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The Official (Unofficial) Skyrim Mod List

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Lutris, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    A fuckton of awesome mods got added. There's a lot more than what I've listed here, especially with the Creation Kit allowing for original quests and environments.

    Anyway, here're a few of my favorites:

    Mod: Dovahkiin and the Apprentices of Thuum
    Author: Sagittarius22
    Category: Gameplay effects and changes
    : This mod allows your Dragonborn to teach his or her Followers to use The Voice. Basically, you spend Dragon Souls to teach combat-ready Shouts to any Followers currently in your service. There's only 6 Shouts available at the moment (Unrelenting Force, Disarm, Fire Breath, Ice Form, Become Ethereal, and Slow Time), that you have to have learned before you can teach. Each Shout costs anywhere from 5 to 18 Dragon Souls to teach. This mod came out YESTERDAY, so it might still be buggy.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Dwemer Certified
    Author: TheTalkieToaster
    Category: Companion creatures
    : Dwemer Certified allows you to create your own Dwemer machines and constructs by adding perks to the Enchanting and Smithing perk trees. The Dwemer Smithing allows you to craft Construct parts as well as the actual constructs themselves. Each one under your control decreases your maximum Magicka by a certain amount- spiders are 30 points, Centurions are 150, and so on. You can control as many constructs as your magicka limit allows. You craft weapons and armor for your constructs, and can upgrade them as well- and in the case of the Centurion, you can use a spell to ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL OF IT.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival
    Author: Chesko
    Category: Immersion
    : Basically, this mod adds a cold-environment survival aspect to the game, using variables such as location, weather, the time of day, worn clothing, and other elements. You can freeze to death if you're not warm enough, or if you don't have a camp set up, and you can't Fast Travel without having a Firekit, an original item that keeps you warm and alive in Frostfall. If you want to really add immersion to Skyrim by having to survive in the wilds, this is a great mod to have.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Camping Lite
    Author: McGuffin
    Category: Immersion
    : This is an immersion mod that doesn't go quite as far as Frostfall does. You'll get a camping kit (purchasable at Benethor's), which allows you to easily set up camp anywhere in the wilds. Compatible with the Hypothermia mod I'm going to link next.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Hypothermia
    Author: Nitor
    Category: Immersion
    : Hypothermia is another (lighter) survival mod that adds core temperature as a player stat. You can keep warm by fires, whether it's a campfire or a Giant's bonfire. As the creator describes it: "The core body temperature drops and rises based on environmental factors, weather, location in Skyrim, frost resistance, time of day, swimming in cold water, armor and clothing, and level of exertion. When the core temp drops below certain thresholds, the effects include, slowed movement, stamina drain, reduced pickpocket and lockpicking, disabled fast travel, and health drain at the very lowest core temp."
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Shadow Spawn Skin
    Author: Zigurd
    Category: Spells and enchantments
    : Frankly, I love this mod. Shadow Spawn Skin adds a new transformation (think Werewolves) to the game by way of a unique spell that transforms you into a Shadowspawn. As a Shadowspawn, all NPCs are hostile to you, and you can only attack using either your fists or a unique, conjured Two-Handed sword available only while transformed. But that's not all- on top of looking ridiculously awesome, you cannot be detected while Sneaking in Shadowspawn form. The effects are also pretty fucking awesome. There's a video in the description.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Named Bosses in Skyrim
    Author: Agovideo
    Category: Spells and enchantments
    : Named Bosses in Skyrim adds several powerful boss-class monsters into the game, all located at certain areas on the map. There's the Death Knight, White Knight and Black Knights, Baphomet, Skull Trio, and a Lich.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Weather Master
    Author: Mass Carade
    Category: Spells and enchantments
    : Adds weather spellbooks at the Mage's College that allow you to cause weather effects, including rain, fog, snow, clear skies, and a gate to Sovngarde.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Omegared99 - Armor Compilation
    Author: Omegared99
    Category: Armour
    : Adds four new armor sets for both genders, based on both vanilla armors and The Witcher 2 armor sets, resulting in: Champion Armor, Thane Armor, Battlemage Armor, and Ranger Armor. These look fucking great.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Void Armor
    Author: Hentai
    Category: Armour
    : Fucking love this female armor. THE BONDAGE TONES.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Saber Dress
    Author: Hentai
    Category: Clothing
    : Saber's iconic dress from the Fate franchise. As with anything Hentai makes, the meshes and gravity is epic.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Saber's Armor
    Author: Fizban007
    Category: Armor
    : Saber's armor. Awesome as.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Review Studio
    Author: KahjiitRaj
    Category: Miscellaneous
    : Review Studio allows you to use a console command to go to a Black Room or a White Room, with either a pitch black background or a bright white background, to take screenshots without stuff to interfere with the shot.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Spouses Can Live Everywhere
    Author: Amgepo and Emma
    Category: Other
    : As the name says, this mod makes it so that your spouse can live in any house in the game, even ones added by other mods.
    Link: Nexus
  2. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
  3. Fatality

