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WitchHunt #6

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by fontisian, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I will quote them just so people know what you are talking about ..

    Post itself is as uncommital as it can be.
    The Lochness thing is interesting, just because i dont remember him ever making a case on her, have to reread his posts afterwards to see if i am right on that.
    More of a post to distance than a post to put pressure on her or anyone else.

    His read on cobalt .. a true read i guess .. not much to get out of that, since cobalt flipped town.
    The 2nd part about comparing cobalt in tinyhunt and now is the only part that might be interesting, but cobalt played as sk in the dm game also low effort for the most part, and he was close to his towngame, because he was not groupscum.
    Cobalts tiniyhunt game was his by far most out there game i have personally seen himplay, the other three games he was busy with real life and other games he had going at the same time and playing with way less effort.

    If you only played said single game with cobalt you might believe a read about him being assertive/leader-y is correct, in my opinion it is more interesting to see how much he likes to push on opportunities instead of creating and reading the game himself.
    Von has played by far the most games with cobalt, hard to say if that read was just a true read or tmi, because he knew cobalt was town.

    The first quote is interesting,because of the Lochness part, the 2nd quote is rather bland to me, but maybe you can enlighten me.
  2. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    ~Vote Count 3.02~

    [1] Jan ~ KaiDASH (#1054)
    [1] The Waco Kid ~ Aria (#1003)

    [7] Not Voting ~ dLGN, Jan, Newcomb, Prophylaxis, Pozzai, Snowvon, The Waco Kid

    With 9 alive, it takes 5 votes to soft lynch and 7 votes to hard lynch!

    Deadline is at Monday, February 1, 2016 at 9:00:00 PM (Washington DC, District of Columbia time).

    1.01 | 1.02 | 1.03 | 1.04 | 1.05 | 1.06 | 1.07 | 1.08 | 1.09 | 1.10 | 1.11 | 1.12 | 1.13 | 1.14 | 1.15 | 1.16 | 1.17 | EOD1
    2.01 | 2.02 | 2.03 | 2.04 | 2.05 | 2.06 | EOD2
  3. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    I will, eventually.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:55 ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 ----------

    Halfway caught up, and been looking at a screen all day, time to do something else. Will catch up in the morning <3

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:34 ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 ----------

    So Newcomb to return to your questions.

    The red marked stuff is some of the issues I've had with Jan's phrasing, a lot of attention to what "makes people look bad" not "what makes them scum"

    He completely ignored actually talking about Plotzai when making that comment, I'd expect that if he truly believed that perspective he'd be more inquisitive.

    At the first part of the red text, he claims that it looks bad for Newcomb to have those two as his top scum, despite the fact that those were his two top scum as well.

    The only reason Jan chose dLGN > Slip was that Slip and him shared reads, something he also did with Newcomb, but now makes him scum?

    For the rest of the text(non-red)

    What exactly would scum get from getting the fake cop to rescind? Unless you sacrifice a scum at the end of the day, priest is very likely saved anyways, the information is most likely shared day two anyways for the real reveal, and pushing hard on the potential priest increases the chances you'll be checked.

    With all that being said, where I'm at 480 posts in.


    ---------- Post automerged at 04:45 ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 ----------

    Oh yeah and his whole spiel about not wanting to lynch Von day1.

    When Von and Jan were both town in a game, Jan had no problems lynching Von outright, despite objections from other people, in this game he 'trusts' Von to not lie, he didn't that game.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:48 ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 ----------

    Anyways, halfway-through rainbow looking a bit like this:




  4. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Hitting this quickly, but I'm busy today & can't post til later tonight.

    I think you've only played with me on fantasystrike? A majority of the posts there occur between midnight and 10am my time while I'm asleep or unavailable, while on here the posting is more evenly split between times I can & can't post.
  5. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    I've played with you in Chathunt, Lovershunt and whatever the one you rolled GD in was called, all on FS yes.

    I talked to Delphine and dLGN a bit after the Star Wars game here, and I got the impression it was very much the same experience they had with you.

    I should expand, not only are you talking more, but I also feel like at the same time you somehow manage to put less total content in.

    You are by far the one I took least 'useful' (subjective I know) notes for to the point I reached.
  6. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    dLGN: Let's put our brains together. Who do you think is most likely scum from LochNess interactions?

    I'm still paranoid of Newcomb even though he has decent interactions with LochNess - it's possible that he's aware of his bus-heavy meta and tried to play it off. I'd love for Newcomb to shoot himself just to remove from PoE, but we do have an extra lynch Today due to his shot so I'd like to take advantage of that.

