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Dead Link Two Worlds by marietsy - SG1 - M

Discussion in 'Trash Bin' started by ip82, Dec 3, 2005.

  1. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Title: Two Worlds
    Author: marietsy
    Rating: M
    Genre: Action/Adventure/Humor
    Pairings: None (but there is a SLASH version too)
    Status: WIP? (this is all posted in one go)
    Summary: HPStargate Xover Daniel has always wanted to be an archeologist right? Wrong! Daniel is keeping a secret from SG1 know about. What will they do when they find out that Daniel is really someone by the name of Harry Potter? What is so mysterious about him
    Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2686341/1/

    EDIT: FFN bitches deleted her account. At the time being you can find the story on her webpage:

    Harry is Daniel. Yes, she found a logical way to make this work. Plot is rather good actually and, as usual, it clashes magical world and SG team, when Harry's identity is questioned.

    The best thing about this fic are great dialogues. This girl sure know how to write friendly bantering and sarcasm.

    The only downside I can think of is the fact that this is GEN version of a SLASH story. Meaning that some male characters will at times be too chummy with each other. Yes, all the nasty bits with kissing and stuff are removed, but it still seems like all the characters are faggots still not out of the closet.

    Other than that, it's great.
  2. cmuylistoooo

    cmuylistoooo Fourth Year

    Nov 2, 2005
    its a slash story???...the other two stories the author has are prety chill....
    oh wells, it was a nice read..
  3. Lord Dragon

    Lord Dragon DA Member

    Nov 22, 2005

    good story hope it gets updated soon
  4. marietsy

    marietsy Guest


    The link to my story has been deleted since the whole account was deleted for whatever reason.

    For those interested, you can find the story at:


    I truly want to know if everyone thinks the guys are too chummy. You're right when you say that there is a slash version and I try to keep the er...slashiness out of the gen version.

    Tell me what bothers you the most and I will try to fix it. *grin* I must please the readers and I know many do not like slash.


    Marietsy -- who is a female.
  5. Treck

    Treck First Year

    May 15, 2005
    Oklahoma City Oklahoma USA
    It's not Hogwarts Child. :p
  6. marietsy

    marietsy Guest

    Oh! You like Hogwart's Child? I know I said that I wasn't going to write another chapter until I finished Flames of Betrayal, but I'm going through a writers block when it comes to that story.

    Is there anything that should be in that story or shouldn't be in that story? I love suggestions, even though I know I can't please everyone.
  7. parselmaster

    parselmaster Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2005
    спуститься с небес на землю
    Liked the bit about spaceballs, and quite a few others(like the owls, loved the owls). It's pretty well written. Though Jack and Daniel seem too friendly with each other, but that is fine with me, not something that needs to be rectified(sp?).

    Oh and marietsy, I signed your guestbook. Liked your site, like I like your stories.
  8. Galleon

    Galleon DA Member

    Jan 22, 2006
    United States
    I too am a big fan of marietsy's stories now. They're some of the very few that actually make me laugh when reading them, the teddy bear thing especially had me cracking up in this one. Jack and Harry seemed fine to me, the only negative things I found were his past and Snape.

    I know some people really like Snape, marietsy most likely being one, but he just seems too overused. He was a main character in Lack of Faith, Flames of Betrayel, and now Two Worlds (there may be more, but these are the only three I've read so far). Maybe I'm just ranting because of Lack of Faith though, because I really enjoyed that when it began. However, the story really went down in my book with how chummy Harry was with Snape and Dumbledore. It has so many good original ideas in it, but the relationships with those two really seem to bring it down. Although that's just me...

    The past thing isn't really a negative, more of just a confusing part for me. When you describe his past you never really told when everything happened(at least not that I saw), and the whole Draco thing kind of went over my head. I understand that he married Hermione and that he was a friend to Harry, but when did that happen? Is there some way you could explain that in a flashback? Or maybe if Daniel explains to the SG1 crew, to explain then?

    Other than those two points though, I thought the book was very well written and is sure to give anyone a good laugh. Great work!


    P.S.-You stopped updating after a cliffhanger! How cruel...
  9. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    Deleted from Yahoo as well.

    Bump for review.