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WiFom City: The Spirit Tunnels

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Titus, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Vote: Maiden

    Citrus didn't read my last post.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 PM ----------

    Lyrium, respond to the questions you were asked?
  2. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Rubicon, you mean about my opening post toDay? Something pinged me as yesterDay went down and something is pinging me right now.

    Need to go through and make a case after rereading Fonti's and scum interactions. Which I will do as soon as I am available but probably at the earliest tomorrow so I can think things through.

  3. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    What pinged you?

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 PM ----------

    The short version, while we wait for your case.
  4. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    To take a page out of Lucky’s book, yo:
    ‘Nah, she’s probably noob!Town, in fact super noob!Town. …unless… …Hmm, Dermon did it too…’
    ^Unless I misunderstood, that’s basically the progress of everything you say regarding Snowvon.

    Talk to me about Zennith.

    Well, for one thing, it wasn’t an emphasis on how that reflected on my actions, but rather an emphasis on how they reflected on yours.

    Second, I’m trying to figure out how to take this – Like you mentioned, half the time you’re just spouting crap to see what the reactions are, but all the same, are you seriously trying to hint that I’m using my willingness to be lynched as a way to hide me being scum? Because given that it’s a miracle I wasn’t lynched after I left, the only way that flies is if the guy that refused to vote me and pushed for NL (read, you) is my scummate.

    In Avatar I both manipulated most of the players into thinking I was a blind idiot, and then lynched Prophy despite the fact I was relatively certain the scum was Lexi.
    The lies, I had plans to do on B&T, which I mentioned off-hand, I think. I got killed the Night before I would have used them, and in retrospect, I’m glad I did. Even if it had worked, that might have been frowned up by the others.

    Totally off-topic, remember?
    It’s just one of those things I see nearly every game that really annoy me.

    Is someone’s trying to imitate my wallpost play? How cute.
    Ok, I wanted the others (Lyrium, Zennith) to address what you’re saying here before making any comments, but I will say I’m not following a lot of what you’re saying.
    Especially the <b> bit, which has already been brought up. Is that a scumtell? Didn’t it happen to a lot of people yesterDay, because of site issues?

    You were asked questions, one of which was asked by at least 3 players. Answer them. Still waiting on that Maiden case.

    Then you can tunnel whichever newbie you haven’t voted on you want, oddly without voting for them.
    Also, who did Maiden vote on last game? Who did she vote on this game? You brought it up as interesting.

    Questions. Shall I answer them for you?

    Also, you really need to stop assuming ‘closest thing to a Townread’ means ‘Townread’, makes me suspicious of you. How is a 4 (3 now) out of 10 in the Towniemeter a Townread?
    As for why he’s ranked that, I more or less explained in the Big Post: His play is still the same as Town, he asks good questions and gives good answers. He’s also not tried to buddy himself up with any experienced players.
    He’s not Town to me, however, you’re bigger Scum.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------

    Also, wow. You're either putting on a big act toDay about being pissed about Fonti, or you put a big act yesterDay about calling her out on the way she was acting when she got pissy. Not sure what to make of this until I see your case.
  5. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Dermon was town in TinyHunt. You said it was odd, I was saying it wasn't.

    Zennith disappearing when Lyrium yelled at him for agreeing with me yesterday pinged me.

    Does it reflect on my actions at all? Where does you being fine with being lynched enter into my thought process?

    I think you are probably town, but yes, repeating over and over again how fine I am with being lynched is something I do in literally every scum game when people are trying to lynch me. It works. The main reason I pointed it out is because it doesn't actually have anything to do with whether we should lynch you, so you bringing it up again looks like you're trying to create an impression.

    Which is weird in itself, because the main reason for me to push a NL as scum is if you are my buddy and I want to protect you, and yet as town, you should know that this is not the case.
  6. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Fiasco? Implies knowing something town doesn't? Since at this point MathBlade's role isn't clear, she could very well be scum or derp!town.

    Edited the excess out of post #255, this was Maiden in reference to MathBalde yesterDay:

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 PM ----------

    Let's start this.

  7. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    ...Uh, what are you trying to say with all those vote tallies exactly?
    Going home, will post something more detailed later.

    @Rubi: Show me the dermon game please, couldn't find it.

    @Zennith: Something to say?
  8. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    ((@Sloth: Why do you occasionally call me "she" in your posts?))

