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Complete Tom Marvolo Riddle Potter by SisterDear - K+

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Skeletaure, May 1, 2006.

  1. Evil Shnitzel

    Evil Shnitzel High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    Yeah good chapter - Dumbledore going to watch Harry close now.
    Waiting for the future duel between Harry and Grindewald.
  2. Edengrave

    Edengrave Guest

    Interesting fic.
    I must admit I am hooked.
    The only turn off, is Harry interaction with Dumbledore.
    Seems like Dumbledore has just to show up, for harry to turn back into a naive child and lose his balance.
    I really don't see how Dumbledore can be this demanding of Harry. I am sure there are dark wizards children in hogwarts, and we know Tom was abused in the orphanage. Harry himself was abused, and Dumbledore didn't come and visit the Dursleys to see How he was doing! and He didn't seem to make any particular effort to get Tom out either.
    Harry already understand that this tom is not voldemort...yet. He should know that this Dumbledore is not the one he knows, and he does not owe him any answers. If anything Dumbledore should be on the defensive for instinctively lying to the authorities.
    More to the point, He is just a Professor, not even the headmaster, and not even the head of slytherin! Why does Harry let himself be pushed around by him? I dunno.
    And He keeps underestimating Tom. Slytherins do not respond to the open arms and heart attitude. They prefer to be treated and talked as adults. and punished too. they respect power. Apart from his power, This Harry seem a little naive to me. still the story is fascinating

    SLASH SUCKS Backtraced

    Apr 1, 2006
    Sacramento, California
    Yeah look at Draco, he was all into power and shit too and look at him he was crying in the girls bathroom. He talks a big story, but it doesn't mean he respects you more for being authoratative that is just how he was raised with Lucious being a prick probably real strict upbringing and whatnot.

    When did it ever say Tom Riddle was being abused at the orphanage? Tom was the abusive one; he stole from the children and was shown in HBP to be really manipulative and coniving, never does it say he was being abused in any way. As far as I'm concerned, Tom had it alot better than Harry being with the Dursley's. Durskaban was a prison for Harry they locked up his trunk, books, wand, and the freakin bird. It never says anything about Tom's magical possesions being locked away, I bet there was some sort of anti muggle ward on his shit so nobody would care what he was reading or doing. It even mentions this possiblity with the Quibler in OoTP with the Voldemort Resurection article, so Umbridge couldn't "Expell" anybody. So we know it is possible to do this.

    Tom doesn't like being punished, if you havn't noticed, he always pushes back whenever Harry orders him to do something. Harry respects Dumbledore because he knows he's very powerful and has resources to make life difficult for Harry & Tom. He's the head of Wizengomit, Chief warlock, and blah blah blah. He could easily have the adoption papers looked over and take Tom away if he thought Harry wasn't going to be better than the orphanage.

    I think the story could be more detailed to explain why Harry acts childish in front of Dumble, but I think you have to understand Harry is worried about his past experiences and how that can affect his new life.
  4. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I agree about Harry pussing out at the sight of Dumbledore. At this point, Dumbles isn't the headmaster... he doesn't have the Order of Merlin... I don't think he's even a part of Wizengamot yet... There's no reason for Harry to act like a first year Hufflepuff caught playing with his wheaner under the desk in Transfiguration class...
  5. TheIllusiveOne

    TheIllusiveOne Raptured to Hell

    Nov 23, 2005
    Los Angeles
    This story has a ton of plot holes...

    SLASH SUCKS Backtraced

    Apr 1, 2006
    Sacramento, California
    I wouldn't necessarily call them plot holes. It's like the events take place too quickly without enough information of what's happening. The author needs to spend more time developing the events, so that things flow better.

    Anyways the chapter just updated yesterday, so you guys might want to check it out. I'm not to the point of abandoning this fic yet, but it definatly needs work. I like this fic because it's so different from everything else that i've read before.
  7. TheIllusiveOne

    TheIllusiveOne Raptured to Hell

    Nov 23, 2005
    Los Angeles
    This fic is getting dangerously close to Harry being Dumbledore's bitch territory.
  8. Evil Shnitzel

    Evil Shnitzel High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    There is only one chapter left but I'm sure he\she will do a sequel.
    Harry is too cannon like to my taste.
  9. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    I really don't see where the author is going with this.

    It has no direction whatsoever besides Harry wanting to make a new life for himself and ignore his godgiven line of girls and his fame, and live the fucking simple life.

    Tom's character went down the hole in the last couple of chapters and everyone is a big happy family.

    I can see why Harry is gushing around Dumbledore - the man died in front of him, and even if he isn't the big shit he'll be in the future, Harry will put his Dumbledore in this ones place.

    But that has to end. Harry is a hufflepuff in this story.

    I mean SIT DOWN for ONE WEEK, and let that godamn knee heal.

    He also, for all his limitless power, sucked during the duel.

    I can totally see a GRIFFIE FOevah! Harry coming up, with dishes of redemption for everyone.

    Maybe it was just the last chapter, but unless this story starts getting serious in the sequel, I'm ditching it.
  10. Toruviel

    Toruviel Squib

    May 29, 2006
    Great story. Preety orginal. Tom is convincing and I like that Potter isn't going to off next Dark Ass.
  11. Jeram

    Jeram Elder of Zion ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 27, 2006
    High Score:
    Well, it's an interesting take on a possible AU - but that's all it is, really. I have to agree with the previous comments here - Tom is WAY too nice in this story. I mean, it's interesting and all, but I think Tom was messed up far before he had a chance to change for the "better".

    And as of Fumblesnore... come on, really!

  12. Fuegodefuerza

    Fuegodefuerza Minister of Magic

    May 6, 2006
    I was looking for Harry to kick some major ass when he fought Grindlewald's troops, but he sucked mightily. That was pretty much the epitome of the story...great idea and expectations, terrible delivery. This author writes pretty well and all, but it's just not what I like to read in a story. He's way too contrite with Dumbledore, and Tom should have been exploiting his weaknesses to gain knowledge or something rather than playing childish games irritating Harry.
  13. haroon_angel

    haroon_angel Fourth Year

    Jan 6, 2007
    This Plot Is Lacking Action Otherwise Its Cool
  14. darklordmike

    darklordmike Headmaster

    Mar 14, 2009
    This is a pretty good story. The writer excels at characterization but, sadly, absolutely fails at action. That's okay, though, as this is more of a character study than anything else.

    This is only the second decent story I've read where Harry adopts Riddle. Altered Destinies is the other, but they are not at all similar. This story contains almost no action, and focuses on the developing relationship between Harry and Tom. It ends without much resolution, but it's a fairly interesting read on the whole. If you crave action, you'll find it as dull as dishwater. To all others, I recommend it.

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  15. Goddessa39

    Goddessa39 DA Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    My Mind, Earth
    Coolio, then Poo

    I liked this tenish-chapter inistory. It was interesting. Tom was still sort of young-he wsn't the all-powerful DLV or anything. Harry is cool sometimes and he isn't all-powerful, though he is kind of in the Dumbledore-worship thing I don't like.

    The sequel is up but it has been abandoned at three chapters. Too bad.