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~/* Witchhunt *\~ Game Started!

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Chocolate Pi, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. StrikerLee1

    StrikerLee1 Guest

    Well the reason behind my vote is the somewhat scummy intents behind his posts. I would be surprised if people wernt suspicious of me, this is day 1 in a game where none of us really know whats going to happen. At this point anyone can be scum so I treat all till I know for sure. I can't post a lot atm due to finishing college finals but next week I'll be on here full time for this. I do however read everything and see a lot of scumatude coming from many but the most obvious from Gaebe with his ramble.

    Deadline Lynch Vote: Gaebe
  2. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Vote Lynch: Geabe

    (Because I'm not sure if the Moscone client can differentiate between standard and deadline)

    Geabe still hasn't provided an adequate explanation for the 'links' he talked about, and overall has seemed a bit too... smooth, if that makes any sense. Careful. He was comfortable enough discussing mechanics, but when the discussion turned to people, he started with a lot of 'possible's and 'not sure's, especially in the post where he first mentions the links.
  3. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Guys we are bandwagonning Geabe when none of the scumteam I have accused have nakked. This is not goodthing.jpg moridin defend yourself.
  4. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Firstly, nakked? Wtf, man, your posts are steadily becoming more and more indecipherable... and I'm not sure whether that's good or bad D:
    I bet figuring out that story of yours twisted your brain around something awful.

    As for defending myself... I already pointed out why I chose Sirion. Am I suggesting that Sirion is a good player? Yes. Am I saying I have an uber town read on him? No. I picked KaiDASH and Jwlk as well, and considered Sesc. I would feel entirely confident in claiming that they are competent players, but that doesn't mean I think they are town.

    Imo, this post adequately explains why I picked Sirion despite not having a super town read on him (I should clarify that I don't have strong town reads on all that many players, and had even fewer when I made the post).
  5. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    I wasn't defending him. I was attacking your silly reasoning for calling him scum (still not sure if that was a serious post or not, btw). It's a subtle difference.

    Think of it this way: a guy is walking towards the two of us with a knife dripping blood. I say, "Oh my god, look at his knife, he's a murderer!" You say, "Oh my god, he has mismatched socks, he's a murderer!" I then proceed to run swiftly away whilst calling you an idiot.

    Perhaps the contrast between our reasoning isn't that large, but you get the picture. I still think Geabe is scum. I just don't think that the fact that he said, "They're linked so there must be a connection." has anything to do with it.
  6. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Yeah... I got the impression a) it wasn't an entirely serious post on KaiDASH's part b ) The whole 'link implies a connection' thing actually sounds pretty good until you realise what it says, which basically makes it filler for someone who wants to point fingers without saying anything concrete.
  7. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    Ok, Kai, I read through your last few posts again and I think I get where you were going with the "They're linked so there must be a connection." thing. I still think it was silly though.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------

    Oh, I got that much. I just saw it more as bad proofreading on Geabe's part.
  8. Platypus_Assassin

    Platypus_Assassin First Year

    Nov 3, 2010
    Okay, before anyone takes me out of the game, I am still participating, I have just been very busy IRL. Still 17 hours til voting time so I'll be taking a good hard look at all these posts. I can see this being much harder to get a read on people over the internet, so much easier in person. At least no one voted me out while I was gone... Side note, first time playing a mafia-esque game like this over the internet.
  9. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    So, back from Uni and stuff, sorry for my absence. Anyway, I can get behind a Gaebe Lynch. What stood out to my, when I went through the thread and noted who pointed the finger at whom, was that everyone had a few things to say, whereas Gaebe had a lot to say. Here's the summary:

    Gaebe wants on the KC Eidolonic, Kai, Fenraellis and me. He thinks Eidolonic is Town. He wants to kill Ollie or klackerz. He thinks Kai is Town. He thinks thebrute7 is a witch. He thinks Ollie and Lutris, and klackerz and Moridin are linked (share qts?).

    Do you have the game all figured out, Gaebe? o_o

    Looks to my like he's either overcompensating for something, or just enormously overeager. Also, @Lungs: Do keep in mind that I have never played with Eidolonic, so no meta. He's more hyper than the fucking Duracell bunny after a new battery. That stands out. So I called him on it. And yeah, more aggro is cool, but I need to have a target. Kai didn't strike me as a good target, and what's more, he was right and I derped so eh. I'm actually lacking a target so far generally. Roles =/= Team is harder than I thought it'd be.
  10. Chocolate Pi

    Chocolate Pi Guest

    Republic21 has been replaced by LochNess.

