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TinyHunt #5

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. Irene

    Irene Seventh Year DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2008
    Citrus: Eh, I think I should be lump because I believe my reads are usually right and if I get lump that's 2 votes that almost definitely right so pro-town. Besides, I'm pretty certain I'll get N1 check (First rule of mafia: Always check if Irene is town) However, I don't really care to nominate myself for it because I can see other good players doing a job just a good with lump.

    So for me I care more about someone NOT scum getting lump rather than lump for myself.

    @Waco Kid Most people are glad to play with me again. ;)
  2. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Fonti and Von are out, killing innocents for the next 4 hours.

    They might jump in from their phones inbetween murdersprees.

    Lump Citrus

    I will give it back, because the rules say so.
  3. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Moderator note: While not strictly necessary, making vote and elect votes on a new line, and colored would make my life a lot easier. See Citrus' post #16.

    Vote Count #1
    Sesc (2): Snowvon, Citrus
    Snowvon (2): Jan, The Waco Kid
    Newcomb (2): Irene, Sesc

    Abstanining (7): everyone else

    With 13 alive, 7 is soft lynch, and 10 is hard lynch.

    Lump, the Friendly Panda Elect #1
    Snowvon (1): Snowvon
    Waco (1): Waco
    Newcomb (1): Newcomb
    Jan (1): Citrus
    Citrus (1): Jan

    Abstaining (8): everyone else

    Lump Elect is decided by plurality.
  4. Irene

    Irene Seventh Year DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2008
    Hey Citrus. You've got a good head on your shoulders from what I remember.

    But see, I can see scum!Newcomb doing that because first time scummers are often obssessed with appearing as close to their town selves as possible (Basic mistake that most scums make even after multiple games) and be impulsive, strong-headed and pushy. An average townie would be more concerned with pressuring and getting info about who's scum I think, even if they come off as scummy they won't care as much unless they are close to getting lynched, as long as they get the goal of lynching who they believe to be scum (whether it's by playing differently or not giving reads) etc.

    That said, I do feel like once I've said this newcomb may modify his behaviour/thought pattern if he's scum. That's why I tore into his first post, I thought it would be the most genuine/default one that gives the most info about him regarding his reasons for lump.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ----------

    Citrus: Explain your vote on Sesc
    Sesc: I smelly a little weird feeling from you that I can't decide if it's scumminess or laziness. Why did you only post one line? Give more info. Surely there's some parts you disagreed with, or add on with your own info. Talk, man.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ----------

    Realised I didn't address this bit. You mean if priest/oracle do not campaign for lump by default it would be easier for scum if they look in the NON-Campaigners right? It's a typo?

    Also The Waco Kid How did that make sense to you...? Surely you caught that? o_O I smell something cooking in your witchery pot.
  5. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Great, I'm 3/3 with this bullshit early push. The question is, are you MathBlade (wrong and town) or Vira? (just scum)?

    Let me be clear: 100% not. I'm proposing a plan I saw work in the game I read. Not. Softing. Shit. The fact that you're even asking me this is giving me the Bad Vibes. Why on earth would you want to do that as town?

    The plan is that Priest checks Lump, then when Lump DOESN'T OUT, the Lump is soft townfirmed. Does that not make sense? Because from the perspective of the rest of the thread, that's what would happen?

    Hm. I... think this kind of "talking past each other" is village on village violence, plus I can't... really?... see you trying to get someone mislynched this early.

    What does this have to do with anything I said? "Mayor" = Lump friend?

    I'm kinda landing on MathBlade and not Vira. Especially with the way you keep saying I softed... that's like, I have a hard time seeing scum!Irene so deliberately trying to rolefish, I think?

    I'd be curious to see what others think of my plan, regardless of who we Lump.
  6. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    Car got a flat. Posting from phone. Will be around tonight. I have to change it tomorrow so expect light activity till after 2. Then I'm back in it to win it. Not gonna let this get me down.
  7. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Irene, was talking mainly about #11 & this, which seemed like the main piece to me.

