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The Walking Dead

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Cyclops, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. Ash'Ura

    Ash'Ura Totally Sirius

    Dec 10, 2009
    Yeah, I thought it was weird too. I mean, Maggie wouldn't stop insisting Glenn was alive when they were separated, but her only remaining family member is missing and her reaction can be summed up by "shit happens bro."

    As for the DC cure:

    It was a part of the comics and it was a load of bull that Eugene used to ensure his survival.

    All in all, another good episode. I have to ask though, was the water under the Food Bank filled with a shit ton of feces or was I imagining it? Jesus, I know it's a zombie apocalypse and all, but if I had to choose between swimming in shit or attempting find another source of food (and possibly starve to death), I'd choose option 2 any day.
  2. Himuradono

    Himuradono Professor

    Feb 3, 2008
    @:awinrock: I think it was shit, looked really convincing if you ask me. Though it wasn't as bad as it was in the Shawshank Redemption when the protagonist busts that pipe and gets splashed with hectoliters of feces.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
  3. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    Well, too bad about Bob. When he dies I fully understand why they did it. With Morgan on his way that'll give the group too many black people. Gotta kill one off to bring in another :D
  4. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    Gareth went out like a bitch.

    Guess it was his time to get off the gravy train.

    Although I do like Gabriel's reaction. "This is the Lord's house."
  5. Pure Infinity

    Pure Infinity High Inquisitor

    Dec 19, 2012
    Tonight's episode was a bit of a doozy, wasn't it? A ton of crazy stuff happened. Let's see...

    Bob's death was really bittersweet. It was odd for me, because at the end of Season 4 I really didn't care much about him, but I've really started to grow attached to him this season.

    I was surprised to see Glenn and Maggie leave with Abraham and Co., but I imagine we'll be catching up with them sooner or later. I'm expecting for there to be an arc where we find out what happened to Beth, before reuniting with them.
  6. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Concentrated pure sex coated in liquid sex with a gooey sexy middle.

    Brutal and dark as dicks, especially the massacring. Rick may be in full Governor mode (First weaponising Walkers and now not wasting ammo I mean c'mon son) but it's kinda glorious because this is Rick Fucking Grimes and anyone against him has it comin', so. Abraham's little love note apology saying the new world will need Rick Grimes ain't lyin'; they'll need an entire museum wing dedicated to his badassery by the time the series is over.

    That said, the best part about all the brutality was the uneasy bonus points around it. Especially Michonne; for her to find her katana aka the thing that represented her phase of being a mindless monster way back when, and she finds it after beating someone to death... Glorious. And that it was Sasha who ganked the living shit out of Martin and Tyreese saw it was also brilliant. Abraham was finally unleashed after what's probably been a couple of weeks of just pent-up rage, and Rick, well. Rick went out of his way to say he kept his promise. Machete with a red handle.

    So yeah, loved it. Walker Kill Of The Week was probably Sasha because nightscoped silenced sniper rifle action's always cool. Human Kill is Rick, because all Rick all the time, though of the others I think Sasha nailed it. And of course, much feels with the ending (Note Sasha's jacket, by the by. Poor gal.).

    Also, next week is the all Beth power hour. So hype. Missed that chick. And apparently it involves her waking up in a hospital in Atlanta and shit. Given the "new Sheriff in town" foreshadowing line and the fact that Morgan's out there still, if her arc mirrors Rick's arc in the first season? That'd be so glorious. Here for that.
  7. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    They seem to be plating up the People Are The Real Threat angle this season. I approve.

    The episode with Beth threw me for a bit at first, until all the inconsistencies started piling up and I saw the problem. Everyone out in the world, good or bad, part of the Ricktatorship or one of Gareth's cannibals, they look rough to a degree. Rick has his beard which is grey-white presumably from all the stress he's been under(losing his wife/killing his former best friend/getting whipped by the Governor while his home was being attacked/being in line at the trough to be drawn and quartered for meat...to give some examples.)

    Everyone's clothes are a bit tattered and worn. But the police officers in the hospital are well-groomed and their clothes look Academy-perfect. The female officer nominally in charge seemed to be making a big deal out of being an officer, but what I thought is post-dead men walking, cops don't matter. Cops as figures of authority and protection are shit because everyone has to take care of and protect themselves.

    Then the female officer, can't remember her name, rationalizes letting that pervert cop force himself on the women because sacrifices have to be made and Beth and everyone else 'owes' them.

    Hopefully Carol can tear up this second Terminus up from the inside. Again.
  8. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Beth <3. On a shallow note, it was good to see her face. And her hair down! And the scars suit her very much.