    Fatality Order Member

    May 4, 2011
    That reminds me, chainsaw swords aside - am I missing much by not using the Steam workshop? I've been a bit busy lately, but from the quick looks I've had at the nexus I haven't seen anything amazingly interesting. Are a lot of mods being uploaded at the Steam workshop that I'm missing out on?
  4. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    There's a few good ones out there. Assassin's Creed uniforms (Red & Blue), some Dragonbone Armors, plenty of villages and houses added, a few nicer NPC additions...

    I'm not going to lie, Nexus has a good few more options, but Steam seems to have a few diamond in the rough.

    Plus, you just click suscribe to a mod and unsuscribe whenever you feel like it, so for me it's easier than using Nexus.
  5. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    It's easier for me to track what I have using Nexus though. I haven't played the game in at least a month or two since I started being busy again, is it easier to find stuff on Workshop now?
  6. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    A whole lot of categories (Towns, Races, Quests, Weapons, Clothing, Graphics, etc...) + a search engine for more specific searching.
  7. Sowilo

    Sowilo First Year

    Jul 18, 2011
    I don't know about you guys, but something on Steam just didn't sit right with something on my computer. Now I can't even play the game for five minutes without it crashing.

    I deleted Nexus off mine to see if the mods conflicting was the problem. Nothing. Then I deleted all but a single mod. Nothing. Then I downloaded another mod and deleted the former one. Nothing.

    Any of you guys experiencing the some problem with it?
  8. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    Try opening the game, ctrl+alt+del, close all Steam applications (likely just steam and the game overlay ui), then move back into the game. You may need to alt+tab twice to get back into the game because Bethesda are silly and wasted that perk point in lockpicking.
  9. azrael

    azrael Professor

    Mar 14, 2008
    Or you could try going into steam, right click Skyrim and click "Properties," and uncheck the box for allowing steam community to show up in game. this disables the steam overlay.
  10. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    I think it's about time to add a whole bunch of new mods to this list.

  11. Sowilo

    Sowilo First Year

    Jul 18, 2011
    Okay, since remodeling has knocked out my Skyrim computer for now, I'll try out your suggestions later. Thanks.


    Mod: The Asteria
    Author: Mattcm919
    Category: Abodes - Player homes
    Summary: It's a ship. A dwarven ship. A flying dwarven ship.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Crimson Tide - Blood
    Author: Magus
    Category: Visuals and graphics
    Summary: Blood graphics fit for a murderous psychopath.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Feminine Running and New Dash Animation
    Author: xp32
    Category: Animations
    Summary: As if the women of Skyrim weren't already modded into big-breasted perfection, now they run as if they're scared of breaking a nail while a dragon is breathing down their neck.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul
    Author: fLokii
    Category: Companions - Other
    Summary: I think 15 followers are Skyrim's equivalent to an army, right? Fixes the followers to how they should have been in the very beginning.
    Link: Nexus

    Mod: Like A Boss -New Mounts Mod-
    Author: fLokii
    Category: Animals, creatures, mounts & horses
    Summary: Because real adults would ride a Mammoth - Or a Horker. Or a wolf. Or a moose. Or a deer. Or a skeletal dragon. Or a REAL dragon. Or a giant spider. Or a bear. Or an Ice Wraith. Or a Chaurus - Like a boss.
    Link: Nexus

    There also used to be a a mod called Master Shape Shifter, which allowed you to turn into any variation of monster in Skyrim (wolf, skeever, Alduin, Dremora, etc.) and disguise yourself into any of the human classes (necromancer, assassin, Psijic Monk, bandit, Foresworn, etc.), but it was taken off of nexus.

    Forum Link: Nexus

    EDIT: I have no idea where some of these are, but I WANT.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2012
  12. Matian

    Matian Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2009
    There you go.
  13. Sowilo

    Sowilo First Year

    Jul 18, 2011

    Found another one.

