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Abandoned Training for the Job by Desaix - M - Naruto

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Rahkesh Asmodaeus, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Title: Training for the Job
    Author: Desaix
    Rating: M
    Summary: Read below
    Pairing: Naruto/Sakura
    Chapters: 75
    Words: 451,001
    Updated: Jan 28, 2014
    Published: Jun 27, 2005
    Status: Abandoned

    Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2456403/1/Training_for_the_Job

    I know the fact that it's a Naruto/Sakura fic will turn a lot of people off, but I really enjoyed the fic. After the timeskip, instead of turning out to be a weakling like he was in canon, Naruto comes back incredibly strong. Tsunade sends him and a select group of ninja to create a new village, which is to be a type of branch village to Konoha, in Wave country (I think).

    And it's really long... but still not completed for some reason. ~_~

    Oh right, the author refuses to give a summary for some reason, I can't figure out why. I decided to give his first chapter A/N as the summary, since it kinda is.

    Checked by Minion, February 11, 2015
    The author updated in 2014 after several years. It might take further years before the next chapter is out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015