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The problems with HBP, chapter by chapter.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Midknight, Aug 21, 2005.

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  1. Randeemy

    Randeemy Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2005
    Have you not considered the possibility that RAB found another way around the situation? That he may have had insider knowledge? I dont know how likely this is, however there is very little we know about the Stubby Boardman look-a-like....
  2. Cupspeaker

    Cupspeaker Looked into the void

    May 22, 2006
    Hmm... You could be on to something. I betcha RAB is something gay like Regulus Agustus Black. And he was a death eater so maybe he knew where Voldie kept his secret treasures?

    IP: Why the hell would he swallow the locket. I dont think he would do that. He would probably just have a big hold on it with his hand or something. And since I think the locket would be pretty heavy so it wont be floating around. I just think swallowing is a bit desperate.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2006
  3. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    Sirius said Regulus wasn't high enough to be killed by Voldemort. So I dont think he would have insider knowledge. Voldemort's smart enough not to tell his death eaters. Dumbledore said that Voldemort trusts no one. The most he would tell them would be " this is important...hid it now." even that is unlikely.
  4. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    It wasn't so much combing through the details Cup, it was just briefly scanning over the book again while we were bashing it in another thread, and using a mixture of typing and voice recog to make this initial beat down.

    I'm sure there's tons of stuff I missed
  5. Hellsing Boy

    Hellsing Boy Second Year

    Jun 19, 2006
    Hellsing HQ
    Don't bother reading it again, what you *didn't* miss is bad enough;

    and I've reached a conclusion. Our problem with JK's books is that we're trying to dissect and analise them using that wonderful thing that is logic; Potterverse is averse to logic; somehow the Wizarding World missed to grasp the foundations of modern thinking; maybe they were all hidden away in Atlantis, or Avalon, or some shitty cliche'd place, and never received the wonderful techings of people like Socrates and Plato.

    Compared to non-magical people, wizards are fucking retards, or the author portrays them as such, or: she really puts no thought into it.

    The saddest part is that we're all bashing the goddam books, but will probably buy the last one just to see how the fucking story ends (I know I will, or at least rip it off of someone).


    P.S. IP, I'm bowled over by your intellect.
  6. coupdmain

    coupdmain First Year

    Feb 28, 2006

    My sentiments exactly, but... I do remember a line in book 1. I even looked it up to quote it (I know, I know *dork*)

    If you ask me that piece is just there to act as a blanket response to the inane attitude of the characters in the books.

    Modern thinking... how dare you suggest that we think like the mundane muggles.
  7. Hellsing Boy

    Hellsing Boy Second Year

    Jun 19, 2006
    Hellsing HQ
    My sentiments exactly, but... I do remember a line in book 1. I even looked it up to quote it (I know, I know *dork*)

    "Brilliant," said Hermione. "This isn't magic -- it's logic -- a puzzle. A lot of the greatest wizards haven't got an ounce of logic, they'd be stuck in here forever.

    If you ask me that piece is just there to act as a blanket response to the inane attitude of the characters in the books.

    True, true. However, even Hermione (who is, I believe, Rowling's self-insertion) is not an example of logic. Only minutes prior to that scene, she couldn't create a fire to contain the Devil's Snare, because she had no wood.wtf?:?

    then, in book 5 she admits out loud, to a herd of enraged centaurs, that she brought a human to their forest so they could take care of her dirty work for her?!? How stupid is that?

    Apparently, living in the wiz world rots the brain.

    But, I believe the ultimate testimony of stupidity of that society is the people they elect to rule them; someone once said "each country has the ruler it deserves" and in this case, I quite agree; stupid people deserve stupid rulers.
  8. Hellsing Boy

    Hellsing Boy Second Year

    Jun 19, 2006
    Hellsing HQ
    maybe I'm pushing it, but...

    Yes, it's another rant, but I have to get this one off my chest:

    Why on earth would someone, anyone, write a story, with a weak plot, with larger holes than the Titanic's, populated by characters almost everyone has grown to hate or severely dislike?

