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WiFom City: The Spirit Tunnels

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Titus, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Day end time (wolframalpha perhaps?) in QT FAQ or somewhere visible? unless I missed it

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 AM ----------

    Do you just not have an opinion on the size of the Sloth train, or Sloth in general?
  2. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Citrus, day is 72 hours. What's going on with you? Missing details. Not reading posts carefully so that you repeat the previous poster.

    As for my opinion on the Sloth train\Sloth...try answering my questions if you can and I'll play along too.
  3. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I know exactly when day ends, I want a nice shiny wolframalpha link.
  4. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    It's late and I'm losing the coherence to post.

    Short thoughts: Sloth's scum, Lyrium is painfully town, Rubicon might be Sloth's teammate, Von's probably town, Citrus feels towny, Proph and Rubicon are useless, Maiden lacks inquisitiveness and was quick to jump when Sloth asked for a readlist, Mathblade is unaligned with Sloth, but is weird as fuck on her own.

    Details when I get time to post in 12 ish hours.
  5. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    1) My mechanics post
    2) Primary townread, Secondary someone wordy
    3) Heart
    4) I actually have a light scumread on you, something about your posting is reminding me of Dresden - I think I'll have a good read on you this game from hearing your scum thought processes. No town reads to share right now

    Start answering my questions

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 AM ----------

    Hmm. Your read on Lyrium throws me off, I agree or at least don't disagree on the rest.
  6. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    fontisian, agreed on Sloth, but Prophylaxis is more than useless. #28 is so bandwagony I don't even know what to say.

    Vote: Prophylaxis

    Sloth: Please explain your intention behind making a readwall.
  7. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    It's a general observation I have made reading threads. It doesn't ALWAYS hold up or scum would alter their strategy.
    See: http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Lurking

    The last line of the third article is that it highlights my point exactly. If scum know that I'm scumhunting for lurkers at least they will come out to play and give something up so we can find the scum.

    1. I'm not really sure here. The first mafia power is a blackmailer one so I guess we'd need to watch for funny posts that indicate being blackmailed. Then again you think my posts are "weird" and because I'm "weird" I must be scum. *snaps fingers* I just call myself beautiful, and awesome and own my townie shit.

    Sesc I would agree has a good chance of being scum. No real contribution and no reads given.

    2. Probably nothing since there would be no mafia yet and no way for anyone who I jailed to convince others they were.

    3. At the risk of not being pg 13.... There is a more truthful answer to that but I'm going to say none for the more mature/clean minded people on the board.:facepalm

    4. There is very little to go on, but here goes. Scum could be scum because the lynch train that's going on and Lyrium could be town as he is scum hunting. Then again mafia may have started the subtle suggestion and people are sheeping. Lyrium could be scum because of his move of suggesting only townies answer certain questions and no one is really answering Lyrium's questions.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:43 ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 ----------

    you = a generally collective term in the above posts. Not specifically Lyrium.

    The finger snap is more in direct relation to what Fonti called out and how other players seem to act sometimes based on one game where I ran a gambit. Which I know not to do again on this board.
  8. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:
    Hey folks, sorry for the delay in my posting, just got back to my computer. I'll do some reading up and post my scum reads asap.
  9. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    That's an interesting thought; what makes you say that?

    1. In a reveal-less setup, how long will it take for town to know that its on the right track? I can think of a few scenarios in which players can attempt to confirm the existence of the dead town or the dead Braineaters. Give one.
    --I don't know, and it terrifies me. I know that in the FAQ, it says that someone who is blackmailed cannot tell everyone else that he/she is blackmailed.
    @mod(s): Is a person that is "status protected" informed that they are protected? Can they share that they are protected with us?

    2. If you did die toDay what would you do as the first member of the dead?
    --I'd pick who I think is most town, and have them status-protected. (As of now, that would be Fonti.)

    3. If you absolutely had to eat a part of the human body, which would you pick and why?
    --...I'm bisexual with a strong lean toward women. Why don't you take a guess?

    4. Give one town-ish read and one scum-ish read and then tell me why the opposite could also be true.
    --As I mentioned before, Fonti seems towny, as she's scumhunting, and her gameplay seems on par with B&T. (Sorry to bring up meta, but that is my reasoning. :3) Scum-wise, I'm definitely keeping watch on the people that are bandwagoning Sloth.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 AM ----------

    Now that you're here, what are your reads?
    What do you think of Sloth, Citrus, and Mathblade?
  10. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    How does your sister's play fit into this theory? I'd expect you to be much more wary of this argument, knowing that some scum players are perfectly capable of posting a shit ton of words.

