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Witch Hunt #9 Halftime Edition

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Jan, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    wait hang on I'm stupid

    So we just need to go check whether that save took place and that will tell us whether mal was scum or not!

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 PM ----------

    EBWOP: wait no Acio played in WH13 never mind =(
  2. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    I forgot that the last two FS WHs ended in concessions.


    ---------- Post automerged at 12:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 AM ----------

    Firstly, I don't think this is legal. Secondly, I can't believe we're at the "trawl through ancient relics in order to divine someone's alignment" stage and it's only been six hours since daystart.
  3. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Firstly, Angels can't actually save Demons.

    Secondly, even if they could this would only work if the Angels in question had time travel.

    Thirdly, even if they DID they might have rolled scum in THIS game and obfuscated on purpose so really it's just wine anyway.
  4. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Oh, I meant "this would be legal", not "you can't meme".

    That feel when nobody can actually talk about anything related to mechanics or the gamestate because we're all waiting on other people for, like, the next nine hours.
  5. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    WH12 and 14 did, the concessions games sandwhiched WH13 where we killed 4 witches in 3 Days and won on D3. That was a fun one.
  6. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    I can't believe that post 3(0)22 was also dC's post (2)69.

    Memes are truly the lifeblood of the thread.


    When you get back from the deep dive...

    What made you go from Tom/dC/Vaimes -> Tom/?/one of Vaimes/Miner -> Tom/?/Miner in the span of, like, half an hour? I know you just said that you do most of your thinking outside the thread, but you can, like. Post things.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 AM ----------

    Wait, I forgot to be smug to Newcomb about Rubicon being town.

    (Insert smug post here.)

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 AM ----------

    I just realized that the last post on the FS forums was by Mathblade.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 AM ----------

    I would suggest other things we should do, but I don't want to set the thread on fire again.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 AM ----------

    Should I do Question Time? It's been, like, four years since the last Question Time.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 AM ----------

    I'm gonna make a Question Time. BRB gonna sleep and make questions.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 AM ----------

    If anyone else is awake, this is where you post so that I can post the Question Time.
  7. weiyaoli

    weiyaoli Third Year

    May 12, 2009
    So goals for my dC and Jari rereads:

    dC - posted a bunch yesterday, but I don't really remember anything in particular they did. So want to figure out a) where their reads are at, b) stuff they've did D2

    Jari - got accused of coasting yesterday, want to figure out how true that is. Also interested in looking at their tom analysis posts

    Going into the re-reads with a lean-town read if that makes a difference to anyone.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 PM ----------

    *stuff they did D2 instead of "stuff they've did"

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 PM ----------

    Gonna start on Jari first probably after lunch, so expect something in ~2 hours or so. Unless I'm feeling super lazy for some reason.
  8. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    You should wait for your question, tbh. It'll help.
  9. weiyaoli

    weiyaoli Third Year

    May 12, 2009
    Insert "well, we're waiting.gif" here.

    I'll check back after lunch I guess.
  10. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:

    Rules of Question Time:

    1) Do not answer a question addressed to another person until you answer the question addressed to yourself.
    2) Do not answer a question addressed to another person until that person answers their question.

    The first time you acknowledge someone else's answer should probably be after you answer yours, but this isn't a hard rule.

    This is not an ordered list Question Time! You guys can answer these in any order. You are allowed to wait for other people to answer their questions before you answer yours. (Sometimes, Question Times mandate that players answer the questions in order. Not this one, though.)


    dichotomousCreator - Sort Newcomb/Miner/Fable/Owner/Jarizok, and give reasons. Also, your thing from last Day about Jarizok that was cut off by Day end... do more things about that.

    Fable - You're going to be salty no matter what I post. Actually, you're salty no matter what anyone posts. What I really want to ask is who your chat is with, but that's not actually productive. So... I guess I want to know why you seem so irritable this game? You haven't been the same in any other games I've read from you. (Dude, you have a lot of games.) I also want to know how you feel about interactions the rest of the thread is having with Miner/Owner/Jari/you.

    his fluffiness - Do the same thing as dC, minus dC's special thing about Jarizok.

    Jarizok - Make me, like, 5 questions. As long as they're not bullshit/trolling, I'll actually answer them.

    Silvercrys3467 - You're now super ultra the most town person in this thread. Up for the challenge? Do a mini-ISO of the most recent ISO page of your top scumread and top townread. No reaching outside those posts. Think of it as an ISO-ISO, maybe? (ISO is always written in allcaps, but it's short for "isolation" and not actually an acronym...)

    KaiDASH - In lieu of other questions, give at least 100 words each on Fable and Citrus? No trolling. You are town, right? I know you know I know you're capable of this.

    Miner - Put all your stuff on Vaimes and Citrus in one post. You have a 300 post ISO. Nobody's going to go back and look for it. If you really want people to understand you, the onus is on you and not us. Do it.
    That isn't the question/task, though. That's just something that would be really useful for everyone.

    The actual question would be... Can you rank Beru/Vaimes/Citrus/Owner and explain?

    owner - Rank Vaimes/Kai/Miner and give reasons. Maybe at least 100 words per person?

