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YOU Interview JK.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Verse of Darkness, Jul 30, 2006.

  1. Raijin

    Raijin Slug Club Member

    Apr 18, 2006
    I would ask where she got the idea for the chest monster? I'm actually serious on this one! It's horribly dumb but it is original i think.

    Next is hows Harry goning to find a Horcrux if all Voldemort has to do is use the Fidelius charm?
  2. KANE

    KANE Groundskeeper

    May 11, 2006
    On this note alone, i'd never think Voldemort would ever resort to using the Fidelius charm. The charm is based purely on trust of another person, and we know that Voldemort doesn't trust anyone, even his death eaters. Like dumbledore said, they all think they're his favourite and his most trusted but in truth, none of them are, he cares for no one but himself.

    The only way i see him using the fidelius charm is if he forced someone into performing it and making themselves the secret keeper, then made the secret keeper tell him the location and then killed the other guy. This would mean that only voldemort could ever find the horcrux (the secret can never be told to anyone else again) and not even voldemort could tell someone else weree it was hidden. Then again, there's always a chance that the fidelius charm has some sort of security against this; if the charm is forced upos someone, it's not really trust.

    Aside from that, i would ask:

    -why didn't dumbledore train harry or at least give him some hints to help himself, if he had always know that harry would have to go against him?

    -What was Remus Lupin doing the thirteen years when his best friends son was left alone with relatives that he may have had some knowledge of their opinions? Even if he didn't know about the abuse, wouldn't he be at least interested in the boy?

    -Was there really any meaning to the time difference between the attack on godric's hollow and when harry arrived at privet drive, or was that just bad estimation?

    -If it isn't the 'power of love' behind the locked door in the department of mysteries, then what is?

    -What are the roles of, and muggle counterparts, of the Magical Law Enforcement officers, the Aurors, and the Unspeakables? (I've always wondered, some people call the aurors to be MI5, some say the unspeakables are secret agents...etc. etc.)

    -Finally, how are horcruxes made/destroyed. Does it require a ritual,a spell, to be soaked in the blood of the murder victim...? To destroy is, is there a special spell that only dumbledore knew about (if so, does that mean the diary horcrux isn't really destroyed?) or simply some sort of physical damage to teh object like stabbing it or cracking it?
  3. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    I would have thought that he would simply become the secret keeper himself. The only reason I can think of that James Potter didn't make himself or Lily the secret keeper is that the keeper can't stay within the charmed area. This wouldn't be a problem for Voldie, cause he wouldn't be living with the horcruxes.

    If one takes as given that Sirius' bike doesn't actually fly any faster than a normal bike goes on the ground, then one must take into acount the amount of time it takes to go at 60-70 mph or so from somewhere in rural Wales, to Surrey. IM saying 60-70 mph, because Hagrid would never have used it before so he probably wouldn't have had it at maximum speed.

    You also have to factor in the time that it took Hagrid to get the Godric's Hollow, and for Dumbledore to actually tell Hagrid to go there and such like.

    I would think MLE would be the equivalent of the police, Aurors of armed responce or perhaps CID, and Unspeakables would be MI6/MI5/and I would personally imagine things like the Diplomatic Protection service and things like that. Basically all the government agencies rolle dinto one. But thats just me.
  4. BlueMagikMarker

    BlueMagikMarker Pirate King Yarrgh's First Mate

    May 5, 2006
    Indiana, Purdue University
    Then how does Dumbledore get in to Grimmuald Place?

    Meh, whatever, he could have still possibly used the charm to hide them, but we don't know enough about it to be sure. For all we know it requires a strong feeling of trust to cast, which we know Voldemort lacks. It could also be that it is extremely difficult and took many years for Dumbledore to master, time that Voldemort spent on other things.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2006
  5. Raijin

    Raijin Slug Club Member

    Apr 18, 2006
    On the Fideliues charm if you can't cast it on yourself I imagine Dumbledore had Flitwick do it. Voldemort must have some of his own charms masters.
    More Questions:
    What are the other magical governments like?

    Would an EMP cancel out magic since enough magic cancels out electricity?

    Can shields (non physical shileds) block physical attacks?

    What are the numbers between all of Britain's law enforcment compared to the Death Eaters?

    Is there a mass obliviation charm? Why is it called a charm shouldn't it be more of a hex or curse?

    Is there really such a thing as magical exaustion?

    How does an eleven year old, neglected, friendless and basically slave like child act like any other child?
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2006
  6. BlueMagikMarker

    BlueMagikMarker Pirate King Yarrgh's First Mate

    May 5, 2006
    Indiana, Purdue University
    Ah yes, questions on her theory of magic would be good. It'd be interesting to see if the fanon trends of magical cores and building occulemency 'walls' held any water. Anything of that nature would make a good interview question.

    Edit: Fucking hell Surarrin, those kinds of posts were the reason I ranted above you ass. Maybe you should read the thread before posting shit like that.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2006
  7. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    "Why shouldn't I kill you and your family for the bullshit you've heaped upon us with order of the Phoenix and the Half Blood Prince?"
  8. k_writer

    k_writer Groundskeeper

    May 25, 2006
    brooklyn, new york
    I'm actually going to hear her read from OTP (along with Stephen King) at Radiocity Music Hall on the 2nd (geek! I know) and if they have a Q&A I'd love to ask her opinion about fanfiction.

