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Abandoned The Thief of Hogwarts by Bluminous8 - M

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Jtemplar8, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. Caput

    Caput First Year

    Mar 11, 2009
    What if it was something that required permission slips from parents/guardians for them to teach it? No slips, they don't get taught it by the school.

    I wouldn't be surprised if in that scenario the Dursley's were to deny permission, and since Harry never had friends due to Dudley and his gang chasing them all away, he wouldn't have had anyone to have been sharing those types of joke with (or to have told him what they were told in the class), so he'd still have been clueless.
  2. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    You thought I was talking about sex ed? Lulz.
  3. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Hehe. There is, of course, a sort of education you pick up without the benefit of classes. :mrgreen:

    It's harder, though, to question the legitimacy of Harry's ignorance via that sort of overheard knowledge than it is by simply saying he would have learned it in class with everyone else in the UK.

    After all, we know he had no friends before Hogwarts, and he probably stayed pretty scarce, so Dudley and his gang didn't think he was trying to make any. Picking up info from your peers, true or not, isn't as easy when you're hiding in the bushes near the elementary school.

    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  4. deathinapinkboa

    deathinapinkboa Minister of Magic

    Aug 24, 2006
    Democratic Republic of The Congo
    I had a very clear understanding of what sex is and how to go about it at the age of twelve. While it would be equally weird for Harry to actually be fucking these girls, rather than spreading about vague and accidental hints that he fucked them, I don't really like it either.

    My other big worry is that this fic is on the road to Harem. Tonks and Fluer would be dandy as all hell, but the Veela and the Metamorph should be enough. After two it becomes difficult to juggle and schedule time for them all to fuck eachother. I don't like it.

    Also, Hermione will never compare to those two.
  5. Anarual

    Anarual Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 25, 2005
    Fic was awesome untill that amiliar thing fucked it up. Stick with one 's all I'm saying..
  6. kmfrank

    kmfrank Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2008
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Oddly enough, there's this thing called friendship? I've heard it occasionally happens between kids, and even sometimes past puberty between men and women.

    Crazy, I know, but maybe - just maybe - Harry won't get a fail!Harem, and he and Tonks will just be close friends.

    But just because they're close friends, doesn't mean he won't occasionally horn after her. Because that'd just be unrealistic.
  7. wolf550e

    wolf550e High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Nov 9, 2006
    Men and women can never be friends. She thinks of him as her cute kitten she likes to bathe with strawberry shampoo and he thinks of her as the first woman he ever saw naked.

    Imagine how that relationship evolves when he becomes an adult wizard, a husband, a father, a pillar of the community. And every week, he would take time from his work, his social obligations and his family to spend time as Tonks' cat. If anyone found out, noone would ever belive it wasn't a sex fetish kind of thing.

    So yeah, the current situation in unstable. It can become a threesome or they can break up, but it can't stay the way it is.

    Edit: After Tonks found Harry in Hogsmeade the Tonks' watched Star Wars with their cat and she wanted him to sleep as a cat in her bed (which he did). In the latest chapter, they practiced dueling and interacted as humans only, so I was right. The situation as it was could not continue - it had to change. the relationship between Tonks and Harry changed from being a girl and her kitten to two friends who are closely matched dueling partners.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2009
  8. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Wow, perhaps you can't restrain yourself against temptation, but a lot of men can. Just because Harry saw Tonks naked as he was going for a bath, doesn't mean that they cannot be friends at all.

    In fact, I find your whole statement utterly ridiculous. Harry isn't still going to go live as Tonks cat now that she knows. I mean look at it, he doesn't do it now, for fucks sake. Tonks and Harry are actually conversing as humans. And it looks like that is how it will stay most likely.

    It's called adaptability. People can change in order to accommodate different circumstances.

    I really don't like you, some of your past posts have been just as ridiculous.
  9. The Santi

    The Santi Professor

    Aug 15, 2009

    I think the fic works better with Harry and Tonks just being friends.

