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~/* Witchhunt *\~ Game Started!

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Chocolate Pi, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Actually, I don't see how a scum Queen is so dangerous. She is dangerous, don't get me wrong, not only because of her power but also because of her being part of the original court and having a say in the picking of new members, but she doesn't get the number of scum in the court, only whether they are even or odd. That would be harmful as it would mess with the town!court's scumreads on each other if their count was perceived as off by one, but it still doesn't put her above roles like the Inquisitor, Gravedigger or Judge, or even the Duke. The Duke has all the advantages of being on the original court as well, and has the added bonus of choosing a replacement, so if he's fingered by the court he could use the opportunity to replace himself by a townie who would be killed by necessity, or if he's randomly killed he'd just replace himself with another scum and so allow them to continue to keep an eye on the proceedings.
  2. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    Town Read: Off the top of my head, mishie. He put forward a lot of questions to the players, so that is in his favor. But I guess scum could try to do that to cover themselves, so I really don't know.

    Kill: Klackerz, he screwed up and I don't trust him right now.

    Priest check: Ollie, I remember him implying that he had a town role, so might as well check that out.

    Doctor: Haven't found it in the role list yet, but if I could protect someone every night, mishie, otherwise I would wait a night and if I was on the court I would protect the king.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 PM ----------

    What doctor role are you referring too? I haven't found it in the role list or the role section of moscone.
  3. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Because of that thing in the first page? Nah, I seriously doubt it.

    I'm going to assume from now on that you just like agreeing with people, even when they soft-accuse you. :rolleyes:

    The rest of your post had definitely content, though, and wasn't all that safe. If my vote had even a small part in it, then I consider myself satisfied for now.

    Rescind vote

    At the moment, contrary to what seems to be the common trend, I find mishie and Eidolonic slightly scummy for metagaming reasons. Let's go with Eido.

    I find your targets lacking. Aziraphale had yet to post (still has) when you voted for him, seemingly to sell yourself for the Court (and to put some pressure, I'm sure). He's also what I would consider an "easy target" for such a job, in the sense that he almost always appears scummy, even when he's not (sorry Azira :)). You definitely know that (you commented on it in various other games I've been in and on irc, I think). So it looks to me like you want to get your hands on supposed scum-tells sort of... no matter what? Either you're very eager to scum-hunt or you want to point at "easy targets", like I said. Klackerz' stupid reasoning lends itself very well to that, too.

    Keeping my eyes on you. Here on DLP, too. ;)
  4. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    While I'm not on the list, I also haven't posted very much, so I'll answer.

    Town Read: Moridin; I share several of his opinions (Scum Queen being dangerous, but hardly a powerhouse, Ash being slightly suspicious) and he seems town-ish for now.

    Priest Check: This is a tough one. Kai is an obvious choice since he's always such a high-profile player and tends to lead the town around. Ash is another possibility, since she's usually very prolific. And I always seem to get a bad vibe off of Gaebe for some unknown reason.

    Kill: no one at this point. No one has derped hardcore and there hasn't really been enough posted to get a solid read on anyone.

    Protect: Sesc. He has a history of dying fairly early, from what I remember, and he's a good player. I'd say Ash for the same reason, but her lack of posting points to her either being scum or having a boring/useless role.


    Why kill klackerz? He did something sort of stupid, but he's played enough to know that that wouldn't work as a ploy to get scum on the court. He's probably worth keeping an eye on for a while, of course, but killing him over it seems a bit extreme.

    And I don't see the need to check Ollie/Gambit. In my experience, if he's scum, he'll screw up on his own sooner rather than later. Why waste a check on him when there are so many powerhouse players in the game?

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ----------

    Oh, also, I'd like to petition for shorter days. If we keep the days and nights at this length, there's a good chance that I'll have to bow out. I'll be out of town for several weeks with zero internet access sometime around the middle/end of May.
  5. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    You really want to lynch me based on a post I posted before I even found out my role?

    Town Read:Sesc and sirion and Moridin now I guess in my opinion.

    Priest Check: Kai obviously. Then I'll check Eidolonic. He's just giving a bad vibe

    Lynch: Still need some more information. Azira and Platypus still need to post and Republic21 has to be replaced.

    Protect: Hmm, I would protect Moridin. He seems like a pretty good dependable player.
  6. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    Yes I do want to lynch you. I don't care that you didn't know your role, I care that you didn't know your role and then tried to lobby for a position on the court. I think that wasn't very smart, for one thing, I don't think some roles would be a good fit for the court. And for another, you can't claim to be a good guy when you admit to not knowing your role.

    Also because of that I don't think I could really get a good read on you because of that first statement. Scum wants to get on so they can sell the court out. Though I can't accuse you of that because you wanted on it before you knew your role. In short, finding your role should not change a single thing in how you played this night. Because if you were scum you would be acting like a townie to avoid suspicion.