    Some authors (one example that leaps to mind is Anne Rice) don't want their books touched, and some just write it off as a silly hobby, but I wonder if any of them knew how seriously people take it?

    Also I'd ask if she plans on writing any more novels/series after Harry Potter.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2006
  9. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    My Question:

    "Mrs. Rowling,

    Throughout the Harry Potter series you have set up a fascinating argument in favor of choices making us who we are. You seem to have done this by putting Harry Potter and a young Tom Marvolo Riddle in similar situations early in life, yet they go down opposite paths due to their choices. This is all well and good, except in Book Six you seem to contradict this by revealing that even as a 10 year old child Tom Marvolo Riddle was in fact a Sociopath. Personally I feel that this is a betrayal of your original message on choice, and I was wondering why you felt it necessary to ruin such a marvelous commentary on the power of human free will."

    I would come up with one about H/Hr vs. H/G but I figure some rabid fangirls will beat me to it.
  10. Doxkid

    Doxkid Backtraced

    Mar 18, 2006
    Physical plane, Fire realm.
    Hmm, why couldn't voldemort make the horcruxe and toss it into a volcano after making it indestructible?
    What is the limit of spell countering physical damage and resistance?
    How large can a horcruxe be?
    does a horcruxe need to be visited, or have any other maintainance to prevent auto destruction?
    If voldemort is so powerful, why couldn't he simply make his wand a horcruxe?
    Are there limits to what items a horcruxe can be?
    wouldn't it be rather simple to make a jar of sand a horcruxe and then scatter the sand over the ocean or something?
    Where can horcruxes be placed?
    can all horcruxes corrupt the person that is holding it?
    what defends horcruxes other than traps?
  11. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    "If you were going to write more Harry Potter book after the seventh year..What would they be about?"
    Would be my question.
  12. The Dark Monarch

    The Dark Monarch Backtraced

    Jan 11, 2006
    Stuck in the bleeding hot desert
    The answer jk would give us all is either some spiel about not revealing trivial non vital things would ruin the story and to other questions her answer would be and I quote " Because its Magic!111one11!!Eleven11!!
  13. Randeemy

    Randeemy Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2005
    You know, someone like BBM should shift through all this, and get the decent questions. The ones that arent insulting and disapproving of JKR's work, rather the ones like IPs and those on the theory of Magic.

    Then write a letter/E-Mail on behalf of DLP.net with some decent questions. You might get an answer.

    Most likely she wont reply, but I reckon she might be appreciative of some genuinly intelligent questions about her world, and not just about Harry and Ginny.

    My question would be: What is the process of creating spells
  14. Vincent V

    Vincent V Slug Club Member

    Jul 15, 2006
    United States of America
    That is a good idea.

    Anyway, I'd ask her what she was thinking when she wrote the whole 'love' thing. You could at least come up with something that will make Harry have to train to kill Voldy. Now he just thinks a power will suddenly be given to him.
  15. Brooklynight

    Brooklynight Seventh Year

    Jul 1, 2006
    New York
    My questions:

    About wands, if the wand choses its owner dose that mean that there is only a single wand perfectly compadible with a particular wizard or can an equally effective replacement be made if the first is lost?

    Dose Harry's parselmouth abilty have any purpose besides speaking with snakes?

    How dose bewitching/cursing work?
  16. se7en

    se7en Professor

    Mar 29, 2006
    stump town
    "How will Harry, a weak minded brat, defeat Voldemort in one year's time?"
  17. Raijin

    Raijin Slug Club Member

    Apr 18, 2006
    That questions just kinda redundant. Everybody knows that he'll lurv Voldemort to death with a care bare stare.

    More seriously I'm interested how the Weasley's car gained sentience.

    Also what exactly do ancient runes(i so love the idea of rune magic) and arithmancy do?

    How many muggleborns leave the bigoted wizards during or right after the seven years in school?
  18. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Arithmancy is actually from real life. Of course, in real life it's all mumbo jumbo, but the concept is the same.

    It's all about the magical properties of numbers and such, so when Tom Riddle decided to make 7 horcruxes, it will have been because he will have studied the magical properties of the number 7 in Arithmancy, and decided it's the strongest.

    A part of it is also assigning numbers to certain things (e.g. your name would have it's own number), you then turn a problem you have into numbers, find the numerical solution, then turn that numerical solution into the answer of your problem. At least, that's what I think it is, I could be wrong.

    As for Ancient Runes, I believe in canon it's just the equivalent of how we study dead languages like Latin. In canon there is no magic involved in the subject - a muggle could probably do it. However, it may have applications beyond the Hogwarts course that we don't know about.
  19. Fuegodefuerza

    Fuegodefuerza Minister of Magic

    May 6, 2006
    Are there any "magical laws"? Like, are there certain things that cannot be conjured or transfigured? If so, what are they?

    EDIT: Because, if there weren't any, then there would be no reason for a monetary system because you could just conjure gold and craft it to meet your needs, the same with bronze for Knuts and silver for sickles.
  20. Raijin

    Raijin Slug Club Member

    Apr 18, 2006
    Why was the most important and dangerous place for unspeakables unguarded by anyone at all when Harry and Company went down there? There should be lots of heavey defenses and a order member should still be down there who should've alerted the order way before anything horrible bad could happen.