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~/* Witchhunt *\~ Game Started!

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Chocolate Pi, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. thebrute7

    thebrute7 High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2011
    Newberg Oregon
    Hmm... townreads. Ser Atin Chin I feel is almost certainly town, I definitely get that vibe from him. Honestly, I think Ashaya is town, despite all the suspicion people feel towards her, while I understand where a bit of it is coming from, I think more than a little of it is meta, and that is risky in my book.

    As for scum... I couldn't really say. I could say Mishie, but I'd be lying, since his post felt more like a flat out derp than something scummy (which isn't to say lynching him would be a bad idea).

    So, no one right now I suppose.

    But for the sake of some pressure.

    Deadline Lynch: Mishie
  2. Sirion

    Sirion First Year

    Aug 16, 2009
    It's not the worst post I've ever seen, I guess. You don't really volunteer anything extra, like go the other way and post specific scum reads, and you only repeat my question back at me and a couple others. I think there are prettier targets out there right now, but I think you can probably do a little better.

    My strongest town reads are Seratin and Eidolonic at the moment. That doesn't really mean I agree with everything they said, just that I think they're saying it in the interest of general townyness.

    And finally.. I agree. Striker, you gotta start talkin. Not just allowed to vanish after suspicion gets leveled on you.

    Lynch Vote: StrikerLee
  3. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Or I'm just trolling for the sake of trolling and pissing people off. Let's just say that you are going to feel really stupid when this game is over and you find out my role.
  4. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Please, tell me where you get this from.

    My goodness, what a crappy player you are, in every sense of the word you can imagine. I'm sure you smear your own feces all over your face when you type this shit.

  5. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Lol, that's not really trolling, bro. That's called being rude and crude.
  6. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Yeah, I'm not really good at it. I'll try again later. ;)
  7. StrikerLee1

    StrikerLee1 Guest

    Actually I spent all day yesterday at the beach with some friends and when I got back was too tired to reply. Just awoke from a nice 12 hour sleep.

    The reason I said there were better targets is because other people were more directing at pointing fingers while Fen really didnt say much but he did change his lynch vote quite a few times. He could of been scum ( which I haven't confirmed yet) it could potentially help in the long run but for now the people I thought would of been better targets were as follows:

    thebrute because he was quick to continue changing his vote for lynch without giving to much detail or reason on here for what he was doing.

    BillDoor also had changed votes a round, I guess since he wanted to lynch Klackerz and that wasn't going anywhere he decided to get on the bandwagon and help lynch Gaebe.

    I have had a few people tell me they have scummy reads on me but truth is I am town. So if I took longer then you wanted to answer the question sorry I didnt have any way of replying till now.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ----------

    I also feel that Mishies idea to reveal court is stupid, this wouldn't really serve any purpose right now and it would hurt town more then help right now. So based on what I have read and can agree on I believe Mishie is scum.

    Lynch Vote: Mishie
  8. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Am I reading this wrong, or did you actually just say you think Fenraellis might have been scum? You do realise that Fenraellis was killed by the coven, there wasn't a court kill in the night.
  9. StrikerLee1

    StrikerLee1 Guest

    I know Fen lmao. I always think he is scum haha. He is the reason I'm over on here playing and I remember the last game I was in with him he was scum. Personally I always call him the scummiest of them all because of how he handles things(its usually to some self satisfying plan to further his own goals.) So yeah I did call him scum lmao.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 PM ----------

    I haven't had a lot of time to research everything and yes being a coven kill he had to of been town unless coven just didnt like him and wanted him out of it.
  10. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Yes... we're going to be the ones that feel really stupid, if it turns out someone that is doing absolutely nothing to help the town turns out to be town. I suppose I'd rather feel stupid than be stupid for working against my faction's best interests?

    If you are town and want to survive, there are better ways to do so than making town want to kill you. That ends up with you dead. If you are scum, and trying to divert our attention off of other scum, well - good job. But it's still probably going to end with you dead.

    If you feel like trolling, that's fine, but can you just... not do so in this thread? Unless you are scum, in which case, carry on.

    Also, StrikerLee...

