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The Office - A Mafia Game

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I'm... technically caught up, but the last 300 or 400 posts or so were kinda a blur.

    y'all need jesus

    Gonna try to do a quick and dirty "who are we lynching today" sort of the playerlist. Intentionally not going back for quotes, here. Hopefully this will let me know how much I've actually internalized vs. how much I actually did glaze over.

    Secondhand Revenant
    Swedish Skumbag

    I'm town. Nix ScottPress, I'm giving him a daypass at least and I'm fairly sure he's town here. A few pushes on him have had me kind of question the strength of this read but like... idk I just don't think he could pull off some of those posts with that level of experience. Maybe he's just a wolf savant but there's no way I lynch him today.

    Nix Fable; there was that one post where it felt like he was really trying to get into someone, I think Stanari's head, and overall he's been like... yeah, different, but it makes sense given what he's said about his meta, and if we lynched him and he flipped town I'd feel incredibly bad given the effort to do things differently.

    Nix Miner; the reactions to copypasta, specifically the Visor one, are just... earnest in a villagery way. I didn't like the townread on me at first, but it speaks to his overall body of work in the sense of him just like... he'd be more careful, as a wolf. Like, he does the same thing to tom and, yeah. I think he'd dial it back, after getting called out on it?

    Nix Proph. I'm actually kind of wavering here, I was pretty solid town on him 24 hours ago. I don't think I'm going here D1. I want to talk to fonti/tom a little more about the Goldilocks thing, maybe. He's doing town!Proph things and they don't feel like a smokescreen.

    Nix Zack. Not lynching the top poster D1, and I like a lot of what he's said, individually. Some qualms/concerns with his overall read progression / sizzle vs. steak type things, but lynching him D1 and having him flip town would be fucking stupid.

    Nix Visor. Enjoying too much of what he's saying / agreement read. Hasn't really felt like he's had an agenda, and wolf!Visor would have one here and it would shine through, I think.

    Nix fonti. I always end up reading fonti light town D1. At this point I don't think I can help myself.

    Nix tom. A surprisingly strong townread for those two posts I pointed out. Hasn't been the towniest I've ever seen him, but it does feel like he's trying to solve.

    Nix Vaimes. Yeah, obviously not lynching Vaimes today, probably not ever. At some point this read will backfire hilariously but it's too convenient to not just go with it until it does.

    Nix Kalas. I really liked that post to GH where it felt like he was coming at it from a town angle. It's a thin peg, but it's enough for D1, I think. Would not clear if GH flips red though.

    Nix Swedish. He's said a lot of things I agree with. He seems really reasonable in a town way. I tend to be susceptible to pockets that look exactly like this, so I'm keeping an eye on it, but pretty solidly not going here toDay.

    That's the first pass. That leaves us with, what -

    Secondhand Revenant

    11 names.

    113 I haven't liked any of his posts, but there's been enough meta talk about him that I'm kind of just biding my time here. Would probably shruglynch, would like to focus on.

    Cuth is probably top my wolf read at the moment. I just like, go through his ISO, and nothing about it makes me think he's thinking about the game in a way where he's trying to figure out people's alignments. Kind of active lurk-y? The way he pushed me for not being around, then unvoted me for being around, kind of missed the part where I pushed on him in a bunch of my posts. I think SS even asked him about it. For there to be no, like, consideration there just feels super off. And yeah, he's posted a ton of stuff about why he's playing that way but at some point it's just... yeah.

    Dya I really just have no read on. I kind of remember one post of hers being like "people pushing on me need to give actual reasons" and sideeyeing it a little, but. Pure null, need to focus on.

    GH could be a wolf here. It would make me pretty sad, but he totally could be.

    Jarizok has been making Jarizok Posts and I'm not getting a ton out of them. His playstyle just kind of naturally is hard for me to read, as he doesn't really care about transparency of thought process and it's something that I kind of need to read people well, so I tend to put off reading him because I feel like it's harder than it should be and it makes me kind of frustrated.