    And sorry but no, I'm not purposely newbing to the max to slip under your radars. My mafia experience with Fonti amounts to her yelling at me for saying dumb things, so what you see here is what you get. But I'd like to read the Dermon game too, just to see how it compares.

    I'm pretty sure Maiden is the only person outright scumreading me, because I didn't vote for anyone yesterDay. She posted after my explanation, I don't know if she saw it or not.

    I don't know if Fonti had an actual reason for townreading me or if she just called me town so she'd have one less person to worry about.

    @Lyrium: And your point is?
  9. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    I need to reread this game, esp. with regards on how the lynch on MathBlade went down.

    If anyone's around, shoot me any questions and I'll answer them.
  10. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    Alright, that's fine. As for Lyrium...I don't know? Joking, I'd like to assume, but after last game when people were repeatedly self hammering, I still don't like it.

    Zennith (and Citrus) actually are special cases for me. As of D1, they weren't posting much or providing much. Granted, I never saw them online, (and when I did, they were posting) so I'm assuming they have RL stuff going on or something--since they were much more active in B&T. But them being not active is why they are null/null-scum.

    Bottom line: Was what he did scummy? Yes. Does that make him scum? Not necessarily. Towny people can do scummy things. *points to my readwall* There's no way everyone on my scum-dar are scum. (Unless Titus has a horrible sense of humor.) Until I get more from Zennith, I'm null.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 PM ----------

    ...Please, do not call me stupid. You can call an action of mine stupid, but do not call me stupid. That's just uncalled for, and I don't appreciate it.
    *takes a breath*
    I still don't know about MB. Toward the end, she felt SO scummy to me. Her posts were reeking of desperation, but not towny desperation. And Sloth's case on her was spot on. Judging by that, she was definitely scum, but you can't always be sure until someone flips, and we don't get that luxury from this game.

    As for me "calling people scum that voted for me", I'd like you to take a look at my list. Fucking, most of the people on there are scummy to me. If every single one of those people voted for me, I'd be lynched. So, I really don't know what you mean by that.

    And, I didn't say you 'needed to put your vote in your QT' or whatever. That's how you bold things in QTs. That's how you bold everything in QT. What I'm saying is fishy is the fact that you put THAT vote in THAT format HERE. It implies a possible slip.
    I have "knowledge of QTs"? I mean, I guess. I have my personal QT, and my QT with Bill.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 PM ----------

    What are you not following?
    Also, I read through all of D1 during our downtime, and I didn't see it happen for anyone else. It's possible that I missed it? I'll go back and read through again when I get the chance to be sure.

    As for your question to Lyrium about my voting: On D1, I originally voted for Prophy, because of the bandwagoning. Then, because there was going to be a no-lynch happening, Sloth made valid points, and MathBlade was acting like desperate!scum, I voted for MathBlade.

    As of D2, I've voted for Lyrium, because of the slip.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ----------

    I'm confused, how am I implying that I know something? Everything went down fast. Sloth's wall and MathBlade's behavior. It literally all went down really fast while we were fearing that D1 was going to end with a no-lynch.
  11. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Well that's a bit better, Maiden. If you think people are scum, then scum hunt. Tunnel them. I guess since I'm your biggest scum read for reasons I don't quite follow, tunnel the frack out of me. Ask questions to confirm\revise your opinions.

    Here's one. Let's assume MathBlade as in fact not scum. Can you point out a scum team of three players that's in our midst? Any linkages you see?

    As for the QT thing. I have two QTs too. One for the mods that's more clean cut and one that I made to store all the excess thoughts and try to keep track of things. It's not a slip because it doesn't make sense in any way which is why I find your logic needs some work and this is coming from the sheep of the town.

    If I was posting in a scum QT, I would be voting for a night kill and to do that it would have to be night I believe? The vote against Sloth was a lynch vote, the formatting was a "I should really go to bed now" mistake.

    My play style is aggressive and will continue that way unless I'm mod killed for it. Call me a bitch and move on. I don't take personal offense to things said in the game, if people do its their prerogative. *shrugs*

    Prophylaxis, I'd love to hear your thoughts on what went down. Fonti led the MathBlade lynch after leading a lynch on Sloth and not being able to get an alternate target. What's your take on her "lynch these people" post?