    I still think Snowvon is town because of wagon stuff and the QT thing, but that townread is getting a bit stale because I don't remember a single thing he's done the entire game. Snowvon is usually a bastion of towniness but he's just.. not? in this game.

    The only thing I remember with LochNess interactions was that she had a bizarre vote on Waco early game that I thought was some awkward distancing. I'll take a look at it. My only concern is Waco is too.. easy?

    Call me out on it, I'm getting lazy with this game. I'm sorry. Hopefully I rectify this Today.

    I'm not sure where these votes on Jan are coming from, though admittedly I'm slight townreading him based on how radically different his last game and this game was.
  7. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    These the interactions you're talking about? Because I slightly disliked those as well, but overall Waco reminded me slightly of the only game I played with him.

    #115 #151

  8. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Yes. The way that LochNess pressured Waco early Day 1 but completely ignored him Day 2 screams "wanted to grab a mislynch".
  9. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Oh I haven't caught up to day2 yet :$
  10. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I will try to take your serious, even though you are basically claiming scum to me (because you know that you can't read me, and being that convinced in your scumread on me is nothing but claiming scum to me).

    So why would i want to get checked n1 as scum after lynching a town d1?
    There is only 1 answer to that, as town i might just want to be greenchecked, as scum only 2 roles want to be checked LC, because you just trade yourself for the priest and fanatic, but only if you have the judge on your side.
    Not even that would be enough, because if i was scum redchecked with 2 lives, either i get judgekilled or 1 live gets lynched, the hunter gets a shot for that night, and the priest gets another free check.

    All of that is hard -ev play. Unless you believe my big plan was to out myself day 2 AND let my aprtner run into the priest that day, which still means we are two outed scum, and the last one must be like 100% hard undercover scum.

    Considering you believe von to be scum .. would not be the case.

    Give me a single world where my play makes sense.

    And tell me why i should have townread you slot up until you subbed in? the slot was dead, didnt give anything to the game and is at this point the biggest threat to town, if scummy.
  11. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    I know I should stop using this but it's helpful.

    LochNess Interaction Analysis

    | denotes responding to a quote or a question, or an attack.
    - denotes a passive mention.

    Multiple occurrences in the same post are redundant. If a post contains both | and - for the same player, only | is mentioned.

    Some | may be demoted to - and vice versa depending on importance.

    Jan**: |||----
    Proph: ||-
    Aria*: -----
    Kai--: --
    Nwcmb: |-
    WacoK: ||--
    Snowv: ||--
    dLGN*: |------
    Fencesitting on Jan, gut says that this makes Jan a bit more town? Dunno, would like additional input.

    This honestly feels like "LochNess fencesits on everyone and gives townie reads to town". The KaiDASH read is interesting but again unsure of where it lies (though my gut once again says town).
    Loch likes to whiteknight and defend townies, I see.
    Like Newcomb I think that this is an overly safe interaction and it feels forced.
    Yeah, I thought this vote was bizarre and if LochNess likes to defend townies then she likes to attack buddies too.
    Unsure about this interaction. She keeps defending townies, but the question up there is mostly a housekeeping question rather than one designed to find scum. Heh, it all seems obvious in hindsight.

    She also has a softball interaction with Jan here. Unsure about it.
    This actually makes me think Newcomb is town now, funny enough. This feels like scum trying to overcompensate on justifying a townread on someone they know is town.
    Unsure how many votes Snowvon had at this point but this is a pretty opportunistic vote.
    I would just ask this question in daychat.
    ++ scumbuddy points with Waco.

    And yeah that's it.


    - I think Newcomb is probably town based on the EoD1 reads post from LochNess. We already know she likes to townread people who are town.

    - Waco is probably scum because he has really bad interactions with LochNess.

    - I'm thinking last scum is probably Jan? Haven't really been able to get a handle on him but there has to be scum /somewhere/.

    Vote : The Waco Kid

    I think lynching Waco and shooting Jan gives us the best route to victory.
  12. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    My plan for today was to judgekill plotless, because regardless of his alignment and the judges alignment, the judge would always make that kill, because if he doesnt we just kill him/her the next day with a massclaim.

