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~/* Witchhunt *\~ Game Started!

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Chocolate Pi, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    I'm not convinced that klackerz is scum, but Geabe is coming across as mighty suspicious. As I said when I first voted for him, his reasons for throwing thebrute7 under the bus were flimsy at best, especially considering that he himself is often guilty of doing the same things, even as town. Then he made that strangely incoherent post about connections between Ollie/Lutris and klackerz/Moridin, which didn't help change my mind. And he hasn't posted since.

    Eidolonic: That's precisely why I didn't change my vote. I think that changing targets this late is tempting a no-lynch. However, I can't ignore the fact that Kai has been acting suspicious for the last few posts. Maybe I should have saved commenting on Seratin's post for the next day, but what's done is done...
  2. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I don't think that I'm able to get behind any of these lynches, at the moment I can't see anything other than a no lynch, as much as I don't want that.

    I honestly don't think that Geabe is scum. The way I see it is he overanalyzed everything, and then just kept digging himself into a bigger hole by trying to divert the attention with a bit of a half assed post. I think he just kind of panicked rather than he was scum.

    As for klackerz he did something stupid right at the very start, but his posts since then have seemed pretty town to me.

    As for KaiDASH I'm not sure what's going on. Half the time he seems to be playing in his own little private game with Lungs and Uncle Stojil, and the other half he seems to be the most active player for town. So I really don't think he's scum, unless he and Lungs are secretly communicating with each other in those weird conversations they are having.
    /conspiracy theory

    So I'll see how things lie in the morning and hopefully things will have changed.
  3. Sirion

    Sirion First Year

    Aug 16, 2009
    I'm not really sure how to respond to Uncle_Stojil, except that.. hey, I had 3 posts? You missed the one where I was talking about Geabe's possible motivations for discussing scum!tactics.

    Re: lynches.

    Currently it seems to be between Geabe, Klackerz, and recently Kai.

    Geabe: Geabe said some derpy shit, talked about possibly useful scum strategies, and maybe typed an off-hand response which ended up being circular and not saying much. These are not good signs. However, he's an apparently useful player. A few people have bandwagoned on him pretty early, and it should be noted (since from catching up it seems people forgot) that it was actually jwlk who brought initial suspicion on Geabe.
    Kai-dash just picked up the pressure and ran with it.

    In my eyes, he's a possible scum. Slightly more likely than average. If it came down to him, or letting the judge decide, I'd go with him at this second.

    Klackerz: Klackerz did a _very_ derpy thing for a first post. He posted a light read on me as town, then pretty much said and did nothing as the Geabe bandwagon picked up steam. I think this is a little telling, honestly. He had attracted some initial attention, and before he could respond, focus on Geabe picked up to the point where he was mostly unpressured - people kept mentioning him, but noone really built up votes on him.

    I'd rather lynch Klackerz than Geabe.

    Kai-dash: He aggressively pressured Geabe, brought the first couple of votes on him, and went "WTF?" when Geabe kept doing derpy shit. He realized people weren't pressuring ANYONE ELSE, and pretty much said that, and now you're calling it waffling and scummy?

    It's day 1. You don't need to be THAT focused on one person. It's way better to spread out pressure, and try to find a weak link. Who's calling out Klackerz for more information? Who's pressuring Mishie, or Lutris, or Lungs? Lungs is always scum!

    I'm way more inclined to call Kai town than a scum with a heavy hand.

    We do, however, have only 12 hours of mostly-people-sleeping time to get a lynch in, and we do not want to give possible scum!judge free reign to take shots at goldies.
    In the interest of pressure, I'm going to Unlynch Lungs and Lynch: Klackerz.

    He's lightly townread me, defended that townread weakly, but said very little of actual content and been happy to sit in the back while Geabe's bandwagon grew. There are townier things to do. And that first day derp, come on.
  4. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Night 1 extension over day 1 extension because court is getting formed tonight and giving them more time is a good thing.

    Anyway on Geabe, he's a very calculating guy that knows what he is saying. It's no mistake that he said nothing when pushed.

    Also cute, Ashaya cashing in on her 'kai is always scummy' meta to do nothing for today.

    For lynch vs no lynch, instead of considering it like 'WELL DO I WANT TO KILL GEABE/KLACKERZ OR NOBODY?' consider it as 'WELL DO I WANT TO KILL GEABE/KLACKERZ OR EIDOLONIC?'. Because scumjudge is a very real possibility and not accounting for it would be silly.
  5. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I don't like anything about this day one.

    Inactivity, derps, and some questionable bandwagons.

    Very few town reads.

    Scum!Judge is bad, guys. Like, really bad.