    Also bit of a meta joke, as I've played my last two games with him and scum-read him both times, when we were both town in each

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 PM ----------

    Hey Cobalt, we got your dream field here. Any thoughts so far, and what previous experience do you have??
  8. Irene

    Irene Seventh Year DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2008
    Why can't I ask if I think you as scum? I'd definitely want to out you as scum as town. Also, please, Mathblade is a good player, don't speak ill of your seniors please. Next.

    I note that this is called the deflection tactic currently on display via scum behavior #2. Why do you think it worked in the game then? Maybe you should give the justification more rather than 'OH SHIT SHE QUESTIONED ME LET'S ACCUSE HER OF BAD VIBES MUMMY'

    Yet again, you're either deliberately ignoring or just not addressing what I said. The Priest may not check Lump N1 in a game like this okay? So if lump is not outed, you are not townfirmed. Also obviously even if you are scum Priest is unlikely to out you D2 and get him/her killed.

    I'm not trying to mislynch you. I'm trying to lynch you because you are scum. There's a difference. Besides this is prodding for info. There are only 2 votes on you so far. What so defensive?

    Yup Mayor is Lump Friend. Also buddying me isn't going to work. Rubicon tried that last game but I don't let whether you think I'm town or scum influence whether I think you are scum.

    Look, kid, I really liked you in Hannibal mafia, you remind me a lot of myself in terms of playstyle, which is why this isn't working on me. I can see myself getting lump like this for myself as scum. Also, I suggest you read the only game when I was scum (Batmafia) If you wanna meta know what you are talking about. Role-fishing is my default state of being.

    Speaking of meta, I didn't really want to use it, but if you insist. https://forums.darklordpotter.net/showpost.php?p=840183&postcount=49

    Let's take a look at you being town in Hannibal mafia. You mostly were explaining much more. You didn't IGNORE points. Also, you did quite some role-fishing as town yourself, so if you perceive my role-fishing as 'bad' feeling then feel that 'Irene won't be role-fishing if Irene's scum' within 1 post shows a woeful inconsistency.

    Also you should explain your plan more instead of fishing for info from other people.

    Tl;Dr My vote stays.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 PM ----------

    Fair enough, but #11 makes the sense that a normal person would make as does the post you quoted, so the comment just comes off as fishy, as if you are semi-buddying. I'll take it as a joke. However, I realise you have been basically posting a few lines with not much substance... Waco Kid, you were much more pro-town in endgames. Come, tell me, what do you think of Newcomb's plan?

    Contribute, guys.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 PM ----------

    Anyway I'm likely going to need to run off for a while so hold your horses if I don't reply to your posts.

    I would like to say though, I'm the most likely to be checked N1 anyway, so if you give me Lump, the chances of townfirm Lumper (me) is much higher (More reliable if priest doesn't softclaim to say I'm scum D2). Also clown can be more sure too, rather than having to decide between Irene and Lumper to get his/her protection.

    So before the thread blows up I'll throw in my cursory nomination.

    Lump: Irene
  9. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    True enough there is a "non" missing.

    Pretty sure that it is obvious from the post, my reasoning does not make sense in any other world, thanks.

    The fact that you are rereading my post and pick up on small details like that does give you a few townpoints.

    Your push on Newcomb does also read quite well, while I do not agree with the premiss, because his first post reads premade to me.

    Was it the same setup or were there any differences that might change the way how town should approach this game?

    We can ALWAYS let oracle and clown visit the same person (at least d1). Priest can do whatever he/she wants to do n1.

    I agree that having a veteran player that looks quite towny is a better choice than a newish player, just because scum are more likely to target veterans before new players, if the have no roleread on priest.

    Giving a veteran immunity n1 is the better option just because of that.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:31 ---------- Previous post was at 05:27 ----------

    Waco! I will try to push some paranoid worlds and crazy ideas for you later.
    Just so you can get a good nights sleep knowing you cannot read me. :p

    I already have one in the back of my head, but it will take around 2 days and 16 hours before I will push that one.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:36 ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 ----------

    Any chance people could say what kind of sleep schedule they normally have, or where they are from or something like that.

    Just so we have some sort of an idea when people are more likely to post/be around.