    Vaimes - Look at Owner's interactions with other players. I know there aren't many, but that just means it's short, doesn't it? I would suggest the bottom half of my most recent readslist for this, I guess.

    weiyaoli - Thanks for stopping me from octouple posting again. Give your entire reads list with reasons for placement, then do the same thing as Silver.

    Newcomb - I'm saving some questions for later, and I know you won't do a full ISO. So, um. ... could you actually for real read the last two pages of my ISO? You don't actually have to give thoughts on it if you want to, just don't lie about having done it. If you really, really don't want to do that, an ordered reads list would be nice, too. With like, one sentence of reasons for each placement, even if that's "better than X, but worse than Y". Beruland is a place where MANSTINCTS is an acceptable read, after all.

    Citrus - This isn't actually Dersehunt, right? Also, pick any one of these questions and answer them. Obviously you get to bypass the rules of Question Time for this, lol.


    There should be something very obvious here.

    This list and these questions obviously assume that the answerer is town...

    Well, you all want to seem town, right? So? Go answer them. *shooing motion*.

    Wait, most of you probably just woke up. Go have some eggs on toast with orange juice, then come back, then do this.

    Eggs on toast is a good lunch, too. It's always good, tbh.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 AM ----------

    What is up with this forum and not being able to tag a ton of people at one time?

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 AM ----------
    dichotomousCreator Citrus

    Look up.
  11. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    What games of mine have you read exactly? Judging by your comment that I've played a lot of games I can only assume you started looking at some of my games on MU. I think I'm probably similar to maybe one other game from what I can think of, I'm curious if you've read it or not. Not particularly thrilled with the current thread direction, Owner wagon was way too fast and seems entirely too consensus-y for how early in the day it is. Miner I still think is a villager in 100% of worlds. Jari I'm not sure and I know my time is limited no matter what I do.
  12. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Alright lessee what we got here

    - Newcomb: Honestly, at this point I have nothing to distinguish Newcomb from town!Newcomb and I am finding Citrus's attack here weird. Apparently it's partly meta, or something? I will try and follow that a bit better, but it just seemed to me to be like "non-scummy thing is scummy" a few times over.

    - Miner: I don't have any real reason to think Miner isn't town but I have icky feelings. I have a niggling feeling I'm forgetting a reason to think Miner is scum but that might just be because I did so in RWBY and am still salty. Maybe it's that Miner's content just doesn't feel all that impressive? I just never seem to get a good feeling here.

    - Owner: Scum-leaning lurker. Middle of the pack. Unmemorable content. The sort of player I generally ignore until actively scummy players are dead. In short, SHRUG. Owner consistently flies under my radar and maybe I should find this more alarming but if I did it would not be under my radar :v

    - Fable: Fable's behaviour had been pinging me for a while (unmemorable content some of which is Actually Bad, and that whole Zealot claim mess) but my Fable read was consistently buoyed by his play just not matching his RWBY scumplay. When I realized this was invalid due to LW!Fable, my read here rapidly fell off a cliff. There's no one real "aha" thing to point at (although the whole Miner/Fable groupchat hypothesis is interesting) but largely he's just been kinda...ehh.

    - Jarizok: See below.

    The thing with Jari is largely a thing-in-itself in that it's a standalone case and attracts a vote as a result. I've voted Jari and am stating his case is crappy to the point of being malicious. All I can really do I guess is tell people to go read Jari's case on me from yesterday and decide whether he'd post a case that asserts:

    - The tom CFD was already inevitable by the time I hopped on board/pushed it
    - A case making absolutely no reference to my behaviour is good enough to start a wagon over

    as town.

    I'll try and get a readlist posted tomorrow. I'd like to at least wait and verify nothing stupid happens RE: UT that completely invalidates it before posting it. I should note that Fable/Jari might shuffle around on re-consideration but I do specifically want to press the point on Jari right now because it's a newer/more interesting read. Of the five players listed, I don't think I'm confident ANY are town (Newcomb is closest but has not been posting long enough for me to be happy there)
  13. owner

    owner First Year

    Sep 25, 2016
    here, in the present
    High Score:
    What do you make of KaiDASH, weiyaoli and his fluffiness? I've posted more than each of them. I doubt it was unmemorable when I was pushing on you day 1, because I'm pretty sure you picked up your activity after I called you out for being stiff.

    If mal was town, there is a good chance you are scum here.
  14. weiyaoli

    weiyaoli Third Year

    May 12, 2009
    Reads list hasn't changed too much from the last time I posted it. Will read over EoD and update whatever needs updating I guess.

    The other thing I'll do after I finish up Jari/dC/owner.
  15. owner

    owner First Year

    Sep 25, 2016
    here, in the present
    High Score:
    I already gave some reasons about Miner being connected with Tom. Kai is sort of POE or lurker not doing much. People are defending Vaimes that's why I'm partially reconsidering on him.

    That moment when beruru insults me, Beruru why do you say there aren't many interactions? I'm the one who freaked out about people trying to lynch you, not them.