    I'd also like to hear what you think of the people are playing the active lurker game like Sesc and Zennith.
  12. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    I didn't see it--sorry. What pinged as scummy to me was that you called MathBlade out, but you didn't vote her. But if you say you forgot before you went to sleep, then it's not like we can really prove or disprove that. XD

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 PM ----------

    I still haven't forgotten about the bandwagoners. Assuming that MB is not scum, I could see a scum team in:


    ..Your reasoning for the <b> slip is frustrating. It's the same as Snowvon. I can't disprove that you were tired, just like I can't prove/disprove that he forgot. Fizzlesticks.

    Something I had to have explained to me is that lurkers do not equal people that don't post. Lurkers, are people that are on the forum, looking at it, but they do not post. (Prophy, I'm looking at you right now. You've been on for the entire time that I've been on here and all you've said is that you're rereading. Anything jumping out at you? Any reads? Why did you vote for MB if you didn't read through her lynch situation properly?)
    I never see Sesc and Zennith online, so they don't fit that bill. Then again, just because they're not posting, does not mean that they should be able to float by. So far, nullreads on both.

    I wouldn't call you a bitch. That's just not how I play. *sigh* You can play whatever kind of game you want--I just feel like name-calling is useless.

    What about you, Lyrium? I should ask you the same questions.
    -What sort of scum teams do you suspect?
    -You asked on D1 who we would choose to protect/blackmail if we were lynched? Who would you protect/blackmail?
  13. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Alright, I'm caught up.

    I want to address some OOG-ish stuff. I cannot access DLP at all at work, so my posting rate is limited - it's been affecting me a bit too much this game, because I'm in two other ongoing games across different sites, and I've been a bit busier than usual - there's a reason why I skimped on flavor/am stalling right now on the aftermath of B&T Mafia.

    I just want to address some stuff - I've been trying to change up my playstyle to be less quote-warry since I feel like doing that is the lazy man's way of playing mafia - it makes reading - and re-reading! - the thread much more difficult, and I've found that newer players get easily turned off when there's a ton of wallposts. I've been trying to be a bit more succinct, since there's enough wallposters in this game as is (Sloth is the prime example)

    Despite what my minimal posts might seem, I have been taking notes, and I do have a pretty good grasp on what I think the gamestate is. I'm going to go through my notes and explain my mindset for some of the posts people have been questioning.

    This is something I do in every game, and I think it's effective.

    I start the game with a list of the players.


    Didn't really make a note of it in my notes, but my first actual scumread was Sloth. Really didn't like his opening posts, and fontisian did a good job of covering it in the first 100 posts.

    Oh, I actually did make some notes, scrolling up.

    "Yeah, Sloth's scum.

    Overdefensiveness, self-consciousness, and to top it off with that weak Titus vote."

    "And he tries to overcompensate for reads.



    My next note was, "MathBlade is... probbbbably town?

    She genuinely believes that scumhunting for lurkers is the right play. Sort of like how Zeit did his Oracle claim in Witch Hunt - he genuinely thought it was the right play, and that's all you need to have in terms of evaluating mindset."

    Still have no idea why the wagon was switched over from Sloth to MathBlade - I want to investigate that closer, but it's a deadline lynch and buuuuuh.


    Initial goal for this game, due to the high density of newbies, was to solve the game/clear a couple townies through analysis early, since I know I'm going to get shot at some point.

    Said something around here: "Zennith might be scum.

    Overapologetic explaining of why he hasn't posted yet. Dude, it's only been a couple of hours."

    Somewhat weak tell upon further analysis (cough Nemrut cough), but I'd like to give it a fair shake. It's how Rubicon got caught in Witch Hunt.


    "Maiden feels weird.

    Might try poking her with a stick."

    "Sloth asking everyone to "provide cases" might be CFTWR?"

    "Watching Rubicon for his post #60.

    See if he follows up on any of them."

    "I don't get the Sesc!scum vibes.

    He feels like normal Sesc to me."

    "I like fontisian for her post #69.

    I just did the Azrael-style method of brutal thread-rereads, and she's taking after an example."

    Bunch of random stuff here, just some side comments.


    Around.. #93, I did some PBPA-ish things (on Sesc/Snowvon/Citrus) in my notes, and I took out the reasoning and stuff and left it in my notes, to avoid cluttering up the thread.


    "-PBPAish Thing of Citrus-

    Not a huge fan of Citrus's first post. Dislike how he talks about mechanics, mostly, and how he quantified his vote as "pressure" - stating that you're just going to pressure someone completely negates the pressure, and I think he's trying to absolve himself of accountability with the vote.

    Kind of like the mindset behind #25? It feels honest and transparent.

    Being vague in #33. "Wanted to vote you b/c posting".