    SR has been maybe kind of overly reasonable. Like, I agree with a lot of the points SR is making, I think? Aside from the long exchange with Cuth I can't really recall a strong push in either direction SR has made which is probably a bit concerning but might have more to do with the size/scope of this game. Meh. What I'm really hoping is that Cuth is in fact a wolf here because that would pretty much clear SR in my eyes - that long exchange is just never w/w.

    SoohJan. Jan's read on me is a little iffy. The way it's predicated on my content being boring seems off to me. I feel like Jan should kind of... understand me better. But I've said that exact same thing to Jan before. Wouldn't exactly be surprised if this slot was a wolf. I think I can recognize town!Jan pretty well now, and I'm willing to give him time to show it, but I'm not seeing it yet.

    Stanari. <flailing noises>. Yeah I'm just... hoping something takes care of this for me. Town, if I had to guess? That thing I really liked Swedish pointing out, plus the thing Fable pointed out, both kind of talking about her free flowingness or whatever, I guess work for me. At some point I'm hoping she makes a state of the game post I can really dig into; I find it kind of hard to get into her medium posts, they wander. I get that's just her style. I don't remember having quite this much trouble reading her in G7, but that was like two years ago so VOV

    Tsaiah. Just need more.

    Vira. I want to say town? I think in general she'd try to be a little more thread captain-y as a wolf here. I also really like the thing fonti pointed out about asking if CPHoya was the cop coming off like rolereading to her. That struck a chord with me for Vira specifically. The push she made on ScottPress kinda reminded me of her Hannibal Mafia wolf game, though. I don't think I go here toDay.

    Wei - I know some people have him as strong town but I'm not seeing it. There's a lot of commentary and IIoA in his posts. I'm not sold on him being a wolf, but I can't really point to anything he's done and go "that comes from town."

    Vote: Cuth
  2. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I don't think I'll be unvoting @Koalas until he throws a vote down somewhere and i cam assess the reasoning.
  3. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Am I leading the Cuth wagon???

    Please tell me I'm leading the Cuth wagon.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Oh, I wasn't including myself. Separating "100% town" and "personal townreads."

    Fable, tom, Scott, Newcomb, Proph, Miner

    I'm including you, even if you throw a huge fit over it.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Okay so I'm looking at Swed's original strong townread on font ("her Zack case felt genuine"). Then he decides he likes yeahvoxx's thread presence and his comments re: font enough to demote his read on her a bit.

    Was that an opportunistic move, or did he like, legitimately change his read on font Just Because?
    --- Post automerged ---
    Oh cool, I agree with ~slightly more than half of Newcomb's non-lynch list.

    That's either really good or will blow up in my face.
  4. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Same to you, my friend.

    Why am I still awake.


    Something about fonti's GH read would go here if I actually had more than two words left in me.
  5. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast

    I'd probably swap out Stanari for Koalas.

    I still don't get the self-voting thing, and considering that there's less than 24 hours to go from DayEnd I just don't see how he hasn't... made a read that he's convinced enough about to at least stop self-voting. Or, you know, literally just sheeped someone. Either it's intentionally obfuscating stuff or he's frozen?

    I've been side-eyeing Stanari quite a bit because when I clicked on the ISO thing she had like 237 posts and I honestly couldn't tell you the first thing about what her stance is right now beyond a few hipfire reads or whatever, but honestly I think lot of her gameplay revolves around super floaty stream-of-consciousness style. And I think that's really hard to replicate as a wolf in general.
  6. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I mean, I guess, if you want to be reductive about it :v

    He's not /bad/, he's had some great wolf/3P games on MTGS.

    We've just kind of got his number, over here. It's like fouling Shaq until he proves he can make a free throw.
  7. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Newcomb, your Kalas and Swedish reads are so bad, they're making me tinfoil you.
    This is just mechanics and process talk from Kalas, it's not an accusation. It's easy for him to sound sure of a playstyle thing as mafia, because it's still true. And, it's robotic from him, as he's using the formal language to sound above it all. And frankly, confrotation with a town that sounds a little over the top is nornal for scum!Kalas, and that seems especially likely when the language is combined with him not placing a vote.
  8. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    "All you have to do is stay a minute, just take your time. The clock is ticking, so stay."
  9. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I agree with Miner over Newcomb.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Yes. He's been called out on it before, reacted badly, and got correctly lynched. He'll be wary the next time he's in the same spot.
  10. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    My vote was on tom until like two seconds ago, and I've been townreading him for 24 hours.

