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Complete Time Braid by ShaperV - M - Naruto

Discussion in 'Naruto' started by Janus, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    Fuck all y'all haters, this was a good read. Guilty pleasure? Maybe. A damn good read? Doubtless.
  2. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    I don't mind reading about Sakura, especially when Naruto's still an important character in the story. If it were Sasuke... well that's different, but this at the current moment is still readable.

    The plot's gotten even more dubious with the latest chapter, however. I can't know if I'll be able to read it after the next update.
  3. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    Sorry for double post.

    Story was updated. It's going in a direction that's predictable in many ways, the only thing really throwing me off is the Kyuubi's "attraction" to Sakura which may or may not spell the end for this story. It's still readable, though it's not archive quality yet and is probably better off un-evaluated until it reaches 10~+ chapters.
  4. Ayreon

    Ayreon Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 18, 2006
    The author started updating the story again.

    It's definitely a kind of feel-good story for me, a guilty pleasure, but it does that very well. Definitely a 5/5 from me, because of the fun I had reading it.

    It contains some aspects, that could be serious red flags for some people, like the Sakura POV, the focus on romance/sex and the kami/demon stuff that popped up again.
    The first one doesn't faze me at all and the latter ones I can tolerate in the context of the story.
    If you're looking for some sophisticated literary gem, you probably shouldn't look for it in fanfiction anyway and like I said: for what it is, it is quite good.
  5. Hw597

    Hw597 Seventh Year

    Jun 13, 2008
    5/5 is complete madness as a score. This story is light and simply doesn't have the depth to get it past 3/5. That being said it is readable, which means that you get to see the occasional good idea's thrown in the story.

    2.5/5 is probably right. It has a couple interesting ideas but also has an equal amount of bad ones. None of the good or bad ideas are explored far enough to give the story a deciding swing so I say half marks.
  6. Hadoren

    Hadoren High Inquisitor

    Aug 21, 2006
    The story's been updated to Chapter 20, and it's something I'd definitely recommend reading.

    I really don't know what people seem to have against this story. The writing, to me, is quite amazingly well done. The scene where, for instance, Sakura and Hinata confront Kakashi and his team is very cleverly done with the way it ends. I also loved the scene where Hinata beats Orochimaru.

    And I think the plot here is one of the best Time-Travel plots I've come across. As early as Chapter 5 - the Sakura talks to Kyuubi scene - the author gives hints about what's going to happen in the future. The author knows what he/she's doing. And the way the author explains how the Time Travel began (most people don't even bother doing this) is the most cleverly done way I've ever seen since I started reading fanfiction.

    Sure, there are some bad things. The demon!Sakura arc took way too long, in my opinion. Some people might not like the crossover (I personally think it's extremely effectively done, having never previously read anything about the other world).

    But all in all the story is definitely worth reading.
  7. Trooper

    Trooper Death Eater

    Jan 8, 2009
    Bangalore, India
    I didn't like this story.

    I started reading this way back when it was just 4 chapters and continued reading till he stopped updating for a period of time. I had started disliking the story even then. While I dislike Sakura, I can tolerate stories where she's characterised moderately well, i.e. slowly changed to something bearable from her canon personality. I didn't like her in this fic. Frankly, I'd rather not read a story where it took a Tsukiyomi from Sasuke and Naruto sacrificing his sanity ( For an experiment by Sakura no less), for Sakura's opinions/world-View to change. While some people may argue that it was just a repitition and it wasn't the real Naruto, its still disturbing for me to read.

    On to the plotline. As far as I've seen in fanfiction, the whole Groundhog day plot and variations of it work excellently in either a one shot or a relatively short piece of fiction. Its very, very rare for it to work out in a relatively detailed fic such as this. I won't even go into the ridiculous ...err... thing written by PerfectLionheart(?). It was fail from the first chapter. And the plotline doesn't work here either. Or atleast, it doesn't work to my liking.

    And thats not even going into the whole crazyfux/weirdfux that is the demons/angels buisness. I don't know if it is some kind of a crossover element or something original like the stuff by that author who wrote "Naruto Genkyouien(?)". While the Genksomething fic is very enjoyable to read, this isn't. I had more fun reading a similar fic with the same groundhog day plotline was used. Its more like a Game where Naruto gets upgrades, Level-ups, Lifes and shit. it was crack and light hearted. Hence, enjoyable.

    I stopped reading this fic at around Chapter 11-12. It spiralled out into too much weirdfux for me to continue reading.

    So, I give it 3/5 for being entertaining in the beginning.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
  8. arkeus

    arkeus Seventh Year

    May 26, 2006
    @trooper: basically, your problem with it is that it has a plot and things have consequences?


    Anyway, i really like this fic for a variety of reasons. I will admit that it probably would have been better had the Cosmology been completely original and not branched off from AMG, but i didn't really mind.

    I really like the fact that as far as we can see, Sakura is the weakest of the loopers (hell, even the non-original looper Hinata is more or less as strong as her) when it comes to combat, but that she specializes in more esoteric abilities.

    It's always interesting to see a character building himself from the ground up without having everyone giving him everything.

    As for where it is now... Well, i guess the summoning skill came at the right time, as i am doubtful she can deal with a adult looping!Sasuke easily.
  9. Trooper

    Trooper Death Eater

    Jan 8, 2009
    Bangalore, India

    I'll sum up my problem with the fic once again. I was apparently unclear in my previous post:

    The plot is out of whack. Unlikeable. Boring(to me). Some elements are soo ridiculous that I can't continue reading it.

