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WIP The Legacy Preservation Act by James Spookie - M

Discussion in 'Trash Bin' started by Nadino, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. darkklight

    darkklight Squib

    Sep 12, 2015
    I agree with most of the reviews. Personally, I just couldn't get over the idea that people with magical powers and/or political power could be forced to marry someone against their will.
  2. Richard

    Richard Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 5, 2006
    Have to agree with most of the reviews. Basically just a GP (guilty pleasure) fic with a ton of bad cliches. I did however think Tracey having "word vomit" as funny as shit. I don't see many fics of her like that.

    Edit: 2/5 from me, even though I did enjoy the fic myself, it just don't belong here.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2015
  3. MoltenCheese

    MoltenCheese Seventh Year

    Jul 20, 2015
    I remember reading this story a year ago, back then when I had extremely crappy tastes in fanfiction. Even at that low point of my life, this story was bad enough for me to rage quit after chapter eleven.

    The writing is technically strong, and there aren't any major grammatical errors as far as I can see. However, there are too many negatives in this story for me to enjoy it.

    The story is infested with cliches and cringe-worthy situations, and even if you are able to ignore them somehow, you will still struggle with reading it because of the bad character development and unrealistic plot that gets worse and worse.

    But what really made me rage was Daphne.

    Until chapter nine or so, I was okay with Daphne's characterization. She wasn't well-written, but she wasn't terrible either - just average. But then, in chapter ten, the author dropped a bomb by making her a girl version of manipulative, "Greater Good" Dumbledore. Basically, she planned to manipulate Harry and mold him into her puppet politician so that he would push her political agendas with his fame. And she doesn't understand why what she's doing is wrong either. I’ll just go ahead and post two excerpts from Chapter 10.

    How delusional and moronic can a character get? What’s even more infuriating is that, in the next chapter, Harry forgives her and they get together again, for no reason at all! It’s as if the author didn’t think through what he was doing, couldn’t come up with a good way to get himself out of the hole he put himself in, went "oh crap," and used his super author powers to make everything okay with no logical explanation. Damn, now I'm raging again because of this fic. I'm out.

    1.5, rounded down to a 1. I'm normally okay with romance stories, but this one just rubs me the wrong way too many times.