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Youtube recommendations

Discussion in 'DLP & Chill' started by Jax, Jan 9, 2022.

  1. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    SsethTzeentach is great, waiting for new videos from him is hell.
  2. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    ProjectFarm: A consumer product tester. Usually household stuff like drills, pliers, oil, knife sharpeners, etc. Does multi-product comparisons in every video. New video every sunday. No sponsored content, all user suggested.

    Cracking the Cryptic. One of those channels that I feels like transcends the content they're making. It's mostly a Sudoku solving channel, but there's others similar puzzles as well. After watching a couple videos, you will get the urge to start trying your own, even though the ones they solve are usually blistering hard custom rule sets. No matter what though, you can bet that Simon will be treating each piece of puzzle logic as if he was discovering Hogwarts for the first time.

    Steve1989MREinfo. The name of the channel gives it away, and this guy is sort of legendary. All it takes is one video to get you hooked. Fortunately, there is a sizable backlog of content, as he only seems to release 2 videos every few months. He tries out MRE's, both new and old. If you want to want a guy eat 100 year old biscuits, here's your opportunity.

    Forgotten Weapons. Another addiction channel, with weeks worth of content about all sorts of guns.

    The Great War. A week-by-week look at world war 1. Highly recommend spending a few weeks to watch the whole thing. There's also a ww2 spinoff.

    Ghost Town Living. Dude and some investors bought an abandoned ghost town and mine with the intent on slowly restoring it. Probably would've made their money back by now if they did any sort of monetizing of the channel since it's grown quite large, but still a very cool channel to binge watch from the start. I do wish he would show more of the actual restoration, but there's plenty of other channels for that sort of thing.

    RobFindsTreasure: A nice look at the interesting world of coin collecting. Specially, the coin roll hunting aspect of it. There's plenty of channels that do it, but this is the one that I've watched the longest and one of the only ones that feels like they're not trying to push a product onto me. Almost daily videos, plus a livestream 2 days a week.

    Dan Hurd Prospecting. Tangentially in the same ecosphere as RFT and you'll might see this one pop up in recommended afterwards. Watch him prospect various claims, and slowly watch him as he accepts the fact he's starting to make a ton off money off youtube these days lol. KleshGuitars, mmbmllc, sreetips, BigStackD and VogusProspecting are also worth watching if you like the gold panning, refining sort of thing.

    Joe Robinet. Hard to pick just one bushcrafter to link. Shawn James, Ovens, Advoko, BushRadical, Les Shroud, there's tons of them. It's kind of a youtube content farm. But I think I like Joe's channel the best. He's been doing it forever and it's just a chill time. He's even got a tv series coming up soon You will start seeing an infinite amount of these channels pop up in your feed though.

    LockPickingLawyer. Always entertaining and informative. Check out BosnianBill as well.

    Jonny Giger. There's lot of cool skateboard channels out there. Berrics and Braille are pretty large, but Jonny Giger always feels fresh and to the point.

    Wintergatan. Had a viral video years ago of a marble machine music maker, and has been spent years redoing and remaking everything. Good channel to watch if you like to see adhoc design. Large backlog of videos, but currently on semi-hiatus.

    Japanese Noodles. One content farm, just watching chefs make noodles. I don't know why, but I love watching these at 3 am. Some of them even have english subtitles. This is a huge rabbit hole and before you know it you'll be watching korean street food vendors.

    BeardMeatsFood. Champion food eater. I find him to be more bearable than Matt Stonie, but I binge watch both when there's a backlog.

    SmarterEveryDay. There's a large content farm of similar creators. RealLifeLore, PracticalEngineering, Veritasium, and the list goes on. I like this one the most, especially the recent factory tour videos.

    InvestmentJoy. Crazy how much this channel has blown up. Pretty honest look at a business and land owner, and youtube content farmer. Again, this will probably fill your feed with vending machine and arcade owner videos.

    Naomi Wu. There's a lot of makers in the content creator sphere, Tested, Simone Giertz, This Old Tony, but there's 2 very large reasons I like watching Naomi's videos.

    JRose11. Hard to pick a single content farmer, FlygonHG, Pikasprey, SmallAnt. Pretty sure all they're channels are just curated twitch content, JRose's youtube series is a great follow if you like pokemon challenges.

    CarlSagan42. There's about a billion mario channels full of curated twitch content. Carl isn't even my favorite one (BarbarousKing is), but he's found his niche, playing hundreds of troll levels. Plus he's a bio engineer, so you can always expect a lots science content.

    Being the Elite. Started off as a travel log of a couple of independant wrestlers, going through airports and meet and greets and such. Eventually morphs into a bit show which somehow spurned on the formation of AEW.

    Curiosity Incorporated. Antique buyers and sellers. Some very interesting videos of them buying hoarder houses and cleaning them up. Again, be careful, there's a whole content farm network of these sorts of channels (I call it the Flipper Network), though I do like Resale Rabbit a lot as well.
  3. Teyrn

    Teyrn Order Member

    May 23, 2014
    Frozen North
    For actual youtube's that can be interesting to watch, there's Tom Pemberton Farm Life which is a channel showing aspects of a dairy? farm in britain. There's also Mike Mitchell, a farmer in Saskatchewan Canada.

    They both give some really interesting insights into aspects of farming you wouldn't have expected.
  4. hobbesian

    hobbesian Squib

    Nov 25, 2021
    I'm not really sure how to describe Quentin, but if /lit/ was a person, it would be him: The Book Club