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TinyHunt #8

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Vote: Jari
    --- Post automerged ---
    (If you want me to not sheep you just say so.)
  2. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    lynching a scummy lurker is fine, given that if we lynch among the active players then this game is going to get real boring, real fast

    it's already kinda too slow for me, only because I suddenly have so much free time :V
  3. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    but it's basically always a mislynch >_>
  4. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    "welcome to mafia, if you mislynch even once, you lose"
  5. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017

    She talked about stuff mal was doing with quotes, then went over her reasoning in a paragraph at the end. The town!mal glimpse thing was a really minor point? I thought the reasoning was really good re: mal having kind of empty interactions and not following up on stuff.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Lump: mal
  6. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    "welcome to mafia, because we can afford mislynches we shouldn't bother trying to avoid them"
  7. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Yes. I read her post and disagreed with it.

    Still think the wording of mal being tstbs was over the top.

    I don't have a burning townread on mal but I read his posts on this page /before/ reacting to font's case (which I thought were good), since I was asleep, so it's understandable that othe people didn't do the same.
    --- Post automerged ---
    You're confusing me, kid.

    Lynch scummy people who help you solve the game. Let lurky people live or die depending on the content they give.
  8. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Vaimes why are you in Europe?
    --- Post automerged ---
    Lump: Mal

    I'm on like page 7 and I'm leaving this here while I keep writing my catchup.
  9. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Like, if you want to leave lurky people alone, okay, you do you. But then you can't complain when you eventually have to lynch through them, because the active people either got lynched or shot, so you might as well prune the ones who at least have a better than rando chance at being scum?
    --- Post automerged ---
  10. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I mean I'm coming at it from the other direction where "lurker lynch D1 is basically always a mislynch so we shouldn't do it". It just seems manifestly wrong upon realizing the pattern to blindly perpetuate.

    Like, later in the game we can process these people by PoE rather than by lynching them (i.e. "okay, none of the remaining actives are likely scum so NOW we can go fishing in the lurker pool" type arguments). That way if there's little to no scum in there we're not wasting lynches on them and we can potentially just not lynch lurktown at all rather than giving them up for dead early on.

    See: In Portal 2 Mafia, Vault_Dweller survived to endgame despite having been a prospective D1 wagon and being lurky as hell the whole time. Manti to a lesser extent too. (I mean that game was admittedly a blowout, but still)
  11. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Timezones bro.

    Except me.
    I have no excuse.
    --- Post automerged ---
    This wagon formation always lynches a wolf.
  12. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Wrong, that's only true with at least nine separate vote targets.
  13. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Not gonna lie, I'm having trouble remembering you as town.
    Was it alted or a mash or something?

    But yeah this is about what I was thinking from that fonti interaction good to confirm that.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I mean half the players have at least one vote.
    9 if you include lump votes
    --- Post automerged ---
    Soulreading this post "TMI wolf townsiding by lumping jari"
  14. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    Huh. If anything I thought the post leaned more toward the placating/buddying end of the spectrum, which is what I thought you were getting at. What gave you the impression he doesn't care?

    Also, we've played together (...), but probably more importantly I've encountered random bits of self-meta of yours.
  15. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Well you are wrong in part.

    I am doing it on purpose or I was .. and now I will take a break because you are somewhat sensitive without me doing much so far.

    After I realized earlier that I basically had the same townreads that I had last game (as scum) early on I made the descision to make a slight push on you and fish for reactions unless you have a really towny entrance, which you didn't.

    You asked me pregame if we would be fine and I told you yes.
    I invited you to a private game 2 days ago. If I wasn't fine playing with you then I would not have done that.

    I was fairly certain that you could take a slight push, but well .. apparently not.

    My read on you right now is firmly null.
    Some rvs entry. Apparently read the fonti Iso but nothing else.
    Other People would be scummy for it .. you are just you.

    Reactions were not as much as I wanted them to be .. but that happens when you cancel a Gambit less then 12 hours in.

    Delphine said something to me that was odd, but I am not sure if joke or mindset slip (or rather lack of mindset slip).

