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Complete Worm by Wildbow - T - Original Urban Fantasy

Discussion in 'Original Fiction' started by Orm Embar, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Rym

    Rym Auror

    Aug 4, 2009
    Not really enjoying this arc so far. It feels like a let down to me. I'm reading for the outside shot of clockblocker/weaver now.
  2. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    I almost think that it's purposeful. I didn't really like the Traveler's or Echidna arcs either, but I think part of that is that Wildbow is amazing at writing people but not quite as good at fight or action scenes, coupled with some characterization mishaps. We're getting a view from the side of the PRT, and seeing why it's not working while getting of feel of everything falling apart. I'm just waiting for Taylor to make her own cape governing organization, with blackjack and hookers!
  3. Idiot Rocker

    Idiot Rocker Auror

    Jun 9, 2011
    I'm not really enjoying this arc either. Which, as Mutton said, is probably the point. As the readers I'd wager that Wildbow wants us to feel as frustrated as Skitter. He wants us to empathize with someone who's actions may have, in recent arcs, become more difficult to justify. Hopefully this is a shorter arc, I don't think I can take much more of this Protectorate bullshit.

    I'm also pretty sure we want to see Skitter, not Weaver, in action.

    I will say however that seeing Skitter figure out the cameras was pretty awesome. Best part of this chapter for me.
  4. arkeus

    arkeus Seventh Year

    May 26, 2006
    Contessa/NumberMan team-up is kinda unfair :)
  5. Mock Moniker

    Mock Moniker Professor

    May 12, 2008
    So far, I actually like this arc-or at least, I like the direction the story is heading in. The things other have been complaining about (Glenn, the prison, butterflies) don't really bother me- in fact, it makes perfect sense. We already knew how focused the PRT/Protectorate was on image, and we knew why they were so focused on it. Those of you who have been complaining how dumb/boring/frustrating it is may want to re-read Weld's interlude (where Piggot talks about integration and how Weld helps that), Alexandria's interlude (her plans for forming the Protectorate), and some of what Alexandria said at the end of the Echidna arc (how they've carefully crafted an image to show that parahumans aren't dangerous, and the whole Echidna mess would shatter that).

    One thing that I don't like is how a whole crapton of new characters have been dumped on us so suddenly. It's not that I dislike the characters themselves- it just lead to a lot of confusion for me while reading, which made things less enjoyable. Obviously, the story needs to have new characters (since we're seeing things from the perspective of someone who has just joined with the heroes and cut ties with her old team), but I feel like a lot of them weren't properly introduced. The time skips do not help with this at all. I think this arc is moving a bit faster than it should.
  6. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    I liked it.

    Made me feel like the low we had to experience during the last chapter will actually lead to something good. I like that Taylor isn't taking this stuff lying down. I also like that there's a bit of a method to Glenn and the PRT's madness with regards to her, even if it's not ideal.

    Also, scary Skitter is scary.
  7. logiccosmic

    logiccosmic DA Member

    Jan 27, 2011
    So, basically fem!BlueBeetle armor? I can dig it.

    And yes, a good insight into Glenn. But the PRT/Protectorate are still pretty asshat-y.
  8. Rhys

    Rhys High Inquisitor

    Sep 6, 2009
    This was actually a feel good chapter for me. Skitter chafes at her bonds and finds an "in" with the PRT in costumes, we learn the Undersiders are still relatively friendly with her, and we get gratuitous Regent/Imp shipping.

    I would imagine any sort of mechanized gear Skitter uses would be bug controlled from the inside (cockroaches would probably be the most reliable, though ants are smaller and might be more practical and PC). This frees up Skitters hands for combat and/or acrobatics. Also, it has the possibility of letting her sleepdrive her gear if she's incapacitated and her passenger has to take command. It might be wise to include a manual backup control, but it would be a waste not to have the primary control be insects.

    I'm not clear how practical small scale mechanical assisted flight is in the Wormverse, but I think if it was a solved problem more Capes would probably use it. I get the feeling that the antigravity technology some of the suits seemed to use must be pretty fiddly, or we would see Dragon and Defiant flying around unaided instead of using suits and helicopters.
  9. Infidel

    Infidel Auror

    Feb 26, 2011
    The underverse
    What I really enjoyed in this chapter was the description of how Skitter looked when in action. The creepy behavior of the insects following her movements and her reaction to stuff only observed through insects was fascinating. I want to read an interlude at some point where someone just observes her from a distance and describes her behavior.
  10. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
  11. Idiot Rocker

    Idiot Rocker Auror

    Jun 9, 2011
    Like Howdy said, this was a good change. The last two chapters have been painful, probably intentionally so. Do we know how much time passed between each section of Drone? It feels like Skitter's been going out to see other teams off-camera for some reason.
  12. Mock Moniker

    Mock Moniker Professor

    May 12, 2008
    I was actually thinking about having them design a computer interface for bugs, so that Skitter could sit back and act as strategist for major fights.