    Taking a look at the only two remotely possible lynch options:



    Minus bob99, who I wouldn't entirely be opposed to pressuring if this day were longer, I like all the people on the Klackerz lynch.

    The Geabe train, ehhhh. Jwlk seems townish to me, and Kai is at least playing like +Town, whatever his true alliances are. But not really liking much of the rest at the moment.

    And yeah, I really don't like anything to do with that Kai lynch push.

    There's 16 people that haven't voted. Even with 4 replacements, that's 12 people that are supposedly playing that haven't voted.

    What part of scum!judge is a bad thing are we not quite grasping? Even town!judge relies on the whims of a single person, and sometimes people do stupid things.

    I still support a Klackerz lynch. If the only way we can get a lynch is on Geabe, I'll move my support over, but I can't help but think it smells vaguely scummy - and I'm talking about the people voting for him, not the player itself.
  6. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Interesting that you would pick Eidolonic as the token Townsperson, Kai. Then again, as I said, no meta for me. The point (Gaebe/klackerz or town) still stands though.

    As far as deciding between Gaebe and klackerz goes, I like his posts more than Gaebe's. So I think I'm gonna put that vote there now (Vote: Gaebe, if you need it spelled out).

    Addendum after I just read the post: Is it just me, or does it look like Eidolonic and Kaidash are playing ping-pong with each other here? [​IMG]

    /goes off to read all their posts once more
  7. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Any connection is frustrated town and (probable) frustrated town trying to herd cats into doing something useful.

    Why do people sign up if they aren't going to actually play?
  8. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    It sounds as if you're saying, "Play my way because it's the only way and the right way."

    Which is a great way to get people to think you're town if they buy into it. Unfortunately, I don't buy into it at all.
  9. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Er... or I'm saying that inactivity sucks? A lack of posts and votes kills the game, both in terms of mechanics and fun.
  10. Geabe

    Geabe Guest

    Unvote thebrute7

    Don't hype on me being 'suspiciously unvoting'. I welcome a priest check at any time. I know several people want me checked, and that is fine with me.

    NOT going into thebrute7 for the moment, because I'd like to focus on Moridin and Klackerz.

    Now, here's a summary of what happened.

    #43: Klackerz claims a small town role while not knowing what the heck his own role is.
    #57: Moridin proceeds to give him the benefit of the doubt (which is normal, because others did, too. Including me.) and then proceeds to attack him on the stupidity of doing such a claim.
    #108: Moridin states killing Ashaya as 'pre-emptive'.
    #125: Klackerz mentions Sirion, Sesc, Moridin as townreads.
    #149: Moridin. Mainly an expounding on #57 based on Klackerz reply to...bob99 if I'm not mistaken.
    #186: Moridin again says he believes Klackerz is scum.

    Before anyone says my statement of "I found Moridin's defense of Klackerz a bit outspoken" as a contradiction, hear me out on my four cases below.

    Also, Lungs, this is the reason why I don't believe all four of your suggested scumteam is actually scum. In what world would a scum!Klackerz list all his other teammates as townreads?

    ...In a world where he could get away with it, admittedly. Or another derp. Highly unlikely, in my opinion.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Klackerz and Moridin aren't scum. I'm saying there's a reasonable possibility that there's someone from Sirion/Sesc/Moridin/Klackerz that's not scum.

    Okay Moridin. You'll have to explain this one to us.
    Why would you go for "killing Ashaya as a 'pre-emptive strike'", when you explicitly expressed you suspect Klackerz as scum? It doesn't make much sense to do, especially when I don't recall any post of yours hinting that Klackerz is scum. Except for #149, which could be taken as a weak link, and even then, why not pressure for a possible larger scumtell?

    Now I'll discuss the Moridin-Klackerz defense.

    Case 1: Moridin and Klackerz are both innocent. In this scenario, Klackerz must have some sort of scumtell. And yes, he has, by way of suspicious court campaign. However, here we have a contradiction because of Moridin's actions.

    Case 2: Moridin is scum, Klackerz is innocent. Now, in this case, Moridin's attack on Klackerz's derp could be intepreted as an attack on town!Klackerz. Moridin's actions are a further scumtell in this scenario.

    Case 3: Moridin is innocent, Klackerz is scum. Going on this, then Klackerz post #125 should be a case of disguising innocent tells. (That's to say, Klackerz + x + (maybe) y) is scum, which casts doubt on Sirion and Sesc. However, in this case, Moridin's actions doesn't make sense!

