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~/* Witchhunt Game 3 *\~ (DRAW)

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by KaiDASH, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I'm trying to abuse the mechanics. Not working out so well.

    blab: Your scenario makes sense.

    CPi: You're going to have to explain why Dermon's response makes him town.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------

    Actually, CPi, why haven't you unvoted if you think Dermon's town?
  2. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    he has now?

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------

    it's post 807
  3. Chocolate Pi

    Chocolate Pi Guest

    The Unlynching Of Dermon: Vol I

    So far, meh. None of this would be hard or unusual for scum to fake.

    This gave me pause. I started to reply to it, but then didn't. This is a uniquely town mentality, tryign to come to terms with a strategy that he perceived himself to be a victim of!

    Okay, still rather townie but not hard to fake.

    This is odd and also gave me pause. He's trying to make sense of this. If he's scum, there should be a motive here. This isn't floundering scum.

    Zero apprehension. He is neither pleading nor doubt-casting. This isn't how scum plays the end-game, not in these circumstances.

    I don't think scum would make this post, but it's not a big tell.

    Frustrated town, not frustrated scum.

    This is gold. It's subtle, but it's gold.

    I. I. Not you.

    If scum wrote that sentence, it would be an insult, not a self-justification.

    This is someone more concerned with asserting--to himself--that he played the game right, than making me doubt my attack.

    On top of all of this, the Judge claim fits. It matches his behavior, and his presentation of it was pretty non-Witchy.

    I currently have Dermon at 20% Witch.
  4. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Apparently, I'm blind. Thanks blab.
  5. Chocolate Pi

    Chocolate Pi Guest

    This is a really important post that everyone needs to remember.
  6. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Nhh, still not thinking it through.

    The BOD is also a problem, as is my role if in some weird world you think the Kalas checked me. Then there's the fact that scum'll probably shoot someone as well. The way to abuse Mori's kills would be for him to say the order in advance (with the order going from scummiest to least scummy) and then if the kills stop to early, the person who lied about their role is outed. That also tells us the difference between a survivor or bod protection and lying about roles.

    Another possibility is if the bod can give Mori an extra life as he kills him.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 PM ----------

    Oh, and recluse and gambler should claim that they are the recluse or the gambler if we don't intend for Mori to kill them immediately.
  7. Chocolate Pi

    Chocolate Pi Guest

    That doesn't work.
  8. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Ah, both roles require that they're deaths be announced for their abilities to kick in.
  9. Chocolate Pi

    Chocolate Pi Guest

    Heh. I solved it. We have enough lynches thanks to DOB.

    Everyone should claim now.

    And it doesn't involve lynching Moridin--it just forces scum not to night kill him.
  10. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    I am just going to save this here while I play the permutations through:

    Hey fontisian, feel free to use unaligned pairs on the Aekiel lynchwagon.

    Day 1
    Aekiel (8): Bill Door, Vira, Luckylee, Zeitgeist, blab, Fontisian, Dermon, Uncle Stojil
    Luckylee (3): Moridin, Rubicon, Aekiel
    Vira (3): Sesc, Kalas, ChocolatePi

    Day 2
    (before claim)
    (6): Rubicon, Uncle Stojil, Fontisian, Luckylee, Dermon, blab
    Bill Door (5): Sesc, Moridin, Zeitgeist, Vira, Prophylaxis
    Zeitgeist (2): ChocolatePi, Bill Door
    Rubicon (1): Kalas

    Day 3
    Bill Door (6): Zeitgeist, Moridin, Sesc, Vira, Luckylee, Prophylaxis
    Zeitgeist (4): Bill Door, Fontisian, blab, Dermon

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 PM ----------

  11. Chocolate Pi

    Chocolate Pi Guest

    If it makes you feel better blab, the known BOD should always be killed last, between two equal options.
  12. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I was at class and I come back to four pages of claims. I barely know what's going on anymore.

    Whatever, I'm the Recluse.

    inb4 this is a setup and town loses.
  13. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Why haven't you picked a new lynch target, Pi? All of this claiming nonsense, along with Zeit's subsequent disappearance, and Fonti wanting to put all the eggs in one basket with Moridin murdering half of us is getting me weirded out.

    For all we know, Zeit could be scum oracle lying about the Archangel card being used. For all we know, Moridin could be scum assassin. I'm not comfortable with everyone claiming, it seems like it could easily backfire for town.

    Or maybe I'm just being overtly paranoid.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------

    Lol, ninjaed by Vira claiming.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------

    /me sighs

    I'm the Apprentice, I didn't want to claim because I ridiculously suspicious of you when you joined the game, and basically took over, Pi. Stojil was the GD. And now my claim is useless, because I was at class all day and everyone's already claimed :/ I can at least scum firm Bill Door for all the good that'll do. I really don't wanna lose my 7th game in a row as town :/
  14. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    My thoughts part 2:

    It follows: Aekiel used the signal.

    Assumption: Aekiel used his own signal correctly:
    => 3 scum on Aekiel wagon

    Fact: Rubicon was scum, Rubicon wasn't on the Aekiel wagon.
    => All remaining scum on Aekiel wagon

    Aekiel wagon
    Corollary ChiPi =town, Proph=town, Moridin=town

    (Almost) Fact: Stojil was town
    =>3 scum in Bill Door, Vira, Luckylee, Zeitgeist, blab, Fontisian, Dermon

    POV Speculation Follows

    POV Fact: blab is town
    =>3 scum in
    Bill Door, Vira, Luckylee, Zeitgeist, Fontisian, Dermon

    Unaligned pairs musings (please tell if you disagree):

    1.Really really strong: town Lucky => scum Bill
    He said so

    2.Weak Case: (Bill=scum => Zeit=town)
    Voting each other Day 2 and Day 3, leading the lynches on each other with no alternatives opening (dermon lynch) day 3

    3.Slightly Weaker Case: (Bill=scum (=> Zeit=town) => Vira = town)
    Voting record: Pushing Bill to 4 vs. 3 Day 3, voting Rubicon Day 2, switching to Bill Door when that lynch had more support, making that lynch alternative to Kalas.

