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Complete The Lie I've Lived by jbern - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by jbern, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. Ame River

    Ame River First Year

    May 17, 2009
    SF Bay Area, California
    The first scene with Hermione seemed a bit scattered at first, but picked up once HJ started to get to the point. Plus, this was hilarious:

    Harry's comment about Dumbledore's office was also a nice touch.

    The interview scene flowed nicely and had some good HJ/Fleur dynamics although it wasn't anything special.

    The dueling scenes were nicely executed. I like that Fleur still lost to Manos - just because she's dating HJ and trained for a weekend doesn't suddenly make her magically able to beat up on everyone. Like the Hat, I wouldn't've minded seeing the revenge on Krum get a little more bloody. HJ justifies himself, but... still. It was nonetheless satisfying to see him finally get his ass kicked. I'm disappointed we (probably?) won't get to see him duel against Fleur.

    Props on managing to come up with a Death Eater plot that seems less contrived than Moody's. A reasonable cliff-hanger; I'm really interested to hear the details of how the Death Eaters have been scheming. Well done overall! Looking forward to the last installment
  2. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    Actually, considering how long ago Episode 1 was written, I recycled some of the jokes into this story. The good news for Lie is the finale, is already written and in editing. It will be ready for next week when Dead Eye is released.
  3. Oneiros

    Oneiros Groundskeeper

    May 2, 2009
    I'm starting to wonder if people enjoy disrupting this tournament. I mean really at this rate when Harry finally gets back into the dueling ring he is going to have one huge uphill battle to win this bloody tournament. If the story of all of the injuries he suffered on the day of the duels gets out though HJ should get plenty of praise for sheer awesomeness in overcoming all of these odds to still put up a good showing at the tournament. I will be disappointed if he loses this tournament though. I mean honestly what kind of hero loses a tournament against his peers regardless of what condition he is in when he competes?

    In other news, curse you Jbern, and your ability to plant seeds of doubt in my mind with your cliffhangers! Also, I really should have seen something like this coming, but you managed to surprise me with it nonetheless. I just hope you don't do something like JKR did with multiple winners. I always felt there should be a tiebreaker or a if you don't survive you lose rule in this tournament.
  4. Samuel Black

    Samuel Black Chief Warlock

    Feb 22, 2007
    A realistic one.
  5. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Heh, time for me to time rereading lie to finish on saturday.
  6. MonCappy

    MonCappy Fifth Year

    Jul 31, 2007
    This was a good chapter. Considering the fight he is about to get into, I am guessing he will lose his arm by the time the story finishes. Still, I think the story has been great overall and I am looking forward to the exciting and thrilling duel between Harry and Voldemort.
  7. Immolo

    Immolo High Inquisitor

    Jan 6, 2008
    How does one ruthlessly shield something?
  8. Cathal

    Cathal Sir Nils' Right Hand

    Nov 23, 2007
    I expected much more from Harry/Hermione conversation. She might have had her suspicions and all the questions she asked fit the situation, but it still seems that there should have been much more reaction on her part. It is a big deal.
  9. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    Dead Eye

    Dead Eye is up and running on Amazon.

    I'm waiting for Lie 24 to come back from editing for it to be posted. It should be up by tomorrow evening at the latest.

    Edit - I forgot to mention that to celebrate the release of Dead Eye, I slashed the prices on HHH by a dollar on the paperback and down to $1.99 for all the electronic versions.
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
  10. Sirius Issues

    Sirius Issues First Year

    May 8, 2008
    Just purchased HHH and will do the same when Dead Eye becomes availably digitally :D
  11. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Excellent news. Will try & get some money together to order Dead Eye, any clue on the shipping costs? Just in a lazy mood today.

    Lie 24 should be good; we've all guessed that 'Flint' is Voldemort, so any bets on what happens? Maybe a death (Remus IMO) or a blow to Voldemort? Either way the reprecussions should be interesting and I'm eagerly awaiting it.
  12. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    Gryphonwood's titles are available on amazon's UK site, so it might just take additional time for it to become available over on your side of the pond. I'm sure you don't want to pay the extra shipping if you don't have to.

    I'll check with the publisher and let you know, but he probably won't have a good answer for when Lightning Source (the printer) gets things going in England.

    I expect the digital sites will be up within a week or two.
  13. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005


    Stop trolling.