    In short, I don't have a lot of information this round. And in later rounds I might change my mind and think that you shouldn't be lynched. But if we are going to lynch someone tonight, you are at the top of my list.
  7. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    I actually have to point out Cole that the one time I screwed up as town I helped a warlock win

    On Accident

    but I've got no issue with being checked, If I am, then I have Faith that I'll be cleared and we'll not have any more issues.
  8. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I'm pretty okay with lynching you for a post you made 'before you got your role', too, actually. Mostly because I'm not sure I buy that.

    Of course my targets are lacking. But Azira hadn't posted (still hasn't, for that matter), and I thought we could potentially learn something from his response to pressure. Because he's not going to be all YOU MUST BE SCUM FOR SUSPECTING ME again... right? Kai asked people that wished to persue a spot on the court poke someone for a lynch, and I chose someone we could probably get an alignment read out of early. So yeah, maybe it is an easy target. That was the point.
  9. Azira

    Azira High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 8, 2009
    Hey guys so very sorry I haven't posted yet, things are hectic irl but I am now catching up to the thread and will post thoughts and stuff. If I can't get my bearing and rl keeps being insane I'll ask to be replaced.
  10. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007

    Want to explain the vote log?

    Klackerz voted to lynch Eidolonic. (1: Klackerz)
    Klackerz removed their lynch vote on Eidolonic. (0)
    Klackerz voted to lynch Eidolonic. (1: Klackerz)
    Klackerz removed their lynch vote on Eidolonic. (0)
    Klackerz voted to lynch Eidolonic. (1: Klackerz)

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 PM ----------


    It's really not a good idea to stealth vote, people. If you vote on the client, vote in the thread, as well. It's a good way to look witchy as hell and get lynched.
  11. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    And you missed mine. With easy target I meant that it's more or less easy to elicit a strong scummy vibe from him even when he's town. Klackerz' post was stupid and "out there", and accusing him for it smells like an easy, exploitable and convenient plan too.
  12. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I'll grant you that, but it doesn't mean we should outright dismiss it as 'being' possibly scummy, either. It's early in day one, I'm going to throw votes and suspicion around and see how people react.

    You find that scummy in of itself, I know. But eventually you'll have to accept it's how I like to play, early. :p
  13. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    I was trying out the Moscone vote thingy. I thought I removed the vote but I clearly didn't.
  14. Azira

    Azira High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 8, 2009
    Right after going through the thread, here are some initial thoughts about this thing...

    There are so many configurations in this game of roles/witches/etc that its going to take me a while to get my head around it. Unfortunately for us, picking the King's court wisely will be pivotal if we want to win. So far people I would not pick for the court:

    Lutris, Ashaya, Eidolonic, Lungs - in that order.

    People I would like to see on it:

    KaiDASH, Stojil, Moridin. Also in that order.

    Lutris is coming off VERY weird to me, not particularly scummy but just very reluctant - a strong role (either town or scum) that doesn't want attention on itself and is trying to divert it.

    Ashaya being so very quiet always sends off alarm bells to me.

    Eidolonic because his posting has been really weird, I actually like that he voted for me because I also think pressuring lurkers (despite the fact that I just didn't know the game had started) is the way to go in mafia since in every game I've played the hardest lurkers were scum. After that though all his posts have been off, sometimes smug and sometimes serious and are throwing me off.

    Lungs because... the play he and Lutris had at the start was REALLY awkward. Sometime definitely off there.

    I like Kai for the court because I think in this type of game we need his experience to pull through. If he's town, we're on the way to win. Even if he's scum he usually keeps playing townie in terms of what he divulges and the thoughts he shares, but he will have to do something 'different' to lead us off from his scumteam so we can be alert and try to catch the slip, because there will have to be a slip eventually.

    Stojil and Moridin come off as town so far to me, levelheaded posts and good thinking, and I think they're good candidates for Court.
  15. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    IRL shit. Still in Atlanta, going to GoT season 2 premiere in a bit. Was supposed to be on my way home from a looooonng vacation today, but how could I say no to GoT??? Anyway, it is my understanding that Day 1 is long, so I wasn't going to worry about it while I was here. Besides, not posting seems to have thrown you guys off. COME AT ME, BROS.
  16. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    GOT2 premiere? I am so fucking jealous :|

    Anyway, off to sleep now.
  17. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Hm, talking is nice.
  18. guljons

    guljons Squib

    Dec 20, 2009
    The king should probably also choose someone who isn't so much standing out, because if Court gets lucky and no witches get in, it would make getting them down to 2 members tougher and earn extra days for KC to take out suspected witches.

    Well hidden court member could be really beneficial, but it would only work if there were no witches getting in.
  19. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    I wasn't talking about you derping as town, just scum. In other words, if you're scum, you'll probably end up giving yourself away somehow, so no need to waste a check.

    Not to mention that (sorry) most people don't consider your opinions as weighty as, say, Kai's, so I'd rather that someone with a little more influence get checked because having them as scum could screw the town over a lot more than having you as scum.
  20. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    That's a valid argument, but I've been called scum every game, in fact I was even lynched for being so scummy in SW1 ... I wasn't scum.

    I'm always called out as scum, and sometimes I am. This time I'm not.

    I agree some people would be more important for a check, like Lungs, Sesc, or Kai.
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