    Acting on gut feels, ehh.

    Asks a question in #38.. but I like the question in #41.

    Like how he follows up on his questions, and cares about them, in "start asking my questions".

    Need a bit more from him but I disliked his early post, but I'm liking what I see so far."


    "-PBPAish Thing of Snowvon-

    Meh first post.

    Meh second post.

    Probably unaligned with Sesc/Zennith/Caligula, in the fact that he missed them? Or is it just because they haven't posted yet?

    "Cop-out answer is cop-out, a thousand apologies." - lack of self-awareness?

    "I was on my phone the last few hours, trying to keep up with the thread so I wouldn't have to read everything at once later. Apologies, excuses, etc. moving on." - excuse for lurking. Watching.

    "Fonti's town because I don't want her to be scum." - not sure about this mindset. Trying to decide if it's something like me w/how I approached fontisian in Avatar, or scum who doesn't want to deal w/her on the first day, and prefer to brush her off while engaging with other people.

    I kind of like the reads list. Feels like he's newb!town, as opposed to newb!scum, with the amount of effort he's putting in.

    I want him to declare a read on me so that I can lock him in, and see how he reads me (knowing I'm town).

    Leaning town, I think."


    "-PBPAish Thing of Sesc-

    Wow Sesc does not have a lot of posts.

    His first post is a tunnel on me. His question seems weird but he hasn't played with Sloth before.

    Why is he standing off to the side with the Sloth wagon, then proceeding to toss his (useless) vote on me? Commit.

    MEH questions.

    Uhh. What.

    Why are you asking why Sloth is voting for me, when you're voting me? Wouldn't you want more pressure on me, given you think I'm scum?

    That is just weird."


    Aaaand this is where I mostly left off on, at the end of Day 1 (where I daytripped for the rest of the day)

    My remaining notes are basically, "Want to burn Maiden", "kind of like one of Citrus's posts, might move to green", and "Sloth's recent posts make me feel a better about him - he's being actively engaged in the game, and not sure if the huge wallpost is something that scum can fake".

    Mostly the same as above, though Snowvon is now my strongest town read, and Citrus/Sloth? move up to green.


    There's at least one scum in that grouping. Need to look at Rubicon/Caligulaslot/Lyrium - haven't really been paying attention to them this game.

    I'm fine with seeing any of the three biting the dust.

    Vote Maiden

    If anyone has any questions for me, I'll try to answer them, though please repeat them if you have a specific request - don't really care to look for my name among the walls. But this long, disjointed ramble is where the mindset comes from in my posts.
  14. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    placholder for vote count

    citrus(1): sloth
    maiden(3): rubicon, proplaxis
    rubicon(1): cirtus
    lyrim(1): madien

    (will fix later just makshift atm, kinda tired and busy)
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2014
  15. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    I’ve seen both Zennith and Citrus staring at the thread for several long moments. I like to think they’ve had enough more than enough time to say something, especially Citrus who promised to do so at the beginning of the Day.

    But whatever, I guess we’ll see what they say when they actually show up.

    In the meantime…

    @Zennith, you need to come back and address all the questions brought to you. Mine, and especially this, along with whatever else is there.

    Already asked for the Dermon game, I’d like to take a look.
    The way you worded it was extremely confusing, I got the impression you were saying that Dermon was a case of someone’s behavior as extremely Townish like Snowvon’s, but it being an act and he was revealed to be scum.

    In the world where you hadn’t explained why you were against lynching and why they were anti-Town.

    As for the rest, not much to do about it, since all my answers and yours would just make us go in circles (I think, feel free to correct me on something I may be overlooking).

    Didn’t follow what you were saying on Lyrium’s <b> bit, like I mentioned: Rubicon also had an html slip on #157, so I’m not sure why that means anything in particular (though, weirdly, I could have sworn more people had that slip). Admittedly, you have a point on Citrus’ vote. She had stated reasons for it, but they were flimsy.
    Also didn’t follow what you said on Zennith, regarding the Fonti-Titus comparison. I won’t say more on it, because I want Zennith to address it first.

    Btw, that’s something you may not be aware of: The Garcia Rule that says you do not answer questions meant for other people, ever. I asked Lyrium to list your votes, you should have let her answer.
    I guess it doesn’t much matter though, since I just didn’t want to do the work. Who did you vote for last game, again?

