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Complete The Lie I've Lived by jbern - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by jbern, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. Cosmo4

    Cosmo4 Third Year

    Sep 29, 2007
    Cannon book 5 makes this a lot more difficult. When the order shows up to take Harry away from No.4 they cast quite a few charms with no resulting letter. If they had no way of telling the difference between adults and children then those charms would have been added to the list at Harry's trial.

    The underage magic detectors seem to be able to differentiate between individuals. The law itself seems to be more worried about children performing magic without adult supervision or a breach of the secrecy laws. Of course it would be far too difficult to keep track of underage magic all the time or the detectors would be going off constantly during the school year.

    From this information we can make some assumptions:
    1) Warded areas (like homes) are ignored when it comes to underage magic.
    2) Areas of high magical activity are ignored.

    Considering there were blood wards around No.4 we can throw out the first assumption.
  2. mbond98

    mbond98 Seventh Year

    Dec 3, 2006
    Party Time
    In DH, the Trace is portrayed as a charm - perhaps put on by Olivander? - that detects magic around a subject, and reports it to the ministry. Thats why they thought Dobby cast the Levitation Charm in book two.

    However, Voldemort put the Taboo Ward across England, maybe Europe, that detected any word that had been taboo-ed (like his name), and delivered a location.
  3. Robo Jesus

    Robo Jesus High Inquisitor

    Jan 23, 2007
    It's possible, but it also seems incredibly stupid in terms of how ineffective, and wasteful (in terms of manpower anyways and actual usefulness beyond monitoring muggle-borns). Though given the general meme of "M.O.M. = Incompetent buffoons", it wouldn't be a surprise if that's how they choose to do it. Also, it would be hilarious if the word "Muggle" was taboo'ed, and a ministry fine attached to it as penalty for uttering it. Even though it would piss off a great majority of the 'Magical Community' (who still to this day give me the mental image of them being the magical equivalent of 'educated trailer-trash rednecks'), it would be an amusing way to fill the Ministries Coffers in times of need or greed.
  4. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    I bear good news. Lie has been updated! Hooray for flogging and branding!
  5. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    James had a nanny/tutor and lets assume that there is either an arrangement with money, the Potter's could afford to ward their estate in such a manner to prevent the trace, or simply the wand JP used did not have the trace or if the trace is applied to a wizard, it isn't applied until they recieve their first wand allowing JP to practice with another wand until then.

    Either way, chapter 11 is now out and you can read the first parts of the duels.

    Chapter 12 is nearly complete. I am writing the Athena duel right now and it's at about 8000 words in length at the moment. (Which is why I split the original chapter in two.) I figure there's another 2000 words to go with the Krum duel and a ceremony involving the Goblet of Fire to cover. (Read 11 and you'll know what I mean.)

    Either way, you should be pleased. Probably by Monday or Tuesday, I'll give you folks a tease of 12.

  6. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    Nice job jbern. I enjoyed the way you characterized Cissy. Most times when she's in a story she's a little traitor (read whore) who sells information (read body) for Potter's protection. You decided to forgo the whorish route and actually give her a backbone! Congratulations!
  7. neren

    neren Slug Club Member

    Dec 15, 2007
    The space between the walls
    Well damn that was awesome, but a bit short. I understand that the whole chapter would have been extremely long. Now I'm just itching to see if it will be whipping or branding that's going to take place. Anything less would be a gross injustice!
  8. ForsakenOne

    ForsakenOne Groundskeeper

    Sep 22, 2007

    Win. Me hopes Draco gets the branding.....in his nether regions.
  9. Seven-Nights

    Seven-Nights Squib

    Jan 6, 2008
    Another chapter full of awesome, Good job jbern. Seems like the whole wizarding society is finding some way to screw with HJ in some way. The blatant favoritism is surprising but when HJ finally does get his way, it just makes all the waiting sweeter.

    I have a question about the bet between HJ and Fleur though. Although HJ won the duel, he had to forfeit because of Malfoy's interference. Would that mean we might be seeing a HJ in a skirt in the next chapter? Or are we looking forward to a Veela in a maid outfit? Either one would be funny, but I'm clearly wishing for the latter to occur. Just imagine the Fleur in that costume makes me smile like a maniac.

    Damn, this chapter came at just the right time. I've got tests all next week and needed something entertaining to read other than the rules for double displacement and decomposition.
  10. Robo Jesus

    Robo Jesus High Inquisitor

    Jan 23, 2007
    Heh. They're both probably going to honor the agreement of their bet should they 'lose'.
  11. Korisovra

    Korisovra Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2008
    At your mothers house
    I agree with robohezeus. He won, despite being screwed, but he had to forfeit. Ergo, everybody gets humiliated. And the goblet gets ta brand some folks LOL
  12. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Screw that, have the ferret tied to a stake naked, and have Harry whip his nether regions into a bloody, mangled mess.
  13. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Okay, I do enjoy this story, but...