    Problem is, she actually said she likes the book; said it does everything she wanted it to do. wtf? Did you actually wanted people to dislike the books?

    I've not met one, ONE person with half a brain that actually liked the book; my mom read it, shrugged her shoulders, and rolled her eyes (I take her oppinion on every book we read together seriously, since she's a avid reader, and has already read more stuff than I probably ever will); the only people happy with the book were the kids too young to understand the words, or the fangirls/boys (OMG!!! H/G love each other OMG!!!)

    And, to top it all, JK had the fucking guts to say she writtes to please herself first! How fucking conceited is that?!?!?!?:mad:

    Maybe she should remember she should be writting for the readers, who for the most part DON'T buy the books to read about some lame teenage drama!!! Maybe she should remember that she wouldn't be a fucking billionaire if she wrote only to please herself.

    Enough said.
  9. Dubrichius

    Dubrichius Groundskeeper

    Feb 6, 2006
    Solomon Island
    Hellsing Boy, FYI, there is a reason for the Edit button in the bottom right-hand corner of your posts, to discourage double (or triple, in this case) posts. I highly recommend using it, lest the almighty power of Mid's Banstick smite you.
  10. Hellsing Boy

    Hellsing Boy Second Year

    Jun 19, 2006
    Hellsing HQ
    That wasn't my intention at all! can't I delete it?
  11. coupdmain

    coupdmain First Year

    Feb 28, 2006
    Before we get off-topic, and go on a tangent on posting rules (by the way please read them).

    Thats not showing illogical behavior, but a classic case of "deer caught in the headlights" syndrome.

    Not everyone reacts, or for that matter thinks clearly when faced with a dire situation. In both cases you mentioned, literally a life or death situation.

    IMHO, Hermione is a academician, a researcher if you will, not a warrior. She can think on her feet, but as the situation becomes more and more desperate, she tends to panic a little.

    Not someone I want by my side, in a battle scenario. She might do well as an Unspeakable, but not as an Auror.

    But after that, I would like to say, I am sure she has done illogical stuff in the books, I am just not bothered enough to recall every bit of stuff she did in the series.

    As far as the locket goes, what about the locket they could not open in OOTP, could that be Slytherin's locket. I wonder...
  12. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  13. afrojack

    afrojack Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2006
    Southron California
    I personally refuse to believe Harry isn't powerful, out of pure denial, but I mean he did side-along apparate possibly the most magically-heavy man in the universe. Just because we didn't see him learning doesn't mean he didn't.
  14. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  15. Anlun

    Anlun Denarii Host

    Jul 2, 2007
    My opinion of HBP is a bit mixed. I didn't like the book but i think it was meant to be a bridge between the previous books and the seventh (at least I hope). My theory is she went 5 books without explaining anything about Voldemort and when she got to the sixth she just went...Crap. So the sixth book was a sort of stage for the events of the seventh. Was I happy with the Horcruxes?No Was I happy with Snape? No? Was I happy with Ginny? God no. But with the exception of Ginny, I think it was all a neccesary move to get the ball rolling in the seventh.

    Now as for the seventh book its obvious the locket in Ootp is Slytherin's locket, and you can be sure that RAB is Regulus, but that's not really her fault. We all read fanfiction which purposefully looks at all aspects of the book to try and determine the best possible plot for a fic. Thus while we may not be surprised that RAB is Regulus (because we've read it a million times already), and we may end up lighting the book on fire because Harry figures out if Ginny's drape matches the carpet, most fans won't.
  16. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    You know what, Hellsing? I'm glad she admitted that she's writing for herself. If she was writing for her fans, she would be nothing but a fucking sellout. I would stop reading the series entirely and burn my copies of the books if she blatantly admitted she'd sold out like that.

    If you can't write for yourself, then you know what? Don't write.