    I need to get back to getting ready for church.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 AM ----------
    Citrus, for the record, I didn't realized I was being wagoned on yesterday until after end of day.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 AM ----------

    I was sleeping. I didn't say that. I do post things. Sure, I solve in my head and notes a lot, but I also try to summarize my thoughts so people don't get confused. Cause my full thoughts tend to be too convoluted for most people. Some of my thoughts are paradoxes.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 AM ----------

    Why haven't you done Question Time is so long? And what alignment were you when you did the last question time?

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 AM ----------

    See post where I mention I can think in paradoxes. Like I said my full thoughts are too confusing for you to handle.

    So since you are wrong here, what does that mean for you?

    So any idea that differs from your own is considered to be weird?

    And when Owner is found to be town, what does that make of Miner?

    And is Miner an association read to me? Why don't you have more on Miner?

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 AM ----------

    Oh yeah, I need to get ready for church again.
  16. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Honestly, you would have pinged me LESS if you had been less active D1. As-is, it seems like you fell off soon after the beginning of D1 and haven't really recovered and it's weird. I agree I DO remember the D1 stuff, but it's clearly not THAT memorable if I forgot to write about it! :V

    Also I'm not entirely sure:
    a) that I became more active after the D1 things, and
    b) that the D1 things would have anything to do with it? I'm not sure how a callout unrelated to "dC doesn't post enough" would cause me to post more.

    Post count =/= post content and I yelled at fluff for that. You're a "lurker" if I don't feel like your contributions have been impactful, and I don't. Fluff CFD'd tom, weiy I have a stale townread I should probably re-examine but I haven't been given any reason to challenge it...Kai is in a similar boat to you, I think. I'd agree they're similar impact level to you but your drop-off is notable.
  17. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Citrus is like a yoyo. He bounces up and down on my wall faster than I can type them.

    Vaimes I'll get to when I get a laptop sometime.


    Slightly less scum:

    Beru- Youre doing yourself no favors with your continued intentionally ignoring my questions. However, you're in this weird place where I do believe your alignment hinges on mal's flip, which is ??? You're essentially townier than the other three by virtue of association and an unknown flip.

    Citrus- Bleh. His Newcomb case is a reach, his d1 was awful, especially wrt movement during the CFD. However, in between that there's been posts that I've liked, especially some of his posts in reaction to the attempted CFD on beru. There could e alignments and anti alignments there, although I'm probably not looking too closely until EOD. In terms of actual place in my wall he's level with beru, but it's considerably harder to discern his alignment.

    owner- Good d1 bad everything else. The whole push on Vaimes and me was god awful forced especially considering how her posts directly contradict each other. She went from Lt d1 to null d2 to now probably a witch.

    Vaimes- Again, would need laptop.

    Would be down to lynch the bottom two, probably beru and Citrus, and maybeeeee Fable or dC if there's a good case or we need the votes for lynch.

    Probably not voting outside of that.

    And before you ask, nope not even Kai.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ----------

    Urgh. The wall should slightly less scum to scum at the bottom.
  18. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013

    Citrus, please answer the two questions I asked you.
  19. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    What makes "Question Time" different than "Just, You Know, Playing Mafia Time"?

    Also bears what exactly do you have to be smug about w/r/t Rubicon?

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 AM ----------

    Also, seriously, if UT is holding the info for reasons of reaction or whatever, just out IMO. Mal's alignment is too important. Like, if Mal is a witch bears is almost always town here, I think. That weird "everything says he's scum but man I just don't want to lynch him" thing is pretty unlikely to be knowingly aligned.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

    Guess she could still be LW in that world bleh
  20. weiyaoli

    weiyaoli Third Year

    May 12, 2009
    Looking at EoD wagons is a little hard without a mal flip, but I think maybe reactions can still give some unaligns or something.

    So before the attempts at starting counter wagons late D2, the votals was:
    Kai decides to start a CFD on Beru. In terms of optics, I doubt he tries that knowingly aligned with Beru. It's interesting he moves off Fable to do so also. Fable's wagon has kinda always felt a bit inexplicable in how they start, as well as how they seem to dissipate.

    In a scum mal world though, I'd probably look at kai first. He's the one who brought up his disinclination to lynch a replacement, then brought up the consensus-y nature of the lynch and now tries to start a CFD not on mal.

    Also, scum (LW) mal -> LW kai and town Beru.
    scum (EW) mal -> probably still LW kai but Beru is not necessarily town

    owner's reaction to the beru wagon is ?? But I'll leave her posts until the re-read.

    In terms of the wagon that starts on owner, I notice kai is also now on owner now that the Beru wagon diffused itself.

    Uh, dC's random Jari wagon attempt with 5 mins left is ?? Oh he went back on that.

    So conclusions:
    scum mal -> putting a massive lens on Kai
    Beru is probably town if mal is LW

    So taking out Rubicon and Mal from my last read wall, nothing too much has changed. So if you want reasoning, you can go find #2544 and #2275 for reasoning on exact positions.

    Moved kai down because I think he's possibly scum if mal flips scum. No UT claim in sight, so I'll go with what my read was yesterday and assume mal was a witch and look at kai in detail too today.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:36 PM ----------

    Ok, starting on Jarizok now. Like I said, probably not going to read over everything, just select bits.
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