    Toms read was valid. Fonti said something about Tom being the only sane Person, which is something I Kind of agreed with, but I am afraid if I agree with Tom anymore then I will put him as lockscum for pocketing the whole thread.

    Waco I agreed with.

    Jari was very non commital. He is right with what he said, but then the added on Analysis of your one post .. felt wrong.

    Have read through the Jari Posts about you two times and I just don't like how he adds on with the autofill.

    So yeah .. I will just

    Elect/Lump Gemma

    for now. Removes the part where I have to read you because you seem to not like that.

  16. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    I don't know if Jan makes that page 1 post pushing for his lump if he knows he's going to get checked n1.

    same for Tom maybe?

    I don't like Jarizok's first few posts but I never like Jarizok, so I'm gonna disregard my nonexistent ability to read him for now.

    Mal comes in and I like Mal.

    Why is everyone talking about going invisible?

    I'm willing to lump Mal.

    bitch whet?!

    lol. but this post is pure. +1

    I agree with Jan's opinion of dC as no fear and freeflowing, solid read.

    Jarizok kind of Garcia'd fonti's question to Jan and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet

    I don't like Newcomb's opening post. It seems very crafted, overly TMI and instructive and expects to be a default Lump which is ???

    Delphine comes in and ECHOES THIS, solid.

    Overall I think the most curious and AI posts about Lump are the ones which subtly or indirectly ask for lump but don't explicitly campaign for it, and I think that's what Newcomb did there.

    This is why I'm leanscumming Waco.

    Votes on Jarizok by Newcomb and Vaimes are easy and I am disappoint.

    My reads coincide with this @ Newcomb's opener being a copypasta

    also the Jari vote at the end of it feels pushing mislynchbait


    Waco - leanscum because I find his Lump campaign to be un-serious like he knows he won't get it so it's a safe thing to do for towncred? idk why I think that but it just seems that way to me
    Delphine - echoed my thoughts w/r/t Newcomb and even though that post was a copypasta I don't like the hedging Mal and the Jarizok vote he made at the end of it before fucking off completely and not coming back, and I think Delphine's response to it being copypasta was very towny as well

    Yeah if you could do me a favor and not do that, that'd be swell

    Delphine's silver read is a hot take but I don't know silver so I can't concur

    what does this even mean?

    This looks like Newcomb trying to discredit Delphine's reasonable read by making up a reason based on her posts. I don't think there's any reason why tonally off and crafted need to be mutually exclusive in a townie's mind, but that might be because I know I'm town and Delphine's thoughts echoed my thoughts so I believe her also to be coming from a town mindset and Newcomb hedges here to discredit her while also blaming the absence of coffee to not have to take responsibility for the aforementioned attempted discredit Delphine

    Does that make any sense?

    I also disagree with nearly all of Newcomb's reads on the following page. I agree with the Jarizok read, but I feel like the way Newcomb pushes it is strange? He says Jarizok is mislynch bait due to the way he doesn't react to pressure by changing things up at all if that's the way the lynch goes, but he also casually sets up a Jarizok mislynch by asserting this is NAI? I just think this feels... off. Odd. Waffly. Half-committed. Either scumread Jarizok or don't, quit hedging with bs reasons that don't add up and stand to benefit you if you're scum here.

    Newcomb's casual defense of Fonti I would buy as w/w. Fonti HAS been low-energy and I've been scumleaning her for it as well, and the way Newcomb says it's POSSIBLE she could be a good lump candidate down the line makes me feel like that's exactly the opposite of what he wants to happen.

    I'm moving Jarizok slightly higher into nulls as a result of this Newcomb development because I really don't like much of what he's posting and I feel like he's setting up for an easy easy easy Jarizok lynch.

    I like dC's read of Jarizok much better.

    Gemma's entrance is pure. Meow.

    I mainly also dislike Fonti because of her Mal suspicion because it seems a lot more like Fonti doesn't want Mal getting any traction than Fonti actually not believing Mal.

    Newcomb makes further excuses for Fonti when she's already present to do so herself. This pings me.

    I feel like this is Fonti reacting to Newcomb being bad and defending her by dragging him for his opener and that they're still potentially w/w. Thoughts?