    While I am european (5:30 am atm), i am awake most of the night lately. Thus sleeping through most of the early day.
    I basically have a schedule that is close to us-east. Will tell you guys if i have to change it up for work or other private stuff.
  10. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Yeah, I actually don't buy this post. I really wanted to Lump you going into this, too.

    I self-Lumped my first tinyhunt game, so just cuz of that I'll probably be inclined not to Lump a self-voter.

    Wow, you seem really desperate to get that Lump. Thinking outside the box. I like it, but I sure as fuck am not going to Lump you. Besides, not sure how I would feel about a Lump RP to potentially distract people on both sides. Meh.

    I actually really, really dislike this post.

    I had heard literal legends about Irene going into this game. I thought she would be a bit harder to read. But this is yelling scum in my face and spitting on me.

    I disagree with Newcomb's Lump campaign, but I also disagree with Irene's voracity for claiming him scum and voting him. Indeed, though I don't think he was, if he was soft claiming Priest/Oracle/Clown, why would she vote him right off the bat? She claims him as scum later, but she's so firm about Priest/Oracle should not run for Lump that she claims it as scummy that he may have hinted at that in his original post.

    Now, if Irene were to be town this game, I doubt she would take what she believes as a soft claim of Priest/Oracle/Clown over to scum and then a lynch vote. If she thought it was a spew or a slip as she called it, I would actually be inclined to believe it in the town direction rather than the scum direction.

    This just looks a lot like making a huge case out of a minor smudge, and I really don't like the way she's run away with it thus far.


    I'm reading Jan as town thus far. Jan, how do you feel about Von's first post or two? I know he won't be back for a few hours and I need more material from him. I'm actually curious to see how his closer friends read him. Looking forward to the Disney game with you btw.

    I really, REALLY, still dislike where Irene has gone with this.

    You keep insisting that he's soft claimed one of three town roles and then later on justifying your reasoning to claim he's scum. You're contradicting yourself all over the place. I will provide a more in-detail analysis of this post and the prior if asked to. But man, you really are flip flopping, Irene.

    This still doesn't explain your case. You push him as a scum read having soft claimed those roles, but in your first post claimed scummy on him because he said the priest wouldn't out with his results if he got checked N1. What he meant by that was the priest wouldn't out him because it wouldn't be a red check, but you claim that he should have explicitly stated the priest would check him as innocent, and then follow up with this post later trying to explain that he's a scum read when everything he's said explains why he would be investigated town.

    Where exactly are you trying to go with this? If you were scum here, now entertain me for a moment, wouldn't you, believing that Newcomb were soft claiming one of those three power roles, do everything you could to discredit and push him on day one to get rid of the role early?

    Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope.

    If either Irene or Sesc is a witch, the other is as well.

    Claiming agreement to a point of view without giving any of your own insight is an easy way to avoid obvious distancing on day one because you've buddied up with her read so far. I hate, hate, hate this.

    I wouldn't Lump you this game if threatened by actual death. Sorry sis.

    See, here this looks to me that Irene has recognized a potential scum slip from Sesc, if they are teammates - she's called him out for it and requested additional information, like any good town would do. Still, the fact that he just immediately acquiesced to her reads in the first place is what makes me think the two are connected in some way.

    Not only that, but she also demands that Citrus explain his vote on Sesc. Perhaps she's trying to ascertain weaknesses in her team to properly defend them later, or maybe she's legitimate town. Either way, if she sees Sesc as scummy, why would she request additional information as to why someone else voted Sesc? That just doesn't add up.

    I actually think scum!Irene would make that kind of rolefish precisely because others would believe she wouldn't be so obvious about it. Giving her enough pieces to work with on Day One pretty much sets her up for the rest of the game if she's scum.

    As far as your plan goes, Priest / Oracle / Clown targeting Lump doesn't sound bad to me. If witch gets a Lump, the Priest can out with it immediately, and the Clown is protected that night. Oracle doesn't do us much good because we know there are three witches, but I don't see anything wrong with those roles targeting Lump.

    I almost gained majority votes in my first tinyhunt game because I got Lumped as scum. Priest checked me N1 and eventually outed though, so I see why that holds up as decently towny, and thus why I don't understand how Irene attacked it so hard.

    inb4 Irene says I'm softclaiming one of those three as well.

