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WIP The Ice Dragon by Spearshake (ASOIAF)

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Awesomesauce, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. Awesomesauce

    Awesomesauce Squib

    May 23, 2012
    Title: The Ice Dragon
    Author: Spearshake
    Rating: M
    Genre: Drama & Adventure
    Status: WIP - 96k Words
    Fandom: ASOIAF
    Pairings: Jon Snow/Margaery Tyrell (Political marriage, not really a pairing), brief Jon/Arianne
    Summary: In the wake of the Rebellion, a young Prince is left alone in the capital with the ghosts of his ancestors and the burden of their mistakes. Will a Prince born into the Game of Thrones survive the deadly dance of King's Landing and save Westeros from the chaos that threatens it? Or, Rhaegar won but died on the Trident, Jae's a hostage in KG. Cunning/Jae playing the Game of Thrones.
    Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13404859/1/The-Ice-Dragon

    So I recently came across this fic on FF and it's a breath of fresh air in the ASOIAF fanfiction. So this fic is mainly told from Jaehaerys' (Jon Snow) POV and takes place completely in Kings landing for the first 20 chapters. It's an AU where Rhaegar won but still died in the war. Jon grows up as a hostage in King's Landing and his environment definitely shapes his character. The political intrigue is amazing and the payoff is worth it for the long setup in the beginning.

    The characters have their own motivations and are flawed and fairly three dimensional. Honestly after reading a ton of subpar s8 fix-it fics this fic renewed my interest in the fandom. Just read it.

    An easy 5/5 for me.
  2. Zilly Sawdust

    Zilly Sawdust High Inquisitor

    Nov 30, 2005
    Besides some dodgy grammar and questionable scene jumps, technically it seems alright. I don't really agree about the characters, for me they seemed flat and uninspired and I was struggling to picture them as people with personalities. Actually, I'm not sure if the author even bothered with physical descriptions for a single one of them, except the princess of Dorne, whose breasts are waxed lyrical about with all the poetry of a fourteen year-old. Since that's the age of the protagonist, it may be appropriate, but it reads like a typical teenage power-fantasy and personally I am done with that genre. 3/5
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
  3. Dagro

    Dagro DA Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    We talked about it here, https://forums.darklordpotter.net/threads/a-song-of-ice-and-fire-stories.22153/page-168#post-1120745 imho you both understate the problems with the fic. This is 'indy-harry-wank-fic', it might aswell be renamed "those tits". The politics is pointless, boring, 'Jon' is a Gary-Stu, super swordsman, master politician, Darksister via Bloodraven prophecy (cuz there is going to be a dragon of ice!11) etc. etc.

    Most of the 'plot' makes no sense, or is really obviously just there to highlight 'Jae's super-politics-powers. (Which are really boring)

    1,5/5 maybe 2/5 for some minimal original ideas. This thing needs complete rewrite, maybe with a goal/plot in mind, other than getting to 'those tits!". :) It's kinda sad since with the premise (like a lot of storys) you could start to make something. There could well be a place for a story where he is in a similar AU-setup, struggling with similar things. But the Westeros as presented here is simply not believable.

    But you will really want to abort when you get to the terrible smut lol. don't do this to yourself!