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TinyHunt #5

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014

    inb4 buddying
  2. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Fonti has been making good pokes, and Sesc hasn't been responding to the level I'd expect from him. I'll give it a more detailed look later but I'm much more focused on the start of thread interactions atm.

    As for Sesc/Cobalt it means I liked it. Sesc's early acceptance of all things Irene was not something I liked, I'm not the only one to pick up on that. Cobalt's initial push on Irene is something else I didn't like. Not so much content wise but the action of doubling the early game wall posts/light defense of Newcomb. Combined it all reads like a big mess of someone trying to force something, I'm still trying to go potential connections/aligned pairs.

    Sesc on Cobalt on Sesc reads a lot more genuinely. The back and forth has a much more natural feel to it, making me think unaligned pairs which should be a good starting point for untangling the start of thread.
  3. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Just to put an end to this fucking shitfest that you are trying to push.

    I said you trolled with that one post, which reminded me of the one game where you rolled wolf.

    You are either completly out of your mind right now, or you are mafia trying to twist the words in my mouth, by saying that I think your scumgame is always trolly.

    I KNOW you played trolly the single game i have as evidence where you rolled mafia.
    I THINK you have more than one way to play as scum, but playing trolly is one weapon in your arsenal.

    Does this point you are trying to bring across even matter (from my perspective)?
    Most likely not because while that one remark of yours early on seemed trolly, you yourself claim that it was not, because you did not read cobalts vote at the time.

    Right now you are playing like a rabid dog and I am unsure if you need to be put down or not.
    You are either missguided town or mafia, the difference is hard to tell.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:24 ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 ----------


    Not sure who to vote on atm. Nae'blis looks like a good starting point, the only reason to townread him is that fonti doesn't, and I am completly split about her at this point.

    Vote Nae'blis
  4. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    You are yellow on the people attempting to lynch Nae but you're following us anyway?
  5. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I haven't. So your pitch is "Irene gonna Irene"? That's... meh. Like I said earlier to Irene, I don't feel good about giving someone a pass for "my meta is scummy."

    See, this is the part I don't get. Lump seems like a "fucking with the NK" thing. If you give it to a strong player who's universally townread, why won't they just die N1 always? This is why I think I should get the Lump. Like, assume both fonti and Citrus are town (I am leaning town on both anyway). They're both bigger threats to scum than I am, objectively. Or at least objectively going by the subjective general impression of all of us as players. (That sentence made more sense in my head.) Now scum have to divide their focus - try to snipe the Priest? Try for a strong town like fonti or Citrus? Or go for the extra vote Newcomb? It makes their night harder, and that seems good to me.

    That's the essence of what I took from Eido's post in that Fantasy Strike game, and regardless of the "PRs should check Lump" thing, which - ok, I'm starting to comprehend the flaws with that mostly b/c of you and Citrus pointing out weaknesses - I still think the "don't Lump a top townread" is good.

    And by the way there IS an Angel protect N1, unless we No Lynch. Someone was saying there wasn't earlier, but there is if there's a dead player. So that's an extra wrinkle.
    Snowvon you get a certain number of townpoints for this post. I see it. I like making connections between games - like with wei / Typhon thing last game, although that turned out to be nothing. And with Citrus/Kalas, although that was also nothing. Er. OK. Um, I like the connection, and my first instinct was like "ooh, Snow caught something!" but my second instinct is that this is exactly the kind of thing I personally will read too much into. Therefore: Nae still a big null for me, but you're more town. BUT - keeping an eye on Nae for potential Seratin-ness.


    I had like two big posts on Cobalt here and here. He's #toptown for me.

    My impression of you is null. I feel like I should have a read on you, given the fact that you're active, plus the whole Sesc vs. fonti thing, but I do not. I think fonti is >rand town, but that doesn't mean I agree with her every point against you. I think both of you are expressing too much confidence in "Sesc/fonti would always do that here, they did not, therefore X."

    Posts like this and this seem too harsh to be genuine curiosity / trying to figure out alignment. They're more... accusative, I think? The impression I get is that you're trying to figure out the game with a shotgun. It's a consistent impression, which is good. It's one I'm struggling to understand as town, which isn't.

    It would help me read you if you pivoted away from fonti for a bit. Could you look at Jan and Snowvon? They had similar interactions in Hannibal Mafia, and it's partly why I'm light townreading both of them, but I'm also aware of my bias for letting past games perhaps impact my reads too much. What's your take on them?


    You answered the first parts of my question here. But the last part is the most important part for me, when I asked you:

    I'm trying to understand your mindset. It does not seem to be a towny one. Like, if this is actually indicative of your mindset...

    ... I am concerned.


    You make me a sad panda.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------

    What the fuck, there was an image of a sad panda there.



    ---------- Post automerged at 04:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 PM ----------

  6. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Irene really is gonna Irene.

    Her meta is more 'whaT DOES THIS ME A N???' than being straight up scummy.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:38 ---------- Previous post was at 19:38 ----------

    Third time's the charm.
  7. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I changed you to lightgreen in my head, and I am completly unsure about fonti.

    The way she is attacking me feels off, because she is looking for weird angles to throw scum at me.
    But she did similar things to pozzai in Narutomafia, and she was town in that game.
    She is basically a nullread at this point.