    Jesus Christ, is HJ ever going to get one step forward in this story without immediately getting sent two steps back? Fuck.

    Draco should be subject to the branding, then the whipping, then the duel to the death (which the little rat-faced abortion would lose), then his parents should be hit with the monetary penalties.
  14. Alleron

    Alleron Muggle

    Mar 8, 2008
    Greetings, after reading the latest chapter, I decided to check out your author’s webpage on FF to see what other stories you have written and noticed the link to this forum. I just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed your story so far.

    Though I must say this latest chapter hasn’t been my favorite. I liked the actual duels; I even liked the “cheating” element of the HJ/Fleur duel. Especially how Malfoy was able to weasel out of the greater penalties by blaming it on Fleur and how Dumbledore was able to stop HJ from being able to demand a duel with Malfoy.

    What just doesn’t make complete sense to me was the potion, it’s placement on the platform, and the aftermath. Here are some questions this chapter has left me with.

    How did Malfoy know which dueling platform HJ would be on? For that matter how would he know which end of the platform HJ would be standing on?

    Now, if the portraits were watching over the platforms, why did one of them not immediately report the tampering? For that matter why did Dumbledore, if he had the foresight to place the paintings in the first place, not check with them before any of the duels commenced?

    Why did the official redraw his ruling after finding that foul play had been used against HJ, if HJ won? Harry winning the duel should not have changed until after it was found out that a Hogwarts student was behind it? Or is it automatic for the official to think that the cheater would come from the same school as the person who was cheated on?

    If HJ’s boots were stuck to the floor and started to be eaten by the potion, why was he not stuck to the ground when he was struck down by the bludgeoner he could not completely block? If you say that where he fell was not splashed with the potion, why were his boots one of the last things to completely fall apart if they where the initial contact with the potion?

    Dumbledore would likely know of a potion that would have those effects since he is an alchemist. But here is where I was less that satisfied with what happened afterward.

    Why would Snape have in his potions stores, at a school, a potion called Ichor of Humiliation when it is not even taught at the school for “obvious reasons”?

    Why did neither the hat nor HJ call Snape on his lie about the missing potion from his stores? Snape is not a student, since this goes to whether this was premeditated or not, why was his word taken, especially by HJ or the hat, without them at least asking for some proof, like an oath or even truth serum, even if Dumbledore wasn’t likely to allow this?

    I would very happy if anyone could help me think of answers to these questions, that fit in with this story.
  15. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    Fleur's platform had her name written on it. It is simple to deduce that the other one must be Harry's.

    Dumbledore is a very busy human being. Humans aren't perfect. The incident with the paintings was similar to how we use security cameras. Nine times out of ten you check the security tapes AFTER the event has happened and been brought to your attention through other means.

    I don't know why the paintings didn't report it independently. Perhaps they weren't capable of it for some reason, or they couldn't determine that Draco had actually done something malicious.

    That is not unusual. There was foul play casting a shadow over the duel. It's not his job to cast a judgement over the aims and motives of whoever was involved. It might have changed from a win by duel, to a win by forfeit, or some other penalty. The final result was uncertain until the tourney overseers had made a decision. As it turns out, he was right to withdraw it as HJ was the one who was disqualified in the end.

    It might seem unfair for the judge to have withdrawn the verdict pending an investigation, but it was the proper thing for him to do.

    If his boots had instantly stuck to the ground the moment the sole of his boot touched the potion, then he would have noticed immediately. He wouldn't have been able to twist, turn, half-move his feet, adjust his position, etc. It didn't take effect until after he'd stayed still for a while, therefore the potion takes time to react, not unlike any glue we use today.

    It's a magic potion. Or maybe rubber is resistant. Who knows?

    He's a potions master. His potions lab is at the school. If he's allowed to have any hobbies or a life that extends beyond teaching snivelling brats then is he not allowed to study and make whatever potions he likes? Potions are what Snape enjoys and is a professional at. If he wants to make the Ichor, then who is to say he can't?

    Dumbledore had his reasons for allowing Snape to get away with abusing Harry and coddling Draco for six years in canon. That hasn't changed here. There is no way for anyone to prove that Snape is not missing a potion without using veritaserum or similar. I don't think HJ wants to threaten his enemies with it because that will make them more inclined to in turn use it on him (revealing the James in Harry). He's already going to have to face a veritaserum interrogation before the Puzzle Room task.