    Anyways, this ep was very implication-y. The Cross Cops go out and deliberately injure or maim those they "rescue", to keep them around for as long as possible and make them pile on the debt. Reflective of the current system of healthcare amirite. But apocalypse-style makes shit harsher, and throwing in former law enforcers into the mix to see what they turn into is even crazier. Very different kind of evil. I almost miss Gareth.

    And like, Beth rocked it. Just could visually see her confidence increase over the episode when she got her feet and realised that yes she was alone, but she's a survivor. I know giving Beth Greene her own episode is like giving Sansa Stark one in that people will just scoff at it, but I fucking loved it. Dawn and Noah and Joan all pressed on Beth, wondering if she's a burden or if she's a survivor, and she proved the latter. Her stopping RapeCop McRaperson was great enough (And bonus: Joan committing suicide in Dawn's office to get a chance at killing her as a walker? Amazing. She even scratched "Fuck You" into the floor if you look close), but the ending scene with Dr Stevens? Chills.

    The little clues about Dr Edwards and the other doctor he made Beth kill so he wouldn't get killed himself piled up and Beth put it together and she was so great. And with the scissors looked about ready to kill himself herself. Sad, in a way, 'cause this is sweet little Beth and she's now killed some people, but empowering. That chick's gonna make it. She smiled when Noah got away not only because Noah got away and she knew he deserved it, but because she knows she can get out too.

    And hey, Carol'll help, sure. And Daryl probably ran into Noah, my guess. They'll bring reinforcements. This shit's handled.

    Walker Kill Of The Week was prolly all the headshots in the dark by Beth, or her stomping on Walker's head in. She now joins the club Glenn, Michonne and Daryl are a part of for doing that. GG girl.
  9. Ennead

    Ennead Seventh Year

    Jul 12, 2012
    Didn't Eugene admit that the DC cure was a lie in an earlier episode?
  10. Pasta Sentient

    Pasta Sentient Disappeared

    Nov 28, 2010
    Alright, I've yet to watch this series and am looking for a series to binge watch on. Torn between this one and Breaking Bad. Suggestions? Is it worth watching?

    I typically enjoy tv shows like Arrow, Gotham, Death Note (anime) and such...but I prefer intelligent characters and a minimal amount of cheesy relationship drama.
  11. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Watch Breaking Bad definitely and watch this too although YMMV with this one when it comes to cheesy relationship dramas but if you like zombies, then why not.
  12. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    So Eugene admitted he was full of shit.

    The whole story seems like a lot of work so a guy can skate with fellow survivors and have them cover his back.

    No one can tolerate a liar in the zombie apocalypse. You don't lie about taking food, you don't lie about being bit and you don't lie about having the cure.
  13. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    I totally get where Eugene's coming from. And the committal to the lie would be easy once you've started and everything's going your way. Just gotta make yourself a bit more inhuman, more monotone, robotic, like he is. But the best part is that he broke down and confessed simply because he made friends. He saw how his lie consumed Abraham to the point of suicidal recklessness - Abe put off one suicide and started a prolonged one, really - and after bonding with Tara and Maggie and remembering hearing Gabriel's story... Dude had a human moment. Just wanted it over before anyone else got killed. Doesn't excuse that he was covering his own ass or sabotaging people or even that all those other people died too, but... I get it.

    I enjoyed the ep. Miss Rick like crazy, but Abe, Rosie and Eugene needed some spotlight and they got it. Progression of Abe's flashbacks were great (Also fun fact: In the comics his wife's name was Beth. Would've made for a funny "wait what" moment if she still was a Beth here). Glenn and Maggie didn't do as much but I like that there was emphasis on the fact that Maggie does feel guilt while simultaneously hoping to put everything away, while Glenn's honouring his deal but isn't against calling out Abraham on his shit in the end. And Tara, y'know, is always the best. Going back for a sneak peek of Rosita gurl you amazing.

    Walker Kill Of The Week is the fire hose sequence, 'course. Rosita had this cool shot where you could see the knife going through the walker's mouth, too. But yeah.

    Next Week: Daryl and Carol go on a rescue mission. Hilarity will not ensue!
  14. Himuradono

    Himuradono Professor

    Feb 3, 2008
    I finally caught up with the last two episodes and they didn't disappoint - the whole season doesn't disappoint, actually.