    I very much agree with Mal's next post about Fonti but COMPLETELY disagree with the Lump vs Lynch votes. I would Lynch Newcomb and Lump Delphine in a heartbeat.

    Dislike Gemma after recent posts but it couldn't possibly be Gemma/Fonti as w/w because of that tone deaf entrance post and instant buddy to Fonti's read. Possible v/w but not sure which one is scum yet.

    Why did Gemma completely crumble under the SLIGHTEST pressure from Jan? I'm taking the overreaction and somewhat AtE to be leantown for now but I'm just like... it's pretty bad either way?

    HOTTAKE TIME: I'm done with my catch up and this is where my votes are going for now.

    silvercrys / replacement

    Newcomb seems fake. Not only was the copypasta dumb and bad to do but also it feels like he is pushing his opinions to set himself up in a certain position, and that's something town does not have a reason to do. I find his insistence that he / Jan / Fonti / Vaimes would never get lynched D1 to be cocky and he has not ACTUALLY tried to get lumped.

    Fonti is low energy, snipey and the Mal case is weak at best in my opinion. It feels like Fonti took forever to find content and that's what she SETTLED on to produce, rather than actually organically following a read. The fact that she turned Gemma onto it as soon as Gemma popped in suits a typical pocket and I'm absolutely not a fan so far this game.

    Lump: Delphine
    Lynch: Newcomb

    Fight me.
  17. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Catching up .. I am confused about the Mal reads.

    I didn't hate his reentry after the push, but it wasn't good either.

    Starts with a post about not wanting to Thudnerdome with Fonti just yet .. which is like ..
    Overreaction much?
    Fonti pushing him doesn't mean they have to thunderdome because of that.

    His Newcomb/Delphine figure out stuff is an odd overreaction that actually feels scummy to me.
    Newcomb stated that Delphine is 50% scum for her reaction and Mals reaction is to lynch one and Lump the other?

    Next post is reasons for his list which is strictly not alignment indicative and says nothing about him at all.
    Unless someone finds thoughts in there that are obviously faked, but that seems unlikely.

    The last post has some Content in it.
    Reasons for the Delphine vote are fine, but it is useless to explain it?!
    At least the Response to pressure part is very much meh.

    Like .. why did People pressure him before and then let it all go?
    I don't understand.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I won't Quote Cobalts big post, because it is just above, but I will respond to it.

    Sorry for not trusting you with lump, Cobalt. You wanting to shoot me in the mash after I talked to you about being clear when talking mechanics was one of those emotional overreactions that you tend to do.

    I got a hard townread on you and a lockscumread on sucm out of it.
    You wanted to shoot a town and got pocketed by a scum. You know the things emotions do to a man.

    A lot of other stuff reads good for now.

    The fun part is that I can follow and understand Cobalts reason for Lump/Lynch votes on Delphine and Newcomb.
    This is a very big difference compared to how Mal handeled it.

    I am not sure if I agree with it. Would Need to reread Newcombs later Posts after the one Cobalt has quoted.

    Oh and .. your first comment about how I would handle lump as scum. I am fairly certain that I would go for it as either alignment if I thought it to be a good Play.
    I am down to get the lump, but it does more for me to see the check on somebody that is not me and be greenchecked via my own Play.
    I know the Tinyhunt mechanics well enough and know that the priest should always check lump n1.
  18. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015

    I'm gonna pick this out in particular because the reason why I got tilted that game is because you basically called me stupid multiple times

    and then joked about it this game in that post where you said you'd continue to insult my intelligence

    so like, NAI and all, but you can definitely not continue to do that and generalize me as someone who overreacts because I got genuinely insulted by a genuinely tilting thing that you kept saying

  19. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    So far I feel like ..





    Are my townreads in that order.

    I have been wrong about Waco before, but so far I think he is just town.

    Tom is town in a too towny to be town manner, which might force me to end him.

    Cobalts Catchup post reads good, but not enough to lock town him.
    Good start.

    Similar for Delphine. I like a lot of things she has done .. but I am a bit more careful about giving her too much cred for now.

    The rest are null or scum. Not sure about the order for most of them just yet.
  20. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Now I want lump because Jan and Fonti don't want me to have lump.

    Gib me the panda.
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