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Writing Every Day: Application Matters (Even If You're A Goddamn Slacker Millennial)

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Yuli Ban, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. Yuli Ban

    Yuli Ban Squib

    Feb 18, 2014
    In the dystopian, cyberpunk world of 2015 USica
    Freaks like us do indeed exist. I distinctly remember dropping 31,049 words in one day about a year back. If I had resolve, I could've gotten it up to 40,000 that day. 40,000 words a day would be my perfect maximum, and definitely a goal to aim for. Eeeeeeey, I'm already giddy! I just need to find the time. Not hard, seeing that I'm a slacker millennial.

    The challenge excites me. The further into this I go, the better it gets.

    I eagerly await NaNoWriMo. I hope to win it in a week or so.

    My mind is too devolved to understand, so I need some help understanding this— how is 5k a day difficult? It's been easy for me.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  2. salts

    salts Third Year

    Sep 3, 2015
    Writing is cyclical for me. It happens every year after I’m done binging other distractions. Fanfiction always crops up once all these other stuff have been exhausted.

    However, the appeal of it lies in updates of the source material itself or the stories that’s been updated/published in the time I was gone. If there’s nothing good to read, that usually pushes me to write because the need to read is still there, but has been left wanting.

    I’ve never written original fiction, so it may be different.

    Forcing yourself to write sounds bad, but the due process you put into it usually opens up other angles to explore/end your story. I still haven’t tried finishing a novel-length story, but I did finish a novella this year, and the feeling of actually ending a story, that isn’t a one-shot, was incredible.
  3. AlbusPHolmes

    AlbusPHolmes The Alchemist

    Aug 18, 2011
    I've tried to do the "write a few words a day" thing, but I end up getting very dissatisfied with anything that comes out, especially if it's for a serious project. I tend to let things brew and stew in my head for weeks at a time till the point where every word has been pretty much thought out, then I go and word-vomit onto google chrome. On good days I can go maybe 5k at a stretch. I can't bring myself to seriously commit to writing on a scheduled basis; every time I try I just end up dicking around and distracting myself with shiny baubles until the time has passed. I'll put a few words down here and there for throwaway stuff if I'm thinking/reading and get inspired, but that's about it. Where do I score an invite for the 500 Club?
  4. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Not sure if you're deliberately being an ass or not.

    This is like saying, "Hey guys, I can run a mile in 5 minutes, easy. How is that hard? It's easy for me, so surely it's easy for everyone else?"

    Or perhaps a better analogy would be, "Hey guys, I can sketch, do lineart, and color a picture with photoshop every day easy. Why is this hard for other people?"

    Short answer? It's not that fucking simple. Everyone writes differently, for one thing. People have varying amounts of free time for another.

    I agree that there's something to be said for writing a bunch every day. It's probably the most important part of being a writer, writing. It's also true that if it's important enough for you to do, you'll set aside the time and get it done.

    But people who work full time, and have kids, and have other hobbies demanding their time? Writing 5000 words a day might be two hours they simply don't have.

    Or there's some people who want to edit as they write, or want to write a clean first draft. To go back to the drawing analogy... well, yeah. I could sketch something, stick it in photoshop, and fuck around with it every day. But it'd be bloody horrible and it would be a long, long time before I learned anything from vomiting onto the page.

    With writing, some people would rather write 500 quality words a day than 5000 words that are so atrociously bad as to need to be tossed out anyway.

    But mostly I think it's the time investment. If you've been writing a really long time, then maybe what to write can come easily enough to deposit that many words onto the page quickly. But some people might think of it as... well, if I have no idea what to write, maybe I should (1) clean the kitchen, or (2) cook supper instead of get take-out, or (3) get caught up on work, etc. Because if you're going to spend 2 hours writing something that has no purpose, maybe you feel your time is spent better elsewhere.

    Or maybe not. Because you're right about one thing -- writing is vitally important (in my opinion). If you don't write, you don't get better.

    So yeah, most of what I typed above falls into the "excuses" reasons for why people don't get their writing in. It'd probably benefit all of us to force out 5000 words a day regardless of whatever else we have to do. We'd improve as writers.

    But I don't think anyone would disagree that writing more would be good.

    You just asked why it's hard for people. And I think I outlined a few reasons. ;)
  5. AlbusPHolmes

    AlbusPHolmes The Alchemist

    Aug 18, 2011
  6. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South

    Maybe a bit? I think his phrasing rubbed me wrong.

    Regardless, don't stop writing! Everyone should be writing more!

    @AlbusPHolmes - Go update that Dresden/HP crossover, that was good.

    Swimdraconian - Are you writing fanfic these days? Your stuff is worth a read.

    Palindrome - BLUE! Or that awesome Harry-is-trapped fic you started.

    Perspicacity - Are you writing these days?

    Menace - Effin' Wind Chakras man!

    Zenzao - ...nevermind, actually, you write plenty.

    I expect to see 5k a day from everyone above, and anyone else I missed. Anywhere. WRITE HARD GAIS! I shall endeavor to write 5k one day this week. ...but only one day, because hot damn that's a lot of words in a day.

    Cheers all ;)
  7. Roarian

    Roarian High Inquisitor

    Jun 11, 2011
    I was not mentioned, but I'll take your wagging finger into account.