    Since you want to know why people scum-read you, this was the first thing to get my attention. Of course the vote on Titus wasn't serious. Unvoting it is weird. Not voting anyone else in the last 3 pages is out of character for you and fits with the overall passive tone of the rest of this post.

    Was the unvote to show that you were not bandwagoning?

    So why don't you think she's scum?

    Why did you not vote Snowdon, if you wanted to pressure him?

    Neutral, neutral, neutral, null, strange, null, and null, then?

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------

    Also, happy Easter everyone, I'm going out this afternoon so I won't be able to post much until tomorrow (sorry!).

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 AM ----------

    Also, Zennith is scum. Intuition.
  11. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Added alpha link to top

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 PM ----------

    Also Happy Easter!
  12. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    ika: Would it be possible to add something like "this VC is accurate up through post #50" to the vote count on p1?
  13. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Done, I will update what post I have read up to.
  14. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    …? What are you basing this on?
    You’re now Null.

    1. We can only gain more insight by who gets NK’d, the Spirit Talker, and the timing of certain Night actions, though after N1 even that can be argued away on technicalities.
    There’s also the Blackmail ability Scum has: It could be used to Townfirm a player and it’s largely a very useless ability for Scum to begin with because [Redacted – think it through, it’s obvious.]

    2. Choose a protection target for N2, obviously. Have a plan for that.

    3. …Seriously? /raise brow

    4. Townish: You. Your initial posts were pointless and playful, more or less like mine, which reminded me of your scum play – however, it was early enough in the game that it was excusable. Coupled with your response to Citrus in that you took a stance and didn’t vote simply because he pressured her, I was liking you for town. You could still be scum, and in fact, your most recent posts are making it more possible. We’re past the nonsensical post stage, and you’re saying Sesc is scum based on him being a replacement. Not even possible scum, your second highest read.
    Scummish: I already said, I believe there’s scum in Fonti, Citrus, Prophy and Rubicon. Obviously not all of them can be scum, and if there’s more than one I’ll be surprised.
    Right now, I’m trying to narrow it down. Fonti is probably (50%?) not it, as she seems to have made it part of her Town game to think I’m scum for little to no reason and ignore everything I say in turn, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she continues on this vein until either of us is dead.
    Citrus, I’ll get to his particular brand of ludicrous later in this post, but at least he’s asking mechanics questions and questioning Mathblade, so I’ll give him a pass.
    Prophy & Rubicon are equal parts pointless posts, and voting. So it’s between them. I’m leaning more Prophy because Rubi’s vote was only the second and Prophy’s…yeah.

    Lyrium, you haven’t answered my request for a wall.


    My intention is data gathering, obviously.
    I don’t pretend my analytical skills are laser-accurate and reading others’ reads either validates thoughts I have but haven’t voiced, or provides insight to aspects I may have missed myself. It specially works when I’m looking at data from specific players hidden amongst the mass.
    It’s one of my standard strategies because of that: I’ve asked for them any game I’m in.

    Btw, give me a wall too.
    We haven’t played before, so would it be too much to hope you have something to say on why I’m scum other than ‘yep, agreed’?


    On the Sloth wagon…

    Lovely. Look forward to it.
    Is there a particular reason you choose to wait until it was so late to be coherent to post when you had been lurking in on the game for up to an hour at a time at random points yesterday?

    …uh. Huh.
    You lost me when you tried to use meta against me. I have yet to play a single scum game, you have nothing you can use to say that this is me being scummy using meta.
    Your argument that its ‘different’ is even worse, it makes no sense: We’ve played together in every game I’ve had up till this point, and you know my game is slightly different per scenario and it means nothing on my alignment.
    Oh, but you’re picking up some random small detail you can’t even point to that’s not in tune with exactly how I played other games, so I’m scum? Zeitgeist tried the same, so either give a real case or don’t waste my time.

    For the record, this is the only attempt to explain the wagon on me since I demanded any of my voters give a case on me over 17 hours ago, and it’s sad in how stupid it is. What is with the Idiot Ball going around?

