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~/* Witchhunt *\~ Game Started!

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Chocolate Pi, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    I just want to point out that this changes nothing.

    We do not yet have any proof that Ashaya is in fact the priest.
  2. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Retarded role-reveal is retarded (if true).

    All most of us wanted from you, Ashaya, was a couple of good town-posts with content, reads, theories, shit that smelled nice, whatever. In short, some form of effort. We told you so repeatedly.

    Couldn't you have at least tried that?

    Cut the crap about how role-revealing was the only action that could have saved you. You were either lazy/uninterested in actually playing pro-town or you're lying scum.

    You weren't nearly as close to death as to having to immediately resort to role-revealing the most powerful (arguably) role for town. How long are you gonna last now (if true)?

    You don't even have guilty checks. You just wasted your game and crippled ours.

    Good job.

    Fucking happy Easter.
  3. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany

    Someone is angry. Anger leads to the dark side, young padawan :3
  4. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    And after I asked him to offer some "solid scumreads":

    This, plus the fact you still were claiming that Ashaya's bandwagon had come out of nowhere (while she was considered suspicious and then VERY suspicious on day 1 and 2), makes it sound like something is rhyming with this.

    Honestly, it makes much more sense and would be much better for town if Ashaya was scum rather than the Priest, considering all the questionable defenses she received, but we'll see what happens with the Acolyte.
  5. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Striker originally asked us, "Why do we want Ash lynched so badly?"

    If he was town, is there any reason to change this post?

    But he changed it to, "Good way to start the day."

    If he was town, the post is pretty innocent, many others asked us why we wanted Ash lynched. But if he were scum, he would be worried how his post would be perceived and would decide to change it.

    So, I am pretty sure he is scum.

    But then again, what is the role of scum? KILL TOWN.

    If Ash is town, why care if she is being lynched?

    If he was just trying to blend in, why would he be worried about that post enough to change it?

    Maybe I am reading way too much into it but unless their is some earth shattering evidence I am pretty convinced that they are a scum team.

    The role-claim of Ash's has no significance, since even if someone pops up claiming to be an acolyte we can not be sure since real acolyte could be 'dead' or 'alive and stupid'.
  6. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    And yet she only got 4 votes on day 2 (ended with 3) and none on day 1. Why immediately go after her when the other major target of the previous day (StrikerLee) is still around? Apart from that, the only reasons I could find were trolling and some concerns about her day 1 voting, which are pretty weak reasons, tbh. I had already agreed that she was suspicious (see my day 1 posting), but when within hours of the day starting someone has 5 votes with no reasons posted, then yeah, I wonder why. Is it really too much to ask for clarification?

    And I don't see how my lack of scumreads translates to white knighting - I'm just being honest. No one has struck me as 100% scum yet, though Ash is now pushing it by revealing Priest with nothing of substance posted in the thread. I had her pegged as the Wizard, and a reasonable suspicion of who the priest is, so I'm not happy with the roleclaim. Castiel as well for his general angry, defensive attitude when I asked why he was voting for her.

    Honestly, I think this is just backlash against the amount of white knighting that Ash usually gets. Think of it this way: would you still see my posts as white knighting if it were anyone else in her position? Because I would make the same posts for anyone in the game at this point.
  7. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    That is how I react to stupid questions or questions that have already been answered multiple times.

    Like Stojil said,

    The fact you still were claiming that Ashaya's bandwagon had come out of nowhere (while she was considered suspicious and then VERY suspicious on day 1 and 2).
  8. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    The way I see it there are four possible outcomes of Ash's roleclaim.

    1) Ollie, or someone else comes forward as the acolyte and says that she is indeed the priest, no one counterclaims, and we lynch someone else. I'm leaning towards StrikerLee at this point. Although this doesn't confirm she's town, the Acolyte may be dead with a scum!Gravedigger, as Aurion said.

    2) Two different people come forward claiming to be acolyte, in which case there be's shenanigans, and we have to work out who's lying.

    3) No one comes forward because the Acolyte is dead and we're left with an unsubstantiated roleclaim. Which is very unhelpful.

    4) The acolyte comes forward and says Ash isn't town, in which case we lynch her.

    Similar to Stojil I'm wondering why you felt that your only option was to roleclaim. Enough people weren't convinced about the lynch for you to be able to talk your way out of it with some good posts.

    I'm also slightly worried that Platypus_Assassin is going to turn out to be the real Priest/Acolyte.
  9. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    I think I missed something. Why do you think this?
  10. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    When people ask for scum reads (or even 'strong' scum reads) they aren't asking who you've priest checked guilty. They aren't even asking who you'd kill right now if you had a kill. They aren't even asking for who you would lynch vote (actually they probably are).

    They're asking you to actively participate in helping town win by finding scum.

    If you don't know any scum at that very moment? That's ok, nobody expected that of you! But the least you can do is try and some people haven't even managed that minimum level of participation, which is why this is happening.