    There will still be tension, but it won't be sexual tension between Harry and Tonks. Instead, it will be between Tonks and Fleur. I think it could be really humorous to see Tonks decide that Fleur isn't good enough for Harry -not out of some misguided pedo lust, but out of genuine concern for her friend/familiar.
  10. Antonimus

    Antonimus First Year

    Jul 3, 2009
    Death Row
    Yeah, there will still be tension, but it works with tension. I may need to re-read the fic, but I haven't seen a whole lot of conflict, and with the tension brewing amongst Fleur and Tonks, there's bound to be some conflict. And I'm sorry, but I tend to LIKE conflict. Preferably of the fighting variety, but any conflict besides the cliche shit is good. And even some of THAT is good, too.

    Harem!Harry doesn't work in this story, it would take to much away from the fic. Harems are good when done in moderation (if Harems could even HAVE moderation) and there's gotta be plot. So far in this fic, haven't seen a whole lot of plot. Ergo, harem is a bad idea.

    But anyway, I like the fic and will continue reading. Easily 4/5.
  11. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    I'm pretty sure the author has already stated that it will be a Harry/Multi, so this is kind of a moot point to argue.

    To me, due to the lightness of the fic (angst this is not) I'm not going to have a cow if it's Harry/Fleur/Tonks. Granted, that said I hope Hermione does stay just a good friend. There are already 30k+ stories featuring a Harry/Hermione relationship, and I'd rather have this one just focus on Harry, Fleur and Tonks. Add in Hermione and well, that's just one girl too many in my opinion.
  12. Antonimus

    Antonimus First Year

    Jul 3, 2009
    Death Row

    Awe crap. To many Harry/Multi 's in my opinion.

    Even if it IS only Fleur and Tonks.
  13. Red_Hourglass

    Red_Hourglass First Year

    Sep 29, 2008
    I like this Fic, It's funny with out being campy, and moves along at a good pace. The Tonks/Harry thing does not put me off. I hope it continues on, the story that is. Relationships change over time, and Flour (lol) and Tonks are different enough that, the Hermoine relationship might be a temptation at some point for the "normalcy" that it could bring. This could be juxtaposed with Hermione discovering the truth about her father. 4 stars from me
  14. AAli

    AAli High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    Chapter 17 has been posted.
  15. Bikiluf

    Bikiluf Seventh Year

    Jan 12, 2009
    Great respect to the writer of this fic for taking offence, telling me to fuck off and banning me from reviewing his fic after I sent him a crappy oneliner review about his rape of the tenses. Pretty cool story too.
  16. aaltwal

    aaltwal Auror

    Apr 3, 2009
    I didn't like the way you whined, fucker. You were just trying to rile me up in your review, baiting me for some flame war. I banned you from my account, and here I find you starting some shit here.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  17. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Dunno who the fuck Bikiluf is, but you write a good fic, aaltwal, so i'm on your side. :p

    Go aaltwal!
  18. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    NVM I'm retarded.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  19. Bikiluf

    Bikiluf Seventh Year

    Jan 12, 2009

    A misunderstanding, perhaps to be attributed to my poor knowledge of the English language. I was of the oppinion that what I said did was not in any case offensive and I apologise if it was taken as such. Being provocative is also not what I was aiming for, I was merely trying to state the fact that that the multitude of little mistypes breaks the rythm of the story as I couldn't help but think while encountering a plural mans instead of men that you ment something completely different from what I was thinking. This however does nothing to the plot itself which I liked alot.

    My sincere apologies for the insensetive and retaded "review" I've left to your story.

    PS: You are way too easily offended. Perhaps I should stop assuming that all people are like me in not giving a fuck what others think. A severe flaw of character on my part.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  20. aaltwal

    aaltwal Auror

    Apr 3, 2009
    Shut up already. Here you go trying to apologize while insulting at the same time. You make it seem that I was reacted poorly to your review, and that is not the case.

    Your immaturity and the way you acted makes you the one easily offended, and you respond through what you thought was cleverly hidden insults amidst fake praise. I would have gladly received a scathing, harsh review, lambasting the mistakes I made, but you wrote that 'shitty' review instead.

    I do not get offended easily, being a fanfiction writer requires one to get used to flames and harsh reviews and criticisms that for all their sting and scathing words, are helpful to a new writer such as myself. But for some weird and disturbing reason, people like you exist and they seem to enjoy pulling authors down.