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WIP Wand and Shield by Roarian/Morta's Priest - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Roarian, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Demons In The Night

    Demons In The Night Chief Warlock

    Jan 11, 2008
    Don't remember HBP all that well, but didn't the Ministry end up buying the twins' shield cloaks and hats and stuff? Not too shabby for drop outs if the Ministry was willing to buy them up. You're right though in that you would think that there would be better innovators and such in the HP world than a couple of 17 year old kids.
  2. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    Will we be seeing Natasha again soon? I rather enjoy the interactions between her and Harry. Plus, out of all of the people she was the one who had the most success with him.
  3. Thermopyle

    Thermopyle Third Year

    Apr 11, 2007
    It would have been nice if he'd included in the note to send Natasha as a good messenger. ^_^
  4. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    The note is fine as it is. It doesn't need anything added about Natasha as that is forcing the issue. I would hope the development of the relationship (be it friendship or something more) to be more subtle than that. The only change I would personally make to the note is to remove that dash. It seems a bit off to see that in a letter.

    I do look forward to Fury's reaction and the reactions of the people who find out what Harry did.
  5. Thermopyle

    Thermopyle Third Year

    Apr 11, 2007
    Oh, I didn't mean it as a developmental thing, but rather a taunt for Fury. Honestly I think the Natasha thing could be a bit less developed--we've seen Harry thinking about her enough times at this point that it's fairly obvious. Then again, she IS attractive, and most guys want to see an attractive woman more often and have her in mind. But still...no sense in pushing it hard. Maybe having him also hit it off somewhat with another woman, at least in a friendship way, would be a good approach to downplay things with Natasha (Pepper, perhaps--it'd be a good way to mess with Tony if they started flirting with each other playfully, but with no real intent.)
  6. Roarian

    Roarian High Inquisitor

    Jun 11, 2011
    Fair enough. I don't have particular intentions to do a Harry/Natasha at this time, it may well just stay gen. ;)

    With Pepper - that would be amusing, considering how they end up by Avengers.
  7. Thermopyle

    Thermopyle Third Year

    Apr 11, 2007
    Seems like a good way to get back at Tony for the media thing, specifically. ^_^

    Fury should stand out to Harry as the best way to get info on his new world and if there are others like himself. It also seems like there should be consideration of checking up on the other people that Fury is similarly watching, such as Banner, at least to get an idea of what Fury is on the lookout for. Whether either of those ideas are things that would get pursued, I don't know, but I'd expect it to at least occur to him.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ----------

    On another note: How are you handling apparation? I've seen it used in fics where it can only be to a place the person knows, and other fics in which somebody can apparate wherever the hell the want. I'm wondering how apparation would mesh here with a moving location, such as Fury's flying fortress.
  8. Roarian

    Roarian High Inquisitor

    Jun 11, 2011
    You are correct regarding both your points, actually : Harry knows that SHIELD's his information source right now, which is why he's listening in. Seeking out Banner is one thing I'd already intended (since there's an event mentioned in the TIH film that fits in this timeframe.)

    Apparition, as I have it, is only possible from and to locations you're familiar with - e.g. you have to have an idea of where you're going, some image of the place. I figure since the Earth's spinning anyway, relative motion shouldn't really be a major issue as it's accounted for already as far as I can tell (after all if you go a few degrees east or west the gravity should shift so anyone arriving stumbles.) Harry's been to a few places in America now so he could conceivably apparate around those spots: the trouble with the Helicarrier would be more something like it being out of range, as I can't imagine apparition has no distance limit.

    Need to brush up on my canon knowledge as far as we have it.
  9. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    There is a max distance to Apparition, but its dependent on the skill of the user. Apparition becomes increasingly difficult with the distance covered--one of the charity booklets Rowling made said that very long-range Apparition--specifically Inter-continental Apparition--should only "be attempted by the most highly-skilled of wizards."
  10. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    I disagree with this point. As of right now, Natasha is the only person I think Harry has really enjoyed being with. I think he had fun with her and that is something we haven't seen with Harry and other characters. He seems to be annoyed at times with them. With Natasha even though he knew she was spying there was a bit of fun in that fact and they just seemed to get along well together.
  11. Amoral Philosopher

    Amoral Philosopher Seventh Year

    Oct 19, 2010
    Ya, what you have here sounds right as far as I can tell. However, is Harry proficient with portkeys? I ask, because as far as I am aware, they do not have the sort of distance limitations apparition has. This would mean the Helicarrier would still be accessible to him whenever he wanted to visit.
  12. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Well, first of all, the Helicarrier is mobile. Do we have any canon examples of someone using a portkey to access a location that moves? All the ones I can think of tend to take the user to a stationary area (Headmaster's Office, Forest/Clearing/Whatever near Quidditch Game, etc.).