    …Still waiting on that long post you said you were writing, regarding Fonti, or for an explanation on all those vote tallies.
    Still waiting for you to answer those questions you’ve been asked.
    Still waiting for that case on Maiden. You brought up her votes, but she’s right: None of her votes are on response of being accused of scum – the accusations came afterwards, so where did you get that idea? The exception is possibly you, but she gave reasons at least. You’ve yet to.
    You didn’t address the circular questioning bits I asked yesterDay, either.
    While you’re answering that, explain why you voted Citrus.
    Tic toc, sweetheart.

    For the record, I don’t actually intend to do wallposts, I never sit down with them in mind.
    I just let people reply in bulk and then address what they say. It always ends up much longer than expected. XD

    …Look prophy, it’s great you’re taking notes, but I have to ask, if you have 2 other games going, and can’t access DLP at work, are you going to be able to give this game the attention it deserves? I mean no offense, but I’m getting the distinct impression you’re focusing on others and this one is basically an afterthought you’re not really here for.

    Your last post is a perfect example of that: 90% of it is copying/pasting notes from things that have already happened, and none of it addressing current events with Mathbalde’s lynch or Fonti’s NK. The PBPAs take place 100 posts ago before D1’s Nightfall.
    The other 10% deals with more or less the end of D1, and you don’t really say anything solid in that (your last Rainbow List is from, what, #93 as well?).
    You have not addressed a single thing that’s happened toDay, or asked anyone any questions.

    So yeah, are you going to be able to play this game or just play ineffectual catch-up? Serious question, not insult.

    Also, what’s CFTWR?

    As far as I know, Fonti wouldn’t Townread someone on such flimsy reasoning.

    Are you saying you’re not a woman? I just assumed. /tilts head

    Anyway, given the timing of Fonti’s NK, I’m dismissing Snow and Rubi as scum for now. That might change later, but narrowing my sight on everyone else for now.
    Snow, because as mentioned, he’s extremely Townish and the most plausible way I had him as scum was as Fonti as scum as well.
    On Rubi, killing Fonti at this point just wouldn’t be smart. He could keep her around and try to get me to hone in on her and away from him. Turn us against each other if possible. It could have been a fear-kill because she was sniffing at him, but fear-kills are always more unlikely to me unless I see more evidence supporting it: An experienced player would avoid them and any scum group would have at least one of those to take the lead. Since the death wasn’t random, and it was on an active player, there’s probably a tactical reason behind it, but at the very least, it wasn’t out of fear. Also, I feel scum!Rubi would have NK’d me, though not sure why.

    Hm. I also need to go over Fonti’s posts for clues when I have more time. Still, it’s early enough in the game that it might yield nothing. Too uncertain, she might just have been killed because she’s a competent player, or to cast doubt on me/Rubi. But I’ll try anyway.

    This is why Citrus is Scum
    I made my case for him on the Big Post, and it all still applies, so refer to his section in #131 for details.
    Here’s the two things that came next:

    -First, he didn’t vote Mathblade until her lynch was more or less “certain” (i.e. it had gained enough steam that not voting on her was suspicious), despite the fact he called her on things himself, and that my argument seemed to have swayed most people (I didn’t hear him deny any of it myself).
    Instead he voted Maiden because of Fonti’s vote on her (more on that below). This was a pointless as hell vote because, even before the ninja’d he claimed happened, Maiden at the time was only being voted on by Tish. It’s a wagon that just wasn’t going to happen and he knew it.
    The leading wagons were Mathblade and me. Frankly, if he had kept his vote on me, that wouldn’t have raised as many alarms, but he didn’t.
    What I’m thinking his mentality was is: “Hm, he called me out on it. Ok, I’ll move my vote for Maiden, because they’ll see it as Town not to address his accusations and assume a scum would quickly vote Mathblade simply to seem Town.”
    Which would be true except for the points I brought up about the bandwagons and voting on Maiden being useless (meaning, it was just for show). And, of course, the second thing he did.

    -Second, this bit of bullshit:
    Yeah, no. Aside from the useless vote, this part cemented it for me.
    He felt the need to pre-emptively defend himself for sheeping Tish.
    I had just called him out on him just following her lead. A more Townish move (overlooking the vote on Maiden), would have been to just place the vote and feel no need to defend. In here, he’s sure to bring it up.
    Plus, I love how in claiming to sheep, he could just say “look, it’s not my fault if Maiden was Town, I was just listening to Tish, it’s her fault” in case of mislynch, effectively dissuading any sort of responsibility for it. And interestingly, when Fonti switches to Mathblade and asks that he do too, despite his loyal trailing after her, it takes him several posts to switch the vote.