    I have written ridiculously fast before, but only in bursts. I had a Rep-style week once, in which I wrote 5 full chapters of WaS over 5 sequential days, each of them ~10k words. It was nuts.

    These days, I often don't even get to writing more than a few hundred words, and it's rarely something interesting. I am trying to win back some time, but my current job is pretty time-consuming since I only started relatively recently. In time, perhaps, I will figure out how to work it out.
  8. Steelbadger

    Steelbadger Death Eater

    Nov 9, 2013
    United Kingdom
    If I spend literally all my free time writing that means three hours a day.

    I don't, so two hours at a maximum. On top of that I am not a fast typist at all and when writing something like Shadow of Angmar I spend a lot of time flitting between my own notes, dictionaries in various languages and any number of wikis.

    Yeah, I've managed 2k words in a day at that. In the past I think I managed 12k words in a day, but that was a case of literally writing for ten hours in a little nest of bedclothes and snacks.

    So I think my reaction to 5k words per day, everyday is 'lol, no.'
  9. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    Speaking of Wand and Shield...:D
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  10. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Aw, nothing in particular you wanted to see updated from my end? Funnily enough, ever since I saw your first post in this topic about my activity with the 500 Club, I've been gearing up and finally getting the disparate first scene to Last Dragonrider Chapter 3 kicked around in gdocs. Had to reread where I'd left off with Chapter 2 part B in between to remind myself of some things.

    Just finished the Harry V Ra'zac1 fight a few minutes ago and am having him deal with the aftermath, 'bout 1100 words added for a total of 1500. Now I have to get to the Kull and Ferrovax v Empire soldiers and magicians. All and all should have about 5k total as things close up post-fight on both sides.

    Regarding why I consider writing so much in a day such a challenge, I tend to pause easily. Getting started as Swim and Rep have said is the great problem. Too often I get distracted by something, and lately that's been the need for sleep - I'm too tired to write more today, I'll get it tomorrow. Repeat ad nauseum. I wrote roughly 9k in two days for the last Anthology and since then putting down even 500 words has been a thorough exhaustion. The drive has been diminished. I'm pushing through that now.

    Also, regarding my 500 Club entries, I've missed about 4 days IIRC. Power outage was the first, I think NoScript ate an entry when I installed it for the second, didn't start soon enough prior to midnight for the third, and I can't recall what the other may have been. Still, sitting around 200 days uninterrupted since my last update. feels good man.jpg.
  11. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    When I'm in my writing mood I can average between 1.5k and 3.5k with an average of about 2k. That's by choice. I could force myself to go longer but the quality would begin to decrease as I get fatigued.
  12. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I used to be able to write a 10k chapter in a day, spending maybe 7 or 8 hours to do so.

    Oh for the days. As my writing has improved it's come at the cost of time. It's not unusual for a 100 word paragraph to take me 45 minutes to write now. Any given paragraph has probably been rewritten 15 times just to make it not read terribly.
  13. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Anyone looking to consistently write upwards of 2k a day should do the following.

    1. Download Writer's Block.
    2. Before you sleep, set up Writer's Block to require 2k words
    3. See how fucking quickly you can write 2k words when you need to before you can browse DLP or look at cats or whatever it is you do on your computer.

    PS. Writer's Block used to be called ForceDraft, which is just a cooler name.
  14. Tsar

    Tsar Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2012
    I can usually put out about 300 finished words, easily over 1.5k words are spent in rewriting and trying to make it perfect. The funny thing is, those 300 words end up being shit and yet I keep polishing and polishing.

    I wish I had the discipline to just pump it out and edit later. It would probably do wonders for my productivity.
  15. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Writers block has the functionality to disable backspace. :)
  16. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    I think that would annoy the shit out of me, having to leave spelling errors behind.
  17. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    Would force you to keep going forward till you had a few pages to polish though. Might just try it.
  18. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    2k in 8 hours! Woo!

    The only time I've ever been able to churn out words is when I'm terribly sick - lack of quality control and excess of time. But not getting super hung up on quality first time around is really good for getting me motivated - I just had a great day today racing against other people on IRC to be the first to reach a certain number of words.

    I won, of course, because I cheated horribly ;)
  19. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    Aside from writing for my day job, I haven't in awhile, a year or two now since writing anything significant. As busy as I find myself, it's hard to fit in an extra hour or two for that if I want to keep fit and get the hour a day practicing piano.

    This is a bit of a shame, as apparently I finally have a publisher willing to take on a novel I wrote some years ago (and had completely forgotten about) and I've no small amount of dread thinking of getting back to it.
  20. Blorcyn

    Blorcyn Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 16, 2010
    Since September 6th or so, I've been writing about 5 days a week. It's a month on and I've only managed one chapter of one new story. I find it difficult to do more than an hour on the weekdays with the other constraints on my time. And, truthfully, I'm not very good. Most of my time is spent formally, and thoroughly, planning and editing what I'm working on and trying to think of good ways to show and not tell.

    But am I proud to be managing even that? Fuck yes. Different people have got different speeds.

    I think if you're writing and you're getting better and you're managing to overcome that part of you that says 'Shit, I've had a long day and I just wanna veg out' then whatever or however much you do: it's all good.