    Secondly, while Dumbledore might be able to make a portkey in a matter of seconds, it might take Harry longer. A few minutes at least. Making it something that he couldn't use spur of the moment unless he had it prepared beforehand. Granted this is simply a way of trying to avoid the ability becoming OP, but I think it is possibly a valid one.
  13. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    The earth is spinning so I see no reason why such transport to a moving object wouldn't work seeing as how everything is moving. The other thing is the Harry has the elder wand. I'm pretty sure he can make one in a matter of seconds as well. Though there is no actual proof that it takes anyone longer than a matter of seconds to make one.
  14. Amoral Philosopher

    Amoral Philosopher Seventh Year

    Oct 19, 2010
    On the topic of the Helicarrier being a moving location, I simply dismissed the fact since in the quote of my previous post the author of this story has indicated that this is not an issue for apparition and therefore I assumed it would not be an issue for portkey. This seemed like a logical step in my opinion, but this could possibly not be the case.

    As for the time it takes to create a portkey, I think it would be ok that it may take Harry roughly a solid minute to create one. However, I never envisioned portkey travel as a method of quick transportation. I was merely pointing out that it would be a handy method to traverse large distances that apparition can not handle, such as visiting the Helicarrier whenever he wanted (That is if the whole moving location is not an issue). If Harry needs a quick GTFO escape, he doesn't need to teleport some ridiculous distance away. He can use apparition then. A few miles would work just fine. Most of the time I think Harry won't be in any major rush if he is wanting to get anywhere that is so far that normal apparition can not reach.

    Am I making any sense for that last part? I am having trouble putting my reasoning into words.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  15. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    My only sticking points are that a firebolt can't keep up with an airplane and that Fury could feel the tingling in his eye patch. I figure that you only put that part about the eyepatch in there to let us know what Harry charmed, so it doesn't really bother me, but the firebolt only had a max airspeed of 180 mph. That isn't nearly what a plane goes. Maybe if you made a point about him doing something to make it faster, or if you just had him put a tracking charm on the plane and followed it that way, or something.
  16. Amoral Philosopher

    Amoral Philosopher Seventh Year

    Oct 19, 2010
    It was stated in chapter 3 that Harry's broom could travel a few hundred miles an hour, and since the definition of a few means 3 or more, we know Harry's broom can at least go 300 miles an hour.
  17. frodrick

    frodrick Slug Club Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    The only problem I see about charming the eyepatch is the assumption that Fury only has one eyepatch. He could occasionally replace them, as the leather could wear out over time and constant use.
  18. Duke

    Duke DA Member

    Oct 17, 2006
    - this seems like very little to go on for identification.
    In all honesty with a description like that I'm all for Harry following the guy into a room only to realize that it's just the janitor picking up a broom.

    That's not to say I dislike the description - it's good way to get Harry's attention from just wondering and looking about, but give him something more or just have him follow out of curiosity rather than just assume it's Fury.

    Maybe he'd recognize Fury's voice from listening in (though as I understand it if Barton is a field agent then he should just have a handler and no direct contact with Shield or at least Fury - admittedly this is obviously not the case, but I'm just thinking of spies rather than comics).
  19. Krieger

    Krieger Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Oct 12, 2009
    A spells a spell, unless it takes a full minute for Harry to pronounce the word Portus then there is no reason it should take so long, if that were the case. It's not a ritual.

    This one too. If an eyepatch is itching, wouldn't you just replace it? As far as I know, knowing nothing about Marvel, it's just a normal eyepatch, unless he has a sentimental reason for keeping that particular one, I would just throw it out the window.
  20. Jester

    Jester Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    The itchy eye patch may have been a distraction to leave the note?
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