would he? He's already rich and famous. He doesn't need to work, and he's certainly not going to do it for some ridiculous notion of 'earning his own way in the world.' He doesn't care whose money he's spending as long as he has it and doesn't have to work for it.
  11. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    I assumed Malfoy Sr. was going to encourage him to go into politics...but w/e I don't mind either way...
  12. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    I agree about this being better than Dakaath. Frankly, Red PRince is more original as well. There are SO many stories where Harry is part something or the last of a certain group (Part elf, vampire, Super Lycan prophesied thing, etc. ) Red Prince is more original. I still maintain that this Harry should learn Occlumency as he doesn't seem to like being controlled by people. (See his refusal to take advice from Lucius Malfoy).

    Anyway, I hope you update again soon.

    P.S. Harry won't get the sword of Godric Gryfinndor again, will he? :?

    :wink: :wink: :D :D
  13. Treck

    Treck First Year

    May 15, 2005
    Oklahoma City Oklahoma USA
    Umm. I'm officially renaming it to (incert evil wench name here) Slayer
  14. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Hell no on the Sword of Gryffindor. If he has to swashbuckle, he already has his own blade in the making. I don't really think he'll need Fawkes to save his ass against the basilisk in my version. Not that the battle will be shown in any detail, since this installment ends after first year and the next picks up in the summer preceding fourth. He will learn his Occlumency, but his thoughts on being controlled are somewhat hazy. He doesn't really mind being manipulated so long as he likes or agrees with the things he's being led into doing. It's only when people try to shove him into doing things he doesn't want to do that he gets rebellious.
  15. Mrriddler

    Mrriddler High Inquisitor

    Oct 23, 2005
    Somewhere high, somewhere low and somewhere in bet
    well, he's definitely a complete stuck up fuck ass...far as anyone's concerned. I keep imagining him waddling around looking through the world with a pair of giant fluffly pink specticles...

    hmm my concern is how the hell is it realistic not for someone to off him at some point? Of course that might be in the future. I don't think the effeminate act doesn't hurt your readership. The loss of the hardcore fans from your other story is probably more than off set by other people who dig this. It's an interesting twist without Harry being bent over and...

    yeah I'll leave it at that. Hope to see another chapter soon.
  16. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    Just realized something.

    I know Harry's grandmother is old, but HOW can this be the SAME woman who raised Lily (or Petunia for that matter, but I attribute her bitterness to being caused more by Lily's attention and success. ANyway, Harry reflects NONE of Lily's values other than being openminded. Lily worked hard and enjoyed potions. Harry doesn't seem to do either. Lily ACTIVELY stood up for others (Pensieve memory) Harry when he sees offensive things may not like it, BUT he won't do anything or be active about it (witness his continued friendship with Draco. Not a judgment, just an observation.) Harry's way actually seems more prudent and tactful frankly, and I like this version of Harry, it just seems like there is too great a disparity (and bear in mind Lily IS his mother, Petunia is just some lady who lives in his house and is bitter.)
    The most kind thing Harry has done so far has taking CHo under his wing, and EVEN then he had the ulterior motive of finding her attractive.

    These are QUESTIONS NOT COMPLAINTS. I LOVE this story, and I hope you update again VERY soon. (Maybe stop Dakaath for a while. ):wink:

    I hope after the pickup that we see Harry has matured or CHANGED somehow, because this kid doesn't seem to care about ANYTHING. Ultimately this does make him weaker and less dynamic. Afterall, if Harry doesn't care about anything then there are NO stakes involved. In this version, if Voldemort were prudent he'd let Harry be. Harry wouldn't care as long as Cho and his family weren't touched, and that would be that. He needs a cause: maybe Harry's gets a taste for power and wants to replace Voldemort. Maybe Cho is killed and Harry wants revenge. Maybe anything. I don't know. Look, you're the expert here (you TRULY are a master, in my opinion) so I'll let you handle it. I just throwing ideas out there.

    :D :D :D :D
  17. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    He'll change, but I won't be killing Cho. I don't think I could bring myself to do that. Harry will get his attitude adjusted as he grows up. It's just really unrealistic to have him be a totally new person due to a few months at Hogwarts. That is too much too fast. His growing up will be a process, not some instantaneous shift. He does care, though. He knows he has to fight Voldemort and is willing to prepare himself to do it. He just doesn't think classes like Potions and Herbology are important for that goal.