    Flip it around. Do you think wolf!Kalas sees like six people calling him out for not voting and then doesn't slap a vote down on GH?
  11. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I think wolf!kalas would shy away from voting GH precisely because it'd make him look worse now than he already does.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Man, mind-melding with fonti is such a weird moment.
    --- Post automerged ---
    "'Cause baby I could build a castle, out of all the bricks they threw at me. And every day is like a battle, and every night with us is like a dream."
  12. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Quoting the swedish thing is too much of a pain. Newcomb, I think you calling Swedish's "good for game health read" accurate and town is bad, because it's not a real read. It's something that just easy ti say and look like you're paying attention.

    I think Jari's dancing around miner is telling for him, and part of the reason I'm lightly townreading him. I suggest looking at those posts.
  13. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    If he's that aware of his own meta, he wouldn't get in that spot in the first place, IMO. Like, I'm putting myself in his head as a wolf here, he knows he's gotten called out for vote movement and vote related stuff before, he's wary of it, so he goes, "I know, I'll self vote for 48 hours, they'll never catch on."?

    I don't feel strongly enough about Kalas to go to bat for him, and I do think if GH is a wolf he becomes pretty suspect, but the fact that he's self voting seems TWTBAW for me, for precisely those self-awareness reasons.
    --- Post automerged ---
    fonti, is your entire interaction with me this game going to be telling me how wrong I am about things? Because it feels like it has been so far, and it's not super pleasant.
  14. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Explain this to me. I'm pretty sure that in every game I've played with him where he was town barring the most recent MU replace in one he's had a very definitive read on me either way.
  15. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    I'm alive, but not caught up.
    My tomorrow got way weird.
    I'll, uh, be here for deadline. I think I can swing that.
  16. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    No, Newcomb. He got called out previously for not voting, and had an over the top reaction a bit afterwards against town owner. The lesson kalas probably took from that is that he needs to fully justify his pushes as a wolf before voting, as that's the thing that nailed him, even if it wasn't the original source of suspicion on him.
  17. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Of note though:
    I've seen dya talk about being ignored at least twice.
    Which is a thing I've seen her say before and I wish I remembered what game that was/what her alignment was.
    But compared to the others on that list my impression is she's trying to make an impact and it just isn't working.
  18. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I think he had a definitive read but didn't want to share it.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Why? What has she done that, under different circumstances, could have been impactful.
  19. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    I was gonna respond that it doesn't stop him from fear lynching me but vaimes already did.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Hey stop asking me for specifics when I clearly don't remember them and don't have time to look.
  20. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    I agree with 50% of this, for what it's worth. I was just posting for its own sake and didn't really care about what I was doing very much this morning/last night as well I think. Active lurk-y is a good way to put it, but it's also how I ~always play and is kind of. necessary based on what my life looks like atm with not being engaged in the game. I didn't "push you for not being around", unless you count a ~naked vote a "push", I didn't miss what you said, just didn't note it being particularly worthy of comment in particular, and... again, not sure where you got the impression that I missed you pushing me, unless you're just defining that as "not responding or talking about much", which, again, is hard when I had to drag myself into the game to do anything at all. We're here now, it's better. Also, SS did mention it, and I literally responded to him mentioning my (albeit limited) thoughts on the matter and said I'd look into it/talk about it, so /shrug on that front. Also not sure what I should be, like, considering in particular? "Is Newcomb wolfreading me?" "Has what he said become more relevant and specifically worth/possible to reasonably reply to/rebut/whatever?" And yeah, I've posted a ton of stuff about why I was playing that way, and addressed most of your concerns, but meh. I see a lot of what you're saying, you're taking other things out of their proper place/situation, and it's irrelevant regardless. I am typing words here and this paragraph is mostly pointless.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Anyway. Back to regularly scheduled programming, though I think that might have actually dealt with bullet point number one for the most part?