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TinyHunt #8

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Yes it would, but with two angels that are villager they would protect Newcomb N2 and since Shadow just died he wouldn’t be able to activate death curse so they know a kill on Newcomb would fail.
    --- Post automerged ---
    So rather than not kill at all they kill the check newcomb crumbed to try and invalidate his check

    But it was planted so he got a check elsewhere
  2. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    lemme ~slank~ for a hot second while I go get food
  3. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    ...uh, except they can kill Newcomb with soup because they know his role, which pierces the angel protect.

    I think as a general rule scum try harder to make sure they understand the particulars?
    --- Post automerged ---
    confirmed scum locking in as judge target
  4. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Maybe they weren’t sure he was actually priest due to thread talk he might be gambitting as town?

    Idk man but I’m pretty sure Shadow is the only dead witch regardless
    --- Post automerged ---
    I’m going back to bed.

    Waco/Vaimes. He’s pissed but it’s real.
  5. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Sure thing, but like

    maybe reassess based on the idea that they COULD have killed Newcomb if your biggest point prior rested on them not being able to. Not saying you have to change your mind, but this kinda just sounds like you're dismissing the new information out of hand.
  6. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    points to scum!tom
    --- Post automerged ---
    (this is also why I think it's a newbcoven, or at least made up of hesitant people)
  7. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    tom is the exception to every rule :v
  8. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Are we reading the same game? It was my push on Shadow that created the wagon the caused him to catapult into it becoming likely that Shadow got lynched or lumped.

    Funny you should mention my lump campaign, as this was the situation I wanted avoid by getting it.

    I don't see you point on the lump thing. Fairly sure I stated as the time, my goal with the simultaneous Lynch/lump vote was to ensure that there was no way Shadow wouldn't get one of the two.

    As for the EoD1 stuff you mention, there was a reason I did it the way I did.

    If you read the vote counts properly, Asmo was the 5th vote on JArizok and Newcomb was #6, which were the deciding votes.

    With the definition of hindsight, yeah I agree Jarizok is probably town. OTOH, I thought he was fairly likely to be scum at the time so I don't have many regrets about that, especially as my top!scum choice was still red-checked

    Yes, I SEVERLY dropped off day 2. As I mentioned it was a major work issue. If you really want to know, I had an issue that almost caused me to get fired, and was able to manage to avoid that. For some reason I wonder why I might have not been paying too much attention.

    Secondly, you're idea of me as demotivated scum contradicts you previous argument. If in fact I am Shadow's partner, why am I demotivated by the red check when the is basically guaranteed and as you claim, I pushed Shadow into being the red-check.

    I'm not sure how you get to me defending Vaimes. Given that I'm trusted Jan/FOnti/NEwcomb on Gemma, she's my least likely atm, and I have you and Asmo lightly unaligned as mentioned, so by definition my two most likely worlds are Cobalt/Vaimes & Asmo/Vaimes
  9. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Squib

    Sep 8, 2017
    HAHA I read this on phone and got up hella alarmed before seeing it here on my laptop and realizing it's in strikethrough.

    Liking Cobalt even more today. Yes, it's partially because of Cobalt's read of me, but moreso because of the background of that read. It'd be really easy for scum anyone to push dC to kill me, especially because of dC's lingering fear that I'm scum and because I haven't substantiated my reads in thread much at all. The approach / process since this morning seems pretty genuinely solution-oriented, while staying openminded enough to properly evaluate (at a time when it'd be easy to keep the read on me as scum, and in a setup without flips that would indicate that anyone was wrong on me).
    --- Post automerged ---
    It doesn't make perfect sense. From D1:
    Vaimes - #210 "I was going to do this anyways since no one else is going to trust me ever again". - You were going to townread Jan anyways? what now? "also the waco townread is based solely on him not overly selling himself as a lump candidate". Does #25 does not read to you as Waco selling himself for the lump too hard?
    #311 calls out Waco for not doing much aside from campaigning for lump. - I thought you said he wasn't overly campaigning for it?
    #317 "No special thoughts on dC. Thought his turnaround/certainty combo on me was out of nowhere and something he'd want to take more slow as town. " -mmm, is this genuine or coming from tmi??
    also, the whole "either I'm blind or you're full of it" interaction looks like they're (vaimes/waco) unlikely to be partners, but maybe possible.