    Additional replacements may be inbound.
  11. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Ok first off. In post 120 I repeatedly said I have a slight town read on Mishie. That's gone down the drain at the minute for reason's i'll explain in a bit.

    In post 157 I said I thought Kai might be trustworthy which at the time, I believed. I also said that I was no way sure of that.

    In post 160 he threw down a lynch vote on Geabe. At that time I was still leaning towards Kai as town and I've always said that a no lynch is bad. Put that along with geabe's willingness to throw Thebrute7 under a bus right after he'd been targeted and I put out a deadline lynch vote.

    Post 166 He demanded more of an explanation of Geabe. That's fair enough, a decent thing for any town member to do. Also put more pressure on someone who clearly isn't the brightest of posters. Possible he was hoping to force a derp so the BW would pile on or he could have just been playing straight town.

    Post 179 set the alarm bells ringing. At this stage he really wants to get the lynch train rolling and while Geabe's post ws full of derp and said something while saying nothing, I'm starting to believe the guy is actually a massive derp who's finding his feet in mafia. Doesn't mean he's innocent of course.

    Post 182 a few after that was a filler post to make a joke. Not suspicious but I wanted to point out that it was a bad joke. BE ASHAMED, KAI.

    Post 189 shows Mishie stating he has a town read on Kai. Fair enough but at that stage I'm wondering why is nobody suspecting the guy at all. My first game of mafia I was scumbuddies with mishie. He played off situations by making short infrequent posts hoping to slightly nudge town to or away from a character while not giving away much about himself.

    Post 192 turned the alarm bells into sirens. The town can ALWAYS use more day and just because we weren't thinking of lynching an inactive doesn't mean we couldn't use the time to make sure Geabe is scum. What's really amazing though, is that nobody picks up on this. :facepalm

    Post 196 is defending his gut feeling on Sirion so there's nothing too wrong there. Hell, running with a good feeling is what made me think Kai was town in the first place.

    Post 207 he sees that people are starting to question the wagon on Geabe and says he's "unhappy with how it's developing." Might I remind you that this is the guy who said, "LYNCH GEABE HARDER."

    In post 210 he lists the people who voted for Geabe (including myself) and says he's not happy with them. Some of the more vocal supporters of Kai might note that I make this post after he posted that. My suspicions were forming well before I saw that post so this isn't retaliation.

    He points at Coleam in this post. Between this and what he said in the previous post about "having to think on it" I'm getting the feeling that he's runnig down the clock to a no lynch or a vote on Geabe.

    After that he and Stojil start bitching at each other which isn't really relative.

    In conclusion, I'm very suspect of Kai and am baffled at how few of you have seen his behaviour.

    @Kai. Dude. If you are actually town then I apologize for derailing proceedings but at the minute I honestly believe you are scum. I have a feeling mishie is in on it too but I have no proof and to be honest, that feeling is a lot lot weaker than the one I have on you.

    About Geabe. I believe he's either a ridiculously derp town member or a ridiculously derp Junior Witch. My reasoning for this is that if here were in fact scum his buddies would have fed him decent stuff to reply with rather than drivel.

    Rescind vote: Geabe.

    Deadline lynch vote: Kaidash
  12. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    This is actually sort of entertaining, considering I'm more reserved in this game than maybe I ever have been.
  13. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    Hi guys, replacing Republic21. Gotta catch up on this thread but just wanted to let you know I'm the replacement
  14. Chocolate Pi

    Chocolate Pi Guest

    Loch, let me know if you have any issues.

    All log references or role targets should now refer to LochNess, but your Notes may still include "Republic21"--those Notes are 100% your business and not the game's.

    Also, "deadline votes" got mentioned. As a mechanical game concept, deadline votes aren't a thing that actually exists. (If deadlines votes do exist, there is quite literally no reason to ever not deadline vote; in other words there is no reason to ever normal vote.)

    If you want to use "deadline voting" as a social, conventional shorthand ("This isn't a very strong vote; I only prefer it over nothing." or "I don't want discussion to end, but am tentatively parking my vote anyway.") that is of course totally fine.

    In the broader picture we could of course consider remove hammering. (which is the strictly equivalent implication of adding deadline lynch votes to the game) That's an interesting idea to discuss later.

