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Complete The Lie I've Lived by jbern - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by jbern, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. Robo Jesus

    Robo Jesus High Inquisitor

    Jan 23, 2007
    Cylons > BSG.
  2. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    Actually the HPxBSG crossover isn't the H/Hr one. The Hr one is an alt book 5 with the premise being instead of trumping up charges against Harry and Dumbledore, the Minister uses real charges against Hermione to imprison her in Azkaban. (Kidnapping of Rita Skeeter, forcible coercion into a magical oath, blackmail...for the smartest witch of her generation, she crossed the wrong person...)

    I came up with the bunny a long time ago while writing Darkness when looking at it from Rita's perspective.

    It's an Azkaban fic with a twist, been kicking around in my mind for awhile now. With Hermione in Azkaban, Fudge rationalizes that they'll stop this foolish "Voldemort is returning" nonsense. We'll see how well it comes out when I finally start writing it.

    Yes the BSG crossover is in the queue, but a bit farther back in it - can't exactly say when it's coming other than it is.
  3. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    As a rabid BSG fanboy, Jim, all I have to say is that I hope you're using nBSG and not the shitty one from the 70s. The SciFi Channel one is infinitely superior.

    That said, I look forward to seeing how you would pull off a good H/Hr pairing.
  4. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    o_O That H/Hr sounds pretty awesome.

    Oh, and this is a good fic too. o:
  5. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    Updated on FFA. I'll get to FF.net in a minute.
  6. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Don't play with me, now.
  7. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    Login/submissions on FF.net are disabled at the moment. You can see it on www.fanficauthors.net, but it requires a login if you've never used it before.

    I'll try posting it again of ff.net in the morning.
  8. Imperius

    Imperius First Year

    May 9, 2008
    Nowhere Important
    Wow! You just made my day, Luckily I have registered at fanficauthors.net and I can read it. Thanks for the new chapter and best of luck for your original novel.
  9. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Yeah, good luck with that, JBern. I wouldn't expect it to work anytime soon. I've been trying for 48 fucking hours now. The "brief inconvenience" and the small "technical glitch" repaired within a "few minutes" is by now a two-day-downtime of your account area. And no word from any admin/support/whatever, of course. FF.net at its best.
  10. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007

    It was thrilling for Harry to finally bring the hammer down on Fred+George. Hopefully no difficulties will stem from them anymore.

    /goes back to finish reading the chapter.
  11. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    Didn't know it was that bad. It's been a while since I put anything on ficwad or I could finally get around to posting on patronuscharm.

    If it's not available by tomorrow night I'll start uploading on one or both of those sites.
  12. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    I enjoyed this chapter a lot. Finally we get to see some tangible Harry/Fleur development.

    I also loved what you did with the Geist. A very nice way to flesh out the supernatural aspects of the HP universe, I think.

    And I really do hope you do something horrible to Krum by the time this is all over. The guy is just unlikable in every conceivable way.
  13. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    Hell of a chapter, and a good way to end some minor plotlines. Fleur now knows about Harry's Animagus. We've dealt with the geist. The bet is finally paid off. We got see Harry be snarky again, and the twins are dealt with in a most satisfying method.

    All in all, one of the best chapters so far. You're building to what seems to be the climax nicely, and I look forward to it.

    Oh, and I still think Aimee is eventually going to be revealed to be evil.
  14. Cruzik

    Cruzik Squib

    Jan 19, 2009
    This was an excellent chapter jbern ^^

    I gotta applaud the unique way you used the Hogwarts ghosts, By showing their darker more humanistic side you added a bit more character depth to the previously static characters. thumbs up for appealing to my need of realism.

    Who would have guessed that the seemingly harmless HP ghosts could be so ruthless?
  15. whateveritis12

    whateveritis12 Third Year

    Dec 6, 2008
    Don't think so. One of Jim's call-cards is writing characters with different characterizations. She was evil to TFtCD, a nonentity in TML, and a generally likable character here. Plus she is really close to Fleur and owes HJ a life-debt now. I think she'll take a step back after this year in character importance, but will help where she can when she's not healing.

