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Worm Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Gemma, Dec 3, 2018.

  1. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Ok managed to read everything suoer fast while juggling bags. Definitely not voting fluffiness and don't understand where the momentum for him is coming from (just saw its there). Fontisian's iso is technically picking and choosing but he doesn't match that tone at all and there's no way I'm voting him

    Cobalt and Vaimes both fit in the same bucket for me of really busy and subsequently have done little. I'm happy to vote either but I have to commit in like minutes because flight. If it's 3v3 with me on cobalt I'm happy to switch but I'm running of steam right now
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    Can someone tell me who's on who right now, I want to know the 3v3 distribution. Who are Vaimes and cobalt on?
  2. Lyric

    Lyric Squib

    Jan 7, 2016
    High Score:
    Cobalt (3) - Vaimes, Newcomb, Citrus
    Vaimes (3) - tom, fonti, Lyric
  3. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Cobalt's on me from RVS, but not completely sure if he kept it there or just didn't get around to moving it, since he was pretty focused on me. Vaimes is on Cobalt.
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    I want to look at the Fluff stuff in response to my questions again, sec.
  4. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Vote: vaimes

    When is day end?
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    When is day end from now please?
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    Op timer is not accurate, someone please
  5. Lyric

    Lyric Squib

    Jan 7, 2016
    High Score:
  6. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    If it's 2 hours or more out I'll be back, otherwise see ya. Please don't lynch fluffiness, if this flips town look at fontisian, general rec to look at Newcomb tomorrow, hold cobalt to doing things tmrw
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    Thanks Lyric! Per my flight details I'm not landing in time, good luck and peace out
  7. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    ~1.5 hours from now
  8. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007

    Here's where I'm at with regards to Cobalt vs. Vaimes:

    1) I think I can read Vaimes better than I can Cobalt on D2+

    2) I think Vaimes has done more things that can be read into in terms of the alignment of others than Cobalt has.

    Cobalt kind of feels like a Fenwicked situation where like yeah, sure, maybe it's a hit maybe it's not, but does it really even tell us all that much either way?

    Except, well. Getting a hit in a probably 8/2 game is massive even if it doesn't tell us much, I guess.
  9. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    I do not want anyone town to die because of this and I did not want to AtE this hard

    But my boyfriends mom is in the ER so that’s why I have been / will be tied up throughout EoD

    I really intended on being around today. Believe me on that.

    Sorry y’all.
  10. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    We gonna have enough people around to get 6 on someone?
  11. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I feel like I should have more solid reads than I do 650 posts in, but I really, really don't.

    Even my town reads don't feel great to me.

    Literally zero 'lock town' reads at EoD 1 is a new thing for me, usually have a couple.


    I guess Newcomb is probably my strongest town read? But even that doesn't feel as good as it does sometimes. I haven't really seen him wrap his brain around a post in a way that makes me go 'aha. Yep, there it is, okay, he's town'. There's nothing overtly alarming, and it doesn't super feel like he's..overcompensating for the wolf rand. He's posting relatively naturally, there's just not the kind of nuance to any posts that makes me feel really comfortable with town reading him some games. Still D1, small game, blah blah blah all the caveats for /everyone/ this game, but it's what's keeping me from just locking him in as town. And the fact that I don't really understand why the Fluff thing is what has me pegged as town to him, because that doesn't really feel like something that only comes from me as town, and it has me a little paranoid he's trying to fake a nuanced read on me kind of like he did in Stargate, and the fact that I keep rambling about my strongest fucking town read is what is wrong with this game. Nothing feels obvious and clear cut to me.

    I think Regfan is proooobbbbbbbbbably town, but it's almost entirely on the back of a kind of weird pride/meta/playerlist read, because the way he has no spark in him and is almost going through the motions is a staple in his wolf play. It's really easily explained by RL things/him not feeling it that he alluded to in early posts, just like. He's kind of limp. There's usually a sort of earnest energy in his posts, driving things forwards, that he /cares/ about the game and wants to press it forward and it's just not here. There's no spark, and it's weirding me out. Maybe part of it is the relatively fast D1, and the fact that we haven't really been in thread at same time much? I don't know. I don't think he's w/w with Newcomb, which means if he's a wolf Newcomb and I are V/V, and I think I agree with Newcomb that in that world he just doesn't play it like he has been, and I don't think his pride would let him open the game with the type of posts he did, wolfing against us. It's weird as a villager too, but I think it makes more sense from him as town.

    Taking break here to refresh, but will keep trying to get thoughts out.
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    Like that looks like he wrote anyone, then tried to change it to town, but then didn't delete anyone.
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    I'm not even sure if it's alignment indicative tbh, especially under stress of a shitty situation like that. Sorry Cobalt, hope the dude is alright.
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    I'll be around and will vote who I need to to secure a lynch based on who is around. I don't have strong feelings on either one. I don't feel great about lynching either one because of their RL issues, but think there's well > rand odds they're wolves independently of the other.
  12. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Ugh fuck finals.
  13. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    What do you think about Vaimes claiming VT?
  14. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    He did what?