    Beth episode caught me by surprise, I didn't think we'd get a whole one dedicated to her and the situation she found herself in. The fact that the head-bitch threw Beth's attempted suicide in her face felt like a fist to the teeth. I completely forgot she'd tried to kill herself and it was a not so nice surprise to see that tidbit dragged back to the light and used against Beth. The scriptwriters and directors really came through with this one.

    The part where Beth is used as the catspaw to kill the other doctor was also nicely done, especially when you consider the doc pretty much confessed(the line about they all having their little rebellions/revenges) before he actually sent her to give the dude wrong the meds.

    Carol the ninja, infiltrating like a boss.

    I feel like I should feel sorry for Eugene but dammit I just can't find it in me. He deceived and sent a damaged man on a wild quest, using him as his own shield and spear. A wrecking ball that removed the obstacles in Eugene's way to safety.

    He sabotaged their vehicle, too, and almost got them all killed. I don't know. I get that he's a somewhat sympathetic figure, but I think one that also chose the easy way out. The route a parasite takes. He broke Abe. Appreciate that.

    His(Abe's) little speech in the church had Rick smiling and maybe even believing that there was a way out of this madness that surrounded them. Eugene gave them false hope and I consider that a worse crime than being a useless coward and a liar.

    Consider this: If Rick's group decided to go with Abe and Judith was on the bus. What would happen to a child when the car went topsy-turvy?

    So he got a one-two from Abe. He got off easy, me thinks. Because if it was Rick, and Carl and Judith were on the short-bus...
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2014
  15. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    I'm sort of worried that Maggie and Glenn haven't really had major roles so far, I don't want the mains or originals to die or lose focus. I wasn't a fan of the general or the faux scientist so I don't really care either way except that now Maggie and Glenn split from Rick and co. and that makes me feel like bad things will happen to all. I assume the gratuitous sex scene with the major and whatever her name is implies one or both will soon die.

    Even them giving Carol such a redemption arc with her saving the group at Terminus and now (infiltration?) the hospital makes me worry since we know (like with Herschel) the writers give characters wonderful, awesome, heart-rending moments and then chop them up.
  16. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Geez if I didn't know any better all of Carol's greatest hits flashbacks is a set-up for somethin'. Either her death or a switcheroo wherein Beth dies and Carol starts to regain a bit more of her happy shinier self. Absorbs Beth's essence like a vampire. That'd be a turn.

    Anyways, great episode. Loved loved loved the return to Atlanta shots and the general feel of being in the big city again. And it was a fun ol' romp with some good paralleling between Daryl and Carol. Daryl is single-mindedly after Beth, talking about starting over and hell even picks up a copy of that "How to deal with people who were abused as children" book for himself. Then when Noah threatens that quest he turns on him in a fucking instant and it's kinda amazingly scary. And Carol starting all "yeah Beth's probably dead" and then transforming over the journey to being against leaving Noah to die 'n all. It was neat. Also, totally fucking adored that opening montage. Carol crying in the car was startlingly effective to me.

    EDIT: Another parallel I noticed upon rewatch that I loved: The fire stuff. All the fires in the flashbacks were Carol's - viewed, caused et cetera - and all the fires in the present were Daryl's. An act of fire - burning Karen and David - burned away Carol into a murderer, so she doesn't do fire anymore. But an act of fire - burning down the moonshine shack with Beth - made Daryl into a man 'cause he let go of his past and stuff. So he's fine with fire, uses fire to distract walkers and burn the kid walker, no big. Then when he snaps and is willing to let Noah die he lights a cigarette to burn himself away into something similar to what Carol felt herself become... Then ends up dropping that cigarette out of his mouth the second Noah mentions there's people in the hospital aka a clue towards Beth. Neato.

    Walker Kill Of The Week, as an aside, goes to Daryl with the machete doin' some face slicing. Classic.

    Also next week looks like Daryl's going to get Rick for the rescue mission, which'll be great. 'Cause fetching Rick for this is the equivalent of dropping napalm to kill a spider. What comes next is going to be legendary. Rick Motherfucking Grimes.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2014
  17. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Bitches gonna get Ricked.
  18. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    If the bad guys are cops and Rick was a cop, does this make Rick Internal Affairs?
  19. Himuradono

    Himuradono Professor

    Feb 3, 2008
    So... last season the prison group was attacked by an outside force and this time it's going to be Rick&Co. doing the assault on a dug in group. Neat.

    Next week: Hospital Raid and the .357 reasons why Rick will wreck your shit if you tangle with his people. Coming soon.
  20. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    Hate to say it, but Sasha deserved what she got. Turning your back on the hostage. Jesus.