    I'm definately looking forward to the duels now. Vikky is going to get his ass kicked in the most humiliating fashion now that he had to pull out the stuffed pronghorn.

    Loved HJ's reaction to Luna and her article. Definately loved the articles name. Also liked his reactions to and during the bet.

    Glad to see some action between Fleur and HJ.

    I'm very glad that HJ is finally starting to show what a badass he is now. He's going to end up being in Dumbledore's and Voldemort's range when all is said and done. He should be mopping the floor with kids in a competition that isn't even half as dangerous as it could be. So when it comes to stuff that shows off magical talent he should be way ahead of the competitors. This biathlon thing isn't something he could win easily though. He does have a lot of experience apparating, but there is also the fact that he has to hit the targets. Could be a problem there.

    I'm going to say Athena wins (duelist relative), HJ a really close second, Fleur third, Krum fourth, and Diggory fifth. Or flip Krum and Diggory around. Krum seems to be more bullish. More powerful spells that cause more Area-effect than precise. I do think that since he's falling behind quicker he's going to get more desperate and try to show up the competitors. (HJ mostly) So he'll start getting sloppy, and since this course is about speed and precision, he'll get docked heavy points.

    Say it again it was a good chapter and I'm looking forward to the next. When are you going to start focusing on this story alone to finish it, if you are at all?
  16. Mr. Ripley

    Mr. Ripley Third Year

    Jan 28, 2009
    3rd Rock from the Sun
    Yes, who would have guessed that the Bloody Baron a ghost that Peeves fears could be ruthless? Given this fact, it can't be that hard to assume the others can be ruthless as well especially given the violent deaths they all suffered. It wasn't so much the fact that they could be ruthless that made me enjoy this scene so much as it was the creative way that it was pulled off. I'm personally looking forward to the fallout from the geist's death.

    More importantly though, I find myself very conflicted. This story is almost done, and from the sound of it, we will be waiting a while for the sequel to start. :( On the other hand, jbern has what looks to be some awesome stories planned for the future....

    Also, the MILF thing made me laugh for ages. I have no clue why it was so funny to me, but it was.
  17. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    Ah, so I was half right. It was the next chapter in which Fleur made the discovery, but not in the way I suspected. 1/2 ain't bad.

    Obviously, a smashing good chapter. Real time lulz at the 'you will kiss me and you will like it' ... fair enough.

    There was one thing that bothered me a bit though. Dumbledore's explanation to Harry about the next task felt inserted for the sole purpose of telling us the next task. It's not even so much that Dumbledore told him (though this might be pushing the boundries of the character), but the more 'Well, Bob...' approach where Dumbledore first explained why it was OK for him to tell Harry, and then told him a step by step commentary of what would happen. Just kinda felt out of place.

    But small point. Like I said, well done.
  18. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    You're the only person who has written a believable Harry/Fleur. Congrats.
  19. loWall

    loWall Second Year

    Dec 16, 2008
    SE Asia
    1/2 correct for me too. Jim seems to take delight in proving all speculation wrong. :)

    I agree about the part about Dumbledore telling HJ about the task being odd, and I wonder if HJ has succeeded in tying up all the loose ends from the twins.. ie, did they tell anyone else? HJ most probably performed Legilimancy on them, but I sorta get the vibe that he wasn't thorough enough.

    And of course, by not describing how the previous task in detail, we can have a grand time speculating how Krum came in last =)
    The killer headache probably clouded his judgement during the route.

    And lastly, I got a wtf moment when I read the part with Luna. Didn't really get the joke either =p

    Hoping to see Aimee/Alice moment next chapter...
  20. psihary

    psihary Groundskeeper

    Feb 24, 2008
    ... I've got a polar bear for a neighbour...
    The Harry/Fleur was commented, the MILF episode as well, but I can't see people acknowledging the real "Barroom Hero" - so let me hear you give it all for Hogsmeade's light weight champ Professor Binns...

    the chapter was absolutely brilliant :D