    As always, in the event of a situation where you feel your schedule or computer access prohibits you from taking any action (voting or otherwise) you'd like to do when you'd like to do it, contact me and we can work something out.
  15. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    So Kai's last few posts had gotten me a little suspicious, but unfortunately (or fortunately? IDK...), before I could get anything coherent typed up, Seratin went and made up this giant-ass post that said a lot of what I was thinking. I've addressed a few of his points and added a few more of my own.

    It should probably be noted that Geabe has played several mafia games and he's generally been a pretty astute observer, though with a tendency for long-windedness. I can't recall any instances of major derp in his previous games, though he has occasionally given advice on how scum should play their roles, even as a town player. So his role analysis was pretty spot-on for him, but his player reads seem really odd. That's what made me suspicious as well.

    Kai's post is iffy for me as well - hence why I called him out on it for being stupid. It's either sarcasm (which I'm beginning to doubt) or a clumsy attempt at something. He could be trying to push the bandwagon or draw out a response from Geabe. Pushing the bandwagon doesn't seem with his later posts, but that's an uncharacteristically poor attempt at eliciting a response. I really don't know what to think about it.

    Eh. I can see both sides. On the one hand, we have a really long day already - why extend it further if the 3 or so people that are being replaced don't really figure into it? On the other hand, you're right, more time is always good.

    Definitely set off some alarm bells for me as well, though I'm more curious about WHY Kai is concerned about how it's developing - he never really says why, apart from the next post where he lists off the last few people to vote.

    Again, I think an explanation from Kai on WHY he doesn't like those particular votes would be nice. StrikerLee was obvious (stealthvoting), and the reason for suspecting me was valid, if weak, but the rest are left unexplained.
  16. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Been keeping up with the thread, though rarely posting. Still on vacation, I'm so bad at delaying my departure. Anyway, there's a whole lot of random fuckery and TL;DRs.

    I'm too cool for that, but there are a few things that I've noticed.

    Why the fuck are we voting for Geabe and Klackerz? The wagons on them seem equally suspicious. That said, Seratin voted for KaiDASH.

    I think Seratin is an enthusiastic town member, and he's one of the few strong reads I've had. I'm going to vote to lynch Kai. I know I always think he's scum, but well....I still think he is scummy.

    That said, I think StrikerLee is also somewhat suspicious.

    Vote Lynch Player: KaiDASH
  17. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    Looks like I won't have access to a computer until Sunday morning, so I can't post till then (no smart phone/ ipod touch or anything.) I will be an active member as of then, hope that's okay since the days are long anyways but yeah sorry about that.
  18. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Don't really like this Kai wagon. Just feels off. I have a decent town read on him, he's just aggressively trying to pressure.

    Geabe's read is more null than anything. Junior Witch is possible, but don't think he's coven.

    Seratin/Ash... I'm not sure I like that. Reads of carefully crafted scum lynch train start and hop on. Sort of a stupid move to make on day one for scum, but still possible.

    All in all, I think there's some good check targets, but I'm still very much okay with killing Klackerz. I don't see a Kai lynch happening before deadline, and suspect you guys are either intentionally trying to force a no lynch or just slightly misguided.
  19. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    A no lynch would be all around bad and I pointed out Kai's waffling over Geabe after starting the bandwagon as potentially him trying to force a no lynch. So far you and Kai have been the loudest town members. I believe you're loud and town while Kai is loud and scum.

    I have no proof, this is mafia after all. What I do have are my reasons which are all explained above. Also, two votes isn't a bandwagon, Eido.

    But yeah, I'm cool with a check though I think Kai would be a more obvious target.
  20. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I'd actually like a Geabe check, and then a Kai check. Geabe seems to be an analytical sort, and I've liked his post quality and reasoning in some other games. I honestly think he just derped and didn't consider how the post would read to others, rather than actually being scummy. I don't have a good feeling about the people that piled on to vote for him as a whole, and it just makes me uneasy.

    Klackerz's 'oh put me on the court whoops, I don't even know my role yet, lolol' gambit strikes me as a perfectly fine day one lynch, in that he's relatively safe. We aren't going to lose much of value if he 'is' killed, in terms of his posting, that I've seen. I've played one game with him (that he replaced into, admittedly), and read through a few others, and all I see is a lot of lurking, and very little helpful town behavior.

    Considering we need a lynch to prevent judge shenanigans, and he's the safest target that I have a vaguely scummy vibe on, I'm going to push for that.
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