    On the whole Hermione's rubbing the fact that she might have been half-right in her assumptions, well...Harry definitely should have rubbed the fact that he had been telling her and Ron all year that Draco was a Death Eater in her face.
  17. Snarf

    Snarf Squanchin' Party Bro! ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2007
    Forty-Six & 2
    High Score:
    This is a warning for both of you. Do you see that little date right about where it says Mid's name? Read it please: 2-21-07. That means you two are necro'ing a five month old thread. People here don't like this. I have no power to do anything about it besides negrep you and I won't because I don't think you knew, but it isn't hard to just look up above the last post and see the date.
  18. Dark Lord Rostam

    Dark Lord Rostam Button La Famiglia Midknight

    Mar 2, 2006
    In that thing you call a closet. Better watch out,
    First of all, retard, you can't give warnings, shut the fuck up. Second, this is a fucking sticky, you can't bump a sticky, cocksucker.

    You are a fucking moron, both of them have contributed more then you, shut the fuck up and die.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2007
  19. Snarf

    Snarf Squanchin' Party Bro! ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2007
    Forty-Six & 2
    High Score:
    A warning as in a helping hand to someone who is as new as I am, Demon Vigilante being that person along with anlun. Maybe 'warning' was a bad word, but what was relevant about commenting on something someones said a few months ago? I'm not trying to be an admin, I'm only a few months deep into the forum, but I thought it was a little strange. Please, negrep me a bit more for using the wrong word in bad context, but as I said 'I can't do anything but negrep and I won't' which means it's one normal member helping another to not fuck up. As of here, I didn't know it was alright to post again in a stickie like this. My bad, now I know.
  20. xcel

    xcel Looked into the void

    Jun 24, 2007
    I liked Half Blood Prince. Yes I know, I am probably going to get a lot of heck from the majority here who dislike this book, but I want to have my say. Now why do I like this? For several reasons, one of them being that I have been following this series since it was written and this is just one book in a great series that has much potential for fanfiction. The story itself is intriguing and simple to read and understand which puts it above 90% of the books out there. Simplicity is genius after all (well usually).

    The characters are fleshed out and there's a lot of back story. Stephen King (my favorite author) said that Rowling is the queen of backstory and I agree. She created a huge fucking world, a universe that millions like if the letters from little kids who ask if they can go to Hogwarts too is any indictation (hell I wrote one when I was ten). The HP universe is the best in literature (in my opinion) and since this is canon book I love it even though some think it might not be the best.

    Personally story wise I think this is the best book of the series. Honestly when I read it, I skimmed through the romance. I mean, who gives a fuck? But there must be romance because Harry is a normal teenage boy, and guess whats on his mind. It's not Dumbledore's 'withered hand' that props up in his dreams, I'll tell ya that much. Anyways the Half Blood Prince Potions text was done superbly - I never guessed it was Snape, and it added another dimension to Snape's character. The potions were great too - Luck potion was imaginative,, love potion not so much. Horocruxes were fucking awesome, much better than philosopher's stone because of its dark and perverse nature.

    Many of you think Harry was a wuss, but that is not exactly true. He's brave enough, going with Dumbledore on horocrux trips, fighting Snape at the end, duelling with malfoy (sectumsempera was awesome), etc. It didn't strike me much that he is a wuss, quite opposite. 'You are only truly courageous when you fight your fears.'

    The ending was awesome. The most powerful good guy Albus Dumbledore dies. And betrayed by that spy too! Very good plot right there. And it ups the tension too for the final book which is even better. I love HBP even more than I love OoTP or the other four books.

    As for the fluffy romance, it made me cringe a bit, but I skimmed over it. Honestly you guys are missing out a good read if you choose to rate it as trash and ignore the good parts just because you don't like the pairing. This book is way better than any HP fan fic, I'll tell you that much (Well maybe Lightning on the wave's fics are better but I just read the first three of them and stopped when it started geting slashy).

    I just know I am going to get a ton of negrep for this post but it's true - I love Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and I rate it as 5/5 for the story itself. The writing was well done, good description, I could really picture the story in my head. 5/5 on that part as well.
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