    This just screams as awfully condescending to me, and I don't like it one bit. All it's doing is affirming my reads thus far.

    This is probably going to look pretty ballsy considering that I only know OF you people and haven't actually played with any of you besides von before, but I'm going to:

    Vote: Irene

    Lump: Citrus
  11. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I see what you did there.

    Soft town-read rescinded.

    That's rich, coming from you. I'm saying this is literally what we should do. I'm proposing a course of action. Yes, in the event that people don't follow the plan, it doesn't work. That's why I'm saying it's a plan. This is a plan I saw work in the game I read, and I think it could work here.

    If you think this is defensive, you ain't seen nothing yet.

    Regardless of anything else that happens this game, I'm going to ask you to knock off that particular attitude. I know myself well enough to know that if our posts go this direction, it's going to make this game a) not fun for me, b) not fun for anyone who has to slog through our flame wars, and c) literally unhealthy for me.

    You don't get to excuse scummy behavior like that. You straight-up tried to call me on softing (which - I absolutely did not). That's antitown. It might make you scum, it might not, but saying "that's how I play" is weak-sauce.

    Make a good one and I'll take a look at it. At this point, you're just mudslinging. Like, go highlight where you thought I was role-fishing in Hannibal Mafia. I'll wait. You're then using this "fact" as the basis for calling out an inconsistency which doesn't exist.

    Seems pretty self-explanatory to me. Priest/Oracle/Clown all aim at Lump. If everyone sticks to the program, Oracle gets to know the alignment of the D1 lynch, Clown gets protection, and Priest soft-townfirms the Lump by not outing.

    You should continue to push on me, by all means, though. I'll figure you out eventually.

    As I remember it, witches had "paths" they could choose instead of roles, giving them more flexibility? Same town roles. Nothing that would change the plan that I can see.

    Can you explain the last part? I'm not clear on how Lump gets N1 immunity. Like, I was thinking Lump would be an attractive scum target, which is why you don't give it to one of the strong vets.
  12. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Lets start with. When I join a game under another name, and only 2 ppl know that I did join at all (Banks and Von). Please don't go around and tell everyone!
    Welp now Fonti and Newcomb know about it i guess. Fonti might have known because of my name anyway.
    Newcomb, have fun guessing. ;)

    Apart from that - looking forward to the game and playing with you as well!

    I read Von as nothing. His post is similar to his post in the last two game - one was scum and one town.

    I do not get any towny energy, or anything like that, but i know he is busy for the next hours - thats why i am not afraid of him instaleaving after his first post.

    Lets give it some time and see how real the hype is.

    So you give a long explanation about your scumread, which is fine.

    And then you give lump to a "random" person. Without any reasoning.
    You didn't even mention him in a positive way in your reads.

    All that after giving such an importance role to lump, why?
  13. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Really now? Even the bit about Newcomb softing Priest, Clown or Oracle and the part where Newcomb's scum when he asked for a priest check with lump?

    That said, I agree with everything Citrus just wrote. ;)
  14. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Just popping in to say fontisian already knew because she showed me one of your posts she thought was funny.

  15. Irene

    Irene Seventh Year DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jan 21, 2008
    ??? Rofl, what you hear about me from other people is none of my business. I have no obligation to live up to your expectations so as to speak and you have no right to demand me to play a certain way and get mad that I’m not ‘harder to read’ or anything.

    I said, I thought he was attempting to soft-claim power roles and found that exceedingly stupid, and then later reasoned that it would make sense if he’s soft-claiming power roles as scum. Please reread my post.

    If you have read my previous plays you would know that is exactly what I do.

    I am not contradicting yourself. I thought he was trying to claim he is one of the 3 power roles. There are 3 possibilities I gave from that. 1) He’s actually a stupid power role and by specifically saying Priest/Oracle/Clown is targeting him he’s trying to eliminate himself from suspicion 2) He is non-power role who wants to establish that he’s not priest/oracle/clown 3) He is a scum.