    I've said it once, and I'll say it again: this is Jbern's thread. He can do whatever the fuck he wants to do with it. If it's for updating his fans about his books, then so fucking be it. It's not like half this thread is about his books. There are a few posts here and there telling his readers about his progress. None of them care, in fact, they don't mind being informed about the book. The only people who care, ironically enough, are those who don't read his story and really have no business being in the thread. Yes. We get it -- you all like your little pissing contest. Well I don't.

    reggin, you have no authority whatsoever to decree shit. Do it again and I swear I will ban you.

    You guys realize there are more deleted posts in this thread than posts about his book?

    And I'd really appreciate not having another thread to monitor to check for people mindlessly trolling and getting other people on the bandwagon.
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
  14. Sauce Bauss

    Sauce Bauss Second Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 4, 2008
    High Score:
    Story just updated

    Fucking Win! :awesome

    Fanboy mode over. The chapter was a satisfying conclusion to TLIL. I was very impressed with the direction JBern seems to be heading for his sequel. I'm just wondering what will the consequences of the ritual be? Will Voldemort be signifigantly more powerful? (I can't remember if JBern has 'magical power' in his stories.) Does he know about HJ's 'condition'?

    I didn't care for the battle scene very much. I found myself skimming, which is not the norm for TLIL. Using HJ's blood as a weapon itself was cool though.
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  15. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006

    Well that's one long ass project finished. Originally, I was trying to work the attack on HJ into the 10th task, which wasn't really a maze, it was going to be a "king of the hill" or "capture the flag" affair with five flags 1st through 5th in a battlefield and the object was to exit the arena with the highest numbered flag while trying to stop the others from doing the same.

    But it seemed extraneous at that point, so I decided to do what I did in this chapter instead and Voldemort's trap made more sense here than there because the others would still be competing.

    The sequel - I'm using "The Truth I'd Die For" at the moment, but that could change, is lurking in the back of my mind. I'm going to take several months and let it ferment before really trying to make it happen. The six chapters of Inner Eye will be up next (done with 2, mostly done with 3, scratched the surface of 4, and nada on 5-7). Then, I'm going to focus on really giving TML the ending that I've had in mind.

    After TML ends, I might be ready to start the sequel, or I have a few other stories that cry out for my attention. Basically, I want to keep it so I'm only doing 1 fanfic at a time to give me the space to do my original stuff. Dead Eye's sequel needs to get written, Battle Maidens (I really need to change that title) is at the 20k mark, and there's a slew of other projects lined up and waiting for me.

    To summarize, I don't have plans to abandon fanfic, but my output will be more restrained. I'll still be around this site - much to the chagrin of other parties.
  16. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    @TheSoundofSilence: Wowzers.

    How you hoes constantly beat JBern to update notifications never ceases to amaze me. I know I'm a fan as well, but fuck...

    Edit: Well-done, JBern. Aside from some rather obvious typos, I had no complaints. Looking forward to the sequel.
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  17. Oneiros

    Oneiros Groundskeeper

    May 2, 2009
    This chapter was filled with win and awesome. The battle was very nicely handled as was the effect of how this war will be handled. I would imagine Fudge will be kicked out of office fairly early in the next installment of this series as he is a fool and even if Voldemort doesn't show up publicly right away people will most assuredly notice when people start going missing and demand action which Fudge is incapable of taking.

    I was rather sad that Dumbledore died. He is one of the best characters in the series, and I cannot help, but not enjoy seeing him die though I think jbern did it in the most dignified way possible in that someone shot him in the back which is the only way I ever really see that man not winning a duel even as old as he is he could still out duel the dark lord. It was far better than the putting on the ring crap the JKR did.

    Overall, I find this story to be quite amazing when compared to the fourth book. This is the best version of GOF out there including the actual version. I look forward to reading some of your upcoming projects, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish for this series to be completed right away.
  18. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    Actually, it's pretty easy. Once I upload the chapter on ff.net, I go do the one on ffa. That one lets me send a customized email to the 4800+ people that subscribe there, so I spent a few minutes drafting that email (because I can be a shameless whore and plug my book without fear of crossing ff.nets grey line on self promotion). After that was sent I came over here.
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
  19. Janus

    Janus Groundskeeper

    Jun 15, 2008
    Sin City
    Wow, and the winner of this years best line to end a story with goes to...!

    Not only was this a bloody fucking amazing chapter, but honestly, that last line makes me salivate for the sequel.

  20. loWall

    loWall Second Year

    Dec 16, 2008
    SE Asia
    epic ending...
    Never expected Dumbledore to die as well.
    By the way, this line looks wrong:
    "Hat’s gaze turns to Pettigrew, still stuck to the column where Dumbledore left him"
    If Dumbledore is dead, the magic should have dispelled, according to DH canon..

    Great story, will wait patiently for the continuation to begin. =)