    Most of my later reading went into looking at Silver / Shadow interactions, and from that I concluded that Tom was a likely partner and that Waco wasn't. If Waco is scum, though, then it's clear that the scumteam is good at distancing in this game.
    Probably nothing, but I remember noting that Vaimes had expressed displeasure (after getting into a small spat with Waco) at being on the same dC wagon as him, but then didn't get off and instead decided to come up with votals for everyone.

    Aside from all that (I'll look more closely for links between em when I get home), I thought Vaimes was pretty town. Independently of anyone elses input, I'd lynch Gemma 100 times before lynching Vaimes. Considering their reads does make me slightly less suspicious of Gemma, but only slightly. Relying on other people's reads is great and all, but its a lil odd that everyone who you're saying could read Gemma died to a nightkill. Idk.

    Slank: I have a couple of sessions booked for the next few hours, but I should be home by 7PM PST to look more into it. Might be able to use tapatalk at like 4pm for a lil bit, but we'll see.
  10. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015

    It’s the same thing with Vaimes about the people who can read them dying to nightkill. Moreso than Gemma.
  11. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    So you're taking the same group of people who can read me well and using their seals of approval to clear Gemma, because I somehow perform better than her as scum? Have you seen people like Regfan role scum? It's disgusting.

    Win one scumgame and suddenly everyone is like "yeah they all townread him buT WHAT IF"

    Are those all of your notes on me? My activity/content wasn't that bad D1.

    You're absolutely right. But I decided to leave Newcomb, the claimed Priest and someone I've almost literally shared my brain with, alive. For kicks.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I don't remember saying those things about Waco D1, hm.

    Hang on.
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    Actually, I'll answer this seriously. Maybe it'll help, maybe you'll tunnel harder. Probably the second one. But y'all want me to post, so.

    Sure, in a vacuum, there's a world where I'm mafia and decided to risk letting Newcomb get another check for wine (or whatever other reason you want to imagine for this scenario). But:

    1) that still leaves my partner open to be redchecked
    2) which in turn leads to potentially losing Soup
    3) I'm then left to endgame alone, something I very visibly struggle with as mafia (luckily dC lifted that burden for me before :V), and something everyone is going to be hyper-aware of
    4) I don't know why I'm using numbers instead of bullet points, but the worlds where I don't Soup Newcomb after he lynches my partner are slim to none, because the only potential drawback is that he's fakeclaiming and the kill bounces, which is par for the course in any Hunt so it's not the end of the world
    5) "Vaimes is killing off all of the people who read him well" wow hey it's almost like that that also sounds a lot like "Vaimes is killing off people who townread him and leaving people alive who would be more open to lynching him"
    6) kind of OOG sucks for me (and I guess Gemma) that the people who read us best are people who already have a meta of dying early. what, Cobalt, are you going to come after me every single game if font/Jan/Newcomb die N1 or 2?

    that got a lot less organized as I went on
    --- Post automerged ---
    eh, don't remember the timeline and can't be bothered to check, but I do remember swinging back and forth between "Waco's campaign is towny" and "Waco's campaign is scummy" so whatever
  12. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    If I just flat tell you all that Vaimes is town, are you all going to just go back to wanting to kill him tomorrow after I'm dead?
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Cobalt will.


  14. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
  15. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    So the biggest reason I'm on Asmodeus at the moment is, like

    When I look at anyone else in the game I don't want to kill them because I can see reasons why they're town. Like, Vaimes for D1/v. recent posts, Gemma for a lot of serious thinking and dialogue, Waco is thinner but for antialign with Shadow, etc...

    but with Asmodeus the main thing that comes up is "if I kill him and he's town BAD THINGS might happen!"

    which...ehh, that being the main/only thing that comes to mind makes me think he's trying FUD rather than actually in the Cassandra position.
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    (as an addendum, I wouldn't mind Graverobber checking him if they are alive and haven't triggered already. We're not gonna get much other use out of you and it works well as a sanity check on the current situation)
  16. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Given that he's obviously just killing off people who can read him, /totally/ just going to lynch him tomorrow regardless of what you say, yeah.

    I mean no, um, I promise I will sheep you to the ends of the earth.
  17. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    You’re my favorite.
  18. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Nope! I will protect Vaimes with all my strength for as long as I live. :)
  19. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    --- Post automerged ---
    wow sadness

  20. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Good thing you’re dying to soup tonight too.

    I’m leaving it in dC’s hands. I want Waco gone, but Asmo is an acceptable judge because PoE. Whichever one does not die toDay I am lynching toMorrow unless we get a GR/Oracle result that proves the one who died was a witch in which case I’ll return to Vaimes.... AND reassess Gemma.

    Does that make you feel better Von?
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