    And I have given my reasons for thinking it’s 3)

    What I said exactly: “Also 'soft townfirmed WHEN priest doesn't out' seems to make you sound awefully sure that a) Priest is supposed to out you for something (JEEZ WHAT WOULD THAT BE) but won't? Why? Wtf this statement has so many things wrong with it. If you are town won't you say 'Priest checks me as innocent"”

    I read that exactly as I put it. Stop twisting my words. I think that he meant what he said, but his wording was scummy to me, because his reasoning is currently he gets lump, priest checks him, he is not outed because he is 1) Town or 2) Scum but priest can’t out D2. So either way, he would not be outed. Or 3) He’s priest himself which is the soft-claiming part I’m talking about, the ‘when’ makes he sound like 3, which didn’t make sense to me because why the fuck would he soft-claim priest in his first post unless he’s taking a huge risk?

    What? Rofl. Sure, my actions make sense as scum to you, but as town I believe Newcomb soft claimed as scum, so I would discredit him and lynch him because I THINK HE IS SCUM. I don’t get why I have to repeat this.

    You claim to have heard absolute legends about me but neglect to check out your other players (Hint: Please read the game Star Wars) who are extremely competent and therefore, unlikely to make such a slip. I also thought this was scummy and called him out of it.

    I don’t really care for lump as long as it’s not with someone I read as scum. I said it’s a cursory nomination.

    Or Sesc could be trying to buddy me because he knows I’m town. Also, I call out everything. So this is not a scum tell. Try again. Stop tunneling.

    I’m trying to ask Citrus to explain his vote on Sesc because he has given no explanation whatsoever on the vote. The 1st vote on someone is random, the 2nd vote requires questioning for me. I see Sesc as scummy, and I would like to know what Citrus saw to agree with me.

    I suggest you read batmafia. Do your research.

    Why would priest want to out a witch D2? Honestly, priest takes down a witch and gets himself killed in the process? Oracle would know if day 1 is a mislynch, so there is much good from that definitely.

    Because you take it from your experience, and I take it from my experience. I attacked it so hard because the game I played on HERE way before you had we lumped a scum and the scum was alive ALL THE WAY because the priest died/checked someone else (Can’t remember) So I do not see it as towny at all, especially since the priest in this game can choose to check SO many other good players instead of 1 new player.

    I am not going to say you're softclaiming, stop putting words into my mouth.

    Again, read endgames. This is how I play.

    So you're reading me as scum because 1) You don't like my play style 2) You're disappointed that I'm not acting according to your pedestal 3) Your experience in lumping scum is different from me and you disagree without understanding the circumstances of what I was referring to?

    ...Honestly, smells of lazy!Town to me. Also, fontisian did the exact same thing

  16. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Oh, hi fonti.
  17. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Snow I need you to do me a favor. Go look at fonti and see if she has that wolf hat on.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 AM ----------

    And why is there a plus next to your name?
  18. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Added you as a friend. Gives names a +.

    She is hatless.

    Bye for real.
  19. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Friendship powers aren't as cool as secret mod powers but I'll take it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 AM ----------

    Ugh. I'm already getting Mathblade flashbacks.
  20. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Addressing things in order, because it helps keep my head in chronological order (and probably all of yours' as well!

    That is completely reasonable, and I agree with the points you brought up on a logical basis. However, that's roughly why going for lump doesn't really scream scum!newcomb to me (or even say it at an inside-voice volume), it'd be going beyond his usual town-play that he's had the past few games and pushing himself directly into the limelight. It's also true that new!scum players do not want to grab the spotlight and place it directly on themselves. I'm at a position where I can see your logic and I feel it makes sense from your perspective, but going into this game the grasp I have on his playstyle/meta does not fit with a scum alignment. Jan actually puts it better further in when he said it looks like a pre-constructed post, because it does indeed give those vibes.

    Oh and the vote on Sesc? 100% entirely because of his first post, or lack thereof (but I feel a bit bad for this, because). I'm excited to see your thoughts on this though!

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 PM ----------

    That last bit is also really good, because it's true except for the extent of which Newcomb pre-made that post.
    Did you write that post (or the beginnings of it) before or after you received your role card?
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