    Nae'blis is someone who didn't do enough, while not even having a reason for it.
    We had enough happening this game to at least formal some sort of position.

    Riley would be another choice of mine, but he gave a reason why he hasn't done much, and i am willing to give him a bit of time to get into the thread.
  8. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    You're getting angry too easily. Also:
    The first quote implies that I am unintentionally trolly and that by being trolly early in this game I was unknowningly imitating my scumplay. The second claims that I may be scum because I may be being trolly with a purpose. They don't fit into the same mentality.

    I also think Jan and Sesc's interactions are suitably hollow enough for them to be teammates.
  9. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Newcomb: can I redeem those townpoints for Lump? Being your top townread? A picnic?
  10. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Yeah, the scummate potential is real. Of particular note is that Sesc asked Jan about his experience, Jan never answered, and Sesc never followed up. That reflects poorly on Sesc, as it shows that he didn't care about the answer.

    Oh, and a random defense of Taure before he inevitably gets lynched on Day 3. While his attitude towards lynching and information is counterproductive, this post at least shows some thought going into the game that's consistent with his beliefs.
  11. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Mm, probably. You're actually a good Lump in my mind, for the reasons I laid out. You're a light townread but not a top one, and you're active and will (hopefully) use it to pressure people. I also think you'd make between 2 and 5 pretty solid jokes about having a panda friend, so there's that.

    If it becomes clear I'm not going to get it, I would move to you, yeah.
  12. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Taure is probably town, so that's cool.
  13. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    They do, you know it and you are just a stubborn brat right now.

    Remember when i said you are trying to twist the words in my mouth?
    It says your post has a huge amount of trolliness compared to only a little amount of content, which reminds me of your previous game, in which you rolled scum.

    It NEVER implies "unintenional" or "unknowningly imitating your scumplay", that is absolut bullcrap and you deserve to be burned at the stake just for those attrocious lies.



    Because you are nothing but a lying witch.

    Talking about you being a lying witch :
    If you try to push your filthy lies, don't be obvious about it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:05 ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 ----------

    Out for a while, if i spend another second thinking about Fonti i might do things that i will regret later.

    If you have questions feel free to ask, will answer later.
  14. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Plus, scum will never shoot me!

    I actually can't remember if I've ever been shot in the Night on this site.
  15. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I'm not sure that I have any mindset, in the sense of a unified approach to the game or set of beliefs about how the game should be played. If you were to ask me, after reading all these posts, my absolute honest opinion as to who was part of the village and who was witches, my answer would be "no idea". I would not be willing to put even $5 of my money on any bet regarding any person's allegiance.

    With that in mind, I'm just posting because people keep asking me stuff (because apparently if you don't answer questions this makes people upset, and thus the walls of text multiply like bacteria) and to have fun. Well, at least after my first post about the lump. I wanted the lump because it's in my personal self-interest to have greater power. Power is nice. But if you can't have power, then fun is the next best thing.

    What else is part of my mindset? Let's see:

    Reluctant to vote to night 1 lynch players I spent time persuading to play in the first place.

    I'm moderately persuaded that it's smart to always lynch someone on night one. Though even if I wasn't, I'd still be inclined to do so, because see above: fun. "No lynch" is boring. I want to see blood.

    Extreme dislike of anything metagame.

    I don't have any plan, because I don't think there's much point in having one. Reactionary is best, because the tide changes rapidly. Re: day one lynch specifically, I think I've already outlined above what I think: we should lynch someone, that someone is going to be essentially random, I'm willing to bandwagon to avoid a "no lynch".

    Originally I was going to vote to lynch Cobolt for refusing me the lump, but I figured such a thing would likely get people all uppity, so went for Citrus instead. Then switched to fonti because I took a personal dislike to the tone of the posts. The growing Naeblis bandwagon is tempting, but see above re: reluctance to lynch people I persuaded to play.
  16. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Sorry Citrus, but I have less of a life than you do so I'm taking my vote back.

    Lump Snowvon

    ---------- Post automerged at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 20:07 ----------

    Okay, I lied. I've been shot once, in Batmafia 2.
  17. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I believe this is the part where I say "you are a witch" faking emotion. :sherlock:
    Thanks dear.

    Sesc is still scummy for the lack of followup, though slightly less so.
  18. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Snowvon, why do you want the Lump? Serious answer, if you wouldn't mind.
  19. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    It's like there's some law of nature that means that two people must always be feuding in Mafia XD The loss of the Irene v Newcomb feud has left a feud vacuum that Jan v fontisian has filled.

    Ironically, the inevitable result is to make both players look more suspicious. Not just because activity in general raises your profile, but also because overt aggression can lead the audience to suspect malicious intent.

    Just look at how Newcomb has been rehabilitated from Public Enemy No1 to fully functioning member of society in the space of a day. What changed? No more feud with Irene. Suspicion has moved elsewhere.

    Funny how this works.
  20. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I've kind of always wanted to play a game with a Lump mechanic, and it'd be super nice to be Mayor during my first experience with it.

    And I was serious about almost never getting shot. I'm not enough of a threat! Can't imagine why people think that.

    Also I kind of have nothing to do/avoid all of my actual responsibilities, which means I'll be pretty active here.
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