    Case 4: Moridin and Klackerz is both scum. Then, in this case, Moridin's attacks on Klackerz's first post derp is actually a defense to sell Klackerz as town. Go back and read. The first reaction looked natural, I will admit. The second (expounding on the first), is what caught my eye. He mentions mainly the stupidity of that first post. Which is normal, except that there is no reason for him to keep selling his point, when he has actual suspicions. Thus I have to conclude that both are scum and the logic in this scenario stands. Furthermore, unwillingness to kill Klackerz? Really?

    All said and done, the logical scenarios are Case 2 and Case 4. However, Case 2 has loads of gaping holes, while Case 4 is looking rather solid to me. I could attack my own Case 2 by saying: So why didn't Moridin press the point about Klackerz if he was such a lovely sitting duck?

    So I have to conclude that Case 4 is most likely, i.e. both are scum.

    And because we don't want a no-lynch, vote Klackerz.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 AM ----------

    "Now I'll discuss the Moridin-Klackerz defense."

    It's the connection. Typo, and terribly sorry.
  11. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    I honestly haven't decided what I think about Gaebe yet. I'll have too look it over some more and think about what he wrote. His post about scum roles was mighty suspicious, but it was informative and well written. He should definitely be checked though tonight. So my question to Gaebe right now is this: Are you actively campaigning for a court position, or would you prefer someone else to have it.

    As far as the other two in the top 3, I think Kai and Klackerz would both be good targets. I really don't like post 192, and so I him suspicious. But I still dislike Klackerz for the reasons mentioned, and I find him the most suspicious out of the three. So I'll stick with Klackerz for the lynch vote.
  12. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Okay, before anything else:

    It was a joke. Anyone else remember Sword to White Walker?

    In fact, I explicitly follow it up with the word 'Kidding'. How in all hell did you miss that?

    And yes, I suspected Klackerz as scum at the time. I didn't want to kill him because he had already derped once and if he was scum, his future actions would likely make it more obvious.
  13. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    I really don't like this lynch that has started on me just because of my first post. I don't know what to do to avoid this bandwagon.

    Since we only have around 8 hours left and we really don't need a possible scum!judge lynch, I am gonna vote for Gaebe.

    Vote Player:Gaebe
  14. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    To clarify, I didn't want to kill Klackerz because I wanted to wait and see what he did next. If you (Geabe) weren't so high on my scumlist, I'd be fine with switching to him. As it is, I find you much more suspicious.

    I chose Republic, because he popped in, made a post about how Eidolonic was iffy for what was basically a couple of pressuring votes and seemed a bit jumpy (I now figure it was merely the RL issues that made him drop out, though).
  15. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Its Geabe klackerz. And what you can do to avoid it is not volunteer for an essential mechanic before you check your role.

    On the other hand I do not know what to think of you Geabe. For the most part your posts like #112 #159 #250 are well thought out and well written, but then we have posts like #161 (and #167) where you were put on the spot, and we end up with 3 paragraphs of.. filler really. Ending it with a pointed finger at thebrute7 when you easily had time to bring a case against him.

    I've got no read on you. Every town action you've made is balanced out by a derp/scumtell. So, before I decide my vote, why the huge change in post content Geabe?
  16. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Screw it. I've said from the start that having a no lynch is a bad idea and while I still find Kai to be fishy as fuck, there's no way he'll give away enough to be lynched in the next eight hours.

    I still think Geabe might be a junior witch so for the sake of getting this done...

    Rescind vote: Kai

    Deadline vote: Geabe
  17. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I'll be back before deadline. Just got a call, heading out.
  18. Geabe

    Geabe Guest

    I don't follow. Are you referring to my switch from mechanics to what I perceive as scumtells, or regarding the well-thought ones to bad posts and back to well-thought ones?

    I would NOT prefer someone else have it, in particular Moridin and Klackerz. That said, if I'm on the Court, I can help weed out any possible scum which has entered the court. Conversely, if I am scum/juniorscum, then discussion would also weed me out. Any attempt of mine at manipulation in the Court is highly suspicious, given the state I am in now. So to answer your question, yes, I do want to be on the Court.

    How, may I ask, is this helpful? All joking aside, in what way is waiting for a scum derp any better than forcing one out?

    If you've got a scum read, act on it, instead of waiting. Especially in a game where nearly one-third of the players are scum.

    What I find telling is how you've managed to only broadcast your scum tell on Klackerz after I mentioned 'connection'!
  19. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Well written well thought out posts, to well written non content back to well written well thought out.
  20. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    I... did have two scum reads. One of Republic and one on Klackerz. Since I felt that Klackerz would eventually derp again if he was scum, I decided to go after Republic instead. You seem to be assuming that because I had a scumread on Klackerz, I feel absolutely nothing about the rest of the players.
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