    I didnt follow up on it since you subbed in, because i wanted to give you some space, but there is not much reason to do so for me right now.
  13. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Red I never said YOU wanted to be checked, I'm saying Newcomb pushing the priest like that is him increasing his chances to be checked, so you're basically arguing the case that when you made that read on Newcomb, that argument is what you should've made to speak in favour of him being TOWN

    Orange I never said you should read my slot town, I said you should've been more interested in determining my slots alignment, instead of just throwing a half-hearted uncommital comment, you're not even putting a vote down or pushing for my judging, despite you clearly not reading my slot town.

    So you
    a) do not try to determine the alignment of my slot
    b) do not want to put yourself in a situation where you actively try to throw scum at me.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:49 ---------- Previous post was at 05:47 ----------

    There was an interaction somewhere witing the first 600 posts with Plotless will try to find it.
  14. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    If you are retarded enough to try to kill me, go ahead.

    You seem to be spot on with your analysis of your conf!town play proph.

    More or less done with this game anyway, putting in 10 times the work into the game than anyone but newcomb, and all i get is the worst people ever in a game that is as slow as creeping death.
    Not actually motivating to play. dLGN is MIA after doing some semi drunk useless posting last night, proph has his ass backwards and pozzai is propably just scum.

    Will check abck in tomorrow at one point to see how you move on, but at this point I stopped giving a fuck to play with this catastrophe of a town.
  15. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    ^ there #188 and #190 respectively

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:54 ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 ----------

    Why instead of just calling me insta scum do you not analyse the points I bring out and debunk them or refute them instead of throwing the "salty card"

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:02 ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 ----------

    I just remembered reading this not long ago. Whatcha think Newcomb
  16. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Because i am stuck in the worst game i have ever played for way too long and the only reason i am not replacing out is because i dont want fonti to have to search for a replacement to replace into the worst game ever.
    That is no fun for her nor the possible replacement.

    Half of the game are not playing. For the last 2 days it has been Newcomb and myself talking while others show up from time to time doing a bit of herp derping and leaving again.

    I am too fed up right now to actually parttake in this.

    dLGN making a high risk low reward play by using his power, then getting confirmed town status, just to do nothing after that. yeah that is really motivitaing to play with.
    Proph checked out as soon as he got greenchecked as well.
    Your slot had 5 excuses not to play and only replaced out after i ranted at the end of the last day.
    If Von is town, then there is no way for anyone to read him as such with the content he has pushed forward so far.
    The end of day is coming closer and most people still dont actually care.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:06 ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 ----------

    anyways out of thread before i just stab a guy. have a good night, *******.
  17. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Good on you to take a stance and not read anything the replaced guy has written or try to interact with him at all and just bitch about the game to improve the gamestate, seems to be the right way to play

    If you're town get your fucking ass in here tomorrow and play instead of bitching, you're saying you wont replace out due to people having to replace in to what you describe as the worst game ever, well, I just subbed in, I'm trying and you throw this tantrum, how about you get over yourself and be part of the solution instead of the problem ?
  18. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I don't have a bus-heavy meta? I've been scum twice, and the only person I ever bussed was Atum in WH5, and that was because fonti basically ordered Menace and I to, and because Atum kinda made it easy by lurk-derping. I hard aligned with fonti and Menace that game, and in TH5 I had suuuuper waffle-y interactions with Kalas and Waco, and probably should have gotten myself lynched later in the game for trying to save Waco D2. It's neither here nor there, but "bus-heavy" meta is like, ???

    And I'm not shooting myself toNight unless you can convince me that the game is actually solved to the extent that PoE is 100% with me in it. Right now I don't think we have enough lynches to do that, unless, like, you just call Plotzai/Kai town? Which... could be true, but nowhere near 100%.

    Right now I think I just want to shoot Waco, because he's my strongest scumread, and you/dLGN get together and force the town to lynch someone else.

    I think gun to my head Jan is town but we still have to kill him for PoE. I've lost all confidence in my ability to read him. I thought he was pretty damn scummy for a while, then I thought he was town based on EoD2 and the way he was presenting his frustration, and now I'm wavering again because you kinda re-sold me? But yeah, snap-gut call is Jan's town here and the team is Loch/Waco/[one of Kai, Von].
  19. Lyric

    Lyric Squib

    Jan 7, 2016
    High Score:
    Right now, my ideal would be to lynch Waco then shoot Von.
  20. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    Why not Plotzai ? Why so sold on waco and can you run me through why you 'deflected' (don't know how to phrase it otherwise at this hour) off of Lochness day1 when the votes were split ? Ie what made you read her town.
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