    I even gave an example of a similar fic where I like the extra elements. Its not the originality/crossover thing. Its just that the presented elements fail to amuse/entertain me.

    Just because a fic has plots and corresponding consequences doesn't mean I'll like it.

    Again, 3/5. Looking at the fic again...I'd even say it has decreased to 2.5/5. But meh, like I said, it entertained me in the begininng.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2011
  10. yojorocks

    yojorocks Seventh Year

    Jun 15, 2006
    Columbus, OH
    I really liked the cause and effect, not to mention the morality issues it keeps bringing up. The mental strain on the characters is both believable and very well done.

    It's not genre-redefining by any means, but considering how much I typically hate non-naruto centric stories and how much I've grown to hate the overpowered Godmode!Naruto so many authors tend to use these days, the fact that this has made me look past these points really says something.

    Solid 4/5, definitely library worthy to people interested in the genre, but not something I'd just toss out to random Joe starting the fandom.
  11. Orm Embar

    Orm Embar Auror

    Mar 18, 2008
    On the shores of Selidor
    Though the writing is solid, the author twists and bends Sakura's character while flitting from one deus ex machina to another.

    3/5 to those who enjoy loop fics.
  12. arkeus

    arkeus Seventh Year

    May 26, 2006
    I don't really know if you can call DEM when it's mostly "taking very high end antagonist strength".
  13. slickrcbd

    slickrcbd First Year

    Oct 19, 2009
    The fic is finally finished. I'm not sure if I should have resurrected the thread or started a new one.

    It seems the author is setting up a sequel. He only took it to the end of the Chunin exam, in spite of advancing things further in previous chapters. Not all the loose threads were resolved.

    although the way the resets were moved to just after they made chunin suggests the author may continue the adventures of Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata at some point.
  14. The Berkeley Hunt

    The Berkeley Hunt Headmaster

    Sep 19, 2010
    The Nevernever
    I doubt it will be continued, at this point there is simply no challenge for the characters, and it would be boring super friends for 60,000 words. That said, I did enjoy this story, epic sues aside. Fun to read, not to long or complicated, an original perspective, can use action and humour well together: the perfect light story. 4/5 for me.
  15. arkeus

    arkeus Seventh Year

    May 26, 2006
    Honestly, a 'sequel' would most likely be either about a Sakura who got the 'package' or another character in a world where Sakura did (Hinata, Sasuke, Naruto or even Ino).

    As Berkeley said, i don't think it would be easy to formalize a plot with the characters of time braid as they are currently.
  16. ItsAProcess

    ItsAProcess Fourth Year

    May 1, 2011
    Somewhere Else
    The Author has openly stated that he will be taking a few weeks off and then begin posting chapters of either Indomitable (another Naruto fiction) or some original work of his own.

    He's also go a poll up in his profile on FFN asking what his readers would prefer he work on next.
  17. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Death Eater

    Sep 3, 2010
    I liked it quite a lot. 4/5 for me.
    I don't look forward to a sequel, unless we start dealing with the concepts touched on just briefly:
    Namely, Sakura, Hinata, and Naruto becoming the gods of a pantheon of ninjas, selling their services to other pantheons from the Village Hidden in the Afterlife. I still really like that name.
  18. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    I'll revive this thing to say a few words.

    The story - I started reading it as a kind of a guilty pleasure fic, that was enjoyable enough to continue on reading. It soon started shifting and the whole thing started becoming... well, probably the best word is - epic in its scale.

    It's not a masterwork by any stretch of the word, but it shines with crazy ideas that work and consequences that happen because of the actions characters take - there were places where they plunge in darkness, seem to have been wrapped beyond recognition and when they rise back up again... They are someone else.
    They change, evolve and get stronger in a thousand ways, but their opposition does too. The whole dynamic of Sasuke's madness against a good sort of madness of the Skakura's mental powers... Its chilling just in the right places, hopeful in good ways.

    I have read it on one sitting, from the middle of the night ultill finish, and it left a good sort of echo. I'd be throwing five out of five but for a few flaws.

    And those flaws didn't obstruct the fun, but were annoying in a very strange way. The whole Kami bloodline plot, and the management up there could have been done better. Now, they sound as if they are a joke, nothing more - and their silly presentation is rather distant from the further struggle feel of the story. It does start as silly - but it does get serious further along, and you're not sure what will happen - and trying to have some silly moments is very strange.

    The way Sasuke is a villain is done both well and bad - it doesn't look very much how he could behave, but in the end, he is mad.

    The way epilogue works is also two fold. It's epic, grandiose and the struggle is the fight of all the fights, both on physical and mental fronts. There's sacrifice and honor, and the final villain is well thought out - with trickery finally being used how its supposed to be used.
    However, they quickly escape the final consequences, too fast for them to be as meaningful as they could have been. Also - after Sasuke is defeated, they solve the problem that he could just loop again rather too easily. But it is a kind of deserved result.

    Thus, I'm giving the story a 3.5/5 rounding it up to 4, just because I'm going to read it again.

    As for some minor flaw I forgot to mention - the way the different Sakuras' points of view shifted in a few places were a bit confusing, but not too much, and in the end, it was kind of intended for them to be so.