    As for Harry's personality, I believe in nurture over nature. That is, I don't think that Harry is in any way predisposed to having Lily's personality traits simply because he was birthed from her womb. He inherited her magical talents, but that can also be attributed to him just being born powerful and training his magic from a young age. The old lady is really unable to watch over Harry for the most part and mold him, seeing as she is quite elderly and her health is and has been failing. This leaves Harry more or less supervised by his maids, who tolerate and indulge his attitude and dare not reprimand him very harshly lest they lose a rather cushy job (that, and they genuinely do love him just the way he is). Further, he is wily enough to act the part of a studious boy around grandma to avoid being chastised and has the innate skill to make it convincing. Third...I know it was this way to me, grandparents are typically far more indulgent with grandkids than they were with thier own children. Azalea is old and ailing, and doesn't have it in her to be strict with Harry. She just wants to spoil him and see him happy.

    Well, he might end up fighting for the dark side, but for Dark Lord Lucius Malfoy should I go that way. Malfoy's entire scheme is to replace Voldemort by using Harry as his weapon. Whether or not that happends remains to be seen.
  18. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    I think it would be funny if Harry was repulsed by Lucius owning a house-elf. NOt for any moral reason, but simply because Harry finds them disgusting and hideous.

    ANyway, cool ideas. Maybe Harry could usurp Lucius at some point?

    The problem I see with Harry being Lucius's attack dog is that Lucius would be ENTIRELY dependent on Harry. He would NEVER have the same control or intimidation that Voldemort has.

    LUcius: You've angered me. Harry I want you to "Crucio" him.
    (Harry steps forward menacingly with his wand drawn and mauve robes billowing behind him.)

    I just can't see this situation ever occuring. This Harry seems unwilling to play 2nd banana to anybody. Work with them when it suits his interests? Yes. But taking orders from them and ANSWERING to someone else? No.

    Frankly, I can't see this Harry willingly answering to ANYBODY, Lucius Malfoy or otherwise. (Plus at some point Harry is BOUND to figure out Lucius Malfoy's past as a Death Eater and his role in Voldwar I.). And what will happen when Voldemort SUMMONS Lucius after his return? Oooh. That WILL be fun!! :D

    Last thing, WHat is DUmbledore doing? He MUST know that Draco and Harry are close, so why isn't he doing anything? Not breaking them up per say, but if I were Dumbledore, I would be periodically calling Harry up to my office for little discussions just to try and maintain influence on the boy. Talk to the kid about fashion, the nature of magic, or ANYTHING. Don't just let him develop into a potential monster and STAND-BACK! I like to think that Dumbledore does what is neccessary and I think he would do everything in his power to prevent another Tom Riddle from occuring (short of actual murder, of course.) So my question is, why isn't Dumbledore more involved in Harry's life? Those conversations he could have would be a GREAT opportunity for a a quick legilimency scan just to feel out where the boy is at. ESPECIALLY one as powerful as Harry has demonstrated (THE BOAT!!! I loved it, but that has GOTTA raise a few eyebrows. I loved the way you dealt with it though by making him take the OWL rather than just make him sit in classes that are frankly not at his level, unlike other authors who make Harry brilliant at DADA, but sit in classes like a lump anyway. )
    Update soon. :D
  19. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Well, Dumbledore doesn't want to actively meddle, because he knows that he's in a precarious position with Harry. The boy likes him, which is more than the old man could have hoped for after the Dursleys and Azalea and the Gringotts fiasco. He knows Harry is smart enough to know when Dumbledore is trying to push him away from his friends and can only assume that the boy would withdraw and distrust him again as a result. Also remember how much I've jumped about in time. I haven't shown a meeting between Harry and the old man, but they could have talked some in the meantime. Dumbledore is going to be at the formal on New Year's so you'll see him again there.

    Besides, Dumbledore isn't all that worried about Lucius. He knows that Harry is in Ravenclaw and has Muggleborn friends, non-white friends, and other 'anti-Pureblood' influences that would help to offset the Malfoy Effect. He also knows that Harry lives in a Muggle household during the holidays. Sure, he would like for Harry to not hang around with Slytherins or for him to have been in Gryffindor or the like, but he isn't worried enough now to directly intervene. Also, he'll be getting more time with Harry soon due to an arrangement that comes about near the end of the term.
  20. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I don't think that would be a good idea. I just don't see this Harry ever having enough motivation to turn dark. I think he would simply find it too much hassle - hating people, torturing them, learning dark magic... just don't seem like your Harry...

    Turning dark is usually coupled with ambition to rule/have power over other people and I just don't see Harry interested enough in dealing too much with 'commoners' (even just to torture them). Not to mention all the dark rituals and magic ruining his look and hair style...

    You all know I'm all for Dumbledore bashing, but in this story, I think they are perfect for each other. Harry should take the old may as a mentor in the same way as he takes Lucius... You could then have Lucius trying to take out Dumbledore and after Voldemort's return, accepting to work together with him...

    Dunno, like you said, your Harry and Dumbledore are just too alike not to bring them in together in some way...