    Mod: Levelers Tower
    Author: WillieSea
    Category: Cheats and god items
    Summary: From the looks of it, it's between a player home and a giant game cheat. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks promising.
    Link: Nexus
  14. Roarian

    Roarian High Inquisitor

    Jun 11, 2011
    Let me pimp the mod that I'm working on currently with Kris, the original author. (I show up quite a bit in the credits :p)

    Mod: Interesting NPCs
    Author: Kristakahashi (me too :p)
    Category: NPC, Immersion
    Summary: Adds over 50 full NPCs with character and all; some vendors, followers etc. 26 have voices at the time of writing, including some very good voice actors and great sound quality. The writing's top notch too (Two writers thus far with a third working on a character presently.)
    Link : Interesting NPCs

    The main flaw is that vanilla sort of comes across as terribly shallow compared to the new NPCs, as even main characters have less dialogue in that; we hope to expand some vanilla characters in the future, perhaps redubbing their entire dialogue (little that there is) so that it'll be nice and consistent throughout.
  15. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Behold the prettiest mother fucking elf-nord you've ever seen.



    UNP Main
    UNP Retexture by Ramses
    Eisen Plate Armor
    Eisen Plate Armor Steel Retexture
    Sharpshooter ENB
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2012
  16. Rawrixmoo

    Rawrixmoo Second Year

    Jul 8, 2007
    New York City
    Mod: ThuuMic
    Author: DeadlyAzuril and PsychoHampster
    Category: Voice Commands

    Summary: Voice commands including DRAGON SHOUTS. Now you can be super crazy and shout FUS RO DAH at the screen and your character will shout too.


    Oops already posted :/
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2012
  17. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    Figure might as well post this hear since it ... is vaguely related:

    Anyone poked around the Creation Kit yet?

    Couple ideas floating about in my head seem kind of like they'd be fairly decent for quests or what not. Sent off to look for some farm cunt to find her abducted son/husband/et al. that ends up with taking down illegal dueling/death match run by some bored, rich old me (or taking over, if you're the sort...)
  18. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    Double-post shame on me, but its for a good cause:

    Move Damn it.

    In case anyone hasn't found problems to followers blocking doors and what not.

    Im sort of disappointed it wasnt called "Move, bitch, get out the way" though. :<
  19. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    So, I suppose I'll drop a few things here even though this is dead as....

    Recommendation: Mod Organizer

    Mod Organizer. Awesome as balls. On the off chance that you let people use your PC for gaming, or if you just want to set up different shit without having to uninstall and reinstall, lets you set up profiles with unique load orders, mods, etc. Each profile is self contained and doesn't share settings for mods.

    It does it, rather ingeniously, by not installing your mods in the default dir, i.e. steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\data. Instead, its installed to modorganizer\mods\[Insert your mod name here.]


    D:\Mods\ModOrganizer\mods\[Armor][CBBE][Retexture] Ancient Nord
    D:\Mods\ModOrganizer\mods\[Armor][CBBE][Retexture] Ancient Nord Chainmail
    D:\Mods\ModOrganizer\mods\[Armor][CBBE][Retexture] Savior Hide
    And even after activating, the mods never leave those folders. Plus a host of other nifty features, BSA extracting and its own internal web browser for the Nexus site. NIfty bit is, on the mod info page, it lists all files associated with it, so you dont even have to go back to the site to update it. Just find the files, double click, and it downloads for you. MO++

    Also found these: Sauron's Armor [Screenshot] and Saber's dress for the F/SN fans.
    Last edited: May 18, 2012
  20. Rawrixmoo

    Rawrixmoo Second Year

    Jul 8, 2007
    New York City
    Not quite that dead!

    Fun mods I've played lately:

    Moonpath to Elsweyr
    Link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9782
    Description: Quest addon that takes you into the jungle of Elsewyr (Khajit land) and a desert and a tropical island for lots of killing fun. It isn't perfect but there's even an optional addon for a tiger pet follower. An armored tiger last I checked.

    WARZONES- Civil Unrest
    Link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9494
    Description: Turns skyrim into a land that actually seems to be in the midst of a civil war. There are battlegrounds all over the place usually fought between two factions with many units running around stabbing, magicking and shooting one another. The reduced size version is something like 15v15 the normal is closer to 30v30 the large battles I couldn't even touch. Very harsh on the system so be careful with this one if you do use it. A lot of fun though.

    For the fate stay/night fans:
    Unlimited Bladeworks
    Link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=14067
    Description: Haven't tried it yet but it's unlimited bladeworks! Pew pew swords.