    Remember those times where Skitter basically directed a battlefield by using her swarm sense to picture everything going on and then directing people with arrows formed out of bugs?

    Basically, when Skitter is using her swarm, she seems to be able to process information massively in parallel to a degree that no other human- and not even Dragon- could match. When she's using her normal senses, this does not seem to be true (think to when she asks Calle to be quiet so she won't be distracted by listening through her bugs).

    A tinker could design some system that directly connects to the nervous system of a bug. Then, they design a tiny mechanical robot version of that bug. Skitter tells the real bug to fly, which causes that bug's nervous system to send a signal to it's wings to flap. That signal gets intercepted by wires implanted inside of the bug, and transmitted to the robot via radio waves. The robot bug flaps its wings, while the real bug doesn't move. Then, the robot's sensors pick up some information, and transmits that back to the nervous system of the real bug.

    The result is that Skitter sees, hears, and feels what the robot bug sees, and can control its movements- and she doesn't have to devote her attention to it like she did with Atlas, because it works off the bug's natural instincts. Except the range is much better than Skitter's power is by itself- when the next Endbringer hits, Skitter could sit back in a room a hundred miles away packed with as many bugs as they could fit into her sphere of influence. This could be billions. This would allow her to control billions of robots on a battlefield a hundred miles away.

    Or- since the PRT definitely wouldn't be cool with outfitting Skitter in that way- they do something without the robot bugs. Instead, Skitter just operates computers using bugs and directs the battlefield like the Dragon AI armbands do, but better.
  13. logiccosmic

    logiccosmic DA Member

    Jan 27, 2011
    Ah shit, Endbringer time.
  14. chaosfire999

    chaosfire999 Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jan 5, 2009
    I mean, really, this is Worm.

    Something drastic had to happen.

    I'm quite happy with the content of the arc up to this point and also with the choice to have the Behemoth attack now, we've gotten most of what we can out of Taylor playing house with the PRT.
  15. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    Skitter's behavior in 'therapy' was a little head-scratchy. I'm not sure what I expected to happen... I shouldn't be surprised she agreed to therapy instead of advocacy, but erm, therapy is a rather tumlutuous word. I'd think "counselling" would be the more appropriate term - unless they're trying to tell Skitter she's a schizo or something? Therapy to me impllies she's got something that needs to be fixed, where "counselling" is simply suggesting she needs guidance, which she does, but therapy..? I guess I was hoping she'd be a little miffed by the accusation. She's not insane or psychotic.
  16. Idiot Rocker

    Idiot Rocker Auror

    Jun 9, 2011
    Yeah, this is pretty much what everyone expected.

    It kind of sucks that skitter hasn't really gotten anything out of the PRT yet. I mean fuck. If anything they just tried her patience. Then again, I'm sure her perspective has changed at least somewhat. Especially talking to those kids. That was a big deal IMO.

    I really hope she uses her old costume's colours. White would be so incredibly shitty I don't even want to consider the thought.
  17. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    Well she seems to be sticking with the butterfly motif so maybe pink?


    Also, now's the time to cast your votes! Of all the characters we assume are going to New Delhi, who's gonna die? Dragon and Defiant are out, of that I'm almost certain, but probably Eidolon?
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2013
  18. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Keep in mind that New Delhi is sort of the middle of the universe, considering that that Protectorate is committed to help. I mean we could see European teams, East Asian teams, Middle Eastern teams. Behemoth might very well be curbstomped by sheer numbers in this fight.

    Still I imagine this will be very exciting, and I want to see what Taylor is able to accomplish considering she won't be able to lay a finger on Behemoth. I imagine it will be mostly tactical strategy, similar to the Echidna fight.
  19. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    Damn good chapter, really liked the game with the kids
  20. Mock Moniker

    Mock Moniker Professor

    May 12, 2008
    If you check the comments, Wildbow is planning on doing an entire arc from a new perspective, just like the Wards and Travelers arcs. He's asking what people wanna see, so you guys can give suggestions if you want something in particular.