    It's happening specifically to Ashaya because she does this every dam game and we've finally reached the flipping point* for putting up with this blatantly anti-town behavior (to be fair, she does this both town and scum, but gimping your town play so your scum play is easier is bullshit too fyi).

    * - Graphical representation of what is happening:

  11. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I don't think it, I'm just worried about the possibility of it happening.
  12. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    I am logging off, I might or might not check back in a few hours before sleeping. If I do not it will be some 15-16 hours before I post next.

    No one else role reveal except the Acolyte. And the people who are not voting for Ash vote for StrikerLee. The only thing worse than no Ash-lynch is no-lynch at all.
  13. Sirion

    Sirion First Year

    Aug 16, 2009
    This is exactly why I was pushing so hard. With a hint of a possible roleclaim coming, at least we have just under 2 days left to let it play out.

    I think Bill is worried because Platypus is inactive, and if he was the acolyte (either ashaya's or someone elses), he might not even post. If he doesn't post, well... we're playing suboptimally, to say the least. Still, it's early. We've got a little time.

    Vote: No Lynch temporarily.
  14. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Anyway, for my opinion on what do today, as it stands (ie: no new info from any source), we shouldn't lynch Ashaya today.

    Why? With currently public info there are two worlds

    1. Ashaya is the priest. Scum want to kill her because priest

    2. Ashaya is not the priest. Scum won't kill her because she's scum.

    A supporting Acolyte claim changes very little about this scenario (it makes world 1 more likely and witches less likely to pull a gambit involving not killing ashaya).

    A contesting claim obviously means all bets are off and we have to... think

    ALSO BTW: To unvote in moscone you don't need to vote no lynch, you can just double click the person you're already voting.
  15. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    So, Strikerlee is the next best candidate, right? I'm disappointed by Ashaya's role reveal, assuming that it's true, but the best we can do now is wait and see if the scum kill her off tonight (or try to, if the martyr decides to sacrifice himself for her). If not, we have ourselves a lynch tomorrow. Today though we need to focus on other lynch targets.

    So, Strikerlee. He's posted a bunch of stuff that reads like newbie scum and his defence has been sorely lacking this whole game. I'm willing to vote for him.
  16. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Unless scum decide to WINE it up by not attacking her... though it's a risky ploy to play, there are enough people who are suspicious of her that she'd make a viable lynch target if they can swing it that way. Like you said, if the scum don't kill her, you'd be pushing to lynch her tomorrow. Why should the scum waste a kill on her then?

    (Assuming she's the priest)
  17. StrikerLee1

    StrikerLee1 Guest

    As I said before, The reason I changed it was because I had my answer from the previous few posts so the question wasnt needed right now. You say if I was scum I would be worried about my how my post looked, in all honesty dude I just type what comes to mind from reading what is going on. You also pointed out my just trying to blend in. Is this regarding me not posting on here since yesterday? (I had to drive back home last night, 7 hour drive, got home at 2am and passed the fuck out.) So yeah I just rolled out of bed to answer your questions.

    As for Ash, she claimed Priest, I'm not sure what the point of role claiming was because now if she really is the Priest and the Acolyte doesn't step up she dies, or if he does then Coven kills her for being pro!town. So either way Ash I think you screwed yourself by doing that. You wern't really close to being lynched and still had plenty of time to see what happens.
  18. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Because we could just... not lynch her.

    Obviously it all depends on the vibe we get from Ashaya in future. Does it seem like she's actively playing for a town win? and etc.
  19. StrikerLee1

    StrikerLee1 Guest

    And guljons, I know I didn't reply to your question I cant remember what page it was on but my posting got better because I didnt have to deal with all the stress of being in my house. I live with 5 people and at times it can get hard to focus on anything. (life of a college student at university of maryland) I just got home from a 7 hour drive and I'm exhausted, but while being down there I was able to take more time to read the posts and develop a better post for myself. My posts from here on out will be more like that, another thing that has to deal with it is the fact that This is my 1st full game on this forum(first in WH) so I'm still getting use to how people play on here. The normal setting I play in people dont jump on someone because they misread something or dont know something, they explain what was wrong and move on and if it happens again then they take action.
  20. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    As I understand it priest checks only return coven if they are in the coven. So since coven has lynched someone every night, junior witches and village spies will show up as town. Once they join, both groups will show up as town.

    Also, if the Acolyte is still alive, I'd want a reveal if Ash is the priest too. Basically the role is only useful while the priest is still alive and priest checks need to be verified.

    I'd like a mod clarification too. Is the acolyte always town? I noticed in the role list that it wasn't holy, but balance wise it seems like the coven would have a huge advantage with an acolyte on their side.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 PM ----------

    ***I should clarify an error. Once village spies and junior witches join the coven, I believe both would show up as coven.
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