    4.Even Weaker Case: (Zeit=scum (=> Bill=town) => font=town)
    Extension making Zeit lynch possible + pushing the Zeit lynch against Bill.

    => a) Bill scum => Zeit town, Vira town, b) Zeit scum => Bill town, font town, Lucky scum c) Zeit + Bill town => Lucky scum

    Case a) Bill scum Zeit town Vira town
    => 2 scum in font, lucky, dermon
    Day 1
    Aekiel (8): Bill Door, Vira, Luckylee, Zeitgeist, blab,
    Fontisian, Dermon, Uncle Stojil
    Luckylee (3): Moridin, Rubicon, Aekiel
    Vira (3): Sesc, Kalas, ChocolatePi

    Day 2
    (before claim)
    (6): Rubicon, Uncle Stojil,
    Fontisian, Luckylee, Dermon, blab
    Bill Door (5): Sesc, Moridin, Zeitgeist, Vira, Prophylaxis
    Zeitgeist (2): ChocolatePi, Bill Door
    Rubicon (1): Kalas

    Day 3
    Bill Door (6): Zeitgeist, Moridin, Sesc, Vira, Luckylee, Prophylaxis
    Zeitgeist (4): Bill Door,
    Fontisian, blab, Dermon

    Case b) Zeit was scum Bill town font town

    => 1 scum in Vira Luckylee Dermon + Zeit!scum Lucky!scum

    Aekiel (8): Bill Door, Vira, Luckylee, Zeitgeist, blab, Fontisian, Dermon, Uncle Stojil
    Luckylee (3): Moridin, Rubicon, Aekiel
    Vira (3): Sesc, Kalas, ChocolatePi

    Day 2
    (before claim)
    (6): Rubicon, Uncle Stojil, Fontisian, Luckylee, Dermon, blab
    Bill Door (5): Sesc, Moridin, Zeitgeist, Vira, Prophylaxis
    Zeitgeist (2): ChocolatePi, Bill Door
    Rubicon (1): Kalas

    Day 3
    Bill Door (6): Zeitgeist, Moridin, Sesc, Vira, Luckylee, Prophylaxis
    Zeitgeist (4): Bill Door,
    Fontisian, blab, Dermon
    Case c)Zeit town Bill town Lucky scum
    => 2 scum in Vira, Fontisian, Dermon, + LuckyLee!scum
    Aekiel (8): Bill Door, Vira, Luckylee, Zeitgeist, blab, Fontisian, Dermon, Uncle Stojil
    Luckylee (3): Moridin, Rubicon, Aekiel
    Vira (3): Sesc, Kalas, ChocolatePi

    Day 2
    (before claim)
    (6): Rubicon, Uncle Stojil,
    Fontisian, Luckylee, Dermon, blab
    Bill Door (5): Sesc, Moridin, Zeitgeist, Vira, Prophylaxis
    Zeitgeist (2): ChocolatePi, Bill Door
    Rubicon (1): Kalas

    Day 3
    Bill Door (6): Zeitgeist, Moridin, Sesc, Vira, Luckylee, Prophylaxis
    Zeitgeist (4): Bill Door,Fontisian, blab, Dermon
  15. Chocolate Pi

    Chocolate Pi Guest

    I haven't picked a new lynch target because the Survivalist has to still be alive, and the ideal case would be using Dermon to solve that problem for us.

    Also, Luckylee is 100% scum.

    Stojil was the Gravedigger by process of elimination. Luckylee is his admitted Apprentice. He focused Stojil to control that information, and then hid it.

    He claims to have known all along that Bill Door was scum, but hid this information away until now.

    Tell me, if Luckylee is town, why didn't he just share Bill Door's character? "Oh, he was the Witch _________." Wouldn't that be the natural way to give the information? Wouldn't town automatically assume this was relevant to everyone's interests?

    Instead, the story stopped there. This suggests to me too that Bill Door was not a Witch.
  16. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    You're a special kind of arrogant Pi. At this point I could easily just bull shit BD's role since basically everyone's revealed, so why would I bother?
  17. Chocolate Pi

    Chocolate Pi Guest

    Except you can't.

    Because your Coven mate just used it.
  18. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    At this point, I am dead. Dermon has been trying to lynch me for days and he's probably scum. He'll judge kill me and everyone will be cool with it, and then we lose in a day or 2. Not really sure what I can do to convince you guys, sorry I didn't claim earlier.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ----------

    Not really sure what this means.
  19. blab

    blab Second Year

    Feb 1, 2012
    Eh, I'm fine just straight lynching you, Lucky, tbh
  20. Chocolate Pi

    Chocolate Pi Guest

    Prophylaxis has to be DOB by process of elimination, unless Aekiel was a silent DOB.

    So tell me, who is the Survivalist?

    It wasn't Stojil. That means the Survivalist is still alive, and lying. It means the Survivalist is scum.

    The only roles the Survivalist could fake claim are Gambler, Recluse, and Fanatic. Well, and Inquisitor, but only if Bill is town and me and Luckly are both scum, which is LOL.
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