    Citrus is scum. Tell me why he isn’t.

    Sidenote is that he was very insistent I answer his 4 questions after the Big Post, which I did and he has yet to really address what he saw in it. I’ve been saying from the beginning I didn’t see the point in those vague-as-hell questions (much like Zeit asking people by Rubi voted Nemrut last game), so I’m wondering if I was right.

    One thing I will address for everyone’s future reference is that “self-conscious” and “defensive” should never be terms you use when trying to read me, and I’ve seen them a few times. Come on, guys, when have I ever given the impression that I’m anything less than the most self-assured asshole on this site? The second you think I’m being self-conscious, you’re already wrong. Keep up.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 AM ----------

    @Zennith: Hello again. Something to say now?
  16. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:
    I'm not seeing the Maiden scumread, it doesn't make sense to me. This last post, especially, made me more comfortable townreading her.

    Lyrium, I think you're doing a pretty good job of both blending in but still doing the requisite amount of scumhunting to seem towny. It's kind of an interesting blend, but somehow still makes me feel null at best about you. I can't explain it, I suppose it's just gut feel/intuition.

    Also, Lyrium - what do you think about that Proph post?

    And proph - explain your logic with the me/sesc/maiden grouping - why us three together? Just out of curiosity.
  17. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Zennith. Answer my questions.
  18. Burkion

    Burkion Muggle

    Apr 23, 2014
    Hello, all, I will be taking over for Caligula.

    Quite an interesting situation I see. I hope to be a productive member of society, so to speak.

    If I'm not, of course, all blame goes to Sloth.
  19. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    Sloth:"Anyway, given the timing of Fonti’s NK, I’m dismissing Snow and Rubi as scum for now. That might change later, but narrowing my sight on everyone else for now."

    Why? Your reasoning for Rubicon is sound, but I don't really see the reasoning for Snow. Because he said that he thought she was town? I've never played with Snow before, so I don't know his playing style, but I think it would be smart of him as scum to align himself with Fonti and then have her killed, so no one would look at him as scum--which is exactly what you're doing.

    -SNIP from Sloth's Citrus case-
    I completely agree. It looks more like he's going along with the tide and not actually making decisions/choices for himself. It reminds me of last game when you accused me of the same thing. Not only that, but he's been talking about mechanics too, which is a slight scumtell--even more-so for him, because he doesn't have very many posts.

    @Citrus:What's going on with you? Are you having some RL issues? You weren't like this last game, and it's starting to make me think that you're lurker!scum rather than just a busy person.
    Do you still think I'm scum/you're okay with me being lynched? What are your thoughts on the MathBlade lynch and the Fonti NK? Who's your biggest townread and scumread right now? I'd really just like to hear your thoughts.

    @ Zennith:The same questions go for you. I see that you're online, but not viewing the forum. I'm starting to see you as something of a lurker. What are you doing?

    I was going to say that ika forgot my vote for Lyrium, but that's okay, because:
    @ Lyrium:I really was hoping that I struck gold on that slip, but I guess not. :/
    You're still on my scum-dar though--I felt you were overly defensive to my vote/my case on you. Also, I'd still like you to answer my questions above. *Points*

    Vote Citrus

    Right now, I feel like you're either lurker!scum or inactive!town. I don't like either one.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 PM ----------

    Welcome. Have you read through the entire game yet? (I suggest you take notes, because these things can get extremely confusing.) What are your reads thus far? Who's screaming scum and who's screaming town?

    Make a list of everyone, your thoughts on them, and whether they are town, null, or scum.
  20. Burkion

    Burkion Muggle

    Apr 23, 2014
    I'm keeping a critical eye on Sloth, actually-he's super hard to read at all times because he's always an amazingly self confident asshole. This isn't name calling either, this is straight up description. As time goes on I think I know how he'll slip up, one way or the other.

    However I read neither scum nor townie from him, and he's brought up some very valid points about Citrus.

    You, yourself Maiden, read as a very helpful Townie, which can be an easy target to lay blame on and point fingers at if paranoia goes high, which it seems, until Citrus says otherwise, was the plan last lynching period.

    The others I'm going to have to observe more. Especially reactions to the latest round of questions.

    Unless Citrus can make a good case for himself and how he's acted thus far, consider this a vote for


    ---------- Post automerged at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------

    Was informed by Sloth I needed to add the Vote with it, so


    Reason above.