    Why would he claim here?
  15. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Tom is someone I thought was townier earlier in the day than later in the day. I dunno, man, it's Tom. He's a pain in the ass to read, and he's made multiple posts this game that are basically rubbing in my face the fact that he'd make them as a wolf, and it kinda both makes me want to town read him for it and lynch him for it. I think what's bothering me about him as day goes on is that he's kind of hm. He's sort of continuing conversations and arguments past the point of productivity, in a way that makes me feel like he's kind of artificially inflating his thread presence? That he got town read and is trying to stay town read, more than actually find and lynch a wolf. Both the Tom/Fonti interactions and Tom/Lyric ones just felt like they went on too long, and I don't know if it's meaningful or not, but I'm just putting thoughts down because I have them, and think it's worth looking at in future. If I had to go for the game win right now, I don't think I lynch him in my PoE pool, but he's worth constantly considering as game goes on.
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    Gee I don't know.

    Why would one of the leading wagons for the lynch with an hour before day end, who isn't going to be around for rest of day, claim?

    It's baffling.
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    I assume this is directed at Fluff, but I touched on it a little earlier.
  16. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Why don't you think that?
  17. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    I'm sorry that I haven't had the time to go through the thread today.

    Thanks for the sarcasm though <3.
  18. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Similar reasons you don't think he's w/w with me. Don't think he's that limp opening up and then just kinda lightly shades me most of the game, you guys would just energy burst d1 and then dunk me n1 and win with ease.
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    Citrus is a weak town read bordering on null at this point. I haven't actually had time to really dive into Reg's case on him, but he's not a viable lynch today and that's a project for tomorrow. Just want to get these last minute reads out in case I bite a bullet. I've historically been pretty good about reading Citrus. Able to pin point him as town or scum pretty early D1, especially when he's scum. His posts tend to just have a different tenor to them, in a way that reminds me of wolf Nachomama - that kind of smug manipulativeness that reminds me of a used car salesman/snake oil salesman etc. He has a win condition in mind and pushes towards that goal, and there's less of the kind of weird/off the wall questions.

    There's maybe been a couple questions this game where the back and forth felt weird to me (mostly the Citrus/Fonti interactions), but I haven't really had the time to re-dive into that and figure out from which side it feels weird. Or articulate the weirdness. Idk. I just don't really see what Reg's seeing here, but I do promise to dive into that properly tomorrow and examine things if I'm alive. Might come out still thinking he's town, but it's something I kind of neglected due to time constraints today, and not really wanting him dead yet.
  19. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Work related emergency, will try to be back before the deadline.
  20. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Lyric and Fonti are about the same spot on my mental reads ordering/likelihood of being a wolf, but I feel pretty starkly different about them.

    Lyric I have a lot of thoughts about in both direction, things that feel genuine and that could very much come from a level 1-ish villager, and perspectives on the game I like, but then there's a lot of things that just don't.... really feel quite right to me. A lot of her early town reads really had a kind of feel to it of 'I know this person is town, and everything I'm seeing from them reinforces that TMI', where it didn't super feel like she was genuinely considering their alignments.

    Maybe there's an element of self-projection in that read, because it just reads a ton like some of my first scum games, where I had that exact problem - every post someone made that I knew was town just looked like a town post to me, and I was struggling to find good reasons to push on people, ending up with a couple strong town reads and then just hoping villagers lynched villagers for me. I still do that do some degree 80ish scum games later.

    It's just not really a wolf read, it's just a kind of 'yo, people are writing her off and there's stuff that pings me, so keep a closer eye on her than you have been'.

    Fonti on the other hand is just kind of ???????????

    I don't really have feelings in any direction about Fonti.

    Is weird.

    A lot of her interactions have been kind of weird. Tom/Fonti argument if I squint could be her arguing about something she knows makes her look like the reasonable side of, but it also can just be Fonti arguing because Tom wasn't making sense and I dunno.

    The Citrus stuff is probably a 'me' thing, it just felt like they were both dancing around alignment being relevant for how much Fonti enjoys the rand, and that kind of coy-ness always reads wolfy to me.

    I'd be approximately 0% surprised if Fonti flipped either alignment, and trying to sort her out further is on the docket for D2, pending.
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    Who is left, just Fluff, Vaimes, Cobalt, right?

    Cobalt is basically the quintessential Not A Villager read, largely because he just hasn't been around. The weird focus on me felt kind of busywork-ish maybe, but it's thin. There's also potential he kind of got caught on a wording edit and caring about how he's perceived with the anyone/town thing. Meh. I'll lynch him over no lynching, and he might even flip wolf. Going to have approximately no idea where to go for his partner though.

    I've talked about Vaimes a bit, but he's frankly not really been someone I've focused on at all because I have high degree of confidence I can read him eventually. I dunno. I'm saying I dunno so much I kind of want to punch myself in the face, but game is what it is. Von could absolutely be a wolf. But I wouldn't be lynching him because I thought he was a wolf, I'd be lynching him because I feel bad for lynching Cobalt and Von is the other option and I'm not /town/ reading him.