    Welcome to DLP. All of your questions were full of fail. I couldn't imagine reading any fic or novel with all of those unentertaining questions distracting me from enjoying the material.

    is distracted by fail
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2008
  16. claypigeon

    claypigeon First Year

    Jan 4, 2008
    In the start of the chapter it points out that each platform is marked by flags to designate the champions, it's probably fair to assume that these were set up the day before and represent were they will fight.

    With the ruling he simply withdrew his announcement when outside interference was brought to light. Based on what was said if anyone interfered then his school was forefit that match, so since the ruling on the field became questionable then he had to retract his statement.

    As for the potion, I didn't see anything that said he fell when he was struck, mearly that he took the hit. It probably leaves the shoes for last considering that the shoes are what tie it to the floor, why disign a potion to humilate if it can't hold someon long enough to work?

    Snape's an asshat, can you not see someone that fixated on revenge having a potion designed to humiliate? Plus, being a potions master he most likely would have a potions room full of rare ingredients and potions.

    Best guess for why they took Snape's word for it is simply he is a teacher.

    these are the best reasons for some of the questions I can think of, the others I don't know.
  17. KlavoHunter

    KlavoHunter Second Year

    Jan 18, 2008
    Motherfucker, what a guess. :eek:
  18. Garret P.I.

    Garret P.I. Backtraced

    May 30, 2007
    Seattle, WA.
    Jim, pure awesome fun.

    Though one thing bothered me.

    Harry, strictly speaking, was the victim of sabotage. Not cheating. That's a huge distinction.

    Having him have to forfeit the duel by virtue of being sabotaged pretty much runs counter to the very idea of sportsmanship.

    But then again, this is the wizarding world... where Dumbledore screwed over slytherin in the house cup thing in the first book on a whim.

    Now... if Harry is allowed the Branding... I vote for FOREHEAD.

    Or more precisely... the exact same spot Harry has his scar.

    Speaking of the punishments.

    I'm surprised that the hat didn't call for letting the Goblet make the decision.

    Put in all the major and minor punishments... and if Draco wasn't lying... he'd just get a minor punishment. And if he is lying... he'd get a major one.

    Surely the cup, if it's as powerful as it seems to be, it can determine truth from falsehood.


    Personally though, I hope that Snape and the Malfoys both try to fuck around with the Goblet's results (the same way that Harry's name got charmed to come out). Mainly because by now, Dumbledore and Bagman have fixed the Goblet so that "cheating" like that will be detected and reported... maybe even reporting who did it.

    Now that'd be a hoot. To get draco out of punishment, all three get nailed for cheating. I think 3 years of indentured servitude to Harry would do wonders for Snape's attitude
  19. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    I was laughing when I read your earlier post Klavohunter.

    Snape's defense would simply be, "I occasionally brew rare draughts for my own benefit to continue to refine my skills as a Potion's Master. I just so happen to have been working on the Ichor of Humiliation."

    Yes, each platform had a flag on it indicating which champion would be starting from.

    The portraits were unable to reach Dumbledore to inform him of the subtrefuge (at least that's the story Phineas will tell if asked - he was curious to see what the Malfoy boy was up too...)

    HJ partially shielded Fleur's bludgeoner and wasn't knocked down in part due to the boots being glued to the platform. The rubber soles of the boots are more resilient than the rest of the clothing and disintegrate last, which is why the potion works.

    The school caught cheating is the one that gets punished, but that's why the tournament rules have deterrents in there to prevent outside interference.

    As for HJ, he knows he beat Fleur. Fleur knows he beat her. The bet will be resolved in the next chapter. There's a fairly candid converstation between HJ and Fleur. He says something like, "It's the price of our fame. In your case, it's bloke after bloke falling over themselves to be the guy standing next to you. For me, people try to bring themselves up by tearing me down. Whether it's a Death Eater trying to avenge their master or some little shit like Malfoy trying to prove that he's important. Somehow beating or humiliating me makes them better or proves that I wasn't really special in the first place."

    Draco was emboldened by Krum's manuever in the broom race and thought he could get away with something as well. Let's face it Draco is no Viktor Krum. Also, HJ is no Harry Potter. He'll have a private vengance for ickle baby Malfoy...

    Starting with 12, I'll keep a running tally of the overall tournament standing in the author's notes. Right now, Fleur has 11 points, Viktor 7, Aimee 4, Cedric 2, HJ 1, and Athena 1. Each duel is worth 1 point and the other events are worth 10,6,4,2,1 and 0 depending on the finish.

    So far no one has pointed out my favorite line in the chapter - One of HJ's balls smacking Fleur in the chin...
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2008
  20. rj_stone2

    rj_stone2 Seventh Year

    Feb 26, 2006
    New York
    I liked the duel. I'm surprised HJ didn't protest the forfeit a little more, considering what a ridiculous rule that is. I hope he doesn't continue to get screwed on these technicalities, it could get a little silly.