  11. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    And what if the context is important, eh? I mean, you don't think that it's significant that the player that everyone seems to be calling town wasn't attacked? I'm not saying he's scum, but it's definitely a reason to keep an eye on him. I was trying not to come out and say that directly, but maybe I shouldn't assume intelligence for the town either :rolleyes:

    What is this I don't even? A simple "Whoops, I derped." or even "Maybe he was a JW?" would have been much better that this shit. What possible reason could the Coven have for killing one of their own on purpose?

    And the first part makes zero sense whatsoever. For metagame reasons you thought he was scum...which then becomes irrelevant when he is killed by the Coven.

    Vote: StrikerLee1
  12. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Yeah, Striker's latest posts have me feeling like he is scum. That said, Lynch vote: StrikerLee
  13. StrikerLee1

    StrikerLee1 Guest

    Eidolonic, Fen is one of my friends outside of here lol. He is the reason I started playing these forum games.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

    As for people thinking I'm scum thats kinda funny cause I already told you guys I'm not. Someone asked me a question and I gave an honest answer lmao I didn't know I had to lie for people to believe what I'm saying. I really havent done anything that would point me as scum to be honest it just seems that you dont like my style of how I word things and how I talk about situations so because my posting is different from everyone else I'm marked as something I'm not. Good judge read on that one but your wrong.
  14. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:


    Fuck you. You're making it real hard no to switch votes with comments like that. Either you're scum or you're such a derp that town would probably be better off without you.
  15. StrikerLee1

    StrikerLee1 Guest

    Alright well I'm done trying to talk lmao. you have an opportunity to lynch Mishie who's posts that Court should reveal what they know which could cause problems for town. I try to help back that with what I have read and I get shit on for it. Lynch a town player, smart move lmao. Yes I revealed I'm town. Ok well now thats 1 less person to try to figure out if they are scum or not.
  16. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    You have to do more that say "Lol, I'm not a witch" to take the heat off yourself...

    A couple words of advice:
    1. Think through what you're saying before you hit submit.
    2. Think through what you're saying before you hit submit.
    3. Think through what you're saying before you hit submit.

    It also helps to read the post you're replying to - Bill Door was asking why you though Fen was scum after he'd been killed by the coven, not why you thought he was scum in the first place. Hence why no one understood the first part of that post.

    You don't have to lie - just fucking make sense. It's not that hard.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 PM ----------

    And anyone can say that they're town or that they don't know how to lie - it's not that hard. You have to demonstrate that you're town to get people to believe you. Doing the first part without the second part makes you sound like scum. Doing the second part without the first part is ideal. Doing both works too, but is kinda stupid. Guess which option you took?
  17. Aurion

    Aurion Headmaster

    Jun 11, 2008
    North Carolina
    More like "I load my posts down with jargon to the point where they make people want to punch me, and then people think I'm a witch" :v

    So. Lungs. have you seen anything interesting today, or are you going to keep posting with essentially zero content?

    Also, *sigh*. I don't think StrikerLee is scum, if only because if he is I'm pretty sure his teammates would have found a way to shut his dumb ass up well before now.
  18. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    lol just lol

    People are voting for you because you have not read the post fully and just assumed that Fen was a a scum. Then you post something about the scum killing their own member because they didn't want Fen to be in the coven. Your latest post just takes the cake. But to be honest I don't know if you are a scum or not. I don't think a scum will post like this.
  19. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    So, this is what you are saying, StrikerLee:

    lmao I'm town guys believe me lmao I'm totally town and not a witch lmao I told you I'm town why are you lynching me lmao.

    You seem to think that just because you 'say' you are town, we should believe you are town.

    Now, in a hypothetical situation, someone is scum, and we ask them if they are town, how would they answer?

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ----------

    Also, this:

    The exception might be that letting him post is a good way to take the heat off scum who 'are' being pressured. Ashaya, Mishie, Lungs, Klackerz, who knows?
  20. Aurion

    Aurion Headmaster

    Jun 11, 2008
    North Carolina
    Also, Dealine Vote: Lungs. I know you have thoughts about this Lungs, it's usually much harder to get you to stop talking.

    Soo... Care to share?

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 PM ----------

    Deadline Vote: Lungs *

    Fuck my spelling so much.
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