    I’ve asked you all to provide answers. You, Fonti, I’ve asked the most questions out of, and have yet to see anything, yet everyone is following the Fonti train.
    Provide your cases.

    Or not. This is seeming more and more like Random Lynching than anything else. If so, speak up, I’ll stop wasting my time and simply start figuring out my protection target.


    Are the dead players aware of the Spirit Talker’s identity?
    Is there a limit to how many times Blackmail can be used?

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 PM ----------

    I see you, Rubi, one sec.
  15. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    1) as far as the setup says: no, i will get confimation from titus
    2) blackmail is limited to 1 player each day and is removed at end of day. They can use it each night.
  16. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Some scum players are perfectly capable of it, but it gives more for town to read. It is just an intro until people give enough to read. We are much better keeping the people that try to scumhunt and play rather than those that don't.
  17. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Offical response regarding spirt track question:

    Miss Titus: No
    [1:43:56 PM] Miss Titus: and happy easter
  18. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    If my first ever random vote here landed on scum I might do a little dance.

    1) I'm still trying to wrap my head around how the game mechanics work, on top of town/scumhunting. Cop-out answer is cop-out, a thousand apologies.

    2) The first town PR is Status Protector. The wording is confusing me a bit; does it only activate once two townies are dead? If there's a mislynch, then there'd only be one townie controlling it during the first Night. I'd either pick someone I'm confident is town, or if I'm not as confident, who the majority of the players believes to be town.

    3) A finger.

    4) Scroll down a bit.

    Mathblade: Null-town.
    Rubucon: Null. Holding out hope he's scum so I can pretend I knew it all along.
    Fontisian: screeching noises. Town.
    Sloth: Null-town. Has a number of votes on him but I'm not seeing it so I won't join the party.
    Lyrium: Town.
    Maiden: Null-town.
    Proph: No idea.
    Citrus: Null-scum.
    Snowvon: ???

    I don't have a lot to say yet. Reading your posts' and trying to get a feel for your playstyles is actually exhausting.

    Does this site have a way of viewing users' posts in isolation or no?

    ---------- Post automerged at 15:08 ---------- Previous post was at 15:04 ----------

    Shit I missed a couple.

    Caligula: Uh.
    Zennith: Nothing yet.
    Sesc: ...

    Okay so all three of them are people who haven't done much posting yet. Never mind.
  19. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    MathBlade, Fonti called your posts weird. I still think you're posting style is cute. Also I suppose you can always refer to it as "that thingy." Fairly innocuous :p

    What's throwing me off is that you just came out of a game where scum\SK were very active and every player accused and or lynched due to lurking turned out to be town. Thanks for giving the links though.

    Also for the ***** not answering my questions, I will stalk you and there's plenty of ways to tunnel\make people feel uncomfortable in a PG 13 way. So Sesc and Fontisian and the other little gnomes, get on it.

    Maiden, I'm fine with brief meta references but I'm wary of walls of text on meta\mechanics as they can sometimes bog down forward movement. I

    Sloth, I'm basing that theory on Lexicat shanking me in Avatar :p And something I read in that Voxxicus mentorship QT. Let me put some pressure on Sesc.

    At this point dying is not the worst thing in this game. Obviously the ideal goal is to bash in the brains of the Braineaters and light them on fire for good measure but if I die at the end of toDay I get protective powers so it wouldn't be that bad.

    Citrus, I have yet to see a strong case on Sloth. I always read him as slightly mafia bc of my bias against huge damn posts and have been wrong about that so am giving him the benefit of the doubt. Then Fonti was on him last game and was wrong. They remind me of Titus\ika interactions. Fonti doesn't read town to me yet which is scaring me a little.

    Sloth, giving a wall read of "null, Idk, hate their avatar, like their name or signature, boring, gnome" isn't particularly useful to me. Maybe later if I'm in the mood and the runts of the litter have posted, I'll give a run down.

    Snowvon, click on the user name. Click on Statistics. Click on "Find all posts by."

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ----------

    And the mafia have daychat so looking at alignment\coordination makes sense.
  20. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    >doesn't answer<
    I kind of want to see where this goes.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 PM ----------

    What did you not like about the Sloth wagon, in particular?

    Do you think Citrus feels different from last game, or the same?

    What's been weird about this day, in your opinion?

    Hmm. Will scum want to control the lynch, or will they want to lurk in the background and do nothing?

